What is the best way to name a dog? Should they be given human names like David or John? Or should they be given animal-specific names like Tag or Spot? I don’t know. Usually my animals have human names, but I think most pet owners know that their animals’ “formal name” is just the jumping-off point for a million nicknames. Jennifer Aniston definitely seems like a person who consistently goes with human names for dogs. She’s had dogs with names like Dolly, Clyde and Sophie. But now she’s added a new puppy – a rescue puppy – to her family. And she gave him a somewhat elegant name: Lord Chesterfield.
Jennifer Aniston has added a new four-legged friend to her family. On Sunday, the 51-year-old actress introduced her 35.7 million Instagram followers to the new addition, Lord Chesterfield.
“Hi! I’d like to introduce to you the newest member of our
family…. this is (a very tired) Lord Chesterfield,” Aniston gushed. “He stole my heart immediately.”
In the adorable clip, Aniston is heard whispering, “Chesterfield, have you fallen asleep with your bone in your mouth? I think you have.”
Aniston, already a proud dog mom, also gave a special shoutout to the Wagmor Pet Hotel & Rescue Spa in Studio City, California. “A HUGE thank you to @wagmorpets for the incredible work you do. Grateful you take such great care of these rescues and find them their forever home,” Aniston wrote.
Lord Chesterfield: a cute name for a dog or nah? I think it’s cute, because it’s so easily made into a nickname. It’s absurd to think that you’d call a dog by shouting “Lord Chesterfield, come here!” But Chester? The Lordship? Chesty? Lord C? All of those work.
And yes, LC is adorable. I can practically smell the puppy breath. This is not helping! I’ve been thinking so much about getting another cat or even a dog during the pandemic. My local shelter (where I got my Panther kitten) keeps sending me emails how many kittens they have. SOB.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instagram.
The shelter probably gave the dog that name; our cat was named Margaret Thatcher when we adopted her. We call her Maggie Moo because she makes the cutest moo sound when she meows.
Ack! Why would anybody curse a poor cat with that name?
No idea! Shelters seem to pick celeb names or historical names for some reason; the people at our vet practice couldn’t stop laughing when they saw her paperwork with that name, lol. When she misbehaves, I call her Margaret Thatcher, and she knows to stop whatever she is doing!
We had a dog from a show dog breeder, she was deemed not show quality (we never wanted a show dog just a family pet) but she came with some ridiculous pedigree name. “Conner’s Mark This One Kaleidescope Adeline” we called her Addy lol
OMG this dog is so cute
. All here for Chester! (That’s what *I’d call him lol). He is SO FREAKIN’ ADORABLE!!!
I love the name too, but I’m a bit biased.
Chester was the name of my all time favorite pet … a retriever we were blessed to be able to rescue/adopt when I was a teenager
I renamed my cats until I found something that fit their personalities. Also, this puppy is absolutely adorable- don’t tell my cat I said that.
RE: renaming cats, remember that story about Mandy Moore?
She adopted a cat and loved it, but couldn’t stand how it howled all night. A friend recommended a pet psychic, who recommended that she stop calling the cat its old name, because the cat hated that name.
Mandy gave the cat a new name and the howling stopped.
I’m a huge believer of “new life..new name” train of thought. Creates new associations and can send bad memories away just a little sooner/faster/further whilst new experiences with a new name come fast and happy. That’s why my dog is named JoLee (our name for her), Luna (her other family’s name for her), Mango (the rescue’s name for her) and our surname. Other dog is Jake (our name) Joey (the family did not change the rescue’s name for him and they surrendered him within 3 months of adopting him because they were a ‘soft’ energy and he’s a very strong personality and he ended up biting their handyman and growling at granny, but Joey was too close to JoLee as I was re-training him for eventual adoption so we called him Jake because he was supposed to stay only for 6 weeks’ worth of ‘boot camp’ and then be adopted, but the rescue kept sending him to ‘soft’ energy homes and he dominated them immediately so they kept sending him back and now…well, the rescue seems to have disappeared and so I seem to be stuck with him!!). Such is the life of some dogs…they bounce around before getting settled. Jake just landed and now refuses to leave….LOL! He’s okay, but he’s not an easy dog by a long shot. I had no intention of having 2 dogs permanently, as now my rescue work cannot move forward (I’m in a strata, allowed one dog, but they are gracious about my rescue work), and there are members of strata that have noticed he’s been around a long time (even tho he’s been out on trial adoptions, he keeps coming back). I’d probably end up simply calling J.A’s pup Chester…sorry for the rant, apparently I have some feelings about this rescue dog that has plopped himself into my life and refuses to leave!…
I had never thought about it that way but that totally makes sense. Thanks for the tip.
I want to make so many upholstery puns now. For non-Canadians, “Chesterfield” is a couch or sofa. (It’s an English word but it’s quite specific in the UK apparently–we use(d) it generically in Canada.) But given the yellow labs I have known, calling one “Viscount Sofa” would have been pretty apt!
Cutie pie! Just got word that our bengal kitten will be ready to go home in 4 weeks. I’ve always given human names.
Aw I had a Bengal, beautiful cats they are.
Ooooh get ready
bengals are noisy, smart, troublesome and loving bastards. Totally worth it
I’d highly suggest a cat tree or shelves if you don’t have them, and lots of toys because they get bored quickly.
Them pokies!
When we got our Snowshoe Siamese his name was Brownie. Nothing wrong with that, but looking at him, it just didn’t… fit, you know????
The husband actually renamed him and he must be a prophet, because our boy is a magician, he can just disappear for hours and show up where you least expect him to be.
Lord Chesterfield is stinkin’ adorable. I can smell the puppy breath too and it’s giving me a case of “I need a puppy” shakes…
We have a rescue french mini poodle and named her Cosette. We had to give her a last name eventually and chose Dupuis. So now after 8 years, she’s Mademoiselle Cosette Dupuis.