– Victoria Beckham’s insanely embarrassing breasts on the cover of Elle – they look like two overturned ladles [Lainey Gossip]
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– Spencer Pratt Threatens ‘Divorce’ if Heidi Gets Pregnant [Fafarazzi]
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– Jessica Alba’s Hotness Comeback. I severely disagree, by the way [Hollywood Tuna]
can someone remind me why Victoria’s still famous and makes a lot of money?
I thought she was supposed to have had those taken out – are these old pix?
Maybe because she’s married to a european guy who’s dick is the size of and I quote “tractor exhaust pipe”? lol
How strange, they haven’t even made an attempt to photoshop them to look natural…
god they are awful…
“Spencer Pratt Threatens ‘Divorce’ if Heidi Gets Pregnant”
Ah, now that is true love, people. We can all take a page from Speidi’s book and learn how to form a lasting bond. LOL
I’m pleased Spencer recognizes the world doesn’t want PrattMontag spawn.
I thought that she had had her breast reduced, they actually look smaller, I do not think that she had them removed, I just think that dress does not favor the way the implants look.
It’s not terribly horrible. they just look like implants.
Maybe they photoshopped them TO look that way. Some kind of avant garde, cutting edge fashion statement possibly??? Trying for an edgy look like the Rihanna pics.
Just trying to be positive… Whatever look they were going for it flopped big time. Why would she let this go to press? No one in her camp said it looked awful? Oh well, whatevs…
This is grotesque. If I were her friend I would tell her that her breasts look deformed and she needs to take those things out.
She should also sue her doctor. They make her look like the bride of Frankenstein.
They definitely photoshopped some lips onto her monkey face.
They did airbrush her lips. They are usually very thin. Her nose looks a lot better as well.
I don’t like Jessica Alba with blonde hair it washes her out.
Posh Fact #47: Posh’s entire body is actually only comprised of sinew, silicon, and leather!
She’s too skinny, that’s probably why they look weird.
She looks like a bionic-boobed Fembot, whose gun barrels will pop out any minute.
Eugh can you imagine how those things must feel? They’re probably rock solid -.-
My hubby says they look horrible…skinny scrawny skelenton type body with two very unatural half balls sewn into her chest…
how is she womanly??
I think they are how they really appear…how is that attractive…still don’t get why they didn’t photoshop them to pretend they are natural
I love her, but that’s not a good look for Posh.
She looks like an android.