Cele|bitchy | Did Duchess Kate truly bake these British Legion poppy cupcakes? An investigation.

Did Duchess Kate truly bake these British Legion poppy cupcakes? An investigation.

Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and his wife Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge during a visit to Beigel Bake Brick Lane Bakery in east London on September 15, 2020. - The 24-hour bakery was forced to reduce their opening hours during t

Over the years, we’ve gotten mixed information on whether the Duchess of Cambridge is actually a good cook. She’s taken cooking classes before, and it’s been said over the years that she enjoys cooking and God knows, she’s proud of her chutney. But she and William have both downplayed it at times, perhaps in an effort to sound more “middle class.” My general assumption is that Kate does like to cook and bake, and she probably involves the kids too. So here’s my question: did Kate really bake these cupcakes? Or did she buy them and call them her own??

As you can see, the Cambridges donated cupcakes for the Poppy Appeal, which is where the Royal British Legion organizes food donations to home-care residents. Someone added candy red poppies to the top of the cupcakes. So… were they baked by Kate at Anmer Hall? Or was Nanny Maria up all night, cutting out tiny little red poppy blobs? I keep going back and forth on this! I actually do think they’re handmade by *someone* at Anmer Hall, but I’m open to the idea that Kate was merely the Cupcake Supervisor. Perhaps Carole did them!

Also, Great British Bake-Off peeps… is this now “the way” to do cupcakes? Where I come from, people make sure the entire top of the cupcake is covered in frosting. I hate when I see bare cake with no frosting on top. Those bitches look half-naked! That being said, I like that there’s not a mountain of frosting on the cupcakes. I loathe that, when people pile on three inches of frosting.

Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (R) watches as his wife Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge pours a tray of dough into a container as they help make beigels during a visit to Beigel Bake Brick Lane Bakery in east London on September 15,

Britain's Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge speak to people who found work through a job centre, at the London Bridge Jobcentre, in London

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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68 Responses to “Did Duchess Kate truly bake these British Legion poppy cupcakes? An investigation.”

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  1. mellie says:

    No shade here, I think they are adorable. I like frosting, but not a ton…so I’m good with it, but I do hate those wedding cakes that seem to be the trend now that look like the frosting is just barely there, does anyone know what I’m talking about? The rustic looking cakes? They are sort of pretty, but you can see the entire cake, it looks like a crumb coat….

    • Becks1 says:

      I think those cakes are really pretty but I don’t think I would want to eat one, lol, unless there is a fair amount of icing in between the layers.

      • Gunna says:

        Honestly there’s usually way too much icing on between layers. Often they’re more icing than cake.

        Originally naked cakes were made with very moist recipes, so you didn’t need much icing, but as they got popular and people started doing gigantic tiered cakes in that style that went out the window.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      They’re called naked cakes.

    • Betsy says:

      Oh I love the look of those! But I agree with @Becks1 – there better be some damn thick frosting between the layers.

    • mellie says:

      Yes, pretty…’hate’ is too strong of word on my part…lol…I just need a bit more frosting!

  2. Becks1 says:

    My theory was that someone else made them, but I guess if you assume the poppies were either store bought or made by someone else, making a dozen cupcakes and putting icing on them isn’t that hard and the kids could have helped with that. The main reason I assume the kids weren’t involved is because we would have gotten some sort of picture – the kids carrying the tray outside or something.

    • Nic919 says:

      They have a cook who works for them and the evenness of the icing and flowers on top suggests that someone with skill was involved. Kate would have had photos of the preparation process if she had done anything significant. No way she baked them. And the wording is vague enough to pretend William was involved and we know that is even less likely.

    • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

      I went on The Fail just to post something like this: “No pics? then it didn’t happen”. Not those lazy assess; there is NO WAY these kids did any of that w/out pics to prove it. They made sure to get pics of Char, groomed to w/in an inch of her life, taking those pasta pouches (which I STILL don’t believe they made), and Louis doing the rainbow painting, but all three making/dropping off cupcakes to care homes? Nope. No pics, didn’t happen.

      • Becks1 says:

        Exactly! Maybe they wouldn’t have shared a pic from their kitchen, but they 100% would have posted a picture of the kids holding the tray in the front of Anmer or KP or something. They miss some basic PR moves, but no way would they have missed this one.

      • VIV says:

        Maybe we’ll get see the pictures released slowly over the next two weeks to really draw it all out and make it look like they do more than they actually do!

    • windyriver says:

      They’re too nicely done for even the casual baker Kate might maybe, possibly be, and there’s no way I see the hand of a 2, 5, or even 7 year old in any of it, unless they took a turn stirring some batter.

      My guess is, someone else made and iced them, Kate put the poppies on the top, then called them hers, according to the usual Cambridge MO.

  3. MegJ says:

    I’d say that’s a very British way to ice a cupcake and it’s certainly how we’ve always done it in Australia too. I hate too much icing aswell, if you cake is good quality the icing should be complimentary not smothered imo.
    Also, I’m sure their private cook made them.

  4. Noki says:

    If i had a nice spacious kitchen,with all the equiptment and ingredients at my disposal,i would cook more often. She probably also gets all the prep done for her(chopping and cutting)and someone comes and cleans up after her. There is no excuse !

  5. Heidi says:

    “Handmade Pasta” 2.0

    The cupcakes all look the same, they are too perfect to be self-made. As usual, Team Cambridge is just slapping their name on other people’s efforts.

    • SmalltownGirl says:

      I’m not a professional but I could make them look that uniform. Once you get the hang of it piping icing is easy and these are just simple piped icing with candy poppies on top.

      • Gunna says:

        Also I assume she made more than 11, so obviously they’ve photographed the best of the bunch.

        They’re neat and fairly uniform but it’s not like there’s anything complicated here, it’s just a very basic little spiral.

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        Kids would NOT put poppy candies on so uniformly.

  6. Belli says:

    Didn’t William say Kate can’t cook?

    Simple cupcakes like those are so easy that I could believe they made them with the kids though. And the RBL sell the poppy-shaped cutters for fondant, so at least they’re getting a small donation for that too.

  7. RoyalBlue says:

    the kids each got a turn to press the button on the Mixmaster, and to pour something. That’s the full extent of their participation. I call it that the pastry chef did the baking and icing.

  8. SmalltownGirl says:

    These looks like pretty simple cupcakes and easy for someone who likes to bake, so I assume she probably did them herself. Maybe she is like me and finds baking relaxing? Plus she doesn’t have to clean her own kitchen.

    I really like this trend with icing because you can see the cake flavour and don’t get overwhelmed by icing.

  9. Stacy Dresden says:

    That looks like the right amount of frosting for me.

  10. Kalana says:

    Look at how lazy they are. Why not even a picture with the kids and the cupcakes? Something that personalizes it? It was the same last Christmas when the Queen didn’t even put down her handbag and the only thing that saved that photo op was George stabbing the mix with the spoon because at least that was natural and playful.

    It was the same with the trip to the Isles of Scilly. Why not a picture of the kids enjoying the island or the whole family together as a thank-you card to the place? They’re so oddly impersonal and distant.

    • Belli says:

      I’m a bit surprised pro-photographer Kate didn’t capture the idyllic family moment of all three kids laughing and making cakes. That would have been like crack to the tabloids, and the Cambridges must know that after George and his Christmas pudding.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        Plus her claims that Louis’ first words were “Mary Berry” (lol). The fact that they don’t have any pics of the kids with these cupcakes makes me think that they didn’t make them. It would’ve been an obvious and easy PR grab (their favorite kind).

      • Kalana says:

        The family or at least William and Kate are probably on vacation.

      • notasugarhere says:

        More likely his first words were, ‘Maria-Teresa’ (the Head nanny).

      • LittlePenguin says:

        I bake with my kids all the time. And, there is no way she made them as there are no pictures. Also, they look way to even to have been done by an amateur baker.

        But, she made her own chutney, so maybe she is suddenly a master baker.

    • ethy says:

      There’s no picture because they didn’t bake them lol

      • Beach Dreams says:

        Yup! There’s no way they wouldn’t stick the kids in a photo with the cupcakes if they actually did any baking. They’d turn it into a whole photo shoot because the kids get them the most positive attention (and even that trick is diminishing).

  11. Seraphina says:

    Her cupcakes are like her personality: half way there. 🤣

  12. Amy Bee says:

    From her comments in the past, I don’t think she actually cooks/bakes. Cooking and baking for her is an activity she does with the children from time to time, not a daily chore. These cupcakes look a little too perfect to be made by the family and were probably made by one of the royal chefs on their behalf.

  13. Sass says:

    I’m terrible at making cupcakes etc. – they never look pretty. These look like something I would have made. Very homemade and my very best try 😂 I think she did make them!

  14. AA says:

    They look kind of perfect to be homemade by a casual baker…but if she says so, ok.

  15. notasugarhere says:

    CopyKating banana bread in Australia anyone?

  16. Merricat says:

    I hate when people handle food while swinging long hair around. Puts me completely off.

  17. Sofia says:

    They seem nice and tasty. As for the baking I think Kate could have baked them because surely she has to do something all day. She can’t shop like she used to so I’m sure she’s had to find something else to do (and everyone’s work rate has slowed down so she’s not doing engagements either – not that she does many anyways)

  18. Watson says:

    Kate and Wills like to trot those kids out for photo ops at every opportunity so the fact that there isn’t a pic makes me suspicious she made them.

    As an aside this doesn’t make me roll my eyes as hard as the time kate said she loves making a very spicy curry. LOLOLOLOL.

  19. Harper says:

    There is no way the kids and Kate did those cupcakes. They are too professionally filled and finished to be a project where kids participated. There would be drips of batter on the liners, and the poppies would be unevenly disbursed and not uniformly levelly sitting atop the frosting. If the kids did them, there would be lovingly messy proof that little fingers were involved! But nice try, KP.

    • Sofia says:

      I think the kids’ contribution may have been pressing the on button for the mixer or helping to mix some of the ingredients together.

  20. Julia K. says:

    I did “grandma day care” for a couple of years after retirement. Lots of messy little hands helping out. Lots of pictures for their scrapbooks. No way did our creations resemble this level of perfection.

  21. CidyKitty(CidySmiley) says:

    My step mom is a self-taught cake decorator, so me and my much younger brothers spent a lot of time in the kitchen with her. Typically she would give us our own “side cake” to mess up while she did the real ones and that is what would get brought to wherever we were going with a note that it is from all of us.

    I believe that Kate probably made the cupcakes. No shade here, its cute, its like her job to do stuff like this because all the royal family does is show up and “make a good impression.” Whatever, they are cupcakes.

  22. Sarah says:

    Ah the great frosting debate. Pre-globalisation (slightly joking there), in the UK we had fairy cakes/cupcakes – half the depth of muffins and a small amount of icing on top, definitely nothing you would pipe, just dribbled over with a spoon. As the years have gone on we’ve gone down the American route of moving to muffins which are twice the size of fairy cakes and often have equal amounts of cake and frosting. I have a very sweet tooth but I can’t handle it, give me a fairy cake any day!

    • Bloemheks says:

      My kids showed me the best way to eat cupcakes frosted like these Tear the bottom of the cupcake off and put it on the top. Then eat it like a sandwich.

  23. A says:

    I bake, and I like to decorate cakes and things like that. I’ve been doing it for a fair while now. I’d like to know how many fails she had, and how many she discarded/kept for the family because the icing wasn’t looking too good, or the cakes were lumpy, or whatever. I counted, and there’s only 11 in the picture. I’m assuming she baked 24 and picked out the nicest looking ones, haha.

    They look cute, and it’s honestly not difficult if you can get some practice in. She probably had some help from the staff, in that they helped her bake and then ice the lot. I’m sure a few that she did are in the bunch, and I’m sure she came up with the idea of baking cupcakes for the British Legion. It’s the sort of thing she would like.

    • Lady D says:

      I think it’s funny how the bakers have picked up on the fact that there is only 11 cupcakes on that plate. It just stands out.

  24. Busyann says:

    Eh, I don’t doubt they were homemade by Kate honestly. I’ve always believed her ability in the kitchen…I mean, why else did they have to build two into their palace.

  25. mytwocents says:

    I’m not sure if she baked them herself or not, if I had to guess, I would agree with the ‘no photos? it didn’t happen’ idea. BUT, the care home is in Norfolk, aren’t they supposed to be back in London? Aren’t the kids back in school, which is in London? Also no photos of them starting school, which is also unusual. So which is it? are they in London or still hiding out in Norfolk? They are being suspiciously quiet about this.

    • Nic919 says:

      Considering they have trotted out the kids this year for a lot of things they have never done before, it is very odd that first day of school pics for George and Charlotte weren’t provided. They are probably not attending school and have a tutor of some sort. And since online options aren’t available in the UK, they aren’t following government guidelines so it’s another rules for thee but not for me situation.

      • Lau says:

        So the pictures of Kate, Louis, George and a friend of him both on his school uniforms in London last week that someone took from his car and posted on twitter were fake? Or do you think she dressed George on his uniform and hired an actor boy and staged pictures in the middle of the street on a rainy day? 🙄🙄🙄🙄

      • Becks1 says:

        That’s not the same thing as a picture released by KP and you know it.

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s very odd to me that there weren’t pictures. That’s one of the consistent events where they always release pictures or allow cameras. I did just google and apparently William made a comment when he was in Belfast in September about it being a bit of a relief to have the kids back in school, but I don’t know if it was confirmed that the kids went back. I don’t think they are in London bc there have definitely been a few zoom calls recently from Anmer.

      • Lau says:

        Why do you lie here so openly? They released a picture for the first day of nursery of each child, I assume they will release one on Louis’. There were pictures and videos of George’s and Charlotte’s first years of school. You didn’t see George going to school in 2018 so why would you see them this year? You criticize them for posting pictures of their children but now you want them to post pictures so that you can believe that they’re going to school. Weird.

      • Becks1 says:

        What on earth are you talking about? I am not lying openly. We get pictures on the first day of school. In 2017, we got pictures of George arriving at school with William, as Kate was sick/newly pregnant with Louis. 2018 is the only year that we have NOT seen a picture or video (even when Charlotte started before Thomas’s we got a posed picture of her on the steps.)

        Will and Kate have no problem posting pictures of their kids for their own PR. Posting a picture of their kids returning to school during a pandemic to show that its safe and to show that the royals are following government guidelines would not be weird.

        You’re coming in a little hot on this issue. Some lurking here might be beneficial for you.

      • Lau says:

        Once again, you got a picture when the children went to nursery for the first time and when they went school for the first time. There was a picture on George’s first year of school. There was no picture in George’s second year of school. There was a picture in Charlotte’s first year of school. And there has been no picture this year because it’s George’s third year and Charlotte’s second. When Louis starts school you will get a picture again. So yes, you’re lying.

    • Vera says:

      It’s school holidays in the UK so they are back in Norfolk

  26. Kimberly says:

    How is nobody telling her that she’s wearing her mask upside-down?

    • ravynrobyn says:

      Even if people did tell her, she ignored them. The Ducchess is so fashion forward, dontcha know 🙄

      I don’t bake, but if I did, I’d bring at least two dozen. Eleven (!!) just looks lame.

  27. Amelie says:

    Am the only I who finds frosting kind of over-rated? On cupcakes, sure no problem. And I find no problem with the amount on these cupcakes. And I don’t really like frosting on cakes either. The cakes people always bought at bakeries for kids’ birthdays, that spongy stuff with layers? Never liked those either. I grew up really spoiled with a dad who can really bake (anyone who has ever tasted his desserts has always been blown away by his skill, he is THAT good. He easily could have been a chef in a restaurant). Like I can tell if your brownies are brownie mix lol, because they taste like cardboard.

    But these cupcakes look nice! But do I believe Kate and her kids really made them? Hmm… maybe the batter?? But someone who knew what they were doing did the final product.

  28. Reece says:

    I know this is entirely due to my Caligirl-ness but I saw poppy cupcakes and thought…👀 Poppy? Cakes? There are legally edible poppies? 👀