Americans aren’t the only ones wanting to “Dump Trump.” Donald recently has found himself thrown out with the trash. Well not the real Trump but his wax figure replica. Madame Tussauds in Berlin wanted to get ahead of Election Day and the possibility that Donald Trump would lose the election.
The employees at the museum decided to chunk Donald Trump’s wax figure out with the trash. Of course they couldn’t just simply THROW the wax Donald in the trash, they had to up the ante by stuffing the wax figure of the easily offended tiny hand man in the garbage. The display was complete with a Trump Towers backdrop and signs that mocked him like, ‘You’re Fired!” “Dump Trump Make America Great Again.” Here is more on the story from People:
The European wax museum wheeled its figure of Trump, 74, off its show floor as an apparent “preparatory measure” in case he does not win a second term following Election Day in the U.S. on November 3.
“Today’s activity is rather of a symbolic character ahead of the elections in the United States,” said museum marketing manager Orkide Yalcindag in a statement to Reuters.
Yalcindag added, “we here at Madame Tussauds Berlin removed Donald Trump’s waxwork as a preparatory measure.”
In footage obtained by Reuters, Trump’s wax figure was placed into a giant trash bin along with signs that read “Fake News!” “I love Berlin,” and “You are fired!” — the last a reference to Trump’s catchphrase from The Apprentice.
Several trash bags accompanied the wax figure in the bin, which was centered in front of a Trump Tower backdrop.
A large sign that read “Dump Trump Make America Great Again” was affixed to the trash bin, and employees placed a red MAGA hat among the trash bags.
I literally hollered when I read this story and saw the picture on Instagram. I swear Germans are petty AF. What is even sadder is that Donald’s grandfather was from Germany so I am sure this is a even bigger blow for him. I can totally see Donald having a full on conniption when reading how his precious figure was thrown into the garbage bin. I am sure it will not take long for his response via Twitter.
Donald is much more thin-skinned than his wax figure. His ego always seems to trip him up. In any case, his followers may boycott Madame Tussauds, but I am sure Tussauds won’t care all that much. In reality, they may gain more customers who will want to come see the new Donald Trump expo.
We will know soon enough if we get to Dump Trump and his sycophants or if we will get four more years of their lies, grand standing and fleecing of the America people. While we wait on those results I will eat my weight in mini mint ice cream sandwich cookies from Trader Joe’s and drink a sh*t ton of whiskey. I love Madame Tussauds and this hilarious display of pettiness. It is definitely a light-hearted way to enter a very tense Election Day.
I truly hope Americans will literally get to dump trump today. Rooting and praying for all of you from the UK!
same. come on Americans, get the work done. hoping for the blue wave.
Yes, the world is in desperate need of a reset…. dumping trump is a great starting point.
Trump is extremely unpopular here in Germany. And the town where Trump’s grandfather is from can’t stand him either.
I really hope America votes him out today. For the benefit of the US and the whole world.
…and Germany is a country that has the capacity to spot a dangerous despot when they see one in the making (one would hope).
Yes. There are so many parallels between him and Hitler. He could easily be a dictator and cause even more destruction and death given the chance.
But we still have our share of morons who love him, though. He is widely popular with supporters of AfD (an extreme right-wing party). No surprise here.
Yeah, no surprise there. But the majority of Germany can’t stand those Nazis either.
The people of Scotland hate him and his family as well.
There was a video a couple years agoof Scots calling him all kinds of great names which I added to my insults list. It was hilarious. They really do hate him.
He fought in court and won the right to build a golf course on a protected wildlife site in Scotland. Such a destructive man.
@golly gee – He paid off the SNP to get that permission. Around the time he won, it came to light the he ‘donated’ a large sum of money to the SNP coffers. From what I recall they got involved in it, lending support to his plans.
Thanks for the correction re the SNP, digital unicorn. I had forgotten the exact details of how it went down.
The Germans aren’t petty, they’re pragmatic and know BS when they see it. I lived there for several years teaching English to government employees and the Deutsche taught me far more than I taught then.
Even Merkel can’t stand the BS pageantry, divisive lies, and disingenuous leadership that is Trump’s America.
Good luck today to my American friends and colleagues. Canada loves you. Please don’t burn your country down.
Super petty. I love it! Cackling over here.
Putting trash where it belongs.
Making trash great again!
Mark this, the only time in the history of wax museums when the wax figure actually looks better than the person it was modeled on.
I was almost shocked, the wax figure looks way healthier than the man himself.
That was my first thought, this looks more human than he does.
Haha I hope he knows about this. I’m sure he will add it to his list of grievances.
I’m hoping to make the second photo my Christmas card.
Oh I love the idea!
The history of Trump’s grandfather is interesting and telling. This family has been at their shenanigans for generations. Trump’s grandfather left Germany, Bavaria, to avoid mandatory military service. (Painful bone spurs?) Later in his life, he tried to return. Germany said no, thank you much. There’s even a letter he wrote trying to ingratiate himself back in. So, unfortunately, the Trump family had to stay in America.
Damn, so we almost escaped having him here? I mean, I wouldn’t wish him on Germany either. But maybe he’d be some obscure failed businessman instead of a wanna-be authoritarian if the family hadn’t ended up here.
I hope that today is the day we dump this thin-skinned mofo into the abyss. I’ve stayed off Twitter since this weekend for my mental health. I’m not a religious person, but spiritual enough to pray, and I’ve been praying a great deal these last few days.
While Trump is bellowing about contesting the results, refusing to leave and emboldening his followers to cause havoc we also know he’s a paper tiger.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the results are do overwhelmingly for Biden that we here about the Trump’s fleeing the White House in the middle of the night.
The entire Trump administration belongs in the trash can. Then set afire with the flames of hell.
Love it!
Good luck America! Fingers crossed the orange one fades into oblivion
This made me laugh so hard
‘While we wait on those results I will eat my weight in mini mint ice cream sandwich cookies from Trader Joe’s and drink a sh*t ton of whiskey.’
@Oya, have you tried Haagen Dazs Irish cream with brownies ice cream? That’s a staple along with the alcohol-included adults-only White Russian ice cream from my local shop.
LOL I love it
hey, were doing the real thing today!