Michigan flips blue and Donald Trump is whining about it on Twitter

2020 Presidential Debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee

For about 12 or 13 hours, it looked like Donald Trump was going to win Michigan, like he did in 2016 by a pretty slim margin. But, we were told repeatedly that the biggest Democratic-stronghold counties had not reported or were reporting their numbers slowly. I wasn’t sure I believed it, but here we are. Ladies and gentlemen, she’s blue! “She” being Lady Michigan, one of our greatest hopes. As I’m writing this, Biden has finally pulled into a leading position with 2,524,385. Trump currently has 2,508,592. It looks like Michigan has finally swung. MY GIRL!! This is with 95% of the vote in.

With roughly 95% of the vote in, Democratic nominee Joe Biden remains ahead of President Donald Trump by about 16,000 votes early Wednesday morning, but there were still more than 150,000 ballots that needed to be counted before Michigan knows its final election results.

Those votes are largely absentee ballots, and are expected to help Biden over Trump.

These numbers can change at any minute, as tallies continue to come in. The estimated number of remaining ballots is based on total voter participation numbers released by the state. These numbers will likely change slightly throughout the day.

The delayed results were expected and are a sign clerks are deliberate in their counting process, said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

“Michigan update: Election officials worked through the night to #CountEveryVote. That work continues,” Benson tweeted at approximately 7 a.m.

[From The Detroit Free Press]

So, now Michigan will almost definitely go for Biden, along with Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada (by a slim margin). Is that enough?

Also: Trump is watching absentee ballots get counted and he’s calling it unfair. He’s not alone – MAGA peeps have been crying on social media all morning about how crazy it is that… states are counting absentee ballots.

Anti-Trump protesters gather in Jupiter

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red.

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129 Responses to “Michigan flips blue and Donald Trump is whining about it on Twitter”

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  1. Sigmund says:

    Just want to say that Biden’s campaign did an online campaign election briefing at 10:00 AM pacific and stated unequivocally that they will win this election. They expect to win WI, NV, MI, and PA, which will give Biden more than enough electoral votes. He is currently leading in all of those states and the ballots left to be counted are in heavily blue areas.

    This is closer than we wanted, but Biden’ is winning and will win. Stay calm, fellow Celebitches.

    • Grant says:

      Please God let this be true. Please God let this be true.

    • Katie says:

      Pennsylvania? really? that would be nice, he’s got 270 with NV, WI, and MI already, but Pennsylvania would just be nice

    • Snappyfish says:

      Remembering that a fearful dog bites Trump is asking that valid ballots in states he is losing not be counted but to continue the count in states he feels he will win.

      This is what invalidates any argument he has to ANY court be it state or supreme. It is astounding that someone so thick has the support that he does.

      It is heart wrenching to know how ignorant, hateful & racist 66+ million Americans are.

      Biden will win, the senate will be red & the house blue. Let’s hope science & intelligence prevail over then next 4 years & Trump lands in jail

      • fluffy_bunny says:

        Does he realize it doesn’t work that way? Either you keep counting or you stop. You don’t get to pick and choose based on what states you are winning to do one or the other. That’s having your cake and eating it too. They’re just so stupid that it hurts.

    • Leslie says:

      🙏Praying it is true…. trying to stay calm

  2. Kaiser says:

    Biden is now up in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona, all of which are still counting their mostly absentee ballots, which favor Democrats. That gets him to 270. Just FYI.

    • Sigmund says:

      Yes, the Biden campaign just called winning those states! And they would not do so if they were not totally confident.

    • Libby says:

      Thank you, Kaiser. I’m not American but cried my eyes out when results were trickling in last night. This gives me hope.

      • greenmonster says:

        I am not American and I cried three times today already – out of pure frustration. I want to cry tears of relief.

      • Kelly says:

        I’m still crying to be honest. Half this country somehow still thinks Trump is a good president. I don’t think we will ever regain our good standing in the world

    • Christine says:

      Yup, we don’t need PA although I read 77% of the mail in ballots are favoring Biden, and there were still close to a million to be counted. If he’s able to take PA too, there will be no question 🤞🤞

    • Charlie says:

      No, no… I voted two weeks ago so, of course, my vote shouldn’t count. Argh, he’s such an asshat. And he doesn’t want to win (he wants Trump TV) but can’t stand to lose. And I am still ashamed at how narrow these margins are…

      • Jennifer says:

        I was born and raised in MI and logged into Facebook (after being gone for about 4 years) recently and was a bit surprised and definitely disappointed how some of my “friends” were Trumpers. The narrow margins make me see how jacked up this country really is. Truly, what does this man bring to the table that elevates this country? Absolutely nothing. So those that still think he is the optimal choice? Yikes. It’s a bit strange to see people who I grew up with and some I used to be closer with thinking he’s the best for this country.

    • Becks1 says:

      Please please please come through for us upper Midwest.

    • Katie says:

      yes, google even marks Arizona uncontested blue already, google “us 2020 results” there’s a map by google

  3. Diana says:

    Praise God!!! Deliver us from evil!!!! I am begging!!! 😭😭😭

  4. julia says:

    I don’t care to follow politics, and I’m Canadian. But this is beyond stressing me out. I have family in the states and I would really love to see them, but if this dimwit gets re-elected, I have little hope of seeing them for years.

  5. Amy Too says:

    They’re probably counting my Biden mail-in/drop box ballot now! And my brothers and in-law’s and parents, etc. I was sick last night seeing how very far ahead Trump was but I remembered Detroit takes forever to report and we had SO MANY mail in ballots this year that they were only allowed to start counting yesterday. They told us it could take until Friday. Looks like it will be done today, hopefully! And I can only imagine the Biden lead will keep growing. I live in Grand Rapids on the west side of the state and there were a lot of Biden signs. And a lot of people voting by mail. I am optimistic. I don’t think Trump can win without Michigan.

  6. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Please keep posting these victories. I can’t bring myself to look at anything, to hear anything. I’m watching Amazon Prime and refreshing Celebitchy lol. My stomach is in ‘arrears.’ I’m despondent wallowing in the knowledge I live amongst soulless monsters.

    • Wiglet Watcher says:

      I’ve been refreshing the electoral count and it looks to favor Biden. I want to cry and celebrate, but I can’t just yet…

    • MerlinsMom1018 says:

      Right there with you Mabs.
      I don’t watch much tv or many movies but I have been binge watching Pixar. Just finished up Hotel Transylvania 3.

    • Stacy Dresden says:

      Same, except instead of watching shows I am watching my little kids (not the same, and Mommy is not a joyful companion today, sadly)

      • MerlinsMom1018 says:

        It’s ok Stacy. I think we’re all feeling a gut punch.
        I think that watching little kids IS like watching a show, you know????

    • Grant says:

      Preach! I can’t handle the news.

    • LightPurple says:

      The first presidential election, in which only white male landowners were allowed to cast votes for electors began in mid-December 1788 and concluded voting on January 10, 1789. Washington didn’t know until over a month later.

      I’m spending today listening to songs about the states being counted

    • Kris says:

      I went into a bubble last night. No election coverage, no social media and I didn’t touch my phone just in case. I woke up to a ‘f everybody’ text from my bff so I thought that meant Dump won. It’s so much easier checking stats now vs the roller coaster of last night. 2020 has aged me so much. I’m praying he pulls off PA and GA. I was really hoping TX would turn blue. They are so close, and I’m so pumped! I lost all hope for folks after 2016, so it’s unsurprising they would vote for more of this shit. It astounds me how stubborn/dumb folks are.

    • GeeWhiz says:

      I’ve saved watching “Schitt’s Creek” till now specifically so I’d have the distraction of good-hearted clever plot and characters to sink into.

      I went to bed last night at 8:15 after a dinner of a brownie, sleepytime tea and “calm” magnesium powder…but then was awake till 4:30am doomscrolling anyhoo.🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. Rae says:

    It must be due to the lack of sleep, and my nerves being shot, but I genuinely had to stop from myself getting teary reading you call her “Lady Michigan”

    *Fist pump*

    • Ktae says:

      Word. I teared up reading Lady Michigan. I live in a very red area in a big blue state. And I just can’t with these people anymore. I went bed at 9 pm last night and woke sporadically through the night to check the maps. I hope I’m crying tears of joy by then end of this week.

  8. paranormalgirl says:

    How the hell can a man be POTUS when he doesn’t even understand how elections work?

  9. BayTampaBay says:

    Let us all hope that this puts an end to Shitler!

  10. Spunkymama says:

    If Biden wins, can The Grifter challenge the results? I’m just worried that they will try to delay the inevitable and if it goes to the supremes, it may not be good.

    • Jaded says:

      If Biden gets the 270 electoral college votes he will be the legal president-elect, beyond the reach of even a loaded supreme court challenge. At noon on Jan. 20 Biden goes to the White House and the Secret Service escorts Trump out. All the civil service of the government, every employee of the United States reports to Joe Biden at that point so if Trump continues to be a whiny baby he’ll have to do it from Trump tower. Plus if he keeps up these blatantly deceitful stalling tactics his supporters will start turning away from him. Look at some of the comments by Chris Christie and others who are blasting Trump for prematurely announcing he won and trying to shut vote-counting down arbitrarily in states that are turning blue.

      • Also Ali says:


      • MerlinsMom1018 says:

        The only time II can recall Supreme Court getting involved was Bush v. Gore with the famous “chad ballot”. Usually they stay out of it no matter how packed with the opposition.

      • Noodle says:

        I was really surprised to see Christie and Santorum speak out against him. Christie, in particular. I think the COVID hospital stay knocked some sense into him. He’s changed course on a couple of things since that time.

    • LightPurple says:

      Some states have automatic recounts if the votes are within a certain percentage of one another. Other states allow a candidate to request a recount but the votes usually have to be within a margin of error or there must be an identified problem with the election process or count.

      • Lady2Lazy says:

        @ LightPurple, plus the candidate must PAY for the recount if it’s not within the percentage, so Agent Orange signaled that Lady Michigan recount the ballots, though the US taxpayer would have to foot the bill.

  11. lovesitinnm says:

    *happy tears* Please let it be so.

  12. MaryContrary says:

    I hate Trump and all of his supporters with the power of a million suns. And the postmaster general, DeJoy, belongs in jail.

  13. Nic919 says:

    Detroit turned Michigan blue. There are crazies on the outskirts that are crazy militia nuts or rich white bigots (kid rock and Ted nugent) but good ole Motor City has been consistently Democrat for many elections. This year they had a Dem Governor and the voting machines weren’t broken the day of the election like they were in 2016.

    If they can turn their state legislature democrat then they can fix this nonsense about only starting to count mail in votes on Election Day.

    • Anna says:

      Yet again, BLACK PEOPLE save this f-ing country from itself while simultaneously being treated as less than human in this godforsaken Amerikka. I am so, so, so tired. White people will continue to benefit, regardless of how they voted, from the efforts of BIPOC. What’s new.

      • Zee says:


      • antipodean says:

        @Anna, a million thank yous will never be enough to thank you for never ceasing to stand for true democracy and equality for all. It brings me to tears how in this supposedly “christian” country there are so many who have absolutely no clue what that means, and who rabidly deny others everything they demand for themselves. It is you who stand in the breach every time, and please know that there are still many who believe in the ideals we are supposed to stand for, and will support you till our dying breath!

      • Jaded says:


      • Bevvie says:

        Well, from a 61 year old white woman, I wanted to thank the black people of Detroit and many other urban areas across the country. If Joe and Kamala eke this one out and that orange buffoon doesn’t steal it I hope race relations will be a top priority. It’s so disappointing that after the last four years there are so many stupid people that find anything about Trump acceptable. The cult all share one brain cell. My biggest wish is that some day I see him, his three oldest demon spawn and Kushner in handcuffs, in mugshots, or both.

      • Kkat says:

        As a white woman I can never ever thank you enough. On a purely personal level my older son is gay, so for me I feel that the black people of Detroit have saved his life.
        As an American, I thank you for saving our country.

        We all (my immediate family) protested for BLM and the atrocities committed by the police, we will absolutely stand with you no matter what. I have a lot of cops in my extended family, so I KNOW. ACAB

  14. Jkely says:

    I’m literally sitting in my house crying, my daughters future is safer, climate change will now be on the forefront. This is what we have been waiting for! But as a nation we still have a lot of work to do… the fights not over yet.

  15. Erin says:

    I’m crying in Detroit. I think we did it!!!!!

  16. ChillyWilly says:

    Yes! I’m feeling like it’s a lock for Biden! Please let there be a peaceful transfer of power. 🙏

  17. Meredith says:

    James Carville told us to basically calm TF down last night and that it’s going to be ok. I want to believe him.

    • Christin says:

      Rick Wilson said earlier in the week that “F-O and keep counting” should be the response to Orange and anyone else trying to declare premature victory or invalidate counting legally cast ballots.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      I felt calmer after seeing Biden talk. He looked to be in good spirits and very relaxed. A member of his team also stated that they never expected this to be a landslide like the polls and some of the media were building this election up to be. Their internal numbers are likely more accurate than the polls and estimates we’ve been seeing.

    • MerlinsMom1018 says:

      I ADORE James Carville

  18. Katie says:

    With Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin, it’s 270

    • Kkat says:

      If Biden keeps those three states, so even if trump takes Ga, NC and Penn he CAN NOT win, it only brings him to 264!

      So im praying to god biden keeps MI, Wi and NV

      • Truthiness says:

        And this is the way it ends.
        Not with a bang but with a WI/MI/PA.

        Courtesy of Will Roscoe on twitter

  19. Guest with Cat says:

    Trump knows those votes are legitimate. He knows Democrats and unaffiliated voters and even some disillusioned Republicans listen to science and medical experts and either vote with our masks on or did all we could to vote via mail in ballots. That’s why he and his death cult did all they could to undermine the post offices and the legitimate and lawful election process. But so far it looks like decency and wisdom have prevailed when we needed it to. Let’s hope and pray the blue trend continues.

  20. Aurora says:

    I look foward to not seeing any more Presidential tweets that sound like they come from a 5th grader.

  21. Josie Bean says:

    Thank you Detroit and Milwaukee.

  22. ME says:

    So glad Biden is ahead. It’s just sad how close this election is though. Like WTF Americans ???

    • Anna says:

      @ME Again, please do not lump us all. Black people have saved this country from itself time and again, and Black *women* in particular. The close election is due to systemic white supremacy and voting by white and white-adjacent (or those who *wish* they were white-adjacent but will have a wake-up call).

      • ME says:

        Oh I know. I wasn’t trying to lump all Americans together. I was talking about the ones who voted for Trump.

      • Lemons says:

        @Anna, I think it is OK, for ME to say it. I, as an American, am asking WTF, America? over 60 million people voted for white supremacy, chaos, and death. They aren’t getting any stimulus checks, no free healthcare, no rewards for pulling their bootstraps….Just the promise that white is right even if the world must burn.

        It’s unfathomable. Even with a Biden victory, I still feel a huge loss.

    • Case says:

      I’m ashamed of how many fellow Americans believe Trump is a good leader and a good man. It boggles the mind. It’s hard for me to believe treason, racism, sexism, inciting violence, breaking laws, and completely mismanaging COVID haven’t made people see the light.

      • Ktae says:

        This right here. I live in a rural red county in California. How these people justify and the mental gymnastics they make for him is mind boggling. Praying this goes Biden Blue.

        Thankfully the diaspora out of the Bay Area to the foothills is slowly changing the color of my county.

      • H says:

        Money. White privilege. Fear.

        That’s what drives these voters. I’m in very red rural area in FL and the pandemic has closed businesses forever here. People are on unemployment yet they voted for 45 again. I’m hugely disappointed with Cuban Americans in Miami-Dade county who believed Trump’s propaganda that Biden was the next Fidel Castro. And for Senator Rubio to push that nonsense? May he DIAF.

    • Kkat says:

      This is what makes me so sad SO MANY PEOPLE voted for this shitstain. So many

  23. Riley says:

    So very thankful for the large cities in these states keeping them blue. I live in a semi-rural area of Minnesota, and my county voted for Trump by a 2 to 1 margin. Thankfully, Minneapolis/St. Paul and the other large cities kept Minnesota solidly blue.

  24. Diana says:

    Let’s get the win however it happens….. we can get to work on the laundry list of shit that is broken afterwards. How anyone is able to focus on anything else besides the election shocks me. I am at work refreshing my browser every 5 seconds!

    • Lemons says:


    • Grant says:

      You said it, sister!

    • Lucky Charm says:

      Pure speculation here, but I’m sure Biden and Harris have already come up with a list of names, and once his win is confirmed they will start the process of filling all the cabinet and government positions on Day One. January 21 they’ll start to work on that huge laundry list.

    • Moo says:

      I realized that following every minute of the news won’t help me and won’t change the outcome, so this is actually the first I’m hearing of the results. My mantra for 2020 is “equanimity.” Whatever happens, I will persist. Took a lot of inner work to get here, and I feel relieved.

  25. Anna says:

    I’m still fingers crossed for Michigan. Yes, Biden is ahead right now, but there has not been an official announcement or confirmation of him winning the state. I’d love to know where this quote is from. Following the news with baited breath…

  26. Case says:

    I went to bed at 11 last night not feeling so great about this. Now I’m hopeful again. If we can get Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, we’ve got it in the bag. Bonus if we can snag PA.

    • GreenBunny says:

      I’m in Pa (Philly area so helped turn PA back to blue!) and I sobbed last night around 11 pm because I was convinced he would win again. So I cried for all the things I’ve lost and will lose, I cried for my daughter growing up in a world where she would have no control over her body. I cried for my daughter and 2 sons that attend cyber school with no end in sight because the people in charge have no plan. I cried for my dad who is high risk and an ER doctor in Litiz, where that moron held a maskless rally, ensuring my father would have to care for one of his followers and potentially expose himself to a disease that could kill him. I cried for my husband that lost his job of 26 years because of the stupidest man on Earth is in charge during a deadly disease that decimated the airline industry he worked in. I cried for my family of pre-existing conditions that will haunt us if ACA is removed. I cried for my dog that died over the summer because it was just one more sh*tty thing that happened during an awful year. I cried because there is no end in sight and no plan and people are dying by the thousands everyday and the people in charge don’t care. And when I woke up and looked at the news, I started to have hope that something may change and we’ll have true leadership.

      • Case says:

        GreenBunny, I’m in South NJ and I’m sending you positive vibes! I’m so sorry for all you stand to lose and for the loss of your pup. 🙁

        I’m high risk, my mom is high risk, and my dad has to physically go to work. Every day I worry about him bringing the virus home to my mom. Every time I see them – the only people I see in person – I worry about getting the virus. The idea of four more years of Trump left me feeling hopeless and trapped last night. I am so relieved there is still a chance. I don’t see us ever getting out from under COVID’s clutches without Biden leading us through it.

  27. MsIam says:

    I’m in Michigan and our Sec of State wanted permission to start counting the ballots three days early so they could get the results by election night and republicans and the Republican court said NO! So they can go do something unmentionable to themselves as far as complaining about the ballots not being counted. Also, they called AZ for Biden. Really disappointed that the election is close. I was listening to Van Jones on CNN and he really sounded heartbroken that so many people are ok with the racism and divisiveness that Trump creates. He thought that we were better than that but no not really.

    • Case says:

      I adore Van Jones. He always speaks from such an emotional, compassionate place. I first saw him speak on election night in 2016 and have followed him ever since.

    • Anna says:

      @MsIam May I ask: is it CNN that called AZ for Biden? I’m following NYTimes and as of this minute, their map is still undetermined, and Michigan is still at 90% of votes counted. Would appreciate any info on where to look for more accurate news. (I though NYTimes was…)

      • Nic919 says:

        Fox News called AZ for Biden last night.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        The Associated Press also deemed AZ a Biden win, and AP tends to be conservative about making calls.

      • Erin says:

        Hey guys, thanks for the Detroit love! Freep.com has the most up to date and accurate Michigan results. Detroit still isn’t done counting and Biden is up by 45k votes here now.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        yes, the AP is my go to. They are conservative about calling anything, so when they do, I trust it.

  28. LightPurple says:

    Feeling much calmer now than I did at 2 AM.

    Trump is tweeting up a storm and Twitter is pretty much flagging all of it.

    I’ve been watching Junior’s crazy Twitter feed and reporting all the stuff he’s tossing out.

    The Trumps are having a collective Twitter meltdown.

    • Case says:

      I know they’re basically toddlers (no disrespect to toddlers), but it stuns me that they are having meltdowns even though they’ve been fully aware for months that this could very easily be a win for Biden. If anything, it’s shocking how close of a race it is and Trump isn’t losing miserably. Trump isn’t exactly in love with his presidential duties — why throw a hissy fit? Give it up and go back to taking it easy and occasionally holding Nazi rallies.

      • MsIam says:

        Trump hates to lose especially if he can’t spin it into a “win”. Even when he went into bankruptcy he would spin that into a “brilliant strategy” instead of a failure. If he loses it’s because he was cheated or it is someone else’s fault.

      • Moo says:

        The Trumps all surround themselves with yes-people who shield them from reality that Biden is likely to win. I must hand it to them for creating an almost impossibly effective bubble-shield.

    • Christin says:

      If it’s what you say, I’m loving it. Especially if it’s November 4.

      Goodbye, grifters!

  29. Leah says:

    Yeah I saw that. I figured that because he’s the one spreading the “ballots magically appeared” lie. He can’t count and apparently neither can his followers (big shocker). They didn’t magically appear, they are there to be counted. He’s just pissed because Vlad P can’t fix this for him and I am enjoying watching him yell at the clouds about it.

    Thank you Detroit. My dad was MI born and bred, just a few miles outside of Detroit. He’d be proud that his home state stepped up to get rid of the orange bum.

  30. lucy says:

    I am still so worried. I will not be happy until it is official…and then, I am scared. A direct quote from one of my friend’s friend – “if Biden wins does that mean it is time for the right to “peaceful protest””…reply – “nothing f**ng peaceful about what I am thinking”. Trump caused this! He brought out all the racist, crazy, idiots and they all think they are entitled to this. My family could not believe it was close. I pray this does not cause a war amongst us!

    • Darla says:

      Well, in January 09 I went to DC for Obama’s inauguration with a group of friends. One of the best times of my life was had, and it was joyful. You won’t catch me in DC for Biden’s inauguration and that has nothing to do with Covid. Yeah, they’re very dangerous. They’re domestic terrorists.

      • Moo says:

        I’ll be happy to join a web-based celebration with millions of other people. The domestic terrorists are going to have to break down my door to get to me.

  31. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    My nerves can’t take much more but I’m cautiously optimistic.

  32. Linda says:

    Sitting down in Nigeria watching CNN as election results trickle in. I have been very scared all day. I hope Trump loses.

  33. Downarabbithole says:

    The AP hasn’t called Michigan yet – until they do…and honestly maybe until I see Joe holding up his hand (and Kamala too!) getting successfully and safely sworn in, I’m not going to feel relief. I swear at least 50% of us have PTSD. The rest of us….are willingly entering a narrative where we are one of Trump’s “beloveds” that he’ll protect and hand money to. I lived in Miami for 20 years and I’ve been getting “WTF MIAMI???” texts for the last 24 hours.

  34. Kelly says:

    My Michigan alumna sister now living in MN and myself didn’t get much sleep last night, as we were anxious and nervous. We’re trying our best to do what work we can do remotely today. We’re not going to be very productive.

    When the Detroit results flipped it for Biden, I texted her “Hail to the Victors!!!!”

  35. Mle says:

    Proud, PROUD Michigander here…it was hard not to feel as though all was lost last night. I’m so genuinely relieved to see my blue brothers and sisters saving this nation vote-by-vote.

  36. Lilitel says:

    Bye, f*cking loser

  37. Liz version 700 says:

    If the “politics folks” on Twitter are right Wisconsin is shortly to be called. I suspect that is true because Emperor Babyfist (TM Celebitchy) is calling for a recount.

  38. Faye G says:

    I’m not religious, but I have been praying all night and all morning that this is true. I believe Biden has a chance but I am so scared of the alternative.

  39. Hdjncd says:

    Thank you Eminem!

  40. BnLurkN4eva says:

    So technically if he doesn’t win this election he can legally run again in 2024. I hope destiny conspire to make this impossible because I cannot abide this man.

    “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.” Google

    “Stephen Grover Cleveland (March 18, 1837 – June 24, 1908) was an American politician and lawyer who was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States, the only president in American history to serve two non-consecutive terms in office (1885–1889 and 1893–1897).”

    • Lizzie says:

      He can but in 4 years he will be 76, I think. I think he will start a news station and start making money if he stays out of jail.

  41. Scarlet Vixen says:

    I live in West MI (formerly from Los Angeles, so the culture shock never seems wear off), and I went to bed SO depressed that MI was still so red. I have been seeing a surprising amount of Biden signs all over my county, so I was cautiously optimistic. But, I should have considered that nearly ALL my blue friends voted absentee, and that those votes would get counted later. We are still in danger of losing a blue Senate seat (less than 10k difference last I saw) but I’m REALLY hoping Gary Peters can pull through!!

  42. Lizzie says:

    Biden is looking good but he desperately needs majority the senate.

    BTW, around 2 am I checked fox news and they were reporting the results exactly like cnn, cbs and nbc. I’m sure the commentators will be screaming rubbish but I was very relieved the people reporting the election were on the up and up.

  43. Bee says:

    You’re welcome!

    – a Michigander from the NW part of the LP 💙

  44. Winterforever says:

    I started having nervous tremors this morning and nausea. Trying to stay calm but I feel like crying every couple of hours. I cannot fathom or take another Trump presidency. As a woman I am nervous. As a queer person I am terrified.