“Pfizer says they’ve made a Covid vaccine which is 90% effective” links


Pfizer maybe has a Covid vaccine which is 90% effective? [Just Jared]
Mother’s Husband is trying to give Donald Trump credit for Pfizer’s vaccine, but the company hasn’t been working with the government. [Towleroad]
Anderson Cooper apologized (half-heartedly) for calling Donald Trump an “obese turtle” last week. I forgive him! [Dlisted]
I don’t think America is irreparably broken, but some people do think that. [LaineyGossip]
Yes, I remember Madonna’s Lady of the Manor phase! [Go Fug Yourself]
Of course Donald Trump is going to be a douchebag about losing. [Pajiba]
It still feels like a dream that we’re getting VP Kamala Harris. [Jezebel]
There are still Alex Trebek-hosted episodes of Jeopardy left to air. [Starcasm]
Alec Baldwin says goodbye to playing Donald Trump. [Seriously OMG]


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50 Responses to ““Pfizer says they’ve made a Covid vaccine which is 90% effective” links”

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  1. Case says:

    Nothing will ever make up for the immense loss, fear, and pain so many people went through during this dark year, but I am grateful that 2020 seems to be ending in many ways with a light at the end of the tunnel. I remember reading a few months ago that the best we could hope for in a vaccine was 50% efficacy and I thought geez, why am I putting all my hope in a vaccine that might not even work well? 90% would be miraculous and so helpful in stomping out the virus.

  2. Snuffles says:

    I am filled with hope over the vaccine news! Even better that this was developed outside of the Trump administration. I’m more inclined to trust it.

    • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

      When I first heard about this (saw it last night on 60 Minutes) I thought, “Oh HELL, NO!” I wouldn’t trust ANYTHING coming out of this WH, not w/out Fauci telling me it’s a go. Knowing that they had NOTHING to do with the Moldy Orange Lame Duck, and they didn’t take a dime, *does* make me think a little differently. It will be interesting to see how much they charge per dose though.

      • fluffy_bunny says:

        I think I read somewhere that it was around $25 per dose which is very expensive.

      • holly hobby says:

        They entered in a distribution contract with the federal govt (not the WARPPED MIND project) where they will get money if they deliver a number of doses (forgot the number but it was a lot). I see that as a supplement. We’d end up paying the co-pay.

        Glad Kodak didn’t come up with this. BTW, what happened to the money Kodak?

  3. Ellie says:

    Amazing news about the vaccine, especially if it’ll be proven to be effective and safe. Making Trump a one term president (who lost the popular vote TWICE), Biden/Kamala winning, a possible Covid vaccine on the horizon. All of this good news is seriously like waking up from a long, dark sleep. No other way to describe it.

  4. Sayrah says:

    The fact that Pfizer did this without input or help from Trump makes me so happy. Let’s get this going

    • Mignionette says:

      Pence tried to claim credit and Pfizer were quick to issue a statement and swat the claim away !

    • Det20! says:

      It is a joint venture between Pfizer and German company BioNTech, which researches and develops drugs based on mRNA. Their headquarters, where they are working on the Covid vaccine, is not too far from where I live in Germany. They also work with the Gates Foundation on HIV stuff. Because BioNTech had the scientific ability but not the means for mass production, they formed a partnership with Pfizer and Chinese company Fosun. The latter will distribute the vaccine – if we get a working one from this candidate – in China.
      BioNTech is the company Trump allegedly wanted to buy back in spring, but got shot down.

      • Det20! says:

        Correction: The German company that Trump showed interest in was not BioNTech. The other one is also working on a vaccine though, but they are not the Pfizer partner.

  5. Va Va Kaboom says:

    Oh damn, the timing of this announcement is going to validate so many Trumpian conspiracy theories. Don’t get me wrong! It’s wonderful news. But there was already talk about exactly this happening because Biden needed the threat of Covid to win. Shit this is going to rile up his diehard supporters even more.

    • Ellie says:

      Who cares? The election is over. Let them whine.

      • Seraphina says:

        Not that easy. Unfortunately it’s not only whining they are doing and they may be capable of so much more – which is the biggest fear.

      • Va Va Kaboom says:

        What can they do…? They can pick up where they left off with mass shootings. Currently there are angry Trump supporters carrying semi-automatic rifles protesting outside several voting centers. The election workers in these centers are reportedly already getting death threats. It’s wonderful we won, but we’re a hair trigger away from tragedy if things get out of hand. Pun absolutely intended.

      • Emm says:

        @va va kaboom, seriously though. And I just read a piece yesterday where they spoke with four voters. Two trump and two Biden and one of the trump supporters, who was a really young white woman, said that it’s going to be a miserable four years but conservatives keep their emotions in check and they don’t go out and riot or loot like the left. I mean truly what planet is she living on where she thinks that the far right aren’t violent and keep their emotions to themselves. The delusion is mind blowing and this person was under 30 I want to say so it was very discouraging to read. She also said every woman she knows voted for him which made me sick to my stomach.

      • Va Va Kaboom says:

        @Emm God that’s depressing, but not surprising really. There’s been a very deliberate, multi-faceted campaign to hide Right Wing Terrorism for four years now. From Sessions having the FBI and DOJ disband the task force that was focused on White Supremacists in favor of one for Left Wing terrorist groups. To Conservative media only focusing on BLM and Antifa. They only acknowledge right wing terrorists when a tragedy is too big to ignore. Even then it’s always downplayed as one lone disturbed individual.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      It’s still not clearly proven with regards to efficacy. And NO vaccine should be rushed out.

      • Amanduh says:

        Yea this was a press release. It has not been peer reviewed. Most of the vaccine trials have had major issues. I will wait patiently until it is reviewed. Also, is it just me or does the fact that immunity to covid lasts maybe 6 months (like a normal cold) kinda of freak anyone else out? Does this mean we have to get a vaccine every 6 months? So many questions.

    • Poisonella says:

      I am a Democrat and just because I have the good sense not to walk around with a weapon doesnt mean I don’t have one.

      • Kkat says:

        Yeah, I’m in southern california. It amazes me that they think only the right have guns. Thats not true, at all. We are just more responsible about them. I have mine locked in a safe

    • Lanie says:

      They were going to be riled up anyway. Even before this, they just made up bullshit conspiracy theories.

      I’m not living my life walking on eggshells around these delusional racists. No matter what.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      but this is the exact timeframe that Pfizer has publicly projected all along. they’ve said they expected to have data to evaluate efficacy at the end of October based on the infection rate and the data cut off appears to have been the end of October with time for an interim analysis. The next hurdle is the 3rd week of November when about half of the subjects will have had at least 2 months of safety follow up. If that data looks good (and based on the fact they lowered the age for participation to 12, I’m guessing they’re really comfortable with the safety data) they’ll probably file an EUA in very early December. These are the timelines they’ve been projecting when Albert Bourla has been interviewed on the subject. The statement about Pfizer not being part of Trump’s operation warp speed is the 2nd time the company has had to find a way to publicly slap Trump down (the last time was when Trump said he’d spoken to Bourla and claimed Bourla told him the vaccine would be available before the election).

    • Jess says:

      The idiots were all over social media thanking Trump for the vaccine. I commented on every single one I saw saying he had nothing to do with it and posted links. Most of them ended up deleting their original comments😂 it blows my mind that they repeat things without fact checking or researching first!

  6. Leah says:

    Still too soon but this is progress. It takes at least two years for a vaccine to prove its worth.

    Noticed that Pence tried to take credit for it and was smacked down. Lol.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      too soon to know what the booster schedule is but I’ve never seen any trial randomize 38K+ subjects in 6 months before (I think about 43K have been enrolled)

  7. MaryContrary says:

    Don’t get too excited, guys. Scientist husband read through it-super vague, not enough information provided to really ascertain how effective it is. Two doses, months apart-can’t tell how long coverage will be for. They really rushed this through so they’re not giving the usual information about efficacy. Plus, limited dosage available-hard to ramp up to levels really needed. We all want a vaccine and better, easily available, therapeutics-hopefully those will be coming for spring/summer.

    • Fleur says:

      Co-signed. My Scientist boyfriend says the same. He said there’s really no way to tell how effective this will be yet, and while they can measure acute side effects, long term negative side effects can’t be evaluated within a six month or less period. Basically he says we need more data

    • Stacy Dresden says:

      Well, I hear you, but my scientist husband (Berkeley, drug development background, etc) says this is excellent news and he combed through the data too.

      • MaryContrary says:

        🙂 My husband’s chemistry PhD is from Berkeley too and his job is literally looking at drug companies day in and day out. There just isn’t enough information there. I hope this vaccine is great but I don’t think we can tell that yet.

      • AmelieB says:

        I find it depressing that your scientific husbands and boyfriends are the ones with the PhD and you ladies are what, on a gossip site?

      • EMF999 says:

        I find it depressing that there is an assumption that those of us on this site are lacking PhDs/professional qualifications.

    • LittlePenguin says:

      Doctor husband read through it today. (He deals with lots of infectious diseases) It is good news, but there are further studies/peer review that need to be completed.

      That said, the fact that they may be getting close should be celebrated. Many people have been working around the clock to try and find a vaccine. People are working around the world towards the same goal, and we need that these days.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      the 2 doses are 21 days apart not months apart. Press releases don’t usually provide all the data, they just give a very high level announcement of some topline results. The 2-month post dose safety follow up data cut off will be in a couple of weeks. Understand that, due to the exigent circumstances, the submission will be a Emergency Use Application based on interim analysis, not a full BLA. The latter will be submitted when the trial is completed, there are already 38K people that have been randomized (received the first dose), this isn’t a 500 or even 1,000 subject trial. Like all clinical trial data, people can request access to the data when the trial is complete (my guess is that they’ll make datasets from the EUA interim analysis available as well)

      I say this as a clinical scientist with 25 years of experience in clinical drug development

      • Tourmaline says:


      • Tourmaline says:

        Everything you say is right on. Thanks for sharing your expertise here!
        This is exciting news and it makes me sad to see people scoff based on a press release. The science behind this is amazing such as the capitalizing on the spike protein…it is great this appears to be working out from a vaccine development standpoint.

  8. another Nina says:

    I’ve had no doubt that vaccine would be developed by early 2021. I may only hope that it would be available not only for population of first world…

  9. lucy2 says:

    I know, it’s very sad. I’m glad he lived as long as he did after his diagnosis.
    He met so many people over the years, and was so often in our homes on Jeopardy.

  10. Cidee says:

    When my boyfriend Dr. Fauci says it’s a “go”, I will be in line. Not a moment before.

  11. Sara says:

    Well, I for one have not seen any riots. Also- blm should be a Republican and Democrat issue- not one or the other.

  12. Libellule says:

    This apology was not enough. Anderson Cooper should issue a heartfelt apology to turtles. They do not deserve this comparison to the orange one

    • Jaded says:

      Exactly. I love turtles. I think Trump is more akin to a large sea cucumber or a blob fish. Google blob fish, it’s the stuff of nightmares.

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      He should adopt a turtle for his son. We had one for 16 years when it died unexpectedly. They’re easy pets to care for and don’t grow bigger than their tank allows.

  13. Det20! says:

    Edit: That must read “mass distribution”. Apparently the production is indeed handled by BioNTech.

  14. SJ Knows says:

    After the year we’ve been thru, I will take any news that brings hope!

    My local paper published an article showing the Vote by county in Minnesota.
    MN has traditionally been Blue Dem for decades.
    I am worried about the sheer number of people in my county who apparently voted for
    The Orange Turd.
    What I truly do not understand is the fact that several of my family members are huge hard line Trump supporters, including the cousin who was raised by a single Mom, lived in rent controlled housing, heating assist, food stamps, school lunches, etc, etc. Then she herself was a single Mom who for 8+ years qualified for and used all of these services. These.Are.Social.Services hard fought for and won by the Democrats! You should hear her go on about Trump…WTF??
    Trump would not even look in your direction if you were on fire! Jaysus! Wake Up.
    Btw, I stopped speaking with/to my Brother because he is batshit crazy about Trump.
    Neither one of these people have ever made $60K a year in their employed lives.

    • ILoveMusic says:

      Does one of your relatives live next door to me? My neighbor is the same way. Single mother who struggled for years in a series of low paying jobs. She relied heavily on food stamps and at times, unemployment, to make ends meet. Thanks to legislation passed in the Clinton years, her sons had full medical and dental coverage until they were eighteen. When the ACA was passed, she finally was able to obtain health insurance and have several of her own health issues addressed.

      She’s finally in a decent paying job that provides health insurance, and she worships the orange one. Her car and yard are littered with signs supporting every republican candidate under the sun. I feel like she’s kicking everyone who helped her in the face.

  15. Wolfie88 says:

    Do we thank Pfizer for starting the zombie apocalypse now or later?