Prince Charles & Camilla step in for the Queen on Armistice Day in London

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall attend an Armistice Day Service

Yesterday was Veterans Day here in the US, or Armistice Day in the UK (and throughout Europe). It marked the end of World War I, but of course people choose to recognize the sacrifices of all the men and women who serve. In a non-pandemic year, we could expect nearly everyone from the Windsor clan to turn out to Westminster Abbey for a special service. Not this year. This year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were chilling in Montecito, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were… otherwise engaged. I heard someone say something about rose-trimming. Shockingly, the Queen also skipped the Westminster service! According to Vanity Fair, “the 94-year-old monarch was advised by her medical team not to attend the service.” So… the Queen will listen to medical advice? Then why has she only worn a mask once in the past nine months?

Anyway, the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall attended the Westminster service in the Queen’s place. This year actually marked “the 100th anniversary of the burial of the Unknown Warrior,” as well as the 100th anniversary of King George VI unveiling the Cenotaph. Charles laid a wreath at the Unknown Warrior’s tomb, and Camilla wore a poppy-print mask. Charles wore a purple mask which may be a sustainable piece from the Turquoise Mountain Foundation in Myanmar, which was a company founded by Charles. It’s pretty snazzy. I like that they both wore masks, although they were simply adhering to the current public health regulations in the UK. Also: given the symbolic importance of the anniversaries, it’s really, really strange that William and Kate didn’t go, right??

Meanwhile, I know that no one goes to Us Weekly for juicy royal scoops, but the weekly does try!

Looking ahead! Prince Charles is ready to becoming king whenever his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, decides to step down from the throne.

“Charles will serve as king with Duchess Camilla by his side,” a source exclusively says in the new issue of Us Weekly. “This is something he’s dreamed about his entire life — he sees it as his birthright, and Her Majesty would find it extremely difficult to deprive him of that.”

The Prince of Wales, who turns 72 on Saturday, November 14, has already determined his first order of business too.

“Charles has made it quite clear that he intends to slim down the monarchy and reduce the number of full-time working members of the family to those in the immediate line of succession,” Princess Diana’s former butler Paul Burrell tells Us.

[From Us Weekly]

All this did was remind me that Charles’ birthday is the 14th (I forgot) and that the Queen is never, ever stepping down. The Queen will be the monarch until the bitter and petty end. She will endlessly wield her power to protect her rapist son, and punish her grandson who had the audacity to marry an intelligent American woman.

The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall Attend An Armistice Day Service At Westminster Abbey

The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall Attend An Armistice Day Service At Westminster Abbey

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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41 Responses to “Prince Charles & Camilla step in for the Queen on Armistice Day in London”

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  1. Sofia says:

    I do think only Charles and Camilla went so that they could send a message that it’s them first then the Cambridges but it’s Charles and Camilla first for the throne.

    • BABSORIG says:

      LOL such pettiness from everyone in this family. The Sussexes are the only ones that aren’t petty but the rest of them? My my my my😄😄😄

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Correct! It’s about time they sent that message. FFK has been given the run of the mill for far too long. He is doing all he can throwing his brother under many buses and usurping his father by his constant embiggening campaigns.

    • equality says:

      That’s what I was thinking.

    • Becks1 says:

      I do think its sending a message. There was really no reason Will and Kate could not have attended this event with Charles and Camilla yesterday. This is very deliberate.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        The message is is ending is that the Keens are as “Lazy as F*^K” and William’s 72 year old father and step-mother are working circles around him and his wife.

        IIRC, Charles and Cammy also went to Germany to represent the UK at at the German celebration of Armistice Day earlier this week.

  2. Elizabeth Regina says:

    PS I do like their masks!

  3. Eleonor says:

    I love Camilla’s coat.
    And the necklace.

  4. Ohlala says:

    Camilla looks great but she really needs good bra fitting. Charles very dapper

  5. Amy Bee says:

    That should be “the audacity to marry an intelligent [Black] American woman”. Yeah, I always believed the Queen was racist. The surprise was that she allowed Harry to marry Meghan in the first place. But she didn’t want to appear racist and she was afraid that Harry would leave the family if she opposed the marriage. She and family still think that Harry is just going through a phase hence the imposition of the one year review.

    As for her stepping down, that’s never going to happen as evidenced by the Government and Royal Family’s announcement that there are plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 which includes a four day holiday weekend.

    • Dalloway says:

      You beat me to it re: Platinum Jubilee announcement, but exactly this. QEII is not abdicating ever.

      Is it just me or is announcing the plans for the Platinum Jubilee 18 months in advance tempting the fates?

      • Nic919 says:

        That’s what I thought. Maybe also wait until covid is under control before announcing something like this where mass gathering is anticipated.

  6. Harper says:

    Dumb quote alert: “he sees it as his birthright, and Her Majesty would find it extremely difficult to deprive him of that.” So this whole Charles becomes monarch after Betty is just all in Chuck’s mind? I thought there was an official line of succession. Thanks, anonymous source at sub-par US Weekly, for this fun fact.

  7. Heat says:

    I think the RF is going to be rolling Charles & Camilla out more and more from here on out.
    They need to steer the optics away from all of the Cambridge vs. Sussex drama, and back onto the actual heir to the throne. I’m saying this from a PR standpoint, not my personal opinion.
    Also, the Queen is not young anymore…not even close. She won’t abdicate, but her health may dictate that before she does.

    • L84Tea says:

      That’s my thought as well. I think she is going to try to clamp herself to that throne till the bitter end, but her health could eventually leave her incapable of doing the job.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles should have reined in William, he just did nothing to help Harry. Even condoning the wreath fiasco

  8. tee says:

    Anyone know why Camilla is so beholden to that hairstyle?

  9. Cee says:

    I guess Kate didn’t show up because her military costume didn’t arrive on time.

  10. The Duchess says:

    HA! Their pettiness is off the charts. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I do love a good smackdown when it comes to Baldy & Keen. It’s Chuck & Camilla first. Not them. Somebody must be incandescent with rage right now 🤣

  11. Dalloway says:

    The UK Gov just announced today their plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022; she’s not going anywhere willingly.

  12. Becks1 says:

    Charles sees being king as his birthright and the Queen doesn’t want to deprive him of that? Um, is there a reason she would deprive him? What a weird quote.

    I do think its weird that Will and Kate didn’t make an appearance yesterday. Even Sophie and Edward did.

    Also LOL to the bit about slimming down the monarchy. That’s kind of been done thanks to the Sussexes, and I think Charles will let Anne stay on (since Andrew isn’t a concern at this point) – the big question mark is Edward and Sophie.

    • Nic919 says:

      Ok that’s interesting that Sophie and Edward were there but the Cambridges weren’t. They had nothing better to do. Makes me wonder if they are even in London but back in Norfolk.

      • Becks1 says:

        Not at the Abbey (I’m checking their twitter now. lol) – at the National Memorial Arboretum – Edward in full uniform with medals and all – which just seems in such poor taste IMO, considering Edward’s military attempt.

        So I’m sure there was an event that Will and Kate could have attended had they wanted to. It actually makes me wonder if they wanted to go to the Abbey and were told no?

    • RoyalBlue says:

      maybe they were punished after that wreath stunt they publicized. I certainly hope that’s the reason. Charles needs to flex more and show who is in charge.

    • Bishop says:

      Anne should be Queen to be honest.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        I have always thought this too. IMPO, she is the best suited personality wise.

      • Becks1 says:

        Its interesting though, right? Because if she was going to be queen, I wonder how that would have shaped her personality and upbringing and the whole idea of nature vs nurture. She’s known from a young age that she wouldn’t be queen (there was a chance of it when it was just her and Charles, but once Andrew and then Edward was born that chance became very very slim.) And I think that has given her a lot of freedom. If she had been the only child, would she be the same personality-wise?

  13. Kittylouise says:

    Disgusted with the lot of them (even more than usual) after that spiteful refusal of allowing Harry to place a wreath on Sunday.

    Charles could have done a lot to stick up for Harry and Meghan in general, but especially for that. The fact he’s been unwilling to stick his neck out for them is shameful, as a family and as a brand/business.

    Screw the lot of them frankly. And the hubris at announcing plans for a 90-something year old woman 18 months hence is remarkably stupid and/or optimistic.

    But bread and circuses for us in the UK as we get an extra day holiday, so we are supposed to be pleased. Give me a fucking break. Had enough of these parasites.

  14. Michelle says:

    She’s going nowhere. It was just announced that the UK are getting a bank holiday to celebrate her 70 years on the throne IN 2022!! That’s TWO years away. Hahahha.

  15. Julia K says:

    Love this outfit on Camilla. Very flattering. Accessories are perfect as well.

    • Lady D says:

      She is one of the best dressers in the RF. She always looks sharp, but like someone mentioned above, she really needs a good bra fitting.

      • Mignionette says:

        It’s also the way she hunches her shoulders inwards. On her broad shoulders it makes her boobs appear lower than they are. Then when you add the gait of her walk it makes it even more pronounced as she appears to shuffle, bounce and gawk very awkwardly all at once.

        I really feel like some of the women in the BRF don’t really know how to walk and hold themselves. Kate is another offender of the poor posture club.

      • Julia K says:

        I believe she has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Perhaps her posture and gait reflects that. Just guessing tho.

  16. Lizzie says:

    Why Baldy and a Look At Me not show up? Intriguing question and I’m sure the answer will soon be leaked.