Sometimes I just really wish Michael Lohan would released more statements about Lindsay Lohan. What’s he thinking, what’s he feeling? What are his thoughts on her latest outfit? What about the protruding nature of her collarbone? Does she have a few new freckles? What does Michael think of them?
Anyhoo, Michael’s just letting us know that he’s cool with Samantha Ronson’s relationship with Lindsay. You know, the woman he used to refer to as SaMANtha. Because she’s a tomboy. Clever, I know. I had wittier remarks in the second grade, but whatever. So Michael and Sam are buds now. Well, not necessarily. Samantha hasn’t said anything back, and something tells me she won’t be inviting him to her next BBQ.
Michael Lohan once condemned Samantha Ronson for being a bad influence on his 23-year-old daughter, blaming her for many of Lindsay’s recent problems, including a stalled film career and potential substance abuse issues. But now Michael tells Life & Style he was wrong about Samantha, offering a formal apology. “I want to say I’m sorry for anything negative I said about Sam,” Michael says. “It was totally off-color.” In fact, Michael, 49, now says he’s grateful for Sam’s influence on Lindsay. “I appreciate that she cares about Lindsay’s health and well-being,” he says, adding best wishes to Sam on her recent 32nd birthday.
What caused Michael’s abrupt 180-degree turn-around? According to Michael, it was a recent, long-overdue private meeting at Sam’s LA home. Michael says he came away from the meeting with a new outlook on Lindsay and Sam’s relationship. “I really see Sam in a whole different light now,” admits Michael, who says he allowed other people’s negative opinions about Sam influence his own.
[From Life & Style Weekly]
I don’t ever want to give Michael credit where credit isn’t due, but I’ve got to say I’m almost impressed. Granted, impressed isn’t really a feeling I can have when it comes to Michael Lohan. But I’m whatever the closest thing is. I mean he was almost mature. He was subdued but technically gracious in his comments. They weren’t so over-the-top that they came off as obvious bullshit. He was polite in that distant way people are about family members they’re not wild about but can handle nonetheless. And honestly, that’s about all you can ask for. Everyone would call Michael’s bluff if he were to shower Samantha with praises.
And to Samantha’s credit, considering this meeting was at her home, it makes e think that she’s the one who instigated it. If so, she deserves a lot of credit for her maturity and wanting to move on from the past. Ug, I feel almost ill from all this peace and harmony and non-drama.
Here’s Lindsay shopping on Tuesday. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
whoopee dooo!!
The excitement and interest never stops!! (sic)
Bit late isn’t it? Fairly sure that relation-ship has sailed.
Is there still a relationship to even accept?
Heh, that picture of him is so perfect for this post!
He is morphing into French Stewart. I hate that cause I love me some French Stewart. He was awesome in LOVE STINKS with Bill Bellamy,
I’m sorry, but I don’t buy his apology. It just seems so insincere when he blabs about it to any magazine willing to listen.
LL family are lowly worms. I get the feeling they were always sleezy even before Hollywood.
Blowhan FAIL.
grats to Samantha for getting that jerk off her back as far as that goes.
that said, i still don’t trust the slime. anything michael approves of is probably a bad idea.
linds and sam still need to end.
blast it, Samantha. Don’t you understand that following lindsay out of control just means the both of you will end up in the drink?!?