“Rosamund Pike’s blunt bob with destroy you in ‘I Care A Lot'” links

Rosamund Pike in I Care a Lot – this movie looks so screwed up, but I love that Rosamund is leaning into these kinds of roles. [Just Jared]
Brie Larson’s offhand comment sent Sapphic Twitter into a meltdown yesterday. [Towleroad]
The Kimye photo album has more misses than hits. [Go Fug Yourself]
College kids covering Dark Side of the Moon is pretty cool. [Pajiba]
Cardi B got a starring role in a comedy. [Dlisted]
Michael B.Jordan wishes Lori Harvey a happy birthday. [LaineyGossip]
Arrest all the white women who sieged the Capitol too. [Jezebel]
The memes of Donald Trump’s second impeachment. [Buzzfeed]
Emma Roberts posted a photo of her new baby Rhodes. [RCFA]
Megan Thee Stallion performs “Body.” [OMG Blog]

I Care A Lot:  Rosamund Pike as “Martha”. Photo Cr. Seacia Pavao / Netflix


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24 Responses to ““Rosamund Pike’s blunt bob with destroy you in ‘I Care A Lot'” links”

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  1. Genevieve says:

    Looks decadent and I love it. I’m a part of Malala’s book club with Literati and even she is sending us lighter, escapist reading next month. We NEED content like this and I’m looking forward to watching this Rosamund Pike movie movie. Yay.

  2. LightPurple says:

    Breathtakingly vicious! I’m there for that! Rosamund is giving off serious Annette Bening vibes.

    • lucy2 says:

      Yes! She does remind me of her here.

      This film looks good, I’m definitely going to watch it. I like Rosamund’s work a lot, and the rest of the cast is good too.

  3. L84Tea says:

    I love bob haircuts. They are my absolute favorite style on women because they frame the face and you can cut them a million different ways. I’m always so glad when celebrities get beautiful bobs because they look so good and sophisticated, and then they always go and grow them out and think they need long hair, and I’m left disappointed in them like “Why did you ditch that cut? You looked so good!” Hair is my thing I guess.

    • Pixelated says:

      I literally just cut off 6 inches of quarantine hair (with the help of my husband) and I feel so good haha. SO GOOD.
      If you’re itching to do this but are afraid of messing it up, I’d recommend cutting the shape with clippers and using thinning shears to remove weight from the ends.

    • Maxime duCamp says:

      Some people get bored, even with a great look. I look best with short hair (more pixie than bob). Other people have commented on it and I know this and truly like short hair. Yet I have grown it out time and time again over the course of my life. Often it was being bored with my style and wanting more options, but sometimes it was due to insufficient funds to pay for a haircut every 4-6 weeks. Right now my hair has been growing out because I haven’t been to a stylist since last March. I’m 100% work from home, do not have a ton of Zoom meetings and while I’m not shaming those who make other choices, I don’t feel that getting my hair done is a sufficient reason to put myself at risk. I’ve also decided to go gray and am sporting 4″ roots. Apparently, a combo of getting old(er), laziness, and a global pandemic have cured me of all vanity.

    • emmy says:

      I’m obsessed with well-cut Bob styles, my hair doesn’t cooperate though and shoulder length or longer looks best on me unfortunately. My hair is just too thick and wavy. But I love it when actresses change it up and whip out a great Bob. Rosamunde looks especially great with it but I also loved Emma Stone’s and at some point Sandra Bullock had a fabulous one.

  4. souperkay says:

    that “Fight Club” callback at 28 sec is sending me, just chef’s kiss. David Fincher needs to cast Rosamund in all his things!!

  5. Lucy says:

    I, too, love that she’s going all the way with playing this type of characters. She should keep it going, her turn in Gone Girl is nothing short of iconic.

  6. Juju says:

    Wooo for a Chris Messina sighting. 😁

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Looks like it could be a good revengy story line! But the thought of the first part – where someone could get a court to just mandate some rando to “take care” of you – that sh*t’s scary as all get out.

  8. Dss says:

    Wow those UMass kids are fantastic

  9. Implicit says:

    See I can slay TF outta bangs but I look like an overgrown oompa loompa in bobs it’s nothing short of tragic because i 🖤bobs

  10. Minorbird says:

    I know I always say this BUT CB has always turned me on to good movies and series. I know I cannot go wrong.

    I cannot WAIT to see this, thanks CB for coming thru w/the good watches.

  11. Mee yo says:

    I love that these types of movies are getting exposure. They’d usually be lost in the never ending comic book nonsense in the theaters. I’m all for these types of characters, had enough of ‘women just as love interest’ .

    • lucy2 says:

      That’s a great point. Everyone has been saying for years that the lower budget but not indie films have all but disappeared, looks like the streaming services are stepping in.
      I’m glad, I don’t want the only options out there to be big comic book movies.

  12. Aeren says:

    They misspelled revelation! How!?

  13. Still_Sarah says:

    Emma Roberts’ baby picture is a letdown but on trend for new celebrity parents. But I personally don’t see the point of publicly releasing a baby picture where you can’t see the baby’s face. If you don’t want people to see what your baby looks like, that’s fine. That is a parent’s right. But these non-photo photos are ridiculous.

  14. Truthiness says:

    Those comments on the Kimye photos are everything.

  15. Amy says:

    “I Care a Lot” looks AMAZEBALLS.

  16. Jules says:

    I can’t wait to see that Rosalind Pike film. Kinda reminds me of Gone Girl but not… also the thought of the elderly being taken advantage of, but hopefully it’s a good flick tho.

    Also, did any of you hear that Ben Affleck just gave another interview where he talks about J.Lo? I mean it was a bit favorable to her but why couldn’t he have said some of those things years ago?

    Have a great weekend everyone! Stay safe!