Cele|bitchy | Is a Star Jones and Rosie O’Donnell reality show coming?

Is a Star Jones and Rosie O’Donnell reality show coming?

i have a dream 110609
In news that I really hope is made up, In Touch is reporting that much-derided ex View hosts Rosie O’Donnel and Star Jones are teaming up for their own reality show. If this is true, let’s hope it never gets picked up:

It looks like former enemies Star Jones and Rosie O’Donnell have more in common than their mutual disdain for Barbara Walters! The two former co-hosts of The View, who feuded after Rosie criticized Star in 2006 for not disclosing her gastric-bypass surgery, have made amends and are planning a reality show together. “They get along quite well and have a wicked sense of humor when they’re together. Everyone keeps telling them they need to capture it on camera and now they’ve decided to,” a TV insider says. “They know people will tune in to see them.” Although reps for both stars deny the story, the show will combine elements of Oprah and Gayle King’s cross-country trip with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie’s The Simple Life trek. “They want to show their different personalities as they cope with real-life situations and determine if their new friendship can stand the stress of it all,” says the insider. “They’re hoping to be the new Lucy and Ethel of reality TV.”

[From In Touch, print edition, September 21, 2009]

Ah reality TV, the deceptive refuge for formerly tepid celebrities who have no other route to continued fame or cash. Maybe the key part of that story is that “reps for both stars deny” that Rosie and Star have anything in the works. I really dislike both of these women, but I could see how this type of show might get greenlighted. No one likes Octomom, either, and everyone wanted to see inside her warped world.

One of Rosie O’Donnell’s last public ventures involved staging a terrible variety show last Thanksgiving that was incredibly boring and tanked in the ratings. Star Jones’ had a talk show on CourtTV that ended after one year in early 2008. These two deserve each other, but no one else deserves to be subjected to their high levels of narcissism and nastiness.

Star Jones is shown on 9/2/09. Rosie O’Donnell is shown on 6/11/09. Credit: WENN.com

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9 Responses to “Is a Star Jones and Rosie O’Donnell reality show coming?”

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  1. Firestarter says:


  2. Bill Hicks is God says:

    Who are the other Two Horsemen of the Apocalypse revealing themselves as?

  3. Guest says:

    ditto @firestarter…

  4. Sam says:

    Noooo way. It’s already been proven wrong. Think gossipcop.com or one of the other sites like yours that I regularly read said it ain’t so. Whew! They would be the biggest thing on TV, though.

  5. gg says:

    whooo, Star Jones is lookin like she’s let herself go. more.

  6. Catherine says:

    That does NOT look like Star Jones! Oh wow, if that is her she looks horrid.

  7. birdgherl says:

    I would be glued to this.

  8. moo says:

    Best diet show on TV if true… I wouldn’t be able to eat looking at those two hags.

  9. Nicole says:

    Enter Rosie O’Donnell’s personal art raffle and help Rosie and the Rosie’s Broadway Kids Charity with their efforts to provide art programs to New York City public school children. You can enter by going to netraffle.org and clicking on Rosie O’Donnell. Grand prize includes Rosie O’Donnell’s original art piece, which can be seen on netraffle.org, and a cash prize. Tickets start at just $2.00 each and all proceeds help benefit Rosie’s Broadway Kids Charity and the Celebrity for Charities foundation. Entry deadline is tomorrow Friday, September 25th at 11am. Please visit netraffle.org to enter.