Cele|bitchy | Snake Hive Arise: Duchess Meghan allegedly ‘hissed’ at a traumatized aide in 2018

Snake Hive Arise: Duchess Meghan allegedly ‘hissed’ at a traumatized aide in 2018

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Visit University of the South Pacific

I hope Taylor Swift’s Snake Hive rises up in defense of the Duchess of Sussex, who I am now assuming is an inevitable member of the Snake Fam. According to a hilarious new story in the Sun, Meghan “turned and hissed” at a staffer during a stop in Fiji, as part of the Sussexes’ South Pacific tour in 2018. Meghan was pregnant at the time, and Prince Harry was incredibly protective of Meghan. There were a handful of events which were cancelled or changed at the last minute to accommodate Meghan’s pregnancy and (what was widely assumed) her morning sickness. There was a moment where Meghan was supposed to spend a certain amount of time at a Fiji market, but Meghan had to leave early because – as we were told at the time – the heat and the crush of the crowd. People forget that M&H were swarmed with fans at every stop of that tour, and I seem to remember that there were more people at the Fiji market than anyone expected. There were security concerns and Meghan’s guards ushered her from the scene earlier than expected. Except that according to the Sun, Meghan actually threw some kind of hissing tantrum, made a white woman cry and got mad about the United Nations.

Meghan Markle reportedly “turned and hissed” at a staff member in a row during a Fiji market tour, leaving the employee in “tears”. Security swept the then-pregnant duchess away from the market after she whispered to a bodyguard during a visit in October 2018. At the time, the reason given for the abrupt end to her walkabout was that the crowds grew too big to control.

However, Meghan, 39, was actually concerned about the presence of UN Women, a group which promotes women’s empowerment, The Times reported. A Daily Mail reporter was on the trip and claims they saw Meghan “turn and ‘hiss’ at a member of her entourage, clearly incandescent with rage about something, and demand to leave”.

They wrote: “I later saw that same – female – highly distressed member of staff sitting in an official car, with tears running down her face. Our eyes met and she lowered hers, humiliation etched on her features. At the time I was unable to document anything as I couldn’t conclusively link the two incidents together, despite my suspicions. I have subsequently found out from other sources that my instincts were right.”

According to a source, Meghan said she would only visit the Fijian market if there was no branding for the group. Lawyers for Meghan denied the claims, and said she met with leaders from UN Women later during her visit. She had worked with UN Women in the past.

Meghan was being given a tour of Suva Market during the 2018 Royal visit when her bodyguards intervened. One onlooker reportedly said Meghan appeared to “look concerned” before entering and “looked really disengaged, not her usual self at all”. She then apparently whispered something to one of her aides before being whisked away.

The witness told the Mirror: “She stopped to speak to a pineapple seller on one of the stalls and had a very blank and disengaged look on her face, which is very unlike her. It was very hot and humid in there so perhaps it wasn’t the best environment for a pregnant woman. After speaking for about a minute she broke off and spoke to the same aide again before she was whisked out of the market very soon after.”

[From The Sun]

Granted, I’m not a racist British reporter with an axe to grind, but it sounds more like Meghan was feeling poorly – perhaps morning sickness, perhaps she was just faint from the heat – and she leaned over and told an aide and a few of her guards and they whisked her away so she wouldn’t barf on anyone or pass out cold in the market. As for the completely random, idiotic smear about UN Women… um, why would UN Women, as an organization, be involved with a marketplace in Fiji? And even if they were involved (???), why would Meghan feel one way or the other? She literally worked with the organization and she still works with them in some loose capacity. But no, it’s all about the HISS! Meghan the Snake! She made someone cry, don’t ask what the circumstances were, she totally HISSED you guys. Snake Hive, ARISE.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Visit University of the South Pacific

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Visit University of the South Pacific

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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142 Responses to “Snake Hive Arise: Duchess Meghan allegedly ‘hissed’ at a traumatized aide in 2018”

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  1. Oatmeal says:

    If these hit pieces are gonna be this stupid they may as well go all out and have someone say “I saw Meghan eat babies and strangle puppies!”

    Good lord

    • Brit says:

      It reads like a Cersei Lannister character script. This is so cringe, lol.

      • Yvette says:

        @Brit … Frankly, I think these hit pieces are all about upsetting the British audience so they won’t have any sympathy for Meghan over whatever it is they’re so afraid she will say. They’re trying to turn more people against Meghan and re-ignite hatred in those who already hate her. I mean, look at how many people bought these lies when they were first published.

    • Cecilia says:

      Honestly they’re getting more ridiculous and obvious by the day.

      • Bernie says:

        It’s cringey at this point. I expect it will only get worse.

      • chimes@midnight says:

        I fully expect the next one to be an exclusive about Meghan demanding 101 dalmatian puppies in order to make a coat that would cost millions and outshine Kate. Then a follow up about her making a poor staffer cry when they had to tell her that dalmatian puppies are born without spots.

      • ama says:

        Maybe she can be a real good bitch?! Can’t we all? (…at least that’s what I thought we are coming here for?…)

      • Bettyrose says:

        AMA – I suspect Meghan can be assertive (ie a “bitch”). How the hell else did she get to where she is? I realize the Brits aren’t paying nearly as much attention to this as Americans are but it all seems so insulting to every successful, confident British woman that those traits are treated as foreign and offensive.

    • My3cents says:

      Yup, remember the banana cake she baked on that tour? I expect we’ll now be getting some poor womans testimony that she was lead to believe it was carrot cake and was utterly devastated when she learned it wasn’t, and that Meghan actually tried to poison her because she knew she was allergic to bananas.Of course she was in tears.

    • Tulip says:

      And have you noticed also how (since the Oprah interview was announced) – no one’s talking about the last season of The Crown? I mean Charles’s and Camilla’s affair, the way the BP treated Diana, how she was gaslighted for years?
      Charles must be overjoyed

      • cherriepie84 says:

        Has UN Women come out in support of Meghan? It would be really disappointing if they remained silent throughout this smear campaign…..

    • Moxylady says:

      Hot and humid in a crowd while pregnant. Lord. I’ve gone from happy to coping to white knuckling while pregnant in the time it took you to read this sentence. The heat is no joke. Hell. I stood up in a wedding and the bride left a seat in the front row of the church open for me if I was feeling dizzy. Ugh.
      Racists gonna racist I guess.

      • And just maybe, Meghan wasn’t hissing, but sucking in her breath trying not to vomit if she was experiencing morning sickness. Amazing that the Daily Mail reporter is such a slow top that it has taken her 3 years to piece the ‘facts’ together enough to just this moment release this smear. Maybe, the woman crying in the car had her foot stepped on or was just one of those ‘tearful white staff’ that thinks every time Meghan looked in her general direction or made a noise it was all about her…..geeze this is something.

      • swirlmamad says:

        We were still living in NYC when I was pregnant with my first. I remember bringing ice packs to hold on the back of my neck in the subway on my way to work in the dead of summer dealing with raging morning sickness. ANY woman who’s been pregnant would sympathize with Meghan if she needed to go immediately.

    • FilmTurtle says:

      “I saw Meghan eat babies and strangle puppies!” Heh, have you been reading Blind Gossip? The pure Meghan hatred, especially in the comments section, is intense and hilarious. (I suspect BG is trolling for pageviews, but the effect is the same.) It’s a bummer to see it happen because BG used to be a daily visit.

    • Genevieve says:

      I saw Goody Sussex sign the devil’s book!

  2. Brit says:

    These people are literally fan fiction writers. I can’t believe they went to school and decided to become a glorified PR reporter for this dying and quite frankly irrelevant institution. You can’t tell me they get joy and happiness from this joke of a career. This is so unbelievable and that’s why no one is buying it except the haters.

    • Mac says:

      The Sun needs to pay their interns. Someone worked really hard on this purple prose.

      • bros says:

        our eyes met. I stared at her. Could it be true? she lowered hers, streaming with tears. my suspicions were correct. it was all a lie. she was betrayed. Enraged, I grabbed my sword to defend her honor.

        is this supposed to be journalism? This is feverish romance novel stuff.
        love the ‘UN Women’
        how does one know they are UN women? do they have a special uniform? identifying marks? this is fascinating feverish stuff. someone get the sniffing salts!

    • Elvie says:

      I think most fan fiction is of a higher quality than this drivel. I agree with you, I’d be embarassed to have written these pieces.

    • My Two Cents says:

      the same woman who baked banana bread for the Australia farmers is now hissing at people? ha ha ha

      • I’m telling ya, the next story is going to be about how Meghan had the staff at Admiralty House go out for ingredients (which is so not in their job description) so she could bake that banana bread. The nerve of that Meghan. Trust me, it’s coming.

    • Myra says:

      Hissed??? The Duchess of Sussex hissed like an animal in public and there are no videos of it? The aide even cried infront of a RR but somehow the RR didn’t take a picture of it nor did he ever talk about it to anyone, until now. Sure, Jan.

      • My Two Cents says:

        and yet, this is the same woman who smiled through the Commonwealth ceremony while Kate and Will were IGNORING her in front of millions. Wouldn’t that have been an appropriate moment to hiss?

  3. smegmoria says:

    Do they realize none of this makes sense? Wait, of course they do. Their audience just wants to feed off of nonsensical hate, as do they.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      It does to the racist and xenophobic haters at the Sun and the Daily Mail (also add the BBC News website commenters).

      Anyone with a brain can understand this is a smear campaign orchestrated to put Meghan in ‘her place’.

  4. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    So now Meghan was ‘incandescent with rage’? Oh, the gaslighting!!!

    • Sunday says:

      They’re trying to play the SEO game and bury william’s incandescent with rage stories by using the phrase in reference to Meghan as much as they can; this isn’t the first time, and it’s intentional. Same as the stories that use the word ‘divorce’ to explain Harry & Meghan’s split with the palace – they want those keywords associated with each other.

      • LaraW” says:

        I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense. I initially thought “incandescent with rage” is an extremely specific string not really worth playing the SEO game (or just normal epithet game, like Homer in the Iliad or something), but given all the stuff about bullying, someone probably would use that string in a query re William.

      • Sunday says:

        @LaraW – exactly, it’s not strategic in terms of actual search volume or trends, it’s just to bury any references to william in conjunction with that phrase.

      • Louise says:

        Exactly. I’m sure that’s why Lainey consistently refers to Andrew as “being friends with dead rapist pedophile Jeffrey Epstein…” as well. The other side of the coin i guess. I just cannot believe the brazen gaslighting, coupled with ineptitude, coming from the palaces.

      • NightOwl says:

        That makes a lot of sense.

        Separately, I find it so odd that everyone is always allegedly in tears in the palace.

      • Amelia says:

        Honestly, that’s the only thing I can believe—that everyone’s in tears all the time at the palace. Only it’s not because of Meghan!

      • swirlmamad says:

        Well, we’ll just have to keep on linking ragey Prince William with being incandescent with rage on this site, won’t we???

    • Kiera says:

      The second I saw that wording I knew this had come from KP. They can’t even change up the words they use! For f*cos sake use a damn thesaurus.

      • Jessa says:

        If it’s an SEO game, the consistent usage of words will be intentional – aiming to drive up traffic to this to knock the other pieces about Wills down the ranking. It’s quite a clever strategy if deliberate, so it’s a debate whether it’s intentional or not given who we’re talking about.

    • My3cents says:

      Probably caught it from William? Highly contiguous.

    • Coco says:

      Was that a subliminal dig at Prince William? Or do the British tabloids need a thesaurus?

  5. Noki says:

    Even though she wasnt an A lister pre Harry, wouldnt we have heard something like ‘that actress from Suits is a complete diva.’ ?

    • Sofia says:

      We definitely would have. Or people would have heard legitimate whispers from crew or something.

      Take Lea Michelle for example. Before the big bullying story came out last year, there were loads of rumours that she wasn’t anything less than a bitch for YEARS.

      • JT says:

        Didn’t the Sun or the DM hire an investigator to find dirt on Meghan and they came up empty handed? Surely her “rage” would’ve been unearthed in that investigation? They literally bribed Simon Rex with $70,000 to fake having a relationship with her

    • Becks1 says:

      Or we would have heard it the INSTANT her relationship with Harry was outed to the press.

      • bettyrose says:

        So true. When their relationship was outed, literally *one* person came out and called her “pushy,” and we know that story.

    • MissMarierose says:

      Absolutely. The British press was so desperate to say something negative about her, they lied about her growing up in Compton.
      If there were stories about her being a B or a bully on Suits or in college or literally *anywhere else*, they would have reported that BEFORE she and Harry got married.

      • Harper says:

        Patrick Adams (her Suits co-star) went nuts today on Twitter defending Meghan. No mention of hissing from him either.

      • bettyrose says:

        And would growing up in Compton even be a “negative”? That “straight outta” phrase comes from a biopic about kids from Compton who achieved super stardom. LOL. I guess it’s a gauche American opinion, but growing up poor and making a name for yourself is something to be proud of.

  6. sara says:

    this is the most idiotic random attack yet. there is so much video, including live footage recorded with all the royal reporters describing the situation at the time – all saying it was some combo of heat/crowd control etc. these people are so bad at PR! because the second people pull those videos back, they’ll also just show how insanely popular meghan was in fiji, and how she gave a speech that day in fiji about women’s education and empowerment.

    part of me just questions what on earth naive story harry sold her saying that life as a royal would work out. but then I realize how mike and zara tindell are able to give interviews and do podcasts, and how william does his itv docs – and harry probably assumed they could just do the same. instead, that didn’t even last a day.

    • lanne says:

      I think he didn’t realize the extent to which the British people think they own him. After all, Meghans biggest crime after existing as a Duchess is “taking their prince away.” He probably never wants to set foot in England again (he said as a young man he didn’t like England on camera) and never wants his children to set foot in England. It’s seriously creepy. A whole country of people who feel like jilted ex lovers.

      • Gillysirl says:

        Exactly! I saw a tweet today saying he’d been grifting off the British taxpayers since the day he was born so they “own” him. Ummmm- don’t even know where to start with that. And he left. Still not happy.

      • I also don’t think he saw William’s scorched earth war coming or that BP and CH would join up for it.

    • Betsy says:

      I think Harry told precisely how he thought it would be, not understanding the depths to which his brother was willing to go to bury him.

  7. Ang says:

    Why are someone else’s unprofessionalism and tears anyone’s problem but their own??

    • Amy Too says:

      And what if she was crying because she was worried about Meghan? Or it was her job to make sure the right amount of security was brought to deal with the size of the crowd and now she was upset that a stop on the tour had to be ended early bc she didn’t set it up properly? Maybe she was also really hot and overwhelmed by the crowd and the humidity? There’s so many other explanations.

      And no one heard what Meghan said right? Or even the tone she said it in? They’re using “hissed” as the evil word version of “whispered” on purpose bc there’s no actual evidence of Meghan being a bully behind this accusation. Thus a whisper gets turned into a hiss.

      And how does Meghan looking a little blank and dazed even act as any kind of evidence that she was an angry mean bully? Are they trying to claim that’s the exact point when the devil was entering her body?

    • TaraBest says:

      I once cried after a meeting when my boss (who I really liked) kindly and gently corrected me on something I did during the meeting. He couldn’t have been more polite about it but I felt so upset I had let him down! There are so many reasons someone’s boss might “make” them cry and not all of them are because the boss is bad/mean!

  8. Frida_K says:

    “A Daily Mail reporter was on the trip and claims they saw Meghan “turn and ‘hiss’ at a member of her entourage, clearly incandescent with rage about something, and demand to leave”.”

    Wait, no, this is incorrect. They must be projecting their turgid Willnot fantasies on this situation. It’s WILL who is “incandescent with rage” not anyone else! Will, I tell you!

    What’s going on in the world when Bill Keen’s signature emotional state is attributed to someone else?

    Ha hahahaha ha ha …. they are pathetic.

    • JT says:

      It’s classic Trump projection. I mean really…they couldn’t even pick up a thesaurus? Do any of those gold standard advisors know any more phrases?

    • Couch potato says:

      If a Daily mail reporter actually had seen that, it would’ve been the headline news. He would’ve stalked the crying woman in the car to find out what happened.

    • Amy Bee says:


    • Betsy says:

      Does anyone else feel like, yeah, this outlet is carrying William’s water *but* that they’re also poking fun at him like that Tatler story did to Kate? Of course in that instance it was through a subtle mocking tone that they told the truth, and here it’s by using William’s trademark emotion to describe Meghan.

      It’s such a ridiculous story and so winky.

      • Amy Too says:

        I’ve been feeling that when reading a lot of these articles. Like they’re parroting the palace talking points but the way they’re writing the articles, the quotes they’re including, and the examples of the supposed bullying being amplified, sometimes read like even the royal reporter knows this is pretty ridiculous.

    • L4frimaire says:

      The same Daily Mail that lost a lawsuits against both Harry and Meghan, who now have to publish a big front page apology and pay 90% of her legal costs, basically everything except the retainer. They really are reliable witnesses, lol.

  9. Sequinedheart says:

    1. I don’t believe this for a second.
    2. It’s pathetically funny how stupid and low these people will go to make her look bad.
    3. Just, stop BP. Stop.

  10. Maliksmama says:

    Are we sure it was a snake-ish hiss? It could’ve been more cat-like.

    • Sequinedheart says:

      Hahahahahaha! Specifics, please!

    • Original Jenns says:

      All I can think of is the movie “Just Friends”, when Anna Faris hisses at Amy Smart in the bar. So ridiculous!!

    • Sunday says:

      I’m picturing that campy dracula turn-and-hiss move, hands raised like claws. LOLOL

    • Layday says:

      Or maybe her hiss was more like a raccoon or even a possum? That can’t be ruled out either can it? We need specifics on the exact animal analogy-esque nature of the hiss so we can summon the appropriate level of outrage sigh. The Sun really dropped the ball here on the character assassination……

  11. Lauren says:

    “Incandescent with rage” there goes Willieleaks showing his ass again.

    • Sandra says:

      I was just going to say, gee that sound familiar. Is this a phrase that British media uses on the regular or is this Bill’s publicist being sloppy?

  12. Maria says:

    Oh my god I wish we could post GIFS here because right now I am screaming like Stanley from The Office. These people are so dumb and bad at their jobs in addition to being evil, I can’t handle this. This is the dumbest story I have ever seen anyone connected to the BRF release.

  13. Sofia says:

    She hissed? So like a cat or a snake lol

    But anyways they need to stop. I’ve actually seen some comments saying “I believe the bullying” and “I don’t like her” but they also say that the timing is incredibly suspect and it’s due to the Oprah interview.

    So even some of the people believing this know the timing is suspicious.

  14. lanne says:

    Someone needs to start a funny hashtag like “my palace source” for all of these ridiculous statements. KP office is just full of monkeys flinging shit at this point

    • Izzy says:

      The hashtag already exists and was put to good use when that stupidity about the 5am emails first started a few years ago, but it’s a great idea to reuse it for this, so thank you for the suggestion. I already sent a Tweet with it, and I made sure to tag the royal family thanking them for making it easier to abolish the monarchy.

      Nothing like Petty Tweets to start the weekend right.

  15. Sunday says:

    Ok the hissing smear takes the cake, I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe. I am SO SURE that if Meghan turned and HISSED at someone in public, surrounded by cameras and hundreds of people that it would TOTALLY be buried for years and not immediately reported on with videos of her hissing on a loop on GMB and ITV forever and ever and ever. Yup.

  16. Miranda says:

    I highly doubt their story, but come on! If anyone is allowed to throw a literal hissy fit, it’s a pregnant woman with morning sickness in a steamy tropical climate.

    • Ignoto says:

      It didn’t happen. There were so many cameras following Meghan during the tour that if this actually happened we would have seen it. Furthermore, this would have came out during the first phase of the smear campaign. There were two broadcast specials involving the Oceania tour and both had footage of this event. Meghan met with some of the female vendors who were involved with the UN Women’s project “Markets for Change” and was smiling and chatty throughout the tour of the marketplace. They do realize videos of this event are still up on YouTube. I just watched a couple of videos and Meghan was accompanied by one woman who was by her side throughout the event.

  17. Shoo fly says:

    That video and incident, well documented at the time, shows a completely uncontrolled, dangerous environment. Not because of where it was or who was there but because there was little to know crowd control. Show me the last time any other royal was placed that close to the public. It was a disaster and security risk and some aide absolutely should have taken heat for it.

    • whateveryousay says:

      That’s what gets me. There’s video! This didn’t happen. And they just throw out yeah there were security issues and she was ready to pass out but yep she totally hissed.

  18. ArtHistorian says:

    She allegedly “hissed” – could the dehumanizing dog-whistle be anymore blatant!!!

  19. Beach Dreams says:

    This is beyond pathetic. So many cameras were on her that day (and the entire tour), and many of us were watching in real time. Nothing of the sort actually happened. They already tried to dramatize this engagement back then and it didn’t work. They’re ripping out the kitchen sink at this point and they’re too prideful to stop.

    • AnneSurely says:

      Welll, I guess this entire staff debacle puts paid to the stiff upper lip notion. And the fact that in 20 years of working, literally every person who has been around Meghan has gone out of their way to mention how lovely she is, in multiple countries and cultures shows us just who is the problem here. If you met an asshole in the morning, you met qn assbole. If you met assholes all day, you’re the asshole. These people.

    • Sid says:

      Beach Dreams, that is what I remember too. The entire market visit was caught on camera from start to finish. These reporters are becoming more of a sideshow than they already are.

  20. Becks1 says:

    Their lies are getting so bad, its pathetic. I actually think this one is about smearing Meghan’s UN work, so they wont work with her again – Meghan was so angry at being at a UN Women event that she threw a tantrum!!! Right in the middle of hundreds of people!

    And maybe Meghan hissed at her staffer because she left another tag on her dress, who knows?

    • lanne says:

      Maybe the tag was on her back and it itched! I think I have hissed for that reason.

    • Sunday says:

      Yes. They’re floating the UN women smear buried in the hissing (LOL) story, same as they tried with the earrings within the bullying story. It’s a trial balloon to see if it gets legs or pushback. They’re trying to counter any positive mention of her pre-harry humanitarian work in the oprah interview to continue the dismantling of her character. It’s low and pathetic, and it’s rendered impotent due to the fact that Archewell is currently, actively promoting UN Women’s initiatives.

      • Amy Too says:

        I’m starting to wonder if the palace told her she had to distance herself from UN Women, as that was part of her old life and she had to make sure she wasn’t coming off as a “political” “woke” feminist by being associated with them in any way, shape, or form. Especially not casually, like being photographed around their logo or advertising, or talking with them outside of any very specific official engagement set up by the palace, and then whenever the palace saw that UN Women were around or involved with something they made her leave? I don’t know. This just sounds so bizarre and not at all like Meghan, but it does sound like the palace would be all “you can’t talk to them anymore!” and then whenever she was forced to avoid them they’re now trying to make it seem like it was her choice bc she hates them and gets into a ridiculous, inexplicable snit every time she as much as sees their logo.

        We have a lot of examples of the palace forcing something on her against her will and then trying to smear her for “choosing” that thing. Like the birth certificate story. They made her do that and then tried to pretend she did this thing that goes completely against her own values all on her own because….. reasons.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yeah, the story sounds made up. The fact is the white people on the security team freaked out that so many Fijians came to see her. Plus, why would she be upset that UN Women was involved? She was made to leave them by the Royal Family when she got engaged, only to see Sophie become involved in a UN programme dealing with women in conflict later. The Royal Family is trying to undermine her relationship with UN Women.

  21. GirlOne says:

    What are they getting at by constantly bringing up UN Women and Meghan’s supposed discomfort with them? Why would she want to distance herself from that organisation? It makes no sense but they must have some reason from bringing it up again and again.

    • sara says:

      I think it’s an (bad) attempt to show she’s a narcissist? Like “I can be the only one in the room who cares about women’s rights!!!!”


  22. PC says:

    This is so dumb, There is video of this market trip. I remember they whisked her out of there as they were concerned for her safety as people were clamoring over each other and stalls to see her.

  23. Janey says:

    Wow. I am going to need someone in the US media to do a run down on this. Like a daily clownery session. View?

  24. whateveryousay says:

    I am laughing. This is so dumb. Also since she met with them later WTF LOL

  25. Lemons says:

    How many Beckys are going to cry before we actually see some names and faces on these stories?

    • Korra says:

      Funny you mention Beckys because the reporter making this claim up is Becky English herself!

  26. Louise177 says:

    They have been vague with the bullying instances but when they add some details it’s eye rolling. I can’t believe TRF thought the smear campaign was a good idea. It’s making them look stupid when early emails and supposedly hissing it’s all they can claim.

  27. Red Weather Tiger says:

    Oh hey—she was “incandescent with rage”! We all know who is behind THAT little crack, don’t we?

    And is it a job requirement in Britain to cry at the smallest things? To sit in cars with anguished tears streaming down your face? Or is that required only if your boss is a black woman?

    How many more Sussex events are they going to relitigate with Meghan now being the most terrifying person anyone had ever met? Did she spit in Kate’s hair at the Commonwealth Day service? Step on Charlotte’s tightless toes at her own wedding? Tell young George he would be shiny bald like his Papa by high school when they all converged at a polo gane? Come on.

  28. Eleonora says:

    Don’t know about Taylor’s fans, but this is getting on the radar of Kpop fans, partly because BTS was mentioned in the Harry special with James Corden.

    A lot of them are not from the US/UK, so were less aware of all that happened before, but I already saw several taking Meghan/Harry’s side.

    I think a lot of this is about Kpop fans not liking racists who are hateful to successful people that are “too foreign” or “not white enough” (like Meghan, but also Kpop artists), so they are a natural allies against Trump, racism etc.

    Added to this, a lot of young people saw the Crown and now think of the Royals as villains.

    • Izzy says:

      OMG. The kpop fans are NOT to be messed with. I hope they go in HARD on the RF. Damn, I’m gonna need more popcorn.

      • Eleonora says:


        There recently was an incident with a local radio deejay in Germany being nasty to BTS. This while racism against Asian people is increasing in many places.

        Within a day fans from all around the world went beserk.
        In case you’re interested, the hashtag was #bayern3apologize

        It even reminded me of what I learned at Celebitchy, as people here are good at identifying apologies that aren’t actually apologies and full of gaslighting.

        The good that came out of it was that fans of several other Kpop groups and some western artists also spoke out against the racism.

        I think all Harry or Meghan have to do is say they’re a fan of Kpop/BTS/another Kpop group and they will have millions of new allies :D.
        But seriously, I’ve already seen Kpop fans sharing stuff about supporting Meghan in particular and discussing it.

    • Sid says:

      If the kpop fans decide to step in and support Meghan, it’s a wrap for the royal reporters. They will not have a moment’s peace online until they back off.

  29. MsIam says:

    Does the Sun realize their own story contradicts itself? In the beginning it says a reporter saw Meghan clearly “incandescent with rage” hissing at someone. Then later, an actual witness says she had a strange look on her face, whispered to an aid, and then left. So which is it? And the witness talks about how it was hot and humid and might have been uncomfortable for a pregnant woman. Jeez! These folks are really showing their asses with these stories.

  30. aquarius64 says:

    These palace idiots. They think the whole world lacks critical thinking skills.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Aquarius64, and there it is. The brf has spent those 1000 years saying anything, and they were believed. Now we’re in the 21st century, and guess what? There are still those who will believe anything that the brf wants them to. Then there they others within the UK and the rest of the world who actually think about what they’re saying and how they’re saying it. They have to know that they will lose a game like that. I don’t believe that they’re this insulated. Are they?

  31. Lesley says:

    So ricudulous, such a stupid story. Do they think that we were not paying attention to what happened on the tour? I’m in New Zealand and that makes Fiji a neighbour. It also means what happens in Fiji often gets reported here. At the market that day it was hot and humid. I’m talking the humidity so hot and heavy that it feels hard to breathe. Person who was in charge of security did not prepare properly, there was not sufficient barriers to keep the crowds back. Obviously the women there were excited to see Meghan and with few barriers and limited security so everyone pushed forward and understandably Meghan felt overwhelmed and asked to leave. She was pregnant and with little moving air it would have felt scary IMO so I don’t blame Meghan for wanting to go. As for the reporting crying aid? I suspect it was the woman in charge of security and she knew she had got it very wrong and put her charge in danger.

    • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

      Also in NZ, and agree. Except that I think the crying aide is completely fictitious. A crowd like that is risky if it gets out of control. Although the weird hate cult would probably be delighted if she’d fainted in the heat and been trampled.

  32. Sandra says:

    I haven’t gotten to being in hot weather as a pregnant lady yet. But I’m due in August so I can report back soon. But depending on where she was in her pregnancy, I know if I was in a market place with different smells of different foods during my morning sickness phase, I might have to abruptly leave, lest I barf. Like, even smells of my usually my favorite foods made my stomach churn. I’m so thankful that phase is over. Still have slight trouble with chicken and garlic though.

    Also, OH MY GOD I WANT TO WEAR THAT DRESS! My bump is just coming in and I want all of the cute maternity clothes.

  33. chimes@midnight says:

    She wasn’t hissing. She was just practicing for her Cats audition.

    You see, Kate and Wills introduced them to this young man who claimed to be Sidney Poitier’s son……..

    (apologies for the deep dive reference, hope somebody gets it and it makes them chuckle)

  34. PizzaIsGood says:

    This is so stupid. But I love the attention to pointless details, especially how Meghan “stopped to speak with a pineapple seller.” Ahahaha! That actually made me laugh out loud.

    Was the witness 3 years old? Did the witness then continue on: “…my grandma really likes pineapple… Grandma also likes cheese and has a little dog named Moe!”

  35. IntheKnow says:

    The hissing story made me laugh it’s so dumb. Functional illiterates are funny. How does one hiss? I’d like to learn how to hiss because there are some people who deserve to be hissed at. Also, I don’t know Meghan, but, while I believe she is self confident and assertive, she’s not the hissing type imo. If I knew how to hiss, I’d totally be a hisser!

    • Lady D says:

      I had three cats for almost 17 years. I have the two boys still, we lost their sister at Halloween. After all that time with them, I can hiss like a pro. It’s my go to for discipline on the foster/homeless cats that arrive. I’ve never actually tried it on a person though, I couldn’t imagine the type of looks I’d get. I bet there would be some funny ones:)

  36. Gwendolyn says:

    Even if (big if) she did ‘hiss’ it could have been a panicky one vs a mean spirited one. I know I was sharpish when I had to rush out of a meeting before I hurled. I’ve never been pregnant, but I have been overheated and poorly; at that point all you can focus on is a quick exit and not collapsing. And since the Daily Fail drama queen didn’t see the woman in the car crying by Meghan for all they knew she got a dressing down from a supervisor (not Meghan) for not being better prepared for crowds, or checking if Meghan was feeling well before they got of the car to start the visit. So many holes on this story, and so many different ways the same information can be viewed.

  37. Mina_Esq says:

    Even if this were true (eyeroll), I’d be embarrassed to admit that I cried because my boss was rude to me. Like, good luck in the real world, lady.

  38. JP says:

    Hissed? Wtf!?! That is so stupid. Did she hiss, or did she suck in air because she felt like passing out? I feel like if she had a tendency to hiss at people, that would have leaked a LONG time ago. I hope she spills all the tea. Every last drop of it.

  39. Merricat says:

    Isn’t England the size of Oregon? Adorable.

  40. L4frimaire says:

    There is some serious revisionist history being written here. There were a lot of stories written about this incident and then later on some snarky commentary written by Emily Andrew’s trying to make it look like Meghan bailed to be a diva. I can’t remember the exact publication, but someone wrote something interesting at the time Meghan joined and the international interest was ramping up. They asked a KP spokesperson if they were increasing their staffing to handle the amount of new coverage, press requests and interest in the new Duchess. Their response was basically why would they need to do that, there was no need. At the time they only had 2 or 3 staffers handling all media requests. So I think that the royal staff was basically overwhelmed and underprepared. They were getting unprecedented international interest on this tour, and anything Meghan related. Meghan approached her work more seriously, had a lot of questions and wanted more preparations, and the British press felt this was their territory being encroached on. Their reaction was to blame Meghan and react with resentment, whether from the other households and the staff. They actually had to work harder, and some couldn’t keep up, especially when they didn’t want to work with her in the first place. I actually could believe that some young assistant who only had to schedule 20 minute charity visits before would be overwhelmed by the crush of this tour, especially when something went wrong. Meghan probably had nausea and someone dropped the ball on the crowd situation. Before the Oceania tour, when was the last royal tour people paid really attention to? Was there one in Caribbean when Harry met Rihanna, then made a detour to Toronto? I don’t even know. I tell you, 5 years from now they’ll still be talking/about this stuff and not over it.

  41. Catherine says:

    There are miles and miles of video of her at the market. Please someone show me the hissing. I would laugh at this but this is coded language to dehumanize her. Also the UN allegation is laughable and I suspect it will quickly fade. First, Meghan met with some reps from the UNWomen during the trip. Second Sussex royal put together for International day of the girl, a UN initiative. Last year, Meghan was interview by GIRL UP, a UNWomen foundation and Archewell just referenced a UN initiative for International Women’s Day and Women’s history month. These British tabloid journalists are not only unethical they are lazy. They don’t do their homework before the make these accusations. They clearly think they can undermine her credibility as a women’s advocate.

  42. Greywacke says:

    Megan’s Suit’s costar – Patrick J. Adams – just came out in defense of her: http://www.justjared.com/2021/03/05/meghan-markles-suits-co-star-patrick-j-adams-defends-her-ahead-of-oprah-winfrey-interview/.

  43. Betsy says:

    Congratulations, Kensington Palace! I wasn’t going to watch the interview – sorry, it seemed like a two hour waste of my time – but now I have to see what you guys are so afraid of. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  44. GGRosey86! says:

    Should be a pretty epic interview. Ratings & advertising money are at play here.

  45. Larisa says:

    Jesus Christ, 9/12 stories are on Meghan in some form. This is exhausting. I bet Meghan doesn’t think about this stuff as much as everyone on CB does these days. Time to rename the resource, methinks.

    • Monica says:

      The furor will die down to a modest number of posts about M’s fashion choices and Archewell’s latest charitable endeavors once The Firm plugs the spewing fountain of b***s***. (One can wish and hope, however fancifully.)

  46. Olenna says:

    LMAO. This is the Amy Cooper of all stories, right here: “I later saw that same–female–highly distressed member of staff sitting in an official car, with tears running down her face. Our eyes met and she lowered hers, humiliation etched on her features.” The melodrama–how can one not laugh at these clowns’ writing skills?

  47. Midge says:

    Why are all these staffers always crying? I’ve had instruments thrown at me in the operating room by my attending surgeon and didn’t cry.

    • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

      Exactly, it’s all made up, or these people are not functioning adults. All this bursting into tears over every stupid trivial little thing, it’s like I remember being in the third form where everybody was super hormonal.

      Although, I think your surgeon could be more professional and not not throw tantrums. Nobody should have to put up with that.

  48. The Recluse says:

    My guess is that the Bey-hive is still in the trenches breathing fire on these racists. The Snake-hive should be more than welcome to join in the fracas.

  49. NJ says:

    These palace aides are always ” in tears” . Who cries at work? I thought British don’t do emotions. Where’s their stiff upper lip?

    • Trillian says:

      Stiff upper lip aside, what grown ass woman cries at their job just bc someone was in a bad mood? Jeeez.

  50. Monica says:

    All these stories about Meghan the Bully are reminding me of the 2016 Clinton-Trump presidential debate, when Hillary said Trump was a puppet of Russia and he immediately started spluttering, “Puppet! No, you’re the puppet!!1!1!?!!!”

  51. L4frimaire says:

    The thing with all these rumors is that there is an actual real story behind all these headlines but these royal reporters are afraid to publish that story. I would love to see what was going on behind the scenes when they found out she was pregnant and how well they handled the tour. It seems like they were given an intense schedule and they handled it extremely well. Everyone says that things really broke open after this tour and the gloves were off . We’ll never get the real story unless there is a whistleblower in the royal midst.

    • Nic919 says:

      Meghan was doing a tour while barely out of her first trimester and it wasn’t a Cambridge style tour of two events per day plus days of rest in between. So already just doing the tour this way made the lazy ones look bad.

      I recall the market event because it was clear at the time that Meghan was removed by her security when they determined that the crowd was getting too big amd she was in an area where it could overwhelm them. No one questioned RPO decisions of the white royals but they tried to make Meghan look like a diva when you can see the large crowd that had formed in the area. And that where I first started to question the bias of the RRs because I had seen the video which justified what the RPOs did but then the RRs tried to spin it negatively.

      Besides, if a pregnant woman is tired and needs to leave, then give her that break. The white duchess didn’t even have to leave her home for months when she was pregnant much less do a significant tour, so Meghan was already doing more than the others but still getting criticized for it.

  52. incognito08 says:

    Wow. Do these so-called journalists realize how stupid they look? “Meghan turned and hissed at a staffer during a stop at Fiji…” What the hell?! This tripe smacks of bigotry and another example of their attempts to de-humanize black women by equating us and/or our actions to uncivilized animals. As an African-American woman, this is emotionally and physically draining.

  53. Lizzie says:

    Is q anon running rf pr now? Just as nutty and completely unbelievable yet the devoted fall for it.

  54. Lizzie says:

    The rf must have changed their motto from never complain to never stop complaining.

  55. shirley says:

    Woner how many people in the uk will watch the Opra interview

  56. Jackie says:

    I seriously doubt the “pregnancy” can be an excuse for her behavior. She looks under four months along. How is it, so many people around the world (except for Hillary) can be polite and gracious when they are in positions such as this? Meghan has demonstrated a Diva-like behavior for years. This is no secret in the UK. There are protocols to consider when one becomes a member of the Royal Family. She had to have been schooled on decorum and civil behavior when representing the RF. She is a spoilt brat.