Lily Allen thinks the media’s portrayal of her is “unjust.” And while I have a love/mildly annoyed relationship with Lily, she makes some good points, but completely ignores her own culpability. Lily says that she has no problems with her behavior (the boozing, the drugging, the partying, the sex with lots of guys, etc) because she thinks it’s pretty normal for her age. Which is fair. But she’s annoyed with the media for acting like she’s crazy and out of control, when male singers are expected to behave the same way and they’re never called on it.
Lily Allen has been known to fall out of a club or two in her time. But the 24-year-old insists she is not ashamed of her partying ways. Lily says she she [sic] doesn’t think she is responsible for her negative image in the press, which she describes as ‘unjust’. The Not fair singer told GQ magazine: ‘I think the way I behave is normal for someone my age and in my situation.
‘I know a lot of guys in bands who go to awards ceremonies and get into the same sort of states that I get myself into, and that’s not negatively reported on. So it feels kind of unjust.’ Lily also said she is not ashamed of taking drugs. She added: ‘I think as long as you’re not being malicious and you’re not hurting people then you should not be ashamed of what you do.
‘I’ve taken drugs. I found them and find them fun and I don’t think I’m a bad person because of it.’ Talking about the lyrics to her song Not Fair, she said she didn’t care if men felt intimidated by her. ‘Historically, women are meant to sit there and look pretty and do what they’re told… I suppose we’re still seeing the dribbles of that tradition.’
[From the Daily Mail via Gossip Rocks]
I understand Lily’s points, but the thing is, she really does do all the things the press accuses her of. So on the one hand, if she’s really bothered by the way the media portrays her, that’s partly her fault for acting that way. It doesn’t seem like they’re significantly exaggerating or lying about what she’s doing – but they’re definitely covering her more than a male singer doing the same thing. But really, there are only two solutions: tone down the partying or just not give a sh*t about the media. And it seems like Lily’s chosen the latter. It’s not like she can force them to be fair and even-handed in their coverage.
Part of why her partying is interesting is because men are expected to act that way. People are going to notice when she does it too. It’s completely unfair but is what it is. And Lily is absolutely desperate for attention, positive or otherwise. She’s constantly oversharing and wearing ridiculous outfits. Please. Yeah, the coverage is not even. But to act like she isn’t relishing it is ridiculous.

She looks like she’s trying to rip off Bat For Lashes.
Well I give the girl a smidge of credit, at least she isn’t one of those super sanctimonius celebs that totally denies that she has done or does drugs.
She does, however, need to stay away from cheek baring outfits, as they are not a good look on her, especially from behind.
Firestarter, LOL I was just gonna say that! It’s like her butt cheeks got scared and are trying to crawl back in
Such a typical London tart-response…nothing surprises me today about vicariously underrated and overrated celebrities. The sad thing is that there should be higher cases of STD/HIV, because they live so vicariously in the first place…SMDH!!!!
I can’t decide how I feel about Lily. I have both her albums, and like most of her music, but sometimes I thinks she needs to just shush.
Poor Lily. Her talent is showing in that second pic
WHOA! She looks like she’s about 55!
The media does not portrait you that way they report your behavior. So they are not being unjust on their portrayal f you.
She’s a big poser. Her “complaining” of the media is just another ploy.
Deny use of drugs? -nah, this skag brags about using drugs (more attention). So desperate.
Uh. I don’t know if I’d agree that this is typical for her age…being younger than her myself (not by a whole lot…)
I don’t recall stumbling out of clubs piss drunk after having f*cked a guy in the stairwell and snorting a line of coke off his c*ck…
I’m just saying.
There’s “typical 20-something behavior”
and then there’s Ms. Allen.
She looks soooo old, WTF.
Guess this is what drugs do to a person.
Lol in the cropped head-pic of her on the homepage she totally looks like Susan Boyle.
Annie I totally agree. I’m 23 and I guess I don’t recall that either. haha.
She looks like Melanie Griffith (Griffin) in the header pic!
Haha Ash, we must’ve missed something in the handbook!
I guess we fail at being 23 according to Ms. Allen’s standards. (LOL)
Ash & Annie I’m right there with you. I missed that hand book all together lol.
i think she makes a wonderful point about sexism in journalism. i like her. she’s not hurting anyone. don’t like her don’t listen. easy as that.