Cele|bitchy | Kristen Stewart’s ex is waiting patiently for her to dump Sparkles Pattinson

Kristen Stewart’s ex is waiting patiently for her to dump Sparkles Pattinson

2008 MTV Video Music Awards - Arrivals
Considering Kristen Stewart rarely – if ever – talks about her private life, it’s kind of amazing how much continuous speculation there is about her. Truly, we don’t really know if she and Robert Pattinson are hooking up, dating, just hanging out, or even if they can stand each other. We don’t if Kristen considers herself single, or if and when she ended her boyfriend of several years, Michael Angarano. So all of this is just speculation. But it’s fun!

Here’s what I think is happening – Kristen Stewart is hardcore, and she loves the game. I think her favorite thing in the world is to have guys beg for it, and I think she enjoys being the one who is adored, rather than the one doing the adoring. I think that very shortly after Pattz finished filming with Emilie de Ravin, Kristen made sure that Pattz was at her door, begging. And thus, it began. In my mind, at least. But what about Kristen’s boyfriend Michael? He got pushed to the side – and that’s where’s he’s staying for the time being. According to the Enquirer, Michael is waiting patiently for Kristen to dump Sparkles! This poor kid:

Kristen Stewart’s old boyfriend Michael Angarano is desperately hoping to pry her loose from Robert Pattinson. Michael is trying to stay close to Kristen so that if she ditched Rob, he’ll be there for her.

“Michael’s convinced Kristen’s going to tire of Rob,” an insider tells the Enquirer. “he’s still crazy about her, so he’s positioning himself to be there when the Rob romance crumbles.”

Michael was Kristen’s first real love… they met in 2007, and they remained together until she started cozying up to Rob.

Earlier this summer, Michael, 21, was crushed when Kristen called it quits. And he was even more devastated when she landed in the arms of Hollywood’s No. 1 Heartthrob.

“But Michael’s patient,” said the insider.

Michael and Kristen once seemed like an ideal couple, according to the insider. “They hardly ever argued, and they both had similar tastes in music, books and travel.”

Despite their breakup, the two “have remained great friends,” disclosed the insider. “They talk regularly.”

[From the National Enquirer, print edition, September 28 2009]

I’m sure they do talk regularly. Kristen always needs to keep one guy around to worship her from afar. That guy used to be Sparkles – he would look at her adoringly, like a lovesick puppy back when she was with Michael. Now, she’s just reversed the two guys. And they don’t really seem to mind, do they? My guess is that, yes, Kristen will probably dump Sparkles. And it will probably sooner rather than later. And she probably will go back to Michael, for a short time at least. And then she’ll find some new guys to worship her.

2009 MTV Video Music Awards - Show

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25 Responses to “Kristen Stewart’s ex is waiting patiently for her to dump Sparkles Pattinson”

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  1. Kerri says:

    Congrats on finding two pictures of her without that “sullen little girl” look that she always has on. My husband and I were shopping yesterday and found a movie that she was in a few years ago, and she had that same blank expression on the cover of the DVD. Why guys would clamor for a girl who basically looks like she has no idea what is going on around her is beyond me.

  2. ash says:

    She looks so pretty in the header pic. I wish she’d at least dye her shorter hair a lighter color. It makes her look less angry.

  3. Firestarter says:

    Good for her, at a young age, to know that you should keep your mouth shut so people cannot identify you for the moron that you might be: Hello Megan Fox!

  4. Enonymous says:

    I just do not see her as this girl who guys would beg and bend over for. She is just an average looking girl with not the most interesting personality in the world so she is hardly worth it. If I am wrong and then more power to her but I still do not belive it.

  5. pebbles says:

    i agree with enonymous. what is the appeal here? she’s no looker.

  6. vale says:

    She’s totally an alpha female in my opinion.

  7. so what says:

    so what if she likes 2 guys, she might like neither of them. give her a break. and that ‘sullen’ look doesnt make sense. its hardly sullen in the other photos. maybe boredom or something else is on her mind. leave people alone.

  8. DarkAngle says:

    I think her dark hair is for a roll… I love Kristen, she reminds me a lot of my self at that age. I think she has a lot more behind that blank stare. and as for her not talking about her personal life… its very commendable of all of the twilight saga cast… When I talked to them, they are all very professional, and personal lives are kept to the people close to them.

  9. DarkAngle says:

    @ So What…. I totally agree with you, who are we or any celeb writer to judge the looks on their faces, and personalities.

  10. Michelle says:

    I think she looks gorgeous in that header photo- normally she looks stoned and zombielike, devoid of expression. Or other times she looks really pissed off. Her hair looks really awesome, as well.

    Also, not a fan of Twilight (I tried to like it, but it just doesn’t do anything for me) but Kristen was really good in Adventureland.

  11. Obvious says:

    I don’t get her appeal. She’s cute very vanilla-bland though (don’t get me wrong vanilla can be great-but not in this case).

    she’s a decent actress (again in some films) but just overall? I can see the Lautner thing-the boy is hot, but KS is just….bleh.

    I hope she goes back to Michael-the kid obviously loves her. she’d be lucky to find that now-she’s rich and famous now everyone wants her for that.-Maybe that’s her appeal…

  12. here we go says:

    Personally, I don’t get Rob’s appeal. Michael’s much cuter. I know…’eye of the beholder’ and all that. Anyway, if Kristen doesn’t want him, I’m sure there are plenty of other girls who would be more than happy to take her place.

  13. Film2TV says:

    From what I’ve read elsewhere, the studio has basically told her to hookup with Rob and dump or push Micheal out of the picture while they are filming the movies, so as not to agitate and disappoint the Twi hards delusions that Eddie and Bell are real in life and film. I don’t get either guys appeal, especially Rob who looks like a mentally disabled person and talks like his tongue is too big.

  14. Mahlia says:

    People, People, get real. While we as fans are what pays the celebrity all that money, it is very Simonesk (my word)lol, to sit around and criticize them just on their looks. Have you never met someone totally hot that seems to have no personality? But if you dig deeper you totally get them. I am one of those people that is always judged by the look on my face, then later told what a nice person I am when they get to know me(no I am not tooting my own horn). Kristen, Rob, Taylor and the whole cast make what they are doing look like it takes no effort on their part. But how many of you are now or ever will be where they are? Give them some credit. I applaude them all. Especially Stephanie Meyers!!!!

  15. see says:

    She’s a very chill person, she dresses up for red carpets but in everyday life she’s a tomboy, t-shirt jeans and converses and that’s it that’s cool.

    I love her movies but I can see where people would have a problem with her I am better than everyone else attitude, it’s due to her shyness mostly and the rabid female fans hating her.

  16. samantha says:

    Robert Pattyson is uglier than a mud fence! Kristen Stewart can do much better than him, blandness and all.

  17. Renee says:

    I’ve said it before,and I’ll say it again,if Kristen’s NOT tappin Sparkles,she’s just crazy,period.

  18. Jason says:

    hahaha!!…men,,I think they really needed space(cool off maybe),,all the specs and rumors..wow the are really great in making stories..just dont know who got the prize…well for me mike is really awesome(Im a huge fan) and Kirsten is very pretty..Mikesten forever!!!!!

  19. Chris says:

    I love this girl. I hope all this is true except for the part where she dumps Sparkles because I like her and Sparkles together. She has a fabulous personality. <3

  20. Hieronymus Grex says:

    People just have complete mental dissonance when it comes to separating actors and their film characters from their real lives. It was the same way after Titanic and people were shocked- shocked I say, to discover Leonardo and Kate weren’t an item after the film was complete and a huge hit.

  21. spiceh says:

    I have that sullen look on me all the time too, esp wen I know ppl keep looking at me and taking pix!!! But ppl and friends who know me say that I’m so silly and friendly. So u can’t really know how Kristen actually is just by looking at pix. My bf is a hilarious and sunny person, yet, he NEVER look into the camera and smile.

  22. Ashley says:

    She reminds me of my best friend (except my best friend is waaayy prettier, but they do share the dark look and general bored expression). They act sullen and angry and they like to rip apart a guy’s confidence, knock him down a bit and the guy is usually used to getting anyone he wants so he meets a girl who doesn’t bend over backwards he’s all stunned and confused and she just keeps treating him like crap while he becomes a lovesick puppy. Funny thing is she never really likes the guy I mean she might but she doesn’t ever show it (I think she’s ever only loved one guy), I think it’s more of a game because she likes the attention. It’s like oxygen to her. I guess it’s cruel but most of these guy are jerks so you can’t really feel sorry for them.

  23. Carol says:

    Could NOT agree more. (Love “Sparkles” – I may have to use that on my blog tomorrow.) I’ve been saying this for months. You have it spot on. It was fun while she was with MA – and RP was kissing her ass. But now that it’s the other way around, it’s not so much fun anymore. How could it be when they can’t GO anywhere?! Ugh. RP is cute but being locked up with anyone day after day would get boring after a while. She knows her life will be a lot less stressful if she gets back with MA and leaves the circus that is RPattz. Which is sad for Sparkles, because he sortof walked into a pile of doodoo without having any clue what he was signing up for. Now he’s only going to be able to date media whores like ______ (pick one and fill in the blank!)

  24. Melanie says:

    In my opinion, Kristen’s really not like that. She’s just torn between two lovers and she chose the latter. It’s kinda like Jacob and Edward love triangle. And who knows? maybe Michael and kristen’s relationship has been downhill even before twilight. The blank look is just a part of who she is and makes her different from everyone else. Don’t judge her by her looks. Robsten forever!!