Cele|bitchy | John Edwards promised Rielle Hunter a NY rooftop wedding ceremony

John Edwards promised Rielle Hunter a NY rooftop wedding ceremony

There’s a lot of history in here, but I’m just going to try to sum up as simply as possible. Initially, when John Edwards was trying to keep his former/current mistress Rielle Hunter under wraps, he arranged for one of his campaign’s former aides, Andrew Young, to act as Rielle’s partner/boyfriend, and raise the child as his own. Most sources agree that both Andrew Young and Rielle got paid off big time – most of it funneled through sketchy or outright illegal channels. Some sources say that John Edwards has definitely taken a paternity test, and Rielle’s daughter Frances was definitely his. Alas, Elizabeth Edwards denied this in one recent appearance – but I tend to think she’s lying.

Anyway, once the sh-tstorm commenced, Andrew Young sort of jumped ship. He’s been off selling his story piece by piece, angling for a book deal. This weekend, the New York Times got their hands on Young’s book proposal. The details are… sketchy. And I’m being kind. They include details of John Edwards’ promise to marry Rielle once Elizabeth died, and his promise that they would get married on “a rooftop in New York and the Dave Matthews Bands would make an appearance”. In one tragicomic piece of information, Young claims that one of the ways money was funneled to Rielle was through billing Edwards’ political action committee for “furniture”. Because that’s what Rielle was.

A man who once claimed to have fathered the child of John Edwards’ mistress says in a book proposal the former presidential candidate is the real father and that Edwards worked with his campaign finance chairman to hide that secret, according to a newspaper report published online Saturday.

The New York Times said the book proposal by former Edwards aide Andrew Young states he helped facilitate the affair between Edwards and Rielle Hunter. According to the newspaper, Young wrote that Edwards once told Hunter they would wed after Edwards’ wife, who has cancer, died.

Edwards told Hunter that the ceremony would be held on a rooftop in New York and the Dave Matthews Bands would make an appearance, the newspaper said, citing its examination of the book proposal.

St. Martin’s Press has said Young signed a book deal with the publisher in June and it involved a strict confidentiality agreement. A spokesman for the publisher did not immediately return a phone message and e-mail seeking comment Saturday.

Edwards has said the affair with Hunter ended in 2006. That year, Edwards’ political action committee paid Hunter’s video production firm $100,000 for work. Then the committee paid another $14,086 on April 1, 2007. The Edwards camp has said the latter payment from the PAC was exchanged for 100 hours of unused videotape Hunter shot.

The same day, the Edwards presidential campaign had injected $14,034.61 into the PAC for a “furniture purchase,” according to federal election records.

Edwards, a U.S. senator representing North Carolina from 1998 until his vice presidential bid in 2004, acknowledged in May that federal investigators are looking into how he used campaign funds. Grand jury proceedings are secret, and the U.S. attorney’s office in Raleigh has declined to confirm or deny an investigation.

Edwards adamantly denied during an interview with ABC News last summer that he had fathered a child with Hunter, and he welcomed a paternity test. His wife, Elizabeth, has said she doesn’t know if her husband is the father.

Young said in 2007 he was the child’s father. Hunter said around the same time that Young was the father and the birth certificate does not list a father’s name.

Michael Critchley, Hunter’s attorney, declined to comment Saturday. A lawyer for Young did not immediately return messages left at his office Saturday. Joyce Fitzpatrick, a spokeswoman for Edwards and his attorney, Wade Smith, said that Edwards would not comment Saturday. Smith has said Edwards may make a statement at some point in the future about the paternity of Frances Quinn Hunter, who is 19-months old, but there was no timetable for that.

Young hasn’t spoken publicly since saying he was the father in 2007 and has repeatedly ignored reporter requests for interviews. Young got his last campaign paycheck in the middle of November, a month before he and Hunter publicly declared through attorneys that he was the father. Fred Baron, who was Edwards’ national finance chairman and a wealthy Dallas-based trial attorney, said last year he quietly sent money to Hunter and to Young’s family to resettle in California.

Baron, who died following complications from cancer just a few months after Edwards acknowledged the affair, said he provided the money on his own, to “help two friends and former colleagues rebuild their lives when harassment by supermarket tabloids made it impossible for them to move forward on their own.”

The New York Times said the book proposal states Edwards knew from the start that he was the father of the child and expended considerable effort trying to conceal that. The proposal says Edwards pleaded with Young to claim paternity and asked Baron to check whether a doctor would fake the results of a paternity test.

[From Huffington Post]

Do you feel like you need a shower? I do too. I know it’s totally weird, but I find the financial stuff some of the sleaziest parts of the story. I know, I know. The sex, the lies, the paternity shenanigans, all of that is really sleazy too. But all of the information coming out about the financial stuff is killing me. John Edwards is a really wealthy guy – and he never thought about paying off Rielle and Andrew Young through his personal accounts? He had to use campaign money?!? The last bit freaked me out too – they wanted to pay a doctor to fake a paternity test! Totally bananas. I have no words.

John Edwards is shown below in July, 2008. Credit: WENN.com


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17 Responses to “John Edwards promised Rielle Hunter a NY rooftop wedding ceremony”

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  1. CandyKay says:

    This reminds me of the Monica Lewinsky mess, when Clinton supporters were saying “his sex life is nobody’s business” and “it’s ok if he lied about his affair, because the question should have never been asked.”

    The way people conduct their sex lives has something to say about the way they conduct the rest of their lives. Edwards was a sleaze in his love life – its hard to believe this was his first affair – and a sleaze in politics.

    And he couldn’t use his own money to pay off Rielle Hunter because that would have tipped off his wife, an educated woman who was probably quite involved with the family finances.

  2. boo says:

    I can’t believe these jackasses. Why don’t they think of their children and be honest?

  3. QB says:

    I believe John Edward is a sleaze ball , but I think the NY rooftop wedding after his wife who sufer from Cancer story is made up to add more drama and controversy to the mix and get the book deal.

  4. Firestarter says:

    I love that Edwards also wanted the Dave Matthews Band to play the rooftop ceremony. Like TMZ said, the pinnacle of a bands career is always when asked to play at the wedding of a disgraced ploitican, who is marrying his mistress, with whom he had an affair and a baby while his wife fought cancer.

  5. bittercup says:

    Some women have incredible powers to deny what is in front of their faces and John Edwards found two of them.

  6. Nev says:

    Now we understand why Rielle was so mad that she turned him in. I can’t find any sympathy for Rielle because she knew he was married. Rielle is still no different from any other gold digging women.
    Rielle should have known married men don’t usually leave their wives.
    I believe Elizabeth didn’t know about any of this because John was so conniving and diabolical he would have went to great lenghts to hide all of this from his wife. I’m sure Elizabeth was consumed with fightIng her cancer and taking care
    of her family she didn’t notice what that jerk was doing. To bad he could not be concern with taking care of his family.

  7. Leticia says:

    CandyKay, I completely agree with you.

  8. Anonymous says:

    @CandyKay and Leticia:
    I see what you are saying here, but I do not agree that these two situations are similar. I am not defending Clinton by any means, but there is something so much more dark and gross and disgusting about what Edwards did and how he did it. Turning out his relationship with his dying wife and the fact that she was, in fact, dying, like a five-dollar whore, while at the same time carrying on with this Hunter, fathering a child with her, then paying off someone on his staff to pretend to be the father, AND improperly using funds to pay off the staffer and his mistress?
    And then, when it all blew up in his face, just REFUSING to save his dying wife and family any last bit of dignity by crawling under a rock and disappearing, but instead giving even more gross interviews about all of this?
    I find this story to be infinitely more disgusting than the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal.
    I definitely need a shower after recapping this whole mess.

  9. Cinderella says:

    John Edwards is one despicable human being. He’s the one who should’ve been stricken with an illness. I’m sorry if that offends some, but he is evil.

  10. the original kate says:

    if she really believed he would marry her than she is even dumber than she looks. actually, they should get married – they deserve each other.

  11. DottieDot says:

    Clinton is just as disgusting because he defiled the White House President’s office with Lewinsky on the job and because he basically mocked the entire concept of the US of A!!

  12. Kathie says:

    I would like to know if the comment people have an opinion of why Elizabeth Edwards has not left him or packed his bags?

  13. Lola says:

    what a fine mess. keeps getting uglier and uglier by the minute.

  14. gg says:

    What Fairyland are these people from? Did anybody consider the fact that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make several people sacrifice their own lives to support this sleazebag’s invented stories. Money is no substitute for truth.

    If this Dungbag ever had a clue he would’ve known this would never work.

    Any honest politicians exist anywhere?

  15. 4Real says:

    Of course he made promises he had no intentions of keeping, hello–he’s a politician!

  16. Bobby the K says:


    ‘…he basically mocked the entire concept of the US of A!!

    What about the founding fathers who had mistresses, bastard children, slaves, pot plants etc.?

    It was Cheney/Bush, among others, who held in contempt much of what America stands for.

  17. Kathy Ward says:

    This is exactly why Dems should NEVER be trusted. They continue to lie to try and make the people see things in their distorted way. Clinton, while he too was a jackass did NOT lie about fathering a child and came clean. Was he strong armed into coming clean- sure… but honestly who wants to admit they are lying cheating sack of crap? Edwards however is truly the worst of the worst- paying another man to lie and claim he was the father of HIS child. And both he and his slut planning a wedding after his wife’s expected death from cancer. Heartless doesn’t beginto scrape the surface. John Edwards used campaign funds to fund his own scandal. For that he should be held accountable and put in jail. His slut, Rielle, willing went along with this crime and even accepted the illegal funds- so she too should be held accountable and put in jail. The child should be given to someone else… poor thing is was probably conceived out of some ill thought out plan by Rielle to trap Edwards. Seriously… and this guy wanted to run our Country? Instead we got stuck with another lying Dem.. Obama… you know the guy who is lying about his birth place. Our Country is a complete mess… McCain was an honest vetran who served his Country, stayed true to his family and ben honest with the American People. Shame on those who voted for the illegal idiot Obama.