Dios mio, Alec Baldwin is one of those white guys who thinks “cancel culture” (or as Hilaria would say, cancelar cultivo) is a big problem. [Dlisted]
Fashion photos from last night’s MTV Movie & TV Awards. [RCFA]
SNL’s “post-quarantine conversation” skit hits too close to home. [OMG Blog]
Nick Jonas was hospitalized after getting injured on a job. [Just Jared]
How did Keegan Michael-Key do as SNL host? [Pajiba]
Every day is Coachella for Vanessa Hudgens. [Egotastic]
Remember when Blake Lively used to go to Cannes? [Go Fug Yourself]
Jennifer Lopez is really enjoying herself! [LaineyGossip]
NYC Pride said f–k the police. [Buzzfeed]
We’re still finding new kinds of dinosaurs?? [Towleroad]
CBS is doing a big reshuffle with their line-up. [Seriously OMG]
LMFAOOO “cancelar cultivo”!
SNL was the funniest it’s been in a loooong time. The Muppet sketch was hilarious. KMK clearly led a lot of that writing….
For sure! KMK is so funny. That Muppet sketch!
OMG that Muppets skit! 😂
As a little kid I loved watching those two heckling bastard puppets so that skit was my favorite & watched it over & over again.
One of the funniest movie watches I’ve had in a long time was ‘Keanu’. It was ridiculous and nonsensical and loud … but KMK and JP (And TH) made it really entertaining
Key needs to host again!
It was hysterical to see Kenan who never breaks character really trying not to lose it when they’re up in the balcony. Kudos to the puppeteers because the physical comedy when Waldorf & Statler get beat up was stellar.
Cancelar Cultivo!!!
There’s actually a very simple, very effective solution to the supposed problems related to “cancel culture”. All these people who are bitching about it…have they tried just, I don’t know, not being a bigoted asshole?
Alec Baldwin is a well known asshole and his wife created a whole made up life. They should be worried. They’re highly problematic.
Cancel culture is only a problem now that white men are affected.
It was never a problem to these people when other people didn’t even get the opportunity to let their opinions be known on large platforms, before the internet. They cannot gatekeep the entire internet, as they used to do with tv, radio, newspapers, publishing houses etc
This. This soooo much. I’d wager that the vast majority of these people, had they lived in the McCarthy era, would’ve been downright giddy over the Hollywood blacklist. They would’ve been perfectly content to destroy the careers of Black artists (and sometimes the careers of their allies of other races) who dared to demand equal rights. They’d have no qualms about inventing flimsy “evidence” of Communist sympathies among Jews, condemning them to obscurity, if they didn’t take their own lives first. But now the tables have turned and a bunch of sub-mediocre white men are just throwing tantrums.
Great example. The McCarthy thing was one big cancel-fest, used to keep everyone in line with right-wing viewpoints.
Except it went further than individual people making their own decision not to like a celebrity anymore.
Cancel culture is a term invented by whiners who can’t handle their words and actions having consequences.
It’s also ridiculous because I can’t think of a single person who was “cancelled” who didn’t come back from it just fine, because of the world we live in.
Dios mios!
Sorry, I could not resist.
I have mixed feelings about cancel culture. On the one hand it’s good to call out negative behaviours, on another it doesn’t account for the potential for change, growth and development. Example: Prince Harry and his nazi uniform costume. If he had been cancelled for that years ago (which he definitely would have been in 2021), he would have never been given the chance to have this amazing platform he does now for mental health, and challenging systemic racism in the palace.
But who exactly has shown genuine growth and change and not made a comeback? Seriously asking.
As an example pls. google celebrities in black face. Not everyone made an apology tour, or has worked as hard as Harry to grow as a person.
To steal from one of my all-time favourite tweets: “Remember, it’s only Cancel Culture if it comes from the Cancel region in France. Otherwise it is just Sparkling Accountability.”
Remember when the MTV Movie Awards used to be relevant and a pretty big deal? Yeah…me neither.
I love that quote!!!
I hadn’t seen that before, thanks!
He’s just pissed that he and his “esposa tonta” have been cancelled.
Just look at Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. You’ll be fine, Alec.
Alec Baldwin can never keep his mouth shut.
No matter what the situation, here comes AB, blowing hot air.
He makes tired. Tired of him.
Remember AB in Glen Garry Glen Ross? He had one scene and was amazing!
Jack Lemmon, Kevin Spacey, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin are all quiet/reacting to AB. It was really his break out role to the A-list.
It’s all been downhill ever since.
He and his never ending baby parade + decades younger wife, shut up and act.
No body cares about his opinions, he simply can not stop seeking attention, any attention.
His Trump on SNL was not that good either. Daryll Hammond was funny, funny as Bill Clinton. Baldwins Trump? Not even close.
All it would have taken to stop the consequences was for Alec and Hillary to acknowledge her lies, stop with the Spanish cosplay and get her some help for her social media addiction. No one is EVER going to let this go until they cease and desist with the gaslighting. The longer they wait, the more reprehensible stuff people will dig up about her (selling advertising on her miscarriage IG post, doing surrogacy while 5 months pregnant in the middle of the pandemic because she was having a boy). They must not be terribly bright.
Someone who spent her ENTIRE education from K-12 at top-notch private schools in Boston can’t do something like this without making it right to the community she was so badly attempting to imitate for cynical purposes:
Alec is talented.
CBS has always been way too quick to back harassers or people who make a work environments awful for those who just want to work and expect a non-sleazy, non-harass-y, non-dangerous work environment (see Bull and NCIS, Charlie Rose, etc)
So too bad so sad if the Ghost of Les Moonves’ grossness starts to take down the network.
You’re a wealthy white guy , yeah, youll be fine.