Prince Harry: The Firm & the media worked together to smear Meghan

Guests pose at the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences' 11th Annual Governors Awards

So I just looked in on the lunatics at the Daily Mail to see how they were handling The Me You Can’t See and I swear to God, they have easily twenty stories about Prince Harry up in the past 12 hours. They’re using the actual quotes from his interviews in the series, but they’re interspersing those quotes with their own commentary and ass-covering. Like, “Oh wow isn’t it interesting that Harry lives in a $14 million Montecito home and he’s accusing us, the British media, of smearing his wife, how dare he!” Anyway, I already covered some of the most damning parts of Harry’s interviews, but here’s more:

London is a trigger for Harry: ‘For most of my life I’ve always felt worried, concerned, a little bit tense and uptight whenever I fly back into the UK, whenever I fly back into London. And I could never understand why. I was aware of it, I wasn’t aware of it at the time when I was younger, but after I started doing therapy stuff I became aware of it. I was like, why do I feel so uncomfortable? And of course for me London is a trigger, unfortunately, because of what happened to my mum, and because of what I experienced and what I saw. Happens every time. I can’t remember the first time it happened, I can just remember the feeling, anxiety, like a hollow empty feeling almost of nervousness, is it fear? Everything feels tense. It’s being the hunted, and being helpless and knowing that you can’t do anything about it. There is no escape. There is no way out of this.’

Harry knew the Palace was trying to smear Meghan: ‘Before the Oprah interview had aired, because of their headlines and that combined effort of The Firm and the media to smear her, I was woken up in the middle of the night to her [Meghan] crying in her pillow – because she doesn’t want to wake me up because I’m already carrying too much.

The same business model: ‘History was repeating itself. My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone who wasn’t white. And now look what’s happened. It’s incredibly triggering to potentially lose another woman in my life. Like, the list is growing. And it all comes back to the same people, the same business model, the same industry.’

Meghan was the change: ‘I saw GPs. I saw doctors. I saw therapists. I saw alternative therapists. I saw all sorts of people, but it was meeting and being with Meghan. I knew that if I didn’t do the therapy and fix myself that I was going to lose this woman who I could see spending the rest of my life with. When she said, “I think you need to see someone,” it was in reaction to an argument that we had. And in that argument not knowing about it, I reverted back to 12-year-old Harry.’

He really believed his family would understand his perspective in the Oprah interview: ‘The interview was about being real and authentic. And hopefully sharing an experience which we know to be incredibly relatable to people around the world, despite our unique privileged position.’

There was danger all around: ‘Making this move was really scary. At every possible opportunity the forces working against us tried to make it impossible. Did I expect to find ourselves in this situation so quickly? No. I think we’ve done a really good job. I have no regrets. It’s really sad but I have no regrets at all because now I’m at a place where I think I should have been four years ago…Now we’ve got a beautiful little boy who keeps us busy, keeps us running around, he makes us laugh every day. We’ve got two dogs. And another little baby girl on the way. I never dreamt that.’

He believes his mother would be proud: ‘I have no doubt my Mum would be incredibly proud of me. I’m living the life that she wanted to live for herself. Living the life that she wanted us to be able to live. Not only do I know that she’s incredibly proud of me, but that she’s helped me get here. And I’ve never felt her presence more than I have over the last year. I wish she could have met Meghan. I wish she was around for Archie.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Yep. The Firm was doing the f–king most to smear Meghan ahead of the Oprah interview and of course Meghan felt that pressure, yet again. I imagine that’s really triggering for Meghan as well, to be thousands of miles away from that toxic island and they’re still trying to bully her, demean her and smear her. I agree with Harry that his mother would be so proud of him and I love the way he’s reclaiming Diana’s life, her story and her legacy. He’s truly his mother’s son and it’s incredible to see.

Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex celebrate 3 year of marriage! **FILE PHOTOS**

Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex celebrate 3 year of marriage! **FILE PHOTOS**

Photos courtesy of Apple TV and Backgrid.

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123 Responses to “Prince Harry: The Firm & the media worked together to smear Meghan”

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  1. Maria says:

    I absolutely love that instead of being silenced by the uproar over the Oprah interview he went and did this.
    He’s done.
    There won’t be any tours or royal patronages or anything that others were hypothesizing about during a Charles reign. He’s not going back, and he shouldn’t.

    • L84Tea says:

      No statue either. I hope the BM are collecting themselves this morning, because it is officially over. Harry is never coming back to them. Of course, we all knew it. but I think today they might finally know it too.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Harry meant what he said. Honestly, if CBer’s were around each other (and other people that agree the BRF are all show with no substance) when Harry spoke his words, the thunderous sound of high fives would be deafening.
        My opinion about the statue. Maybe it’s my feelings/opinions/projections about statues, but I’ve never thought that it was something Harry wanted. Felt it was William’/W & K’s idea to get more visitors to KP and Harry went along with it to be agreeable. My reasoning involves lyrics from a Limeliters song-don’t do this, don’t do that, you might as well just be a statue. Isn’t that what the Firm wanted Diana and Meghan to be? Women who shouldn’t have opinions or express feelings….stand there and say nothing. As many here have said, there are far more better ways to honor Diana(which ,apparently, William is clueless about honoring his mum in actions and words).

        I don’t know, have a hard time believing Diana would want to be a statue trapped within the palace grounds. Could see memorial benches throughout the gardens as being meaningful. Anyhoo, high five to Harry. He walks the walk and loves his wife so much to do the right thing for them.

    • Snuffles says:

      Honestly, I think the next time he steps foot in London will be for the Queen’s funeral.

      If there was a sliver of possibility of Harry returning for the Diana statue, William squashed it with his disrespectful and gaslighting statement about his mother last night. How dare he say he’s honoring her when he thinks she was paranoid and crazy and making false statements.

      • (The OG) Jan90067 says:

        Did you notice, too, William says “MY” mother, Harry says “OUR mother”…. THERE is the difference right there. HUGE.

        As I read these excerpts in the People blurbs coming into my phone yesterday, I have to say, I was so proud of Harry for stating HIS truth, for protecting HIS family the way HE was NEVER protected, for getting the hell OUT of that rat’s nest and breaking his link in that suffocating chain.

        He has someone who truly loves him as his foundation now. His children are part of that foundation. They ARE his home.

      • SwirlmamaD says:

        He’s gotta pay the piper. He couldn’t stand up there and say his mother was correct in her assessment of the corrupt rat rota, lest they start dropping Rose-scented bombs as punishment. Trapped and boxed into a corner, indeed.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        Yes, I truly wonder what he’s thinking regarding his brother’s appalling remarks. Regardless of the ups and downs of their relationship over the years, they still shared strong feelings about Diana’s struggles with the media. Let’s not forget that both brothers were fairly aligned in their attitude towards the press once upon a time. Between William’s about-face in the last three years and this statement, their schism is complete.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Agreed. There was already a sense that he was done with the RF in the Corden and Oprah interviews—he gave me the distinct impression that he was waiting for his grandparents to pass before shutting the door completely. But with everything that’s happened since the announcement of the Oprah interview, it’s becoming more apparent. I’m not even sure if he shows up to Charles’ coronation; I suppose it depends on how their relationship will be when Elizabeth is gone.

      • liz says:

        Agreed. It will be about a year between Elizabeth’s funeral and Charles’s formal coronation. Oh, to be a fly on the wall for those conversations.

    • VS says:

      I am still baffled by why they needed to smear her? she only wanted to serve! smearing someone for popularity???? jeez
      Anyone, Meg is safe and back home!

      • Maria says:

        The Firm thinks public popularity should be commensurate with rank (the heirs should be the popular ones, not those down the line), and certainly not surrounding a woman who married in. Combined with racism, those are the reasons.

      • HeyJude says:

        Dear, it’s because she’s half black.

        That’s it.

        In their eyes, black people aren’t one of them, they serve them. They are wretched people.

      • Demi says:

        I think there’s more to it than what we know the RF covering for something Andrew scandals& probably William did something really bad that the press knows about but the palace gave Meghan as a bargain for the media.

      • LMR says:

        Yes, it is partly because she’s mixed race, but don’t underestimate their disgust that she is American. The RF and the BM consider themselves to be above Americans.

  2. Bettyrose says:

    He’s just fearlessly speaking all the truths.

    • Cecilia says:

      When he said that the british media had no control over him anymore. Whew!

    • Ariel says:

      Right?!? I mean, we all know this stuff to be true, but somehow to actually hear him not only know it, but say it out loud, in public. It feels revolutionary. No matter how much the british media- which is more abusive ex boyfriend than “journalism”- rant, carry on, try to gaslight, mis-represent, the very fact that he is putting these facts on record- is a huge win for him personally, and for reality in general.

    • Dierski says:

      Totally, Bettyrose!! So proud of him for all of this!

      • Dpalmier says:

        Same here. It’s stupid but I feel so proud of them for doing that, and it’s put a little spring in my step.

  3. Lauren says:

    His mother would be so proud of him for taking whatever action he could to protect his wife. I did say on Twitter that even the ones that supposedly love the Keens would rather continue to hate on Harry and Meghan rather than pay attention to what Willnot and cannot are doing. Willnot is supposed to start the Scotland tour today, is the media reporting on that? Nope.

  4. Amy Bee says:

    I’m glad Harry put it out there that the bullying accusations were part of the smear campaign against Meghan. I wait to see if the Palace or Valentine Low of Times who “broke” the story respond.

    • Mac says:

      The story about Meghan bullying staff was so preposterous they deserve to be publicly shamed.

      • Ginger says:

        We have actual stories of royals throwing things at staff but Meghan sends a 5 am email and she is accused of bullying. It’s insane.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Jason deserves to be sued for defamation.

  5. Lizzie says:

    He has Diana’s big heart. He is just the best.

    Harry and Meghan are almost a YA novel come to life. Two beautiful and kind people who the royal family try make seen as horrible people and drummed out the country. Yet with their kind hearts and true friends they thrive and the worlds eyes are opened.

  6. Merricat says:

    That’s the bit that really impressed me, when he said right out that the Firm was responsible for a lot of the smear campaign against Meghan. Holy wow.

  7. Becks1 says:

    Oh man, that kills me – about Meghan crying at night before the Oprah interview. I saw the line about her crying at night, but I thought it referred to when she was pregnant with Archie. It is devastating that the Firm is still going out of their way to destroy her. I’m glad that Harry actually called out “the Firm” for this and didn’t just let it be “the media.”

    I am glad to hear him say that he only regrets not doing this sooner and that he thinks they’ve done a good job. They did a GREAT job. a year ago I had high hopes for them but nothing really like this – chairing a multimillion dollar campaign to get vaccines to countries that need them, opening community relief centers across the world, etc. And we aren’t even at Netflix or Spotify yet. They really are remarkable.

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      I had to go back and read that part. I thought he was speaking in the past, but no. He was talking about a few months ago. I hate the Firm and the BM still have the power to hurt Meghan. I’m so f’ing happy they are away from those people. I’m glad Harry is exposing all of them. Say it with your whole chest, Harry! Let these f’kers know you won’t let them kill Meghan like they killed Diana, mentally & posthumously.

      • Sid says:

        For someone who has worked to promote women’s issues and supporting women, the bullying story had to be hurtful. And then she is someone with a very international outlook, so to try and make it seem like she wore the earrings without a care in the world also had to be hurtful. They basically turned her interests and passions against her to come up with these bs stories. These people are a nasty bunch.

        And Emily, since we know you lurk here, I hope there is some part of you that is human and feels at least some guilt for your part in this whole circus.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Yes, and even worse than their continued smears of her was the escalation of the nature of the lies. To try to tie her name to MBS and Khashoggi’s murder was downright VILE. It just drove home the point that the RF and the British establishment as a whole will say and do anything to dehumanize Meghan. It also drives home the point that the monarchy is extremely upset that Harry dared to marry and procreate with a half-black woman. They resent her existence and that of Archie as well. And make no mistake, they deeply resent that another child is on the way.

      • BlueToile says:

        I must agree. I think we all know now that SOMETHING else has occurred that Harry and Meghan are holding back. There is something extremely dark and damaging that went down they don’t want to talk about yet, and maybe never. I can feel it. Anyone paying attention to this situation over the past 2 years can feel it. It wasn’t the “how dark will the baby be?” It was much, much worse. Harry has gone all in against the Firm and BM. It’s clear he will burn it to the ground if it comes down to them or Meghan.

      • Chica says:

        I don’t know about what that was bc if it was truly egregious, why preach about reconciliation at all? Meghan has no plans to reconcile with her dad. and he has done a lot less harm, i think than harrys family.

      • Demi says:

        BlueToile absolutely agree with you about something dark the firm is hiding.. There was a line in the Oprah interview when H&M said they protected them (the family) during the whole exit process.

      • ck says:

        I remember the disgust I felt when I saw those Khashoggi headlines. I can only imagine how distressing it was for Meghan, Harry & their loved ones to watch it unfold. I mean I already knew that the BM & BRF are low down dirty trolls, but this was a whole new low. Accusing a person you ruthlessly bullied and ran out of town of being a bully. Trying to tie her to the murder of a journalist. All while she’s heavily pregnant. All while they are protecting and harbouring a pedophile. Smh. The only silver lining is that M & H are away from the vipers and that the world is finally seeing the truth of who the BM & BRF are and how they operate.

  8. Noki says:

    When they first announced they were stepping down from being working royals,I have to admit I was so disappointed,finally we have a royal WOC and she ‘quits’ so quickly. But wow,they really went throught it, absolutely not worth it.

    • Cecilia says:

      Same i was so disappointed she was leaving because she truly was a breath of fresh air. But in hindsight this is for the better because they wouldn’t have let meghan live. And i mean that literally

    • Beach Dreams says:

      I wasn’t disappointed at all; I felt great relief for them. Anyone who’s been paying close attention to the BRF for the last few years has seen how the nastiness towards Meghan has escalated into what it is today. Even on this site, there were plenty of commenters trying to find every excuse to attack her. Most of them are gone now (and I’m sure some have ‘rebranded’ under new names), but it was just a small piece of the wider campaign against her.

      • S808 says:

        I too was relieved. Toward the end I was very, very worried for her. My thought of how bad things probably were weren’t far off the mark. I wanted Meghan outta there with or without Harry. Luckily Harry made the right choices.

      • Noki says:

        Yes her safety,mental and physical well being are paramount that goes without saying. However i was disappointed at the fact that a WOC was marrying into the royal family and her time was cut short. It would have been great to witness such historic progression. She is beautiful,smart and a hard worker. A real asset! And thats a Shame.

    • VS says:

      I wasn’t disappointed; I felt a huge sign of relief that she was free….it got so nasty that I was scared for her!!! that’s actually when I decided everything she will do or wear, I will support or buy. Seeing a brilliant woman being attacked for daring to be brilliant while mediocrity is praised? they could have praised mediocrity without trying to destroy Meghan

      I thought them leaving will calm the racists and the rabid press but it still didn’t stop….my god, I just imagine being her seeing all these lies; what about her mother? this could not have been my child, honestly Charles is the weakest man I have ever seen! he is no different from sperm donor; he just has more money! I will never let anyone attack my child that way! NEVER

      • Andrew’s Nemesis says:

        @VS I was talking about this with my mother today; she was surprisingly vehement (she’s a very serene woman) about what the RF had put Meghan through and the massive own goal they committed. She also made the point about the Commonwealth – that it’s an unwritten charter between all those nations and the Queen, and how the treatment of Meghan, who could have been an absolute superstar in the RF, was treated so appallingly that that contract is likely void when the Queen dies; also just how nasty, dour, unpleasant, humourless and unimaginative William (PWT) is. Most of all she thought – and I agree – that the tabloids’ smear campaign was to do with Andrew. Anything to shield Andrew; that when the ‘entitled, arrogant, smug, unlikeable paedophile’ was in jeopardy, Meghan was sacrified to cover for him. And I agree. I think that it all comes down to William and Andrew. They’re the true bad actors in this sick game they’ve played with a woman of colour and her child(ren).

  9. Myra says:

    Royal reporters/gossipers have confirmed the same thing. They pretty much bragged about it. I’m glad he is speaking out, as it will be part of recorded history and primary sources are super critical. I’m sure 25 years from today, they would have found a way to dismiss what Harry has said. Looking forward to Megan’s memoirs, one day.

  10. Notafan says:

    Wow, the One True King (my new nickname for him) did not come to play. I am so so SO impressed by him and Meghan. I hope with all the garbage the BM is talking, someone in UK actually watches the show and is awakened.

  11. S808 says:

    The quote about changing for Meghan, WOOO! May we all find someone willing to put in any WORK needed to keep us in their lives. Part of me is sad he maybe didn’t change for himself but I also realize when you’re deep in a state like that it’s hard to pull yourself out for your own sake.

    • Maria says:

      I think he definitely did change for himself, because you don’t stay on a course like this unless you’re all in (not just their exit, but the mental health growth). If it was just for her, it would have been less thorough. He’s truly done a lot of work. Meghan helped shine a light on how he needed it, but he did the actual heavy lifting.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      He started to change for Meghan, he continues to change for himself. A lot of times we need an impetus to push us to change, a reason, an “excuse” to get the ball rolling. A touchstone, so to speak. But once the work is started, and we see the results (happier life, more fulfilled feeling, etc.) we want to keep on doing the work because the results feel so good, no matter how hard the work itself is.

    • Mariposa says:

      I think he actually did change for himself – because he didn’t want to lose Meghan. He didn’t do it to make her happy, he did it for the future he wanted for himself. So in that way, it’s a really positive thing. I think many people with addiction problems finally get help when they realise they are going to lose people that they love, so I suppose his story is a bit similar to that.

  12. Bess says:

    I wonder if Harry has ever confronted his father or his father’s underlings about throwing him under bus during the post-Diana years in order to improve his own public image?

    • sandy says:

      I hope so. and I truly hope he also confronted them about how they threw all that stuff at Meghan (jewels and murder and bullying nonsense) right before the Oprah interview. I hoped that – perhaps she had blocked it out but if she was still up crying and trying to hide it from Harry – that is horrific. They need to take responsibility for how awful they have been to her before Harry ever reconciles.

    • Laugh or Cry says:

      Probably the reason Chuck stopped taking his calls.

  13. Amelie says:

    Wow. I thought the Oprah interview was revealing in how Meghan was treated, I didn’t realize he would delve more into it in this documentary. I thought he’d talk mostly about himself. Which he does do obviously, but he makes it clear meeting Meghan was the catalyst for him to get help and to realize how unhappy he’d been for a long time and for being more self-aware. I’m sure the British media will again pin this on Meghan for “forcing” Harry to see a therapist. But now that we know how deeply affected she was by the claims of bullying and the “palace investigation,” Harry is never coming back to the UK to live. This is the second pregnancy where she has experienced stress and a smear campaign, Harry will never forgive that. And if his family can’t understand that, they’re total idiots.

    No wonder Jason Knauf got the boot when he did. I know he is not named in any of Harry’s interviews. But I think the crisis managers or whoever had some sense made William and Kate realize they couldn’t use their favorite pet dragon anymore. It is not a coincidence that the smearing intensified both times Meghan was pregnant. It is not a good look for the royal family to be bullying a woman of color. I’m sure the British media will be forever salty against Harry and Meghan for leaving and the royal commentators will only say negative things. But 5-10 years from now when Archewell will probably be a huge player in the charity world, they will have to eat their words.

    • equality says:

      I bet any receipts that H&M have involve Knauf. He is probably the one who left a paper trail and family members involved took care that anything lead back to Jason. I wonder if the RF were afraid that Harry would name JK or even produce evidence against him and that’s the reason for announcing his exit 7 months in advance to do so before this aired and create distance.

  14. The Duchess says:

    I hope we are all blessed with partners like Harry in our lives. He has truly stepped up for his own proper family with Meghan. He deserves to speak his truth and I hope he never stops. Over 30 years worth of trauma pouring out because that firm tried to silence him and murder his own wife and child[ren]. Harry is the bigger person here and the history books will show this. The firm should be dismantled and thrown away immediately. The UK should also be ashamed for facilitating them too. Go Harry!

  15. SpankFD says:

    Make no mistake. That f***ing Windsors will be after him and his family with every piece of their dark, dark hearts. They will never stop smearing and undermining H&M. They threaten the royal family’s self-defined status as first among all.

    Of course, QE II was the child of the second-in-line. Her line has already demonstrated its capacity to set aside primogenture. What if the serfs follow suit?

    QE II will strive to protect H’s life. PC might, too. But PW… f***. What wouldn’t a dark, jealous spirit do… God, I hope they ditch the monarchy ASAP.

    • BlueToile says:

      I am sorry to disagree, but neither the Queen, nor Charles will protect Harry in any way at this point, whatever they do from here will be strictly to benefit themselves. Period. Not physically or emotionally, and you can take that to the bank.

  16. Pork chops & Apple sauce says:

    The Royals would rather Harry married an English blonde, a “background to their foreground” (thank you Waiting to Exhale!) wallflower.
    They’d rather a spoiled, frustrated, idle handed Prince Andrew in the making?!
    The Brits who loathe them so should be thrilled they’ve left UK soil, they’re gone, so let it go sometime in this decade.

    • Gail Hirst says:

      Before I read your comment (agree..and love Waiting to Exhale!) I read your ‘title’ and now am craving Pork Chops and Apple Sauce!! I know what to buy for supper tonight LOL!!

      • (The OG) Jan90067 says:

        LOL Now I’m going to hear an ear worm all day of “Peter Brady” (on “The Brady Bunch”) doing that “voice” (imitating Humphrey Bogart) saying, “Pork chops and apple sauce” omg! Lolol.

      • Kkat says:

        @OGJan I immediately started saying pork chops and applesauce in my head in Peter Bradys voice 😂

  17. Miranda says:

    The fact that he admits that Meghan changed him for the better and convinced him to get help…damn, how awesome is she? It kinda makes you wonder how many of his previous girlfriends may have thought, “something’s kinda…off here”, but didn’t press the issue because they didn’t want to mess up a good thing (and I should add, I wouldn’t judge them too harshly for that. I’m sure many of us have been there, and the guys we didn’t want to lose weren’t even princes). I think this is yet another display of Meghan’s integrity.

    And I think Harry is absolutely right about his mother. Diana would be beyond proud, and it’s a damn shame she didn’t get to meet Meghan and spoil her grandbabies (though I’m sure Doria will be happy to pick up the slack!). And Kate can do her Diana cosplay all she wants, but I think we can plainly see which royal wife is her true spiritual heiress.

    • Brielle says:

      Robert Lacey said on his book that Cressida thought that Harry was self obsessed and paranoid so Meghan was not the first to see it but why wasn’t he willing to change for her? She was the perfect candidate for the courtiers but apparently there was no sparkle between them…

      • equality says:

        Yes. That puts the lie to the rumors that Harry proposed to Cressida and Chelsey and they refused. He was willing to seriously change his life and circumstances for Meghan, so why wouldn’t he have done so for one of them if he really wanted to marry one?

      • Brielle says:

        Yup… I was always of that mind that he was not ready for them and even Cressida went back to her ex ,also Harry and married him so both him and her tried but there was not love between them

    • Tessa says:

      I don’t think he ever thought of marrying Cressida. Maybe Chelsy. But Cressida, no. I don’t think Cressida would have had an easy time, since William was interested in her half sister Isabella.

      • Brielle says:

        And he also said in the documentary that between 28 to 32, it was a nightmare time in his life and he was dating Cressida at the time so she didn’t have him at his best

      • equality says:

        Which makes continuing to date him and not trying to get him to seek help seem odd.

  18. Murphy says:

    We’re so happy to have you here Harry, you don’t ever have to go back if you don’t want to.

    • Nlopez says:

      +10000! Thank God H& M and Archie got out alive. The words William used to describe his mother were cruel.

  19. Cg2495 says:

    Damn! He burn that bridge down and I’m beyond happy! He will never go back and I hope that sinks in their petty hearts. I’m so happy that Harry has found his happiness and is free.

  20. Rapunzel says:

    And with each “why won’t he stop complaining?” and “The family is aghast” article that is written in reaction to this, the BM and the Firm show their behinds.

    Every mental health charity the BRF is involved with should be dropping them like hot potatoes. This anger towards Harry’s discussion of his mental health journey shows the Firm don’t give a dang about mental health. I cannot imagine being a mental health charity with a patron that leaks articles asking someone to stop sharing or putting out the possibility he is “over therapied”


    • swirlmamad says:

      I’ve said this before, but how none of the mental health organizations the RF is involved with have distanced themselves from them is mindboggling to me. They have pretty much spit in the face of everything these organizations stand for and yet they continue to go along with the charade that Will & Kate are SO dedicated to the cause. It’s disgusting and disappointing.

  21. Wendy says:

    Remember how scary it must have been when Katie Holmes left Tom Cruise and Scientology – she had to do it in secret with her father’s help? It was a dangerous situation. When Harry was talking about how dangerous it was when they left – how forces tried to stop them – I had a flashback to Katie leaving Scientology. M&H had to plan it out didn’t they – go on a ‘vacation’ to Canada when really, they knew then it was an escape route. That they took the dogs was telling – they knew they couldn’t go back. I am sure there is still some danger out there. Thankfully they made money right away and also had friends to protect them. There is more to the story than Harry is able to tell – worse stuff. In fact, I remember one of the trash papers speculating on if the Queen had the right to keep Archie – I wonder if there was any worry about something along those lines.

    • Wiglet Watcher says:

      I would love a movie on how they escaped.
      Once they are ready to speak about it.

      • fluffy_bunny says:

        I think he got an ironclad NDA in return for giving her cash and custody. We’ll likely never see anything relating to her time with Tom or her escape. We’ve never heard anything from Nicole Kidman about him either.

    • Snuffles says:

      I think The Firm pulled every card in the book to make it impossible to leave. Cut them off financially, cut off their security, I still think it was hella suspect that they confiscated Meghan’s passport. I saw someone speculating once that when Hillary was in the UK that year, she pulled some strings to get Meghan and Archie US passports and got them to them. I wouldn’t put it past The Firm to try and pull the Queen custody card and removing Meghan’s name from Archie’s birth certificate was part of that.

      The firm wanted them broke and afraid and probably tried to take custody of Archie too but somehow Meghan and Harry got out of the country. I’m betting someone like Elton or Amal Clooney gave then use of their private jet to slip out unnoticed. I bet Harry and Meghan didn’t tell The Firm the truth about where they were going either. It was weeks before the press figured it out.

      Then they had to smuggle themselves out of Canada. Probably with an assist from Tyler Perry. And by then COVID shut down borders and probably prevented anyone from following them.

      I would believe it if it was a narrow escape.

      • fluffy_bunny says:

        The passport makes me think of poor Charlene being held hostage in Monaco.

      • Maria says:

        I would believe this too….but I also believe they wouldn’t want Archie, they barely acknowledge him. They want Harry back, divorced and ready to marry someone of *their* choosing. No Meghan or children.

    • Golly Gee says:

      @fluffybunny:;I don’t think he even needs an NDA. The knowledge that Scientology goons would stalk and terrorize them for the rest of their lives would be enough to keep them quiet.

  22. Merricat says:

    The U.S. has a reputation for liking people who speak their hearts and minds. We prefer that honesty; there’s something clean about it–so Harry’s getting a lot of respect for this. It’s part of the reason he is so loved here, his frankness and authenticity. The suppression/denial that the Firm supports is like slapping a new coat of paint on a rotting structure–it’s not fooling anyone, and it could collapse at any moment.

  23. Elizabeth says:

    Just here real quick to say I’m exhausted of hearing about the home they live in. Who the f cares how much it costs? If they lived in a dang $1200 a month apartment, their lives would be in danger. Their home is literally NOTHING compared to what the rest of his family has. Leave it alone.

  24. Nina says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that he is not going to the statue unveiling?

    • Jaded says:

      No, he’s not going. He’ll honour his mother’s legacy in some other, more meaningful way — donate to a hospital or school or children’s charity in her name.

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      He’s got a perfect excuse. Pregnant or recently post partum wife and new baby. I don’t think he’s going.

    • Bren says:

      How can William honor his mother with a straight face after what he said yesterday? He should cancel the event and release a better-prepared statement than the one he gave yesterday on the day of Diana’s birthday. This a no-win situation thanks to the gutter press that will make the event more about Harry and the brothers falling out than Diana.

    • RoyalBlue says:

      I don’t think he is going for the unveiling either. I think he and Meghan will/should honor Diana with an act of service rather than a stone cold monument.

    • swirlmamad says:

      I have been of the mind that he likely wouldn’t go, but after these recent events, I am even more firm in my feeling that there’s no way he’s going back into that den of vipers. For what???? If he goes the ironic thing is barely any of the focus will be Diana or her legacy — pretty much just on Harry, William, and how they interact.

  25. Izzy says:

    “ It’s really sad but I have no regrets at all because now I’m at a place where I think I should have been four years ago…” Y’all hear that, you bunch of ratchet salty white folks? ZERO RA-GRETS. He wishes he’d left sooner.

  26. Lizzie says:

    Always Harry and Meghan talk about wanting to be strong for the other. What a wonderful relationship.

  27. Margaret says:

    Stayed up all night watching, and listening to the me you can’t see. That was one of the most real and touching series on mental health I have heard in a long time.
    As a nurse, I was so proud of the participants. So much respect for their openness and sharing. They are right it is a life time struggle, but taking thev1st. Step is a move in the right direction.
    Mental health is desperately needed in the world. Thanks harry, Oprah, and all participants. Good luck in your therapy, God bless.

  28. MJM says:

    I think his statement confirms that the Murdoch media have dirt on his affair(s). He threw Diana under the bus to save himself because he is not an honourable person.

  29. Sophie says:

    Poor Harry. My toxic parents cut me off when I tried to set some needed boundaries. I have wasted years on a good faith effort to find the “right” way explain to them my perspective. But there is no right way, because they don’t want to hear it. Seems like he is in a similar place mentally. It sucks.

  30. MerryGirl says:

    Kudos to Harry for speaking his truth without fear of favour of the RF and the British press. I’m glad he’s not afraid of them anymore. I will tune in to watch the whole series this weekend.

  31. one of the Marys says:

    I’m really sorry to hear about Meghan crying, in her own home, in California. I wanted to believe she was firmly facing forward, all busy and zen and peaced out. I think she’s the kind of person who copes by staying busy, amongst other things, so I interpreted that to mean she had put it all behind her. I hope this year is the turning point, new baby, society opening up, lawsuit wrapping up, Archewell and Netflix and Spotify projects on the horizon. Don’t look back Meg! Never go back!

    As for the royal machine, the best weapon against such abuse is shining the light into all the dark ugly spaces. The truth hurts so keep telling your truth Harry, own it and let that family learn there’s a price to pay for slandering you in the press. Make the price of crossing you so high they will learn to back off.

    • Sid says:

      The bullying story and the jewelry story were hard to ignore because they were covered by even the non-tabloid news since anything and everything royal that week leading up to the Oprah interview airing was big news. Both stories also were attacks on her related to causes that she holds dear (supporting women, international issues) and were direct attacks on her professional reputation. I can see why it would have been incredibly upsetting.

      I hope I’m around to see it when everything really comes back and smacks the BRF and BM in the face.

  32. Ms. says:

    I’d take Harry as an honorary King of America. I mean he would make a better figurehead than some of the kooky talking heads on Fox news.

  33. Dibber says:

    Am I the only one who thinks he should renounce his place in line of succession? Given his place, if a minor child becomes next in line for the throne (G, C or L), isn’t the next adult in line the “guardian”? I think Pedo Andy would be next and that disgusting, but I guess if I were Harry, I’d get out all the way and let the chips fall where they may.

    • lanne says:

      Completely disagree. If they choose it, fine. Right now, it’s what the tabloids are gunning for. They want to frame it like that are taking something from them. I think their titles are a way to show they still love the Queen, who gave them. Harry remains a prince, and he can’t be removed from succession without an act of parliament. Perhaps in the future, if there is a king George, welcoming back a (assuming Charles doesn’t die before his mother) prince and princess Sussex could be a part of the healing process.

      Let the royals take the titles if they want them back. Giving them back absolves the royals somewhat of their abominable treatment of Harry and Meghan. Also, the racists can’t stand that Meghan is a princess and a duchess by marriage. Let those motherfers stew in their hate.

    • Kkat says:

      Why on earth should they make it easy for the racists and give back the title. Archie inherits it, why should they take away his birthright.

      If they take the Ducal title from them (they wont as that opens a huge can of worms)
      Parliament would have to do it and short of actual treason on harry’s part that won’t happen

      They will still be Prince Henry and Princess Henry they can’t take that away. And in the U.S. they will Call her Princess Meghan, I guarantee it.

  34. Devs says:

    i’m very happy that meghan, harry and archie are safe and well.

    i’m even happier that a recent survey shows the royal family is extremely unpopular with gen z.
    the abolition of that horrific colonial evil relic couldn’t come soon enough

    • Sid says:

      With the way Gen Z and even the younger Millennials are trending, I just don’t see how the BRF as it currently stands could ever really be popular with them. So much of what it stands for is the antithesis of what young people want to see in society. Even if you account for the idea that people become more conservative as they get older, I still don’t see it for the BRF with that generation. I’m already imagining the eyebrow raising that will happen in say 20 to 30 years hypothetically when Louis’s children are HRH prince/ess and Charlotte’s are not. How is that going to go over?

  35. phlyfiremama says:

    He is blossoming before all of our eyes, and it is WONDERFUL to see. Meanwhile, the BRF continues to wither on the vine.

  36. JaneDoe says:

    Something interesting i was told yesterday; do you know what the most-celebrated holiday in the world is? Independence from England. Apparently, every 6 days, all year long, SOMEONE in some country, is celebrating independence from England. A-mazing.

  37. Jais says:

    Meghan crying in her sleep over those bullying claims is so upsetting. I really wish her and her family joy and peace and success.The level of cruelty set upon her by these people is beyond words.

    • Ania says:

      I think Meg will not let this go. It was aimed at her reputation that she worked her whole life to build. I really hope to see BRF trying to explain themselves when her lawyers get into to this.

  38. RosaD says:

    So many parallels between the movie “The Firm” and this dysfunctional royal Firm!🤣

    1. In both: the heroes of the story have the initials MM 😊. Meghan Markle / Mitch McDeere.
    2. They’re both smart, charismatic and hard working.
    3. They both join an elite group of people only to discover there’s darkness at the heart of their operations. Memphis Law firm / Royal Family
    4. For a while they try to make it work, until reality bites and they must make a hard choice. Stay – knowing that it’s corrupt. Or leave. But –
    5. Nobody has ever left The Firm…!
    6. When The Firm realise that Mitch McDeere is talking to the FBI – they threaten to smear him. Sound familiar?
    7. Mitch & his wife discover new allies. (Holly Hunter character) Shout out to Tyler Perry❤️
    8. They bring down the Firm ( tbc in H & M’s case 🤣) and expose the corruption.
    9.They both refuse to let The Firm “run them” and push them around.
    10.People think they’ve lost ( e.g a prestigious job/titles) but they’ve now got peace of mind, set off for pastures new and thrive!

    Bonus – they’ve both got a dog(s)!

    • Bibi says:


      Agree 1000%

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @RosaD-Love this comparison-love movie references. After hearing Harry say in the series how he would say yes but no then yes, yes, yes..I recalled writing something here on a thread back in April about the Windsors feeling salty (which seems to be a permanent state for them and the rr’s/BM). In that post I believe mentioning something about him being a marionette for the RF and included a link from a military sight that said something about him facing the Taliban and being out of f*cks to give.

      Harry was out of fucks to give if the Firm was unwilling to protect Meghan and enabling/being part of the smear campaign.

      Harry realized that while he would tell them yes, they would tell him no. The Firm NOT protecting Meghan IS/has been the problem along with the Cambridge’s manipulative machinations. Harry is telling them, “No More.”. (Another movie reference-The Principal) Harry found someone he loved and motivated him to be a better man/human.

  39. SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

    I keep imagining a Bond-esque movie poster for this. Power-shot of Harry and Meghan in the foreground, walking away, hopeful and resolute, silhouetted against the flaming ruins of Buckingham Palace.

  40. Calibration says:

    Just happy he called out the firm as well as the media. Good for him.

  41. Over it says:

    Well I finished watching the entire series, I cried a lot. These people are incredibly strong and deserve respect and support because what they are all going through is heartbreaking. Praying for healing for one and all.
    I absolutely love Harry. What a man, husband and father.
    When he said another little girl, does anyone else think that the baby they lost was also a girl? Oprah is by far the most impressive person. She more than deserves that crown .

    • Brielle says:

      When did he say that? I can’t find it on the series

      • Feeshalori says:

        He did say it but it’s difficult to find the clip because all his segments are spread out over the series. I remember having a similar reaction. It may be in one of the later ones when Harry is summarizing everything.

  42. aquarius64 says:

    I am surprised the Markles have not been rolled out for interviews in light of the mental health series. You bet Harry holds them responsible for colluding with the BM on the smear campaign-and for money. Afraid Harry will put them on blast on US TV (which will carry all over the world)? Tell the REAL reason why he never met Bad Dad? Expose money demands they stupidly submitted in writing? Have Oprah go on air to talk about TT’s drive by at her house and why she said no to interviewing him? They know they will get no sympathy from the majority of the US.

    • Carmen-JamRock says:

      Bad dad & TOD are small potatoes. H&M wont give them the satisfaction of paying them any att’n.
      The Firm, now…..H dragging them like tht is a bombshell. Notice how the BM are pretending they hvnt heard it.

    • Dl says:

      I am wondering if H and M attorneys contacted them. H and M live in US now and are free to pursue defamation and other law suits. I believe at least Scammie was told shut up or legal action will be taken.

      • aquarius64 says:

        There are a lot of receipts on Scammy that would finish her for good.

        When Bad Dad showed up at Oprah’s with that letter the tabloids made a point the letter was not for Meghan and Harry. I think he got a no contact notice from the lawyers too.

  43. what's inside says:

    Harry and Meghan are firmly focused on the future and are living their lives. More should note it and live their own best lives.

  44. Curious says:

    a headline on the dm said the queen is badly hurt by harry words. i am like bi tch you allowed your son and grandson to smear her, and you are hurt? what a piece of c rap. stand up and stop it. seriously you trying to kill your grandson and his wife and child.and you are hurt.. get a a grip. this old hag is useless. keep on smiling with your red lipstick. you are worthless if you can’t protect your grandson. she hated Diana. Charles hated Diana. Camilla hated Diana.all they wanted was a virgin to give them a heir… evil bunch of people. how Meghan can zoom talk to this woman is way out of my understanding… hope Meghan never trust this bi tch looking on the side and laughing at Meghan pain. when all she needs to do is speak up. but no she is still hiding and not saying a word. she is willingly allowing his to happen. such a 2 faced low class fool.

  45. Chelsea says:

    I think he lulled the Firm into a false sense of security by not going ham in March and being cordial at the funeral in April, but he was obviously furious with them for that terrible oppo drop and the fact that they still didnt let up on Meghan post interview despite the warnings and has now laid bare the horrific affect this had on Meghan and the similarities of how Diana and Dodi was treated and what he and Meghan were subjected to. He seems very aware that his shots land hard when he says them in his own name and his face on camera vs the cowardly firm’s means of chatting sh*t behind “anonymous sources”.

    They really need to stop testing this man because of they don’t once his grandmother is gone he will burn it all to the ground.