Cele|bitchy | Gal Gadot and Yaron Varsano welcome daughter Daniella

Gal Gadot and Yaron Varsano welcome daughter Daniella


We’re always talking about how some pregnancies feel like they last an eternity and some whizz by. Gal Gadot’s latest pregnancy feels like the latter. To be fair, we just found out about her third pregnancy in March. I guess she was already well into her second trimester by then because on Tuesday, Gal announced the birth on Instagram. She posted the sweet photo above of herself, her husband Yaron Varsano and their daughters, Alma, nine, Maya, four, and the newest family member, Daniella, with the following caption:

My sweet family 🖐🏼I couldn’t be more grateful and happy (and tired 🤪) we are all so excited to welcome Daniella into our family. I’m sending all of you love and health. GG ♥️🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼

[From Instagram via Page Six]

I absolutely love the vibe of this post. First of all, it’s the perfect complement to the announcement photo with the family smiling and touching Gal’s belly. Secondly, it’s such a relaxed photo, it looks like an album cover. Like they were all in the middle of a family sing-along when mom needed a small break to give birth, then they picked up at the second stanza. It’s sweet and everyone does look happy and tired in a newborn-just-arrived kind of way. Daniella Varsano is a pretty name. Daniella also fits in well with the Alma/Maya flow (and works with the whole Varsano Sisters Album I’ve created in my head).

I somehow missed that Gal told us she was having another girl in April. When she appeared on Kelly and Ryan, Gal knew Daniella was a she and announced it at that time. She asked Kelly for any advice on having a third and Kelly graciously told her the third would be her easiest because “it’s like they come out knowing you have your hands full.” That’s nice. Usually people are like, “it’s chaos! You’ll never know peace!” Kelly waded into that territory later with Gal after Ryan asked what thing Gal intended to do differently with baby #3. Gal said they’d “messed up” the whole sleep training with Alma so they really wanted to make it a priority with this one. Kelly said people think once a baby sleeps through the night the parents sleep soundly from then on. But the reality is that when the kids grow up, the parents stay up all night worrying about them. I can’t really fault Kelly for this, it’s true. Except I’m sure that won’t happen with Daniella because she’s part of the Varsano Sisters. They sing folk songs when the mood strikes them and protect world peace when not recording.

Congratulations to the whole Varsano Gadot family!




Photo credit: Instagram

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19 Responses to “Gal Gadot and Yaron Varsano welcome daughter Daniella”

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  1. Tiffany says:

    Gal’s daughters really do have great names and are absolute cuties.

  2. Marietta says:

    What a happy feel good post! I’m just waiting for the Cosby one. Seething anger! So this was a joyful read!

  3. Léna says:

    I love the name Alma, so beautiful

    • Dana says:

      Alma in hebrew (the first letter is not pronounced as A but it is a semitic A throat sound, meaning maiden (not soul=Alma in spanish).

  4. B says:

    Their daughters look so different but are all so lovely. Congratulations to their family

  5. Abby says:

    What a beautiful family. Congrats to them!

  6. embo says:

    I’m always completely blown away by how beautiful she is! Just a stunning woman. I know not the most thoughtful comment, so sorry about that! Happy for their new baby and relaxed family pics! 🙂

  7. Scarlet Vixen says:

    Yeah…My 3rd nearly broke me. LoL Once the husband & I were outnumbered it was a totally different ballgame. Getting them into carseats, cutting up food, potty training, you name it… My 3rd cannot be rushed to save her life, which for two ‘On time is late’ people is maddening! She is also sweet as can be, but is my, “Uh-oh, J**** is quiet…She must be destroying something” kid. We’ve definitely had to change up our whole parenting style with her. But, she’ll probably still want to snuggle in my lap when she’s like, 35 years old, so I guess I’ll keep her. <3

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Scarlet Vixen, I love your story of having a third and what it’s truly like. I only had two, but that was enough for me. But I can see how you guys were outnumbered and under attack from friendly foes!! My sister had 5, and I heard all the stories of having so many when there are only 2 to control them!! It’s like you have stepped into a different universe and reality has ceased to exist. My hat is off to you and your partner!! She sounds like a firecracker and will be a lovely adult one day!! Enjoy your little ones as they grow up so fast!!

      As for Gal, and her husband, they seem like a wonderful and loving family all around!! I adore her and will watch anything she is in. And the entire family looks so happy and they just seem to be a peaceful batch that exude happiness!! Plus, I love the names that they have chosen.

      More importantly Hecate, I love your that you have taken the unofficial title of the future for their family!! It may come true but your version is absolutely lovely!!

  8. Charfromdarock says:

    How sweet!

    Congratulations to their family!

  9. gah says:

    congrats! great time to have a baby 🙂

    love how real/casual this is- no hair and makeup, no special lighting.

    I’m really over the whole “I got a blow out in the hospital” type announcements and wish we could normalize the reality of those early days especially.

    • Betsy says:

      There are multiple realities, but I don’t think we need to normalize postpartum glamour. I agree with you that it is a terrible expectation to set up for normal non-celebrity women!

  10. Pulplove says:

    Mazel tov! What a wonderful picture! (Alma looks so much like Gal and Maya so much like Yaron while Gal has a touch of Isabella Rossellini here)

    I’m happy for them, I like her and he always seems very supportive of her. She’s such a beautiful woman and I find him very attractive too. They definitely have good taste as far as names are concerned.

  11. Stan says:

    I thought her husband’s name was Jaron. Is it because he was born and raised in The Netherlands and they often pronounce a j like a y (in English)?

  12. salmonpuff says:

    They look blissed out. Our surprise third folded into the family pretty seamlessly. Ours were all two years apart, so we were so used to the baby thing we just kept rolling with it. The first was hardest for me, the second the hardest for my husband. The third was just more of the same. My husband thankfully got a vasectomy after that so we never found out what a fourth was like!

  13. Lila says:

    Cute family and great choice in names. So happy for them!

  14. ... says:

    There’s something… off about her. I don’t know if I can call her “phony”, but it’s definitely something that makes it impossible to support her. I read some comments here that she’s apparently not the Nice Gal/Girl Power person that she pretends to be and I can totally believe it.

    • Impress says:

      It’s the lack of condemnation for Israel that irks me.

      • ... says:

        Not to get too serious (this is celebitchy, after all, and it is very liberal and centrist at times, they have not published other of my comments when I talk against the US army, for example) but Gal Gadot is never going to speak against Israel.

        She’s very much a zionist and so is her husband and so is her family. She comes from a right background. She’s not the woke wonder woman that people think she is in the least.

        And that’s all that needs to be said on the matter.