Britney and Kevin enjoy a tumultuous relationship

Britney and Kevin are in Vegas for Kevin’s 28th birthday party. TMZ has a quick video of the couple out last night while the pictures below were taken. Britney has her hand over her stomach, but it could mean anything. It does not look like she is hiding a bump, contrary to some reports.

Here are the latest rumors:

  • Britney has been drinking. US Weekly says that she had red wine and champagne on different occasions last week. People says that she had a cosmopolitan at Kevin’s birthday party last night.
  • Britney was again without her ring – at her husband’s birthday party!
  • Britney and Kevin stayed in different hotels and did not speak for three days in Hawaii after a bad fight according to US Weekly
  • Britney is supposedly not pregnant but does want more kids while Kevin, of course, doesn’t.
  • Britney is pissed that Kevin encouraged his ex, Shar Jackson, to record her own version of Britney’s hit “Toxic” according to the National Enquirer.

    We’re honestly a little tired of these two, and think that Britney is just trapped in a bad relationship with a user. Yes that’s stating the obvious, but it would be much more interesting if she would put her foot down for once. (And if she would wear something that covers up her fat instead of showcasing it.)

    Pictures [via]

    Two more pictures after the jump.

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