Sean Penn refuses to go back to work on ‘Gaslit’ until everyone is vaccinated

Cannes Film Festival 2021, Movie "Flag Day"

A year ago, when the pandemic was raging through the summer months in Europe, North America and South America, I knew that even when vaccines were widely available, there would still be some dipsh-ts who refused to get them. What I didn’t know at the time was just how many dipsh-ts there are out there. As vaccines have become widely available everywhere in recent months, the number of people refusing to get vaccinated is mind-numbing. It’s also a huge problem for employers, governments and public health officials who are struggling to find a way to force morons to do something good for themselves and good for society. I’m 100% behind employers mandating vaccines, I don’t even give a sh-t about whatever slippery slope argument anyone makes. F–k all y’all, if you don’t get vaccinated, you don’t get to have a job, or go to the movies, or eat at restaurants. Sean Penn is of the same mind, and he’s refusing to go back to work until the entire cast and crew of his Starz limited series is vaccinated.

After returning from the Cannes launch of his film Flag Day, Sean Penn has drawn a line in the sand, one that challenges Hollywood leadership to go further in imposing vaccination requirements for everyone on a film or TV set. In a move that likely will reverberate across an industry still trying to deal with Covid, Penn is refusing to return to work on Gaslit — the UCP-produced Starz limited series he stars in with Julia Roberts — until everyone on the production has been vaccinated for the virus. With the highly contagious Delta variant raging enough that Los Angeles has re-imposed indoor mask wearing and cases among the unvaccinated are spiking again at alarming levels across the country, Penn has insisted to the production that the vaccination of everyone must be mandatory. Through his organization, CORE, Penn has offered to facilitate the vaccination effort, free of charge.

Gaslight’s studio, NBCUniversal, this week mandated mandatory vaccinations in “Zone A,” which constitutes the cast and those who come in close proximity. An email was sent out to cast and crew Wednesday informing that an on-site clinic was made available to provide free Covid vaccinations, done by the same vendor offering vaccinations to NBCUniversal and production crews on the upper lot. The memo said several vaccine choices are available, and the vendor will be back in 21 days to administer a second dose, if necessary. The memo also asked members of the production to present evidence of vaccination to the Covid testing team when they show up for their next shift on the production. Not good enough, per Penn, who has a couple weeks left before he wraps.

Penn’s not doing this to embarrass the studio, or out of fear that he and the other stars might get exposed, because Penn has been fully vaccinated. This is based on the principle that to go unvaccinated puts everyone around you in jeopardy on a set, where crew that isn’t in Zone A still can come in proximity and potentially spread a variant just by being in the trailer of a cast member, for instance. This is one of the first examples of a filmmaker or star directly challenging Hollywood leaders to go further than a recent agreement, and impose strong rules on a production by requiring everyone to be vaccinated.

Gaslit is being shot mostly indoors in Burbank. While early Hollywood productions assiduously adhered to safety protocols and testing to prevent Covid spread — and NBCUniversal has been doing that right along — vaccination still has been considered a personal choice, even though experts attribute the recent spike in cases to those who’ve chosen not to get jabbed.

This puts NBCUniversal in a spot; the studio was part of negotiations between Hollywood unions and major companies that led to approval that Covid-19 vaccinations on film and TV productions could be mandated. But the new protocols, they said in a joint statement on Monday, only gives producers “the option to implement mandatory vaccination policies for casts and crew in Zone A on a production-by-production basis.” Zone A, where unmasked actors work, is the most restrictive of the safe work zones on sets.

[From Deadline]

Ol’ Ham-Face is doing a good thing here. His work with CORE has ensured easy access to vaccines and testing all over the LA area and beyond for months now, and Penn is absolutely right that it’s not just “Zone A” people that he has to worry about. I get that there are union issues, but I would hope that every Hollywood union would be pro-vaccine mandates as well, just as a baseline issue of healthcare (and healthcare costs, since almost everyone in Hollywood has healthcare through their unions). So, yeah – I hope more big-name celebrities throw their weight around for good, to get people vaccinated. I hope it happens in every sport and every sporting event too – at this point, every tennis player, every football player, every basketball player needs to be vaccinated and if they aren’t, they don’t get to play their sport. Period.

2021 Cannes Film Festival

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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41 Responses to “Sean Penn refuses to go back to work on ‘Gaslit’ until everyone is vaccinated”

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  1. Kebbie says:

    Good for him

    • marehare says:

      Great Job Sean Penn. Now if all businesses would do this, we’d get more people vaccinated and have fewer cases and deaths from Covid. I had my
      vaccinations, did you?

      • AMA1977 says:

        I wish my company would mandate vaccinations. I have a co-worker (who I love, but disagree with fundamentally on lots of things) who refuses to get vaccinated and refuses to vaccinate her high-schooler. I got mine as soon as my group was available, and I was FRANTICALLY loading the registration website while I was in my son’s middle school parking lot for pickup the day the EUA went into effect for his age group. The day the EUA is valid for my younger child is the day I do the same for her. It’s infuriating.

        I tried to have a rational conversation with my work friend about her hesitancy, and it’s just right-wing talking point lies mixed with religious fervor “dead babies” anti-choice lies. I tried to ask open-ended questions and share my perspective (I’ve had good success with other friends hesitant to vaccinate their kids by saying how scary it must have been for my grandparents’ generation to vaccinate their kids against polio, but how brave they were and how it protected so many people and eradicated a deadly disease) but there’s nothing you can say and I just got frustrated. It’s no different to me than schools requiring proof of vaccinations, which I wholeheartedly support. Your individual freedom ends at infecting me with a deadly, preventable disease.

  2. Izzy says:

    Honestly, good for him. He’s right. If someone doesn’t like it they can find another job, they are putting other lives at risk with their own stupidity.

  3. cassandra says:

    As far as I know, we’re waiting on official FDA approval as opposed to the emergency approval-which I believe should be Septemberish. Once that’s done, vaccine mandates can be implemented and enforced much more widely in schools and workplaces.

    I did indeed meet a Florida Woman the other day who, despite being vaccinated, was showing symptoms but refused a test because she thought we would infect her with Covid via the nasal swab. I cannot make this insanity up.

    • Claire says:


    • Lizzie says:

      The old trump ‘stop testing and our numbers will go down’ philosophy.

    • Gah says:

      My whole family refuses vaccines and testing bc they are afraid of infection via swab- they are white collar, highly intelligent wackadoodles and one is a nurse.

      my daughter (age 6) had a legit vaccine injury that caused a massive four years long nightmare that we are only just recovering from.

      I’m still gonna get the vaccine (we live now in a developing country and might return to the US a just to get our hands on a j and j or Pfizer).

      Fully support Sean Penn here.

      There are also wonderful ways to support immunity ore and post vaccine so that those who already have autoimmune issues like my daughter can have a more reasonable expectation of safety.

      Sigh wish we could all get this

  4. Jane says:

    Can we stop calling him Ham-Face? It’s just so unnecessarily mean.

  5. Miss Margo says:

    I work in film/tv, and you aren’t allowed to enter the studio without proof of vaccination. I refuse to sit next to someone unvaccinated. How dare you put me in danger because you’re stupid?! Love that Sean Penn is doing this.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Right? I’m thinking about the big movie sets I worked on, there’s no way unvaccinated people are kept separate from “zone A” and why do only above the line people get protected.

      Lunch. Crafty. Indoor studio. Bathrooms. Trailers. Props. The list of possible contacts is endless and the air quality often limited.

  6. NCWoman says:

    The personal choice approach makes no sense. It’s bad enough when people choose not to get the flu or pneumonia vaccines, but this Is Not The Same. COVID is a much more serious disease with much more serious long-term potential consequences for the individual (hello lung transplants and Alzheimers type brain fog) and to public health (the Delta variant allows you to infect someone else in seconds). Everyone needs to get the vaccine, and if that means a work-related mandate and vaccine passports, then let’s do it.

    • SarahCS says:

      It’s a bit like needing a driving licence to drive a car. You might not want to get one and think you don’t need one but it’s in everyone’s best interest that you pass a test and get a licence before you drive.

    • Eleonor says:

      Here in France Macron is trying the “pass sanitaire” if you are not vaccinetade you can’t go to concert, and from the 01 of August you will not be allowed to go to bar and restaurants.
      A lot of people are complaining, I have just talked to a friend who was all like “oooh I can’t go to the music festival because of this! And it’s going to be worst! BUH-UH”
      FFS where have you been in the last year and a half?
      I literally had to lie to get my vaccine, and a lot of people I know did the same.

  7. Charfromdarock says:

    I can’t believe I actually agree with Sean Penn on something.

    I just don’t get vaccine hesitancy. Or anti-maskers.

    I am so grateful to live in a place with high vaccination rates. Covid vaccinations are closing in on 85% of the eligible population.

    Our general vaccination rate is 97%, so I’m sure we will hit 90% or higher.

  8. ML says:

    In general, I’m not a Sean Penn fan, but here he is 100% right.

  9. Normades says:

    I hate the argument that it’s “a choice” and that the non-vaccinated are being “discriminated” against. Choices have consequences. If you’re not going to protect the herd, you have no business being in it. No vaccine – no movies, concerts, travel for you.

    • Jax says:

      No soup for you!

    • Green Desert says:

      Right?! I love (and by that I mean loathe) that these people are all “ my body, my choice” when it suits them. A**holes.

      I have a soft spot for cantankerous ol’ Sean. Good on him for this.

      • lucy2 says:

        The problem with that is it’s not just their body, it’s everyone around them too, because it’s such a highly contagious disease. The “my choice” people infuriate me for that reason, it’s just so damn stupid and selfish.

      • Green Desert says:

        Exactly, Lucy2. And many of these people also don’t believe in reproductive rights. The cognitive dissonance on display, especially since Trump, is mind-blowing.

  10. BusyLizzy says:

    A bunch of anti-vax idiots are going to protest in Paris on Saturday because the French government is passing a law to put in place a « vaccination passport » which would mean people have to show proof of vaccination (or a negative COVID test) to access a number of places such as bars, cafés, gyms, etc.
    The same idiots are comparing this law to the Shoah, even wearing yellow stars during the protest.
    As someone whose family was deported to Auschwitz , I have no words to express my disgust at those people. Oh actually I do : f**k y** anti vax morons.

    • It’sJustBlanche says:

      That’s crazy. I thought we were the only ones with someone as stupid as Majorie Taylor Greene.

  11. Case says:

    I totally agree with him. I wish more people were able to take this stance and keep their jobs, but unfortunately it’s a privilege lot of people don’t have.

    • EnormousCoat says:

      It looks like the vaccines will have full FDA approval by the early fall. At that point, employers can require vaccinations as a condition of employment (this will be automatic for some industries). The people who have been callous and irresponsible will finally face some consequences for their behavior and decisions during the pandemic. Hallelujah!

      • lucy2 says:

        Good – we have one holdout here at work, and the rest of us are adamant that we’re not going to just be ok with it. The boss isn’t either, but I think is hesitant on how to handle it without getting sued or something. A legal mandate would solve the problem.

  12. Gil says:

    It’s America so I think we are never gonna see this Sean Pean series finished. Lot of morons are gonna keep saying “but my rights”. I’m sorry for Americano, in my home country only the really wackos are refusing to get vaccinated. In America it can be your next door neighbor who looks totally “normal”.

  13. whynot says:

    I wish the Covid vaccine was mandatory for teachers of students under 12. My kid has no option to get a vaccine now and relies on trusted adults. The superintendent of our school board just said masks won’t even be mandatory in September, when students here return to school. Okay, so students could handle masks all last year but now with a much more contagious variant, which is already sweeping through some summer camps in the US, we’re going to drop that? I’m so frustrated. “Symptoms in young children are minimal”. Screw that. Long Covid is affecting many children a year later and no one knows the long term effects. I can’t believe these idiots have my kid’s health in their hands. No, she will not do online school especially since the only option is for the full year and vaccines for that age group should come in the winter.

  14. MissMarirose says:

    Good for him. I wish more people in positions of power would do this.
    (He’s still a giant a**hole, though.)

  15. Jax says:

    What about my freedom to ignore scientific evidence and common sense?

  16. lunchcoma says:

    Even Sean Penn is occasionally right about something.

    I hope that more employers start to mandate vaccines, starting with hospitals and other organizations providing health care. I suspect that will be the best route to getting vaccination levels up to acceptable levels. There are a lot of people who are mildly anti-vaxx or just lazy, but who will get over both rather than find a new job.

  17. Ann says:

    With my company effective November this year if you are not vaccinated you will be terminated. I work for a huge national Healthcare company that some of you are likely a patient of. We are purging people and it’s a about damn time. I personally feel like Nov is too late and end of August is a more reasonable time frame, but it’s something. I don’t want to work with diseased people and I don’t want those same coworkers spreading disease to our patients.

  18. Jessica says:

    Good for him, this should absolutely be the norm. My company is starting rumblings of being fully back on site by the end of Q3, and I am not happy about it. I’m fully vaxxed (Moderna) but I’ve been told a lot of the people already back are not, and f*%k that. I am not risking myself just so they can say we’re 100% on site. Luckily my supervisor agrees and doesn’t think we really ever need to go back in, let’s hope leadership agrees with her.

  19. Jay says:

    So far this year I have been forced to agree with both the NFL and Sean Penn on the topic of vaccines.

  20. J ferber says:

    He’s right.

  21. Christy says:

    A stopped clock is right twice a day. He’s still gross but this is a good thing to do.

  22. Justwastingtime says:

    I find nothing wrong with it.. he probably made most of the crew happy.

  23. Veronica S. says:

    I admit I’m slightly wary of letting private businesses require vaccination simply because that could be a pathway to other abuses down the line, though I do think certain industries like international airlines or cruise ships can be exceptions due to the reach of their transmission risk. Publicly funded or government facilities are a different issue. It’s frustrating either way, and I think he’s doing the right thing here leveraging his power that will protect more vulnerable people on set, but I get the arguments on both sides of it for this one as far across the board mandates go.