This photo is from Lindsay Lohan’s Twitter – she posted it, thinking she looked awesome, when she really looks older than her mother. But still, happy days, right? Yesterday, Lindsay Lohan got a job – hostess of the Singapore Grand Prix. Even though Lindsay was the second choice – the replacement for a Pussycat Doll – she seemed thrilled with her gig as she waxed on like a crackhead about the Grand Prix and Herbie: Fully Loaded. The news made me wonder if Lindsay, in her own mind, might think that if she’s functioning enough to take a gig, that maybe she’s still keeping it together. I have news for Lindsay – she’s not.
In Touch Weekly has an article this week about how everyone in Lindsay’s life thinks she’s a loser, especially the drama-muse herself, Sam Ronson. It starts with a story about how Samantha Ronson specifically had to ensure that Lindsay did not show up at Charlotte Ronson’s (Sam’s sister) fashion show in New York. The Ronson family thinks Sam’s relationship with LiLo is “volatile” and they took “extreme measures” to make sure Lindsay wouldn’t make a scene:
“Lindsay has ruined too many family events and we couldn’t let Charlotte’s night be about Lindsay,” a friend tells In Touch. “Sam’s whole family hates her.”
Lindsay wasn’t at the after-party either. Instead, Sam kept busy chatting with Spider-Man star Kirsten Dunst, who, according to the friend, “doesn’t like Lindsay.”
One sympathetic pal of Lindsay’s think she’s at the breaking point: “It’s sad that the Ronsons used Lindsay when she was at the height of her fame and now they talk badly of her.”
While Sam partied without her, Lindsay “was trying to get her friends to go out, but they were sleeping and didn’t want to go… So she flipped out.”
Though Lindsay has denied them, there have been reports that she had a meltdown at the Bowery Hotel the same night as Charlotte Ronson’s show. Lindsay believed Sam was staying there. “She arrived in the early morning… she looked drunk and was covered in bruises.”
Once inside the hotel, the witness claims, Lindsay unleashed her fury.
“She threw a room service tray at what she thought was Sam’s door,” says the witness. When it turned out to be the room of another guest, Lindsay was unrepentant – and continued her tirade.
“She was screaming at the guest in the hallway. She said that someone had beaten her up.” The witness claims that eventually, police escorted her out of the building.
“Poor Lindsay has no one to take care of her,” says one former pal.
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, October 5 2009]
Jaybird reported the story about Lindsay getting a police escort out of the Bowery last week. It’s still pretty f-cking deranged this week. But it’s interesting backstory to hear that Lindsay’s freakout might have been the result of not being invited to bring her cracked-out diva act to Sam’s sister’s fashion show. I wonder whether or not Sam is even putting out the effort to enable Lindsay at this point. Lindsay is caught in her own neverending cycle of drama, I don’t think Sam really has to do or say anything. Whatever happens, Lindsay is going to freak out and act like the crazed bitch that she is.
Here’s Lindsay at LAX on the 22nd and 18th. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
At one point does a person realize they’re 100% out of control before they clean their shit up and stop making excuses? I mean really, this is beyond train-wreck.
“One sympathetic pal of Lindsay’s think she’s at the breaking point: “It’s sad that the Ronsons used Lindsay when she was at the height of her fame and now they talk badly of her.””
I love gossip. I read a lot of it. I am baffled as to how the Ronsons USED Lindsay.
I wouldn’t want her drama anywhere near a project I had worked hard on; I don’t blame the Ronson family one bit for that.
Lindsay needs a lot of help. Actually, she needs to just pack up and go live in Africa or Asia for a while and see what happens to drug addicted white girls who don’t care about their lives. I don’t blame the Ronsons at all. Lindsay brought all of this upon herself. She is mentally unstable and is a tragic reflection of what hollywood youth has become.
Princess – I was wondering about that, too. I think the “friend” was referencing the point when Sam & Linds first started hanging out, and no one really knew who Sam was. In some ways, Sam’s association with Linds made her a more in-demand deejay.
As for the rest of the Ronsons, I don’t think they have ever cared whether Lindsay lives or dies. Mark Ronson, esp. has his own career as a music producer & he’s never wanted anything to do with Lindsay.
i think that these 2 are not together but the crack whore keep chasing Sam that’s seems to don’t care at all and simples do her own business. Maybe they are still friends but even this will not last Lindsay is too fucking CRAZY to have FRIENDS
Lindsay officially looks like a cougar. Thanks self tanner, crack and hair dye!
of course it does, because she’s an out-of-control addict who doesn’t see how f-ed up her behavior is.
she needs a lock-down rehab that lasts about 6 months to a year, and then she MIGHT be OK.
but I’m betting she’ll be one of the ones who dies at a young age. NOTE: I AM NOT WISHING DEATH ON HER, just that she seems to be heading in that direction.
either that or porn, then an OD.
Honestly, considering no one had heard of Charlotte’s clothing line OR Sam’s so called DJ’ing career until Lindsay I think its pretty fair to say they used her somewhat.
@! – you mean YOU hadn’t heard of the Ronsons. That doesn’t mean NO ONE else did.
Where on earth are her parents? Are they truly that self involved that they won’t help her?
I never heard of Samantha Ronson until she associated herself with Lindsay.
@ Jen – What are her parents supposed to do? She’s a grown woman. Well, so to speak…
I don’t really see what the big deal is here. The Ronsons didn’t want her at an event? That’s not new, that has happened before. I didn’t blame them before, and I don’t blame them now. She is emotionally unstable. But still, so what? That’s not a crime. Just annoying to have around.
Whoever heard of Samantha Ronson until Lindsay was hanging out with her.
There was a great deal of titillating speculation at the beginning as to whether or not they were more than just “friends”. It was the most popular celebrity topic for weeks….
I don’t agree that the Ronson’s Family USE Lindsay, first Lindsay and Sam was friends and then became a couple but if she did not want Sam with her even when they are just friends would be easy just don’t go out with her like Sam do it now (hahaha).
And u from the USA seems to think that if a person is not in the Hollywood circle or well recognize in UR country so She/He is a NOBODY. WAKE the Fuck UP u are not the center of the Planet Earth or the Universe people can be well recognized in their country and not very now in other’s but this don’t mean that they are NOBODY’S Charlotte is well now in England and in Japan where she have a line of clothes that make successes Sam’s brother already have 3 Grammy’s and is a producer. And the last time i check Sam’s family is RICH her mother is a writer-socialite her father is music executive and real estate entrepreneur Aristocrat and her stepfather was member of band Foreigner. Now Lindsay family is a bunch of seeking for fame by any costs WHORE’S that embarrass themselves so Lets check AGAIN WHO IS USING WHO
I had. And I’d heard of Mark & Charlotte
Before I heard of Samantha Ronson, I have heard of Mark and Charlotte Ronson. So, the family didn’t use Lilo. Why do they need to?
Her parents are obv as deluded as Lindsay is, they seem to think her drug addled, crazy psychotic behaviour is perfectly normal as she is ‘special’ (as Lindsay’s dad said in her leaked voicemails)
This is really scary, she is completely out of control, and there are no boundaries or lessons taught from her parents.
What a disgusting family she has, no wonder she is such a mess. But I’m sure that nobody will step in and Lohan is certainly not going to help herself.
I still remember when she said she would have an oscar before she’s 30…she’ll be lucky to make 30 at this rate.
@princess pea, I never eard of them either. And Neither had a lot of people-only those in the industry. Now they are household names because of their relationship with Lindsay. they may not have knowing and willingly used her, but it happened all the same.
I again reiterate my point about Lindsay needing to go under a conservatorship with Jamie spears at the helm. Look what he did for Brittany.
Oh hell, the Ronson’s had success and money way before Lindsay came along. If anything, Lindsay has been a drain on them, and I suspect that it has been Ronson who has supported a lot of their lifestyle since they have been together.
Lindsay is trash, and while Ronson is no saint, she does come from a higher class of family than Lohan and she does come from money and from a family who has many successful and WORKING members in it. Ronson herself, has been a dj, and a popular one, before Lohan, so all this b.s about Ronson usuing her is just a smoke screen to cover up the dismal failure and idiot Lohan truly is.
No one has heard of the Ronson’s BEFORE Lidsay? Right! Mark Ronson is a very talented and successful music producer, who was the genius behind Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black album, among other artists. Charlotte Ronson was a well known designer too before Lohan. Not to mention, over in England the entire family is well known. America is not the only place on earth you realize, so just because you may not have heard of them here, does not mean they are not known elsewhere.
If anything, Ronson’s name is poxed because of her association with Lohan. I just do not get people defending this woman. She is a loser drug addict who is on the verge of a collapse that will make Britney’s melt down look tame by comparison.
I don’t neccessarily agree that the ronson’s used her – anyone getting involved romantically with Lohan will be thrust into the spotlight and written about and get jobs because of.
Its human nature to make the most of opportunities which Sam is doing.
people feed into her ego. on her twitter page people tell her how gorgeous she looks in that picture. asskissers! she looks like a hag. sad b/c she used to be a pretty girl.
@ coocoolechu – weird, isn’t it? No matter how many people are on this forum talking about her looking busted and way older than she should, there are tons of suck-ups kissing her famous ass and telling her she is awesome. It’s no wonder she thinks she’s still totally in control of it all.
i knew about both sam and mark before lohan obviously. sam has been a well known dj since the early 2000s in nyc and la. but i guess they are talking tabloid fame, but that would happen to anyone who dates LL. what i dont get is how the ronsons supposedly used her when she was on top? lls career was pretty much on a downer when she started dating sam. anyway i feel sorry for the girl, she is only young and has a real handicap in her crazy family. wish her the best
I hope some of these celeb parents raising their little darlings realize that kids need boundries and you have to use common sense & not give kids a false sense of entitlement, just because they exist. We don’t want a whole new generation of LiLos.
@Princess Pea – I’m right with you re: HOW did the Ronsons use Lindsey? Mark’s been successful for a good while prior to the Lilo/Sam hookup, and Sam was already a DJ on the rise. IIRC, Charlotte has wanted Lilo kept as far away as possible from anything to do with her clothing line, and has been that way since its inception. If anything, Lindsey is harming to any success, because there’s a pretty well-grounded fear that if Sam Ronson is involved with something, Lindsey and her crazy train will show up with the crackhead drama.
@ Firestarter: Thank you for that bit of information. I had no clue about Sam’s parets until you said what you did. I knew about Sam because I’ve got relatives in LA who are into the club scene. But again, thank you for enlightening me 🙂
the Ronsons had wealth and success before Lindsay came along. thanks to her they now have notoriety.
Here’s hoping Lindsay’s “wake-up call” comes in the form of waking up in a Singapore jail cell. They take that drug crap pretty seriously over there…
@Tinker- No problem. : )
LiLo getting banned from Charlotte’s stuff makes perfect sense, Charlotte has got buyers and non-threatening corporations (JCPenney) to please.
As far as LiLo getting Sam more jobs, she can’t even get HERSELF actual jobs in AMERICA!, let alone…
But why even debate what ONE, just one “sympathetic pal” (read: HANGER ON) has to say? That was probably her sister, Ali, who already had her application rejected by the Ronsons and Penney’s.
Lindsay reeks of borderline personality… the drug use, anorexia, constant drama, volatile relationships, confused sexuality… That stuff is really hard to treat. I hope she cleans up her act because noone is going to want to be around her. Too bad because I really liked her in Mean Girls 🙁
I knew more about those darn Ronson kids than I did about the crack-whore when Sam first got together with her.
As for the aforementioned crack-whore; Vile. Oxygen. Thief.
There is some serious hotness going on with the F1 drivers. I’m betting Lindsay will humiliate herself by trying to get in their pants (I don’t think she’s a lesbian, or even bi. She’s just slutty). Then she’ll write a rambling Tweet about it and somehow blame Sam for everything. Poor Sam. I don’t even think she’s interested in Lindsay now, she just doesn’t want the crazy bitch to kill herself (accidentally or on purpose).
“while Ronson is no saint, she does come from a higher class of family than Lohan”
Change the word “family” to “famewhores” and you’ve got it.
How are the Ronsons famewhores? They each have legitimate, successful careers dependent upon their own talents. What the hell has Dina, Michael, or any of the Lohans done, other than ride the coattails of their burnout daughter? If you really want to see people who “used her at the height of her fame” then look no further than her immediate family.
The Lohans all need to just be blacklisted and/or stfu. None of them serve a purpose or ever have anything constructive to say or do. They are bottomfeeders, too concerned with living vicariously through their infamous daughter to give enough of a shit about her emotional and physical health. She’s an addict with enablers, not parents. They’re always pointing the finger at someone else every time Lindsay f*cks up, which as the world knows is quite frequently.
If you stop paying attention to and feeding strays, they eventually go away.
She’s just a really bad version of Brittney without kids.
sigh… here we go again.
I was aware of the Ronsons since about 2002, maybe 2003. Charlotte’s early designs were just the sort of girly girl thing I like so I followed her a bit. I learned about her siblings because they took turns DJing her fashion shows.
I did not even watch Mean Girls until i learned from Samantha’s earlier myspace (before she redid it) that a song of hers had appeared in the movie.
i have never been impressed with lindsay’s idea of acting. She is typecast. She does not act.
Tabloid notoriety is not the same thing as fame.
Samantha even had a cameo in the very beginning of Usher’s My Boo vid, way back when. She was very well liked, she was Lil Red, Mark’s kid sister.
Shades of MacKenzie Phillips. Lohan will continue to crash and burn, dragging anyone who knows her down with her. Then when she is forty or fifty and looks like she is eighty (as does Phillips who has obviously received a little help from plastic surgery)we will be watching her on Oprah (who will never quit her show because she would miss the constant ego stroking although by then her audience will total 5 die-hard fans)and she will reveal the sordid childhood that put her on this self-destructive path. Don’t be surprised at the revelations that will come out. You don’t get that f**ked up with half-decent parenting. It takes a lot to really f**k up your kid.
Are she and Samantha still together? It seems like Samantha is partly to blame to. The two have been holding onto each other far too long past the point of their “official” break up, whenever that was. For awhile it seemed Lindsay was doing better with Samantha but clearly something happened. They obviously can’t be friends/a couple and it’s sad, but Samantha needs to let go because obviously Lindsay won’t!
It’s too bad Lindsay doesn’t have a Daddy Spears in her life.
If Lindsay had thrown her career in the crapper she could not have more effectively ended it. The only publicity she gets is bad, the only pics we see of her are bad, she shamelessly accepts whatever gratuities/paying gigs she can get. If she did have plans to resurrect her “career” none of this is helping. Her mother is on the take, exploits kids but takes no responsibility. Whatever attempts I made to keep an open mind about Dina’s parenting ability went out the door when she started letting Ali go out with Lindsay.
I never heard of Sam until Lindsay was with her. And I consume a lot of celebrity gab.
Anyway, I don’t understand all the anger at Lindsay. She is obviously unable to appreciate her opportunities and privileges because she is mentally ill. And there is no one who can seem to help her. So maybe all the people on here judging a mentally ill young woman with no help are the ones who are privileged. I just hope to see her well some day – she is the same age as my younger sister and it is terrible to see such a young woman at this state of mental disrepair.
I had heard of Mark Ronson independently of Lindsay Lohan. Ironically, he was tasked with the impossible job of partnering up with England’s famous crackhead, Amy Winehouse. They were supposed to produce a theme song for A Quantum of Solace, but needless to say, Winehouse was not in any state of mind to accomplish this feat. I had heard of Samantha in connection to Mark, and then it turned out that she was dating Lindsay.
I’m always surprised when I hear that these two are still together. Maybe their relationship is based on sex and drugs? Then again, Lindsay Lohan lies a lot about everything– to her lying seems like just another form of acting– so I wonder if she’s misrepresenting the nature of their current relationship.
She is in a state of mental despair because she refuses to give up her addictions to alcohol and drugs. She knows full well what she is doing and she simply doesn’t care. She thinks that all her antics will some how keep her relevant AND get her the attention she needs from Ronson and anyone else she is emotionally trying to blackmail.
I feel no sympathy for her whatsoever. She brought herself to where she is by making a spectacle of herself anywhere and everywhere. She is a rotten person who knows full well what she is doing to the people she is abusing. She is selfish and self entitled and a big loser as far as I am concerned. The best help that anyone can give her, is to not photograph, write about her, or hire her for ANYTHING. Maybe when she sees what her behavior gets her she will get off the crack pipe and try to straighten herself up.
Lindsey needs to stop chasing Ronson. HAVE SOME pride woman! Seriously! She’s just not that into you!
I agree with those who aren’t losing any sleep over LiLo’s downward spiral. She’s such a self-entitled, loathsome, and utterly graceless twat who isn’t at all concerned with how her behavior affects other people.
The poster above who surmised that Lindsay might be a Borderline is spot on, in my opinion.
@tooey, re: Singapore’s position on drugs. You are so right, and if she doesn’t mind her p’s&q’s over there, she’s gonna be starring in the real life version of Brokedown Palace. Anyone remember that American kid who got caned a while back,over there, for vandalism? Their justice system does not play around when it comes to punishing crimes, and they take drug situations very, very seriously.
@Ellie “It’s too bad Lindsay doesn’t have a Daddy Spears in her life”
For real! Jamie Spears should open his own tough love rehab center. He completely changed the spiral Britney was in, and we’ve all seen that stays at Promises and Crossroads do absolutely nothing to get these people straight.
To think this girl used to be the hottest thing on the planet five years ago. Now I wouldn’t go near her (and of course I’m not in that league).
I can’t get behind the sentiment of “Poor sick Lindsey with NO ONE to help her”. Girl has money; maybe not as much as she used to but it’s there. She’s had three (or is it four now? who can keep track?) rehab stays. People have CLEARLY TRIED to help her. It’s no ones fault but her own if she isn’t interested in taking any of that help. She doesn’t want to ‘work’, and getting well would take some real effort.
“Poor Lindsay has no one to take care of her,” says one former pal.
Unless she’s under a 5150 hold, don’t know why any adult would need to “take care of poot Lindsay…” barf
Here’s hoping she gets arrested in another country whose drug laws are much tougher than those in the US.
I forgot to add that if she needs someone to take care of her, I would only charge $100 per hour to babysit…lol
princess pea – I do agree with the statement that the Ronson’s used Lindsay. Mark got where he got on his own but the publicity that surrounds them is down to Lindsey.
Before her no one outside of NYC knew who they were (I think the Post did an article on them once). Then all of a sudden you attach her name to theirs (when she was famous) and Sam’s making oodles of cash off of her (this also worked for DJ AM who was rumored to date Nicole Richie because he could up his fees), Charlotte was doing what before Lindsay? and Mark starts making the gossip pages more, and is then carried off on the backs of Winehouse and Allen’s name. If it weren’t for those 3 no one would ever know who he was. Notice how you don’t hear about him anymore (unless you live in Britain and catch the odd snippet of him at a party)?
Tabloid notoriety is not fame.
Fame is having your name command respect within that small circle of power brokers who basically run your chosen profession.
Lindsay DOES NOT have that respect. Lindsay’s last real moneymaker movie was Herbie released in 2005. Her star power has been on a downshill slide since then. She is the one who played coy about her relationship with Ronson BECAUSE it garnered curiosity and therefore publicity. She has been USING her relationship with Ronson to get attention on something other than her DUIs and drug use etc etc.
Ronson comes from money. Ronson comes from a wealthy and well-connected family. Mark was certainly the trailblazer, but Mark wants to be a producer, and is perfectly happy to give his kid sister a leg up as she is happiest on the DJ scene that he is mostly leaving behind. Samantha is where she is because of her family’s backing. Lindsay has done nothing but drag the Ronson name through the mud of tabloid notoriety.