Sean Penn: Vaccines are ‘one of those things that should be mandatory’

2021 Cannes Film Festival

You know how I’ve spent years calling Sean Penn a giant ham-faced dumpster fire? Well, I still believe that. He is absolutely trash. But… he is sentient trash and sometimes he does one or two things right. A broken clock, etc. All I know is that this is the second story in a row where I totally understand why Sean Penn is saying these words. Last month, Penn refused to go back to work on his miniseries Gaslit until everyone (below-the-line and above) got vaccinated. Which I agreed with, the idea that the studios and producers needed to mandate vaccines on TV and film sets. Now Penn says that more businesses, studios and basically everyone in charge need to start mandating vaccinations across the board. I agree.

On vaccinations: “This is one of those things that should be mandatory.” The actor and filmmaker also likens vaccine mandates to driver’s licenses, calling them “no different than having everybody being able to drive 100 miles an hour in a car.”

He’ll only make exceptions for people with underlying health conditions: While he’s a vocal proponent of mandatory vaccinations, Penn does make allowances for those individuals who are unable to receive any of the COVID vaccinations currently on the market due to underlying health conditions.

He has no time for “vaccine hesitancy” though: He admits that he’s “frustrated” with the resistance he’s seen among America’s unvaccinated population who are able to receive a vaccine but have been hesitant to schedule their first dose. “There’s different kinds of hesitancies, and so I don’t think that there’s much excuse to not know the informational available anymore…That’s part of why I think it should be mandatory. A resistance that’s just based on a certain kind of… lack of imagination and understanding of anything that’s helpful to the human race, I’ve become very frustrated by that. But I can only work within my own bounds and say that, for me, it should be mandatory.”

Businesses need to step into the vaccine mandate vacuum: In the current absence of a federal vaccine mandate, Penn believes it’s up to private individuals and companies to take the necessary steps to increase America’s vaccinated population at a crucial time in the arc of the pandemic. “I think that the movie business [and] all business need to take the lead and to be not so timid.”

[From Yahoo]

Yeah. He’s right. I understand why President Biden and Dr. Fauci haven’t ordered a federal mandate, because all that would do is agitate the “libertarians” on both sides and we’d have some giant, stupid argument about “government overreach” and God knows, it would end up going to the Supreme Court and Brett F–king Kavanuagh would have to cast the deciding vote on whether people should believe science. Biden and Fauci are making a calculated risk that they’ll get more flies with honey, that it’s better for states and businesses to take the lead on vaccine mandates, and they’re probably right. So is Penn – it’s August and we’re 18 months into the pandemic and too few businesses have mandates.

Sean Penn exits Nobu after enjoying a family dinner

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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21 Responses to “Sean Penn: Vaccines are ‘one of those things that should be mandatory’”

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  1. Merricat says:

    Sean Penn is like a better informed Alec Baldwin–he has some liberal ideas about conservation and etc., but he still treats women like garbage. So yeah, our beliefs sometimes intersect, but I can’t stand that guy. And yeah, more big businesses need to step up.

    • Snappyfish says:

      Exactly this. Sean Penn IS an amazing actor. He always has been (first saw in him Taps) He is often well informed & I agree with him about vaccines. (Pfizer here as soon as I was considered “old enough” by Virginia)

      However his consistent abusive nature towards women & anyone who disagrees with him is extremely off putting. Makes it hard to watch him do the thing he is quite good at…act.

      Please get vaccinated & wear a mask around those you don’t know & while in public. I can guarantee masks are far more comfortable than intubation

  2. Lauren says:

    This man is garbage, but I do agree with him on vaccines. If you are able to get vaccinated and don’t want to because whatever the least you can do is stay at home, not go to the hospital when you get covid and let the rest of us get on with our lives.

  3. Charfromdarock says:

    I can’t believe I agree with Sean Penn on something.

    • atorontogal says:

      Same – it scares me a little.

    • liz says:

      same. I don’t like it, but I do agree with him on this issue.

      My teenager works for a huge New York non-profit with daily interaction with the general public. There is a mask mandate and their security guards will ask people to leave. They have announced that all new hires must be vaccinated. They haven’t mandated it for existing employees (Kiddo is fully vaccinated and has been since it was available to their age group in April). I sort of understand the reluctance to add additional job requirements to existing employees, but this is a public health issue.

    • Eleonor says:

      This is the time we are living.

  4. Oh_Hey says:

    Broken clocks and all that

  5. Tin says:

    My husband’s boss is a right wing conspiracy believing guy who is currently on a ventilator with COVID. He wouldn’t get the vaccine because you know, COVID was fake news and the vaccine is bad, and all of that. I should be more compassionate I suppose, but I am done with these people.

    I agree with Sean Penn here.

    • SusieQ says:

      My godmother’s unvaccinated nephew is 34 with an autoimmune condition, and he rails on social media every day about how Covid is just the flu. I really, really, really want to call his bluff and ask him if that means he’ll refuse hospitalization for Covid when he inevitably contracts it.

  6. Darla says:

    There’s trouble over on the General Hospital set. Nancy Lee Grahn has been tweeting about it. I believe she is with a high risk partner, from what I recall in the past. Anyway, everyone knows who one of the actors refusing to vax is, but she is saying plural. She’s trying to get SAG to do something about it. I can’t believe ABC isn’t making this mandatory. Netflix did, right? These actors have to work, obviously unmasked, in close proximity. Some even do love scenes. This seems very bad.

    • Smalltowngirl says:

      I haven’5t watched GH in forever but it was my go-to soap for years. That is such a frustrating situation and yeah, soap actors should have to get vacinated because of the nature of love scenes.

    • lucy2 says:

      And that’s just it, it’s not only the people on set, but everyone that they go home to. Kids too young to be vaccinated, ill partners, etc.
      All of these places need to make it mandatory, immediately.

    • Case says:

      All networks and studios should make it mandatory. Every workplace should make it mandatory.

  7. Silver says:

    What no one realises is that there are teams of like 200-500 technicians set builders painters etc working on productions . A lot of people especially in paint are anaphylactic or severe lay allergic to chemicals because of years and decades of exposure to toxic chemicals while
    Building sets. The most common allergy is to propylene glycol which is present in the vaccine. There is no option for them to get backed Can literally kill them. This needs to be looked at through a deeper lens than perfectly healthy people mandating that everyone gets treated the same

    • Case says:

      We all realize this. See quote above: “Penn does make allowances for those individuals who are unable to receive any of the COVID vaccinations currently on the market due to underlying health conditions.”

      We want everyone ELIGIBLE to get the vaccine, so that those who are not eligible due to health reasons can be protected. That is what those of us who are pro-vax mean when we want mandatory vaccinations. Obviously those who physically cannot get it are exempt and deserve to be protected by everyone who is physically able to get the shot.

      • Silver says:

        It’s a sensitive subject because for example I work on the film industry and I see people get bullied every day for not getting backed by their superiors and colleagues , meanwhile they’re not anti vac they’re just anaphylactic . It’s become an extremely hostile environment

      • Silver says:

        Typo sorry ‘vaxxed’ not backed

    • Katherine says:

      Wow, that sucks. Coronavac doesn’t seem to have it though, just googled the ingredients list, it has other things there, so maybe they should be offered this option. That vaccine also has very mild side effects as it’s the traditional route.

  8. Lala11_7 says:

    As a partner to the women in his life from a romantic sense…Sean has been PURE trash…

    What he did during:

    Hurricane Katrina
    The Pandemic

    How he TRULY helps society during those horrors…a lot BETTER than politicians who were ELECTED to help with those horrors …is AMAZING!

  9. J ferber says:

    Yeah, he’s absolutely right on this one.