Rep. Matt Gaetz eloped with Ginger Luckey in CA, he’s still under investigation

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit Caernarfon Coastguard Search and Rescue Helicopter Base

Matt Gaetz is currently under federal investigation for human trafficking and a lot more. We covered Gaetz’s many disgusting criminal dramas throughout the spring, although I have not covered him much recently. I think everything has been in some kind of holding pattern – the criminal investigation is ongoing, Gaetz has not been arrested yet, and he’s still in Congress. He was also still engaged to Ginger Luckey throughout this entire gross ordeal, and they just eloped in California. Vanity Fair had extensive coverage, including recent interviews with both Gaetz and Luckey. Some highlights from this VF piece:

A quiet ceremony on Catalina Island: For a guy who craves the spotlight, the event was uncharacteristically understated. Aside from former Rand Paul staffer Sergio Gor, who took up the dual role of officiant and DJ, and war room hosts Raheem Kassam and Natalie Winters, few political personas were in attendance. Luckey’s brother, Palmer, and his partner, Nicole––who arrived on the former’s decommissioned naval vessel—and Nestor Galban, Gaetz’s adopted son, represented the family. About 30 other friends “from normal life” rounded out the party. Gaetz cooked for the group, serving up a menu of BBQ chicken legs, grilled vegetables, and a watermelon salad.

On the criminal investigation into human trafficking: Gaetz has denied all wrongdoing. He will tell you, emphatically, as he sits at a high-top table at the Ace Hotel, “I have fewer on-record accusers than Joe Biden.” As the investigation continues, he’s taking cues from the former president. “I have seen so much in politics: people distracted, dismayed, disoriented by bad coverage,” he said. “In a way Trump was an inspiration for me because despite whatever they were saying about him—with foreign intelligence services, with the DOJ—he had a determination to say what he was gonna say and share his vision for the country.”

Luckey was carefully apolitical. She presented her own form of bipartisanship, one minute noting that the Trump she is closest with is Tiffany (who told Luckey where to get her hair done in D.C.), the next saying she respects Jill Biden because she continues to teach writing at Northern Virginia Community College, even as first lady. Asked whether she’s become more political since slipping a ring on that all-important finger, Luckey responded, “I admire AOC as well as Lauren Boebert. They both speak their mind. They’re both effective in things they want to drive forward. And I think too often, [there’s] so much of this red team, blue team. There’s just gotta be so much more common middle ground.”

Gaetz asked Donald Trump’s permission before proposing to Luckey: They started seeing each other, and on December 30, after less than a year, Gaetz proposed—at Mar-a-Lago. Before popping the question, Gaetz, cognizant that “you never want to upstage the big guy,” asked Trump for his approval. According to Gaetz, doing a passable Trump impression, the former president said, “You two are a dynamic duo.” When Luckey said yes, Trump sent a bottle of his eponymous Champagne to their table.

[From Vanity Fair]

She sounds like an idiot who has no business being so stupid. She comes from a “good family,” she’s well-educated, she has her own money and family money, she has access to power beyond Gaetz… and she’s still choosing to be ride-or-die for a human trafficker who paid women and girls for sex after grooming them on sugar-daddy sites. She still chose to marry him, even though she has plenty of options beyond this mess. And of course Nestor was there… Nestor is his not-really-adopted son. The same Nestor who lived with Gaetz for some reason for years. Whew, I cannot.

Trump at World Series

Photos courtesy of social media, Avalon Red.

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79 Responses to “Rep. Matt Gaetz eloped with Ginger Luckey in CA, he’s still under investigation”

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  1. superashes says:

    I guess this is his slight of hand to try to distract from that whole human trafficking thing. Interested to see if it will work … I’m guessing no.

    • ElleV says:

      lol of course it is! look i’m a family man! nevermind that i wasn’t when all this went down!

  2. ElleV says:

    they’re both gross, end of

  3. Chica1971 says:

    Her i called her out on TikTok about a month ago. Apparently, MG behavior is suspect in those circles too.

  4. FeedMeChips says:

    Man oh man. Someone needs to play Toni Braxton’s He Wasn’t Man Enough for this girl.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    Did he marry her so she won’t testify against him in court or was it to cover up the true nature of his relationship with his “son”? I’m sorry but Mrs Gaetz sounds like she struck a secret deal to be his pretend wife.

    • Mac says:

      Fun fact, spousal privilege only applies to crimes committed while married. Prior crimes are exempt.

    • Rnot says:

      That was my first thought. They were scheduled to get married next year. Now, with news of indictments pending they ran off to elope? Either she’s preggers or he’s making sure she can’t be forced to testify against him.

    • The Truth Piper says:

      It’s never a good idea to get married because you think is will keep you from being indicted,

  6. TIFFANY says:

    What does she know?

    And I wonder if any member of her family has skeletons to allow this to happen?

  7. minx says:

    He’s such a catch 🤮.

    • Green Desert says:

      Haha right?! Repulsive.

    • Sandy says:

      Hahaha yes like catching the love child of herpes, syphilis and leprosy. 😂🤮

    • Truthiness says:

      Nothing says “I’m saving up for the indictment” like an attention-hog groom forced to be the chef of the wedding dinner, grilling up chicken legs. Not even white meat, just the budget cuts. If she is a food analyst, shouldn’t she be a foodie? I like watermelon salad but what about a cake?

  8. janey janey says:

    Let’s be real why NOTHING will come of any of this. Racism is a hell of a drug. White people gonna white. People will excuse and like the majority of white people will continue to vote for politicians like this. The vast majority of white people HAVE NO PROBLEM using racism as a power tool. Like, sure, they’ll say racism is bad. But they’ll do this while simultaneously going double hard on Southern Strategy bullshit to achieve…(checks notes) tax cuts for rich as hell people.

    Conservative policies aren’t popular. So, it’s racism for bust. And it works. Seriously.

    Until we can admit that, nothing is going to change.

    • ElleV says:

      specifically, old, white, rich, uneducated, evangelical christians living in rural areas or small cities in the midwest or south, according to exit polls from 2020 – yeah those folks are not voting out one of their own

      • janey janey says:

        No. NO.

        Listen. Over half of all white women voted for Trump. The vast majority of white men voted for Trump. ALL OF THESE PEOPLE rural or not think like this.

        Being reductive and saying “NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE” is denying the truth and minimizing this. That’s why this ish festers.

      • ElleV says:

        i think i phrased this badly – i wasn’t disagreeing, i was trying to say yes you’re absolutely right – white people generally *and* especially these ones who see people like trump and gaetz as their avatars. i didn’t mention gender because you are absolutely right – it’s white men and white women. it’s a white person problem but i totally see how my poor word choice muffed what i was saying.

      • ElleV says:

        PS npr unpacked these intersections of white supremacy, regional culture, education, religious extremism and generational differences way more eloquently than i could when looking at the outsized impact of white evangelicals (who reliably vote repub and make up a quarter of ALL voters despite only accounting for a third of *republicans*! crazy stuff)

    • BlueToile says:

      @janey janey, you nailed it. Nothing will come of this against Gaetz, just like nothing will come against Trump. These people commit crimes in the bright light of day and get away with it because they are the poster boys for white privilege. White supremacy is a white person construct and will not end until white people (as a whole, not individually) wake up and make it stop. I also wanted to say that it won’t stop until we whites are so outnumbered that it stops, but I realize that is not true. As long as whites control the lions share of political positions, corporate positions, financial resource, media spots, etc., it wont stop. Racism is just so comfortable for most people.

    • MissMarirose says:

      Yes, this is it. And it’s all of them who use racism as a tool to get ahead, but the “good ones” will deflect and blame rural, “trailer park” whites or billionaires while ignoring the fact that they and their middle class “nice” neighbors are all participating in white supremacy one way or another.

    • H says:


      Gaetz’s opponent in the last election was a WHITE guy. He was a Navy HERO in a district that serves Pensacola Naval Station and he still lost to Gaetz the Tool. I’m hoping Phil runs against this buttwipe again, and wins this time. But I’ve lost all hope of privileged white dude bros ever getting what’s coming to them.

  9. Onemoretime says:

    Matt you’re still going to jail, you human trafficking pedophile. As bad as he and his ilk want it to be the 1950’s this stunt will not detract from his crimes.

    • olliesmom says:

      They really do love that time period don’t they? And they do wish that we could go back to there. When they could do anything that they wanted and no one would stop them. A time period when things were great for white men and no one else.

    • Hell Nah! says:

      @Onemoretime – I so hope you’re right. This f**ker needs to go down hard.

  10. MsIam says:

    Girl why? His family must be paying her. And what about Nestor, does he have his own place yet or will he be staying down the hall. Yeeeks!

  11. Chaine says:

    How is a planned event with thirty guests an elopement?!

    • Esmom says:

      Yes. I feel like an elopement is a romantic thing and this is more of a marriage rollout, it seems. I feel like he needed to get married for whatever deflection purposes and didn’t want to spring for a wedding. And eloping would have been too low key. What a bunch of ghouls.

  12. lucy2 says:

    He is disgusting on every level, and this idiot woman is being used as a deflector shield, but she’s likely as awful as he is.

    • Esmom says:

      She did say she admires Lauren Boebert (as well as AOC, lol) so I think it’s safe to say she’s awful.

  13. Natters5 says:

    Makes sense he got married on Catalina Island. I was there a month ago and barely anyone (except Asians) wore a mask. I’m talking even people who worked in restaurants and hospitality. My parents and I joked Catalina Island was the land where Covid magically never happened.

  14. olliesmom says:

    More diversion and distraction. Totally on brand for the Repulsive party.

    I wonder how much money was enough money to sham marry Matt Gaetz?

    She’s probably thinking that she “can change him”.

  15. Korra says:

    I believe they announced their engagement some time late last year, after only dating for roughly 6 months. The moment I read about it, I just knew he was in desperate need to cover up for something. Even before his criminal investigation was publicly announced, I read rumors the his antics with bringing multiple young women to political events and acting like a “sleazy bachelor” were starting to irk people politically connected to him. It is supposedly one of the reasons he and Ron DeSantis aren’t as close at the moment — Ron’s wife, Casey DeSantis, found Matt too crass to associate with publicly. I doubt these people actually care about his victims, but you know they have this “don’t implicate me in your scandal” mindset.

    Also, on a superficial note, Ginger looks a she could be a Duggar sister or even a marry-in. I found the physical resemblance fitting too considering how the Duggar women are trained to stick with their man at all costs.

    • MissMarirose says:

      That’s pretty funny that she thinks Matt Gaetz is too crass to associate with publicly when she and her horrible husband willingly associate with Donald J. Trump, the king of crass.

      • Korra says:

        Right? I was going to editorialize something when I wrote her name, but I refrained.

        Casey DeSantis is pretty deplorable in her own right and I can’t wait for the day the tea gets spilled on her. Remember: she is Ron DeSantis’s main political advisor. She is most certainly complicit in his death mongering policies.

  16. Gemgirlaaa says:

    Wait a minute…is she one of those girls from the notorious high school pic? Good lunch crowd 🤮 or whatever

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure she’s part of some MAGA circle that Gaetz runs around with. Convenient.

      • Gemgirlaaa says:

        I found the original pic. It’s not the same girl…but it’s still disgusting! VOMS. Enjoy prison a**hole.

  17. AmyB says:

    I didn’t even know this garbage human being was engaged LOL…

    How any woman can be this stupid, is beyond my comprehension.

    When your fiancé/husband to be is accused of human sex trafficking, soliciting young women for sex with money, AND you don’t run for the hills – you are a F**KING idiot! And don’t get me started on Matt Gaetz’ ride or die allegiance to the worst thing to ever happen to our country: Donald Trump.

  18. Scrambled Eggs says:

    I wish the media could collectively stop giving Gaetz and Marge and Bobert any attention; it’s their oxygen, and they need to suffocate and go away. They’re all trolls and thrive on the attention, good or bad. They’re not particularly important in of themselves until they get the attention.

    • BlueToile says:

      Certain elements if the media (Fox, OAN, Trump TV, etc.) will never stop covering them. Because of this they will always pose a threat to our democracy, and we ignore them to our peril.

  19. reef says:

    Is he the only man of means in FL? I don’t understand many women’s lack of self-preservation when a man’s red flags are visible to just your friends, but when a man’s red flags make national news and you decide to marry him?! Yikes!

  20. Lynne says:

    As a Wife, she can’t be made to testify against her husband right? . She might have been approached by the prosecutors. And bonus…, he can talk freely around her.
    The girl sold her soul.

  21. psl says:

    WHO marries THIS guy?
    She needs a mental health evaluation.

  22. DiegoInSF says:

    They love dissing CA as a liberal hellhole but they sure love coming here, ugh his face is so repulsive, definitely he has the face that he deserves. I do love the videos of activists asking him what he thinks of being called a pedophile.

  23. Stan says:

    Ginger’s brother Palmer invented Oculus VR which was sold to Facebook for $3billion. He is a super Republican and Trumper and considers himself a Libertarian. Does anyone remember when Zuckerberg was questioned by the Senate and Ted Cruz asked why Palmer Luckey had been fired? Palmer was a big donor to Cruz. Palmer is a super douche with millions of dollars so it seems natural this woman would gravitate towards another one of those.

  24. Murphy says:

    Florida’s not good enough for your wedding Matt? Looks like Matt Gaetz is just another California elitist!

  25. JEM says:

    “Adopted son.”

    • Agirlandherdog says:

      I’m really disappointed in Vanity Fair for printing that bull****.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Me too!! I cancelled my subscription years ago and this just confirms my decision.

        As for Gaetz, I hope he gets what he deserves!! What a vile POS, and a criminal to be certain!! The thought of her marrying him makes me sick 🤢

  26. Jessica says:

    Someone’s rushing so their spouse can’t be compelled to testify against them 😉

  27. Anne Call says:

    She lives (or did live) in Santa Barbara and pretends to be a lifestyle influencer with food and “wellness” Instagram accounts. She also works (or worked) at a food science company that has developed ways to keep fruit and produce fresher for longer. I mean, marrying one of the most gross men in America seems off brand. 100 bucks she’s pregnant.

    • Jay says:

      Pregnant or not, that doesn’t necessarily mean marriage, and certainly not to this garbage. Maybe this is a bid for insta fame? A reality show?

      And I’ve gone months now without thinking about either Gaetz or Trump (er, “the big guy” – some absolute grade A ass-kissing there) and I much prefer it that way. I find it hilarious that he asked for “permission” from Trump, who is not related to the fiancee, that Trump granted it in the most general of terms, no personal wishes or congratulations whatsoever, just like his endorsements, and finally that he may have sent a freebie own brand champagne. And he for sure will be bigly mad if what’s her face doesn’t post about it on her Instagram and thank him personally.

      • sparky says:

        Maybe there’s more “adoption” news in the pipeline and marriage would be “proof” that he’s hetero and there’s nothing untoward happening.

    • MissMarirose says:

      (food science company that has developed ways to keep fruit and produce fresher for longer)
      So, she’s a female Clark Griswald. lol

      • Anne Call says:

        It’s actually a cool company and works to get rid of food waste and getting more fresh food in the food supply chain. I just noticed she worked there because my DIL had applied for a job there a couple years ago. I doubt she’s still working for them.

        I made pregnancy comment because Matt G probably wants to use it to convince his constituents that’s he’s a family man not a gross purveyor of young girls…

    • KW says:

      even if she is pregnant, are we allowed to side eye this woman for still banging the pedo sex trafficking douche? I mean, his peen still had to be near her to get pregnant. If she’s not showing, that would have to be lately. I really wish some women would stop trading their integrity for this kind of life.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        This!!! Why is she putting herself in this position of a POS under investigation for trafficking young girls, WHY???

  28. Chaine says:

    Reading it again, the grossest thing of all is them asking Dump for permission to get married? I’m not sure if that makes them cultish or wanna-be-members of the British Royal Family but either way, yuck!

  29. rawiya says:

    “She sounds like an idiot who has no business being so stupid.” The sound I let out.

    Why would she? She gains absolutely NOTHING from this. Not money, not power, not connections. She’s an attractive blonde, slim, able-bodied white woman. She could have had her pick of any old-money grandpa or their good-for-nothing-lazy grandson. And she chose…that. Ooh, chile.

    • badrockandroll says:

      I am still hopeful enough that justice will be served, and Matty will be charged and convicted. She can be compelled to testify against him. But I do believe that the primary purpose of the wedding is to make him appear less of an adolescent douche (and that ship sailed long ago IMO) and to hide and transfer his assets. Even if the criminal system fails, some of his victims might want to sue him.

    • Marjorie K. Margel says:

      I’m thinking more cynically.
      What does SHE get? Nothing!
      What does HE get? If these reports are true, it’s $$$$.
      True, his family had it, but now there’s more!
      He may be needing it to continue to pay off more slime balls in the future.
      That’s all I got.

  30. MissMarirose says:

    “on-record accusers”
    What a craven and stupid attempt to lessen the impact of the allegations against him. The number of women/girls who have willingly given their names and statements to the press is indicative of absolutely nothing. Effin moron.

  31. Valerie says:

    His SIL already hates him, but I know it doesn’t mean anything to him. He’s of the belief that marriage is a trap and that any and all in-laws are detestable. Loser.

  32. Duchess of Corolla says:

    Ugh, he is disgusting. And, he looks like the human version of Butthead. Absolutely vile.

  33. Marigold says:

    So gross. So disgusting. So repulsive.

  34. Jane Wilson says:

    Gaetz is worried that people will assume theirs is a “politically arranged marriage”.
    Like some kind of joining of royal families building a dynasty?
    All this pomp and puffery around a paedophile rearranging the deck chairs on some sort of cut-rate Titanic…and getting married by the Captain as the whole nasty, sickening business sinks forever into the swamp.
    Talk about a “Duck Dynasty”.

  35. Lala11_7 says:

    Folks like her are amoral…they’ve ALWAYS been amoral which is why EVERYTHING is so awful…so I read about this and didn’t even blink.

  36. Galisteo says:

    So neither set of parents attended? That is definitely off.

  37. Ann says:

    Colin Jost was right when he said Matt Gaetz looks like a caricature artist’s version of himself.

  38. JRenee says:

    And he’s still an active member of Congress, smdh!

  39. BlueNailsBetty says:

    I look forward to their inevitable divorce and her tearful tour of interviews in which she emphatically says she had *no idea* he was so awful.

    Also, I agree it is either a pregnancy issue or more gay rumors are about to hit the news.

  40. jferber says:

    So he asked for Trump’s permission rather than her father’s. Kiss the ring of a scummy wannabe dictator. You’re not surprising me at all, douchebro.