FDA tells people not to use Ivermectin to treat Covid: You are not a horse


I’m a little tightly wound this week because everyone in my house is going back to school and it’s already chaotic. With the frightening reports coming out of LAUSD, we have no idea how long my kids’ school or my husband’s job will remain in person. And I do not have the patience for nonsense like this. Last year, a study was begun on the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin as a treatment or preventative for COVID-19. The study was small and much more importantly, abandoned. The Ivermectin sold commercially is used to treat livestock such as horses and cattle. It is in no way intended for humans and should not be consumed by humans. However, Fox news caught wind of this study and began reporting on it over the last six months. They never mentioned that the study was never completed and that no results were ever viable, just that it had been investigated and not discussed. Mississippi, whose vaccination rate is 36%, is experiencing a surge in COVID due to the Delta variant. Last week, the state’s Department of Health confirmed that 70% of the recent calls to poison control were a result of people ingesting Ivermectin. Because the amount of people downing a g-d bovine dewormer to deal with COVID is so high, the FDA had to publicly tell everyone to stop!

The Food and Drug Administration is strongly warning Americans not to take Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug used for livestock like horses and cows, as a COVID-19 treatment or form of prevention.

The FDA put out the warning on Saturday, after the Mississippi State Department of Health said that an increasing number of Mississippians had tried to take Ivermectin to prevent COVID-19.

Ivermectin is not authorized by the FDA as a treatment for COVID-19 and puts people at risk of developing seizures or coma, health experts have warned. Last year, small, incomplete studies had pointed to the drug as a possible treatment for the virus and Fox News touted the findings on air. People in some South American countries, particularly Brazil, had encouraged the use of Ivermectin.

The National Institutes of Health said in February that the studies on Ivermectin and COVID-19 “had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations,” like a small test group and unclear results.

On Saturday, the FDA reshared on social media an article they published in March to again warn Americans not to take Ivermectin.

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” the FDA tweeted.

[From People]

I’m no scientist but I remember some science from high school. I know they try a little of this and a little of that to see what works when they have a theory. Just because something was tried does not in any way means it is recommended. There could have been hundreds of reasons why scientists thought something in Ivermectin might aid in COVID treatment, but it obviously proved itself useless or harmful quickly and was dismissed. Which is how it should have stayed, in the Didn’t Work file, right next to Why Fox News Should be Sued and Arrested file and How to Tell if You Aren’t a Horse file.

There is a very real, tried, and tested way to prevent dying or serious lasting effects from COVID-19. It’s called the vaccine and it is available and free of charge to everyone 12 and up in this country. That is the period to the end of this sentence. My humor on the subject has waned. We had blueprints for how this plague would hit and knew this wave would come for the children. Except this time, we could have prevented it. And yet, only 52% of our population saw that as a priority.

I think Stephen A. Smith had the best addendum to the FDA’s message when hosting Jimmy Kimmel Live, “They are absolutely right. You are not a horse. You are not a cow. You’re a jackass, though, make no mistake about that.”




Photos credit: Misha Voguel, International Fund for Animals, Gustavo Fring and Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels and Twitter

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70 Responses to “FDA tells people not to use Ivermectin to treat Covid: You are not a horse”

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  1. Keekey says:

    Ha! Your headline and photo choice gave me a needed laugh this morning.

  2. Chaine says:

    Maybe it works for centaurs 🙄

  3. Deanne says:

    Ivermectin literally has a picture of a sheep on the bottle. These people won’t get vaccinated but are fine with ingesting a dewormer for farm animals? How stupid do you have to be to think that is rational?

    • Robyn says:

      Of course it does. And the people screaming “SHEEP!” don’t see the irony at all.

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      My dogs take it monthly to prevent heart worms. I saw a tv report and was like why are people taking Heartguard? My husband couldn’t believe it but he looked at the box and it’s the same drug.

      • Snappyfish says:

        We use it in the barn for the prevention of round worms. This is insane that anyone would take this for COVID. Get the vaccine, wash yours hands & wear a mask

    • TeamMeg says:

      As with many drugs and supplements, there is a veterinary grade of Ivermectin, and a human grade. Many people are not aware that the human version is listed as an essential medicine by the World Health Organization. It is used to treat parasitic infections, and is an effective antiviral. This is why Ivermectin has been studied to help prevent and to treat Covid. A lot of the research looks fantastic, and the protocols developed by FLCCC appear to be useful, which is why I have an emergency supply at home in case I catch SARS-Cov-2. (I also take Vitamin D3 + K2, Vitamin C, Zinc, and N-acetylcysteine prophylactically.) The vaccines are doing a tremendous job in keeping people out of the hospital. Thank God we have them! But why stop there? I’m for using as many tools in our toolbox to fight this pandemic as are available.

      • Tinnie says:

        Well said, Teammeg. Agree with most of this and important points. The government seems to be intentionally almost gaslighting people to make a (their) point knowing many people won’t look into this further and will just repeat it. And there are a lot of tools we can be using – I take the same vitamins!

      • reef says:

        Ivermectin was found to be effective antiviral for COVID IN VITRO with a very specific cell line and in only 1 study in mice. It has been studied for effectiveness for Dengue virus but was proven ineffective in humans. It has never been proven to be a useful ANTIVIRAL treatment.

      • Gemgirlaaa says:

        No girl. This is straight from the FDA: Ivermectin is not an anti-viral (a drug for treating viruses). Taking large doses of this drug is dangerous and can cause serious harm. If you have a prescription for ivermectin for an FDA-approved use, get it from a legitimate source and take it exactly as prescribed.

        “In vitro” (meaning in glass, or in the glass) activity is not the same as “in vivo” activity for a living person, or “in situ” in cells but outside the body. So whatever Ivermectin study fragment is not proven scientifically effective for covid. And in India sadly, they were so desperate for any treatments they were literally throwing any available drugs at the delta variant. Including Ivermectin.

        Also thanks to massive jerks, there have been shortages of Heartguard for pets. So if you have your dogs on 3 or 6 months prevention refills make sure you aren’t waiting until the last minute to order. I was waiting a few weeks last time and was thankful to have ordered early.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        @TeamMeg – there are ivermectin formulations approved for use in human beings. Soolantra is a topical cream to treat rosacea; Stromectol is available in tablet & powder (for compounding) form and approved to treat parasitic roundworm infections (strongyloidiasis, onchocerciasis) and the reason is it listed as an essential medication by WHO is because these parasites are endemic in many of the poorer parts of the world. The drug is anti-microfilaricidal, not anti viral and there are no published studies that support an anti-viral mechanism of action/proof of concept (in vitro data cannot be used to make that claim, you’d need a well controlled clinical trial to reach that threshold – and a PoC study alone only means you have a signal to make it worth conducing further studies to select doses to evaluate the safety & efficacy. I can’t tell you how many drugs that seemed so promising fail as we advance through the clinical trial process.

        The clinical pharmacology of the various ivermectin formulations for veterinary use is very well characterized across the various species of domestic animals for which is it used. There are no clinpharm studies of those veterinary formulations in human beings and considering that you even need to do bridging studies if you tweak the formulation of a drug w/well characterized clinical pharmacology in humans (heck, if you change anything about manufacturing – use the same exact formulation & same equipment but manufacturing to another facility, you have to do bridging studies), there is no reason to expect the clinical pharmacology profile of a veterinary formulation to be the same in a person as it is in the animal for which the drug is specifically developed. Not only are there differences in the phamacokinetics of ivermectin between horses, cows, sheep, dogs & cats – there are even some intraspecies differences seen in the horse paste so any claim that all you need to do is figure out how much horse paste to use based on your weight is the height of ignorance.

        The clinpharm data for human oral formulations is pretty basic. I know it’s metabolized at CYP P450 3A4 so there’s a lot of potential for drug interactions. Ivermectin crosses the placental barrier and is expressed in breast milk. I don’t know what excipients are used in the veterinary formulations, but the SDS sheets make it clear the formulations are not for human use.

        Also, FFS, how can people not see the hypocrisy of rejecting the vaccine because “there’s not enough data” while using a veterinary product for which there’s no data to support use in humans?

      • Sunnydaze says:

        @pottymouth I don’t know who you are but I love you!

      • Miss America says:

        Thank you for daring to speak up in this climate of shaming people with legitimate questions. It’s true, there has been success in treating covid with this drug. Maybe the US abandoned their study, but other countries didn’t. Here’s one example.


    • Maida says:

      One of our dogs was prescribed ivermectin for heartworms. This medication is no joke and can lead to organ damage unless the dosage is carefully determined by a medical professional. It’s amazing to me that people are more willing to ingest this than get a proven vaccine.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Deanne, I don’t want to know the answer to that question. I have my own guesses. Will the same people be rubbing Frontline onto their skin or taking NexGard to keep fleas & ticks away?

  4. L. Heath says:

    Just wondering why it is that the Mayo Clinic has a web page on the oral dosages of Ivermectin for humans.
    “The Japanese scientist Satoshi Omura has recently received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery of ivermectin more than 30 years ago. Invermectin is best known for its extraordinarily broad spectrum of activity against nematodes, the roundworms that cause a large proportion of the most common neglected diseases on our planet. It is used to treat millions of people at risk of contracting devastating diseases, such as onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, and also plays an important role in the control of intestinal helminth infections. Because of its excellent safety profile and broad spectrum of activity, ivermectin is catalogued by the World Health Organisation as an essential medicine and is regarded by many as a “magic bullet” for global health.”

    • Celebitchy says:

      Because humans get worms and parasites too. This is about freaking worms and parasites that humans get around the world. Fox News watchers are so powerfully stupid. Stop trolling.

      • PrincessPossum says:

        nailed it.

      • Leigh_S says:

        Because there are conditions for which it is useful, in the carefully calculated dosages and when the benefits outweigh the risks. COVID isn’t one of them.

        And the dumbasses ingesting gd livestock wormer are most DEFINITELY not doing the math for the appropriate dosage.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        now, now…L. Heath is “just asking questions!”…

        (Sarcasm, in case that wasn’t clear)

  5. lanne says:

    There are people going blind as a side effect from taking this. Seriously. There are people posting on Facebook: when will my husband’s sight come back?

    ARRGGHHH!!!!! People will take meth, street opiates, eat McDonalds, take HORSE DEWORMER, and then claim “they don’t know what’s in the vaccine?”

    I just can’t with people. I just can’t.

  6. manda says:

    meanwhile, I have ivermectin topical (soolantra) for my rosacea. I was disturbed when I learned it was for parasites, but it helps with rosacea

    • Yoke says:

      A friend who has it recently told me it’s caused by parasites, so that actually makes sense?

      • manda says:

        It’s the mites that everyone has; but still. There is a difference between “parasite” and “demodex mites, which everyone has,” you know? Apparently, there is something associated with the mites that they think is related to the development of rosacea, or sometimes people have more mites than they need and it causes inflammation. It’s also treated with a prescription antibacterial topical

    • pottymouth pup says:

      soooo, in rescue we often use doxy & ivermectin to treat demodex mange

      a few years ago, I saw my dermatologist because there was some weird rash that was unlike anything she’d seen. Since I do have a history of rosacea we decided to just treat it like a weird exacerbation of rosacea and she gave me a script for doxy & soolantra, which had just been launched at the time. Needless to say I had a really good laugh to see soolantra was topical ivermectin. Rosacea in humans is similar to demodex, and has the same triggers

      • manda says:

        oh no!!! my rosacea isn’t super bad but I live in fear of it getting that way

      • pottymouth pup says:

        a course of doxy and a couple of months of soolantra cleared it all up for me. I was under crazy stress at the time but, despite still having some crazy stress, I’m doing OK w/o needing treatment. That said, I remained eternally amused that the treatment is the same

  7. Tx_mom says:

    Yeah, I buy it at the feed store for our horse and we used it on our FFA pigs. You know horses weigh in the 1200 pound range? I can’t even.

    Somebody needs to tell all these folks you need to alternate it with another wormer for best effect on your parasites. Wondering if there is an anti-parasitic that is effective for OANN and Fox News?

    • Red Dog says:

      Imagine if they went for the Quest double hit. Or their precious dogs get to the ivermectin… I’m too scared to use Soolantra on my face because my dog loves to lick pillows as it is!

    • Jennifer says:

      I had a friend tell me with a straight face, “The dosage isn’t the same as you would use for a horse.” She wanted me give it to my parents.

    • Jen says:

      Please don’t let these people find out about SmartPak or they’re in big big trouble LOL

  8. OriginalLala says:

    So these morons would rather ingest an unproven animal dewormer than get vaccinated with a proven vaccine??? oh mylanta, what a bunch of dipsh*ts.

  9. Merricat says:

    Honestly, it’s Darwinian.

  10. Sam the Pink says:

    Dude, they were drinking fish tank cleaner when the President suggested it. I think we have long past the roadmarker for the decline of the species.

  11. Susie Whit says:

    There are people that want to take it. Why are we telling people to stop ingesting this? I say lets see this one play out…

  12. Limerick says:

    Sigh. I live in MS and work in medical research. Last week a pharmacist told me her cousin was cured of COVID (overnight!) by Ivermectin she purchased from a local CoOp. I mentioned the two confirmed hospitalizations in the state and she responded by saying they were too dumb to adjust the dosage. It is crazy here.
    We are tired and frustrated and there is no reasoning with this group.
    One note: Ivermectin is FDA approved for certain medical conditions. You can use safely if prescribed by your doctor. This medication will come from your local pharmacy and not from the feed and seed.

  13. Kath says:

    In some countries Ivermectin is used by humans though, I wonder why in the US it’s just for animals?
    But let me be clear, it’s used by humans to treat worms, not COVID, obviously. This whole thing is stupid, it’s almost natural selection at this point, if you’re stupid enough to not listen to science and actual proven facts, I honestly don’t care about your well-being, especially since your stupidity is badly affecting others.
    My father is very politically active and is still trying to talk and explain things to people when they send fake news and ignorant messages, but I’ve honestly given up.
    Also, a lot of people that take Ivermectin, even in countries where they have human recommended use (again, to treat worms not viruses), are using it all wrong and way too often and getting liver problems because of it, honestly…

  14. Leigh_S says:

    With the exception of people feeding livestock dewormer to their poor gd kids? I’m just shrugging and chalking it up to Darwinism at work. It is literally terminal stupidity on a massive scale.

  15. Sunshine says:

    My FIL takes ivermectin. Apparently some shady doctor who posts YouTube vids prescribes it to him although I don’t know. I hope it’s placebo medication at best. My FIL won’t talk to his actual doctor about the vaccine. It is incredibly frustrating.

  16. Jules says:

    and the darwin award winners continue.

  17. Lisbeth says:

    Thank you for the information, Hecate! Those files you mention made me smile.

  18. death by bacon says:

    I cannot articulate how disappointed I am that the American school system, K through 12 has obviously failed. Full stop. Along with the fact that people refuse to use logic and common sense combined with racism, I just can’t.

    It is 2021, masks and vaccines should not be beyond the comprehension of the average adult.

  19. Twin falls says:

    This is why I fully support the vaccine mandates. The willfully ignorant need to stay home or get the vaccine, the end.

  20. Maiasaura says:

    I take ivermectin–it’s the active ingredient in Soolantra, a cream for rosacea. When my dermatologist prescribed it she said it was a new drug and might not be covered–and then I saw that it’s a drug that has been around for literal decades and is given to livestock by the gallon! LOL, you have to hand it to big pharma, they know how to tweak a formula to make money with a “new drug.” That said, it’s actually really effective!

    I still got fully vaccinated for COVID, though, heh.

  21. goofpuff says:

    How idiotic and are these people that rather than take a vaccine, they would rather take a drug not even approved for human use for COVID19.

  22. Willow says:

    So McDonald’s gets sued for serving hot coffee but Fox News prescribes horse dewormer to covidiots and nobody blinks? Oh look, a pig just flew past my window.

  23. grabbyhands says:

    You know what? Let them do it – at least that way they are only harming themselves AND they’re clearing the gene pool at the same time.

    We need to stop trying to save these morons from themselves.

  24. Veronica S. says:

    I know this is going to sound mean, but at this point I’m almost kind of like…let ’em be? If you’re really THAT stupid that you’d take the advice of somebody on the Internet telling you to take an anti-parasitic agent you either have to buy from specialty farm buyers or get a prescription for it rather than getting the free vaccine that’s gone through rigorous testing, I’m not sure any amount of CDC warnings can save you. That’s just Darwinism in action past a certain point.

  25. Lucky Charm says:

    Maybe not a horse or cow, but they are certainly jack@$$es.

  26. ABW says:

    A friend in Florida announced on Facebook that her daughter had tested positive, and a bunch of her mom friends immediately told her to try Ivermectin! I was like, ‘…she’s not a HORSE, people!’ and was shouted down. Whatever, people. If you’re that dumb…

  27. MsIam says:

    I guess I’m a horrible person because I laughed at this when I read it instead of feeling sympathy. Just get the d@mn vaccine people.

  28. Justme says:

    Nobody should dose themselves – especially not with animal versions of medicine. And everyone should get vaccinated who can. Nonetheless Ivermectin has been studied by serious researchers so it may prove helpful: https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx Conclusion of this article: “Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.”
    There need to be studies about therapeutics for Covid since it is never going away ( The NIH itself is running clinical trials). Even if everyone gets vaccinated, it is zoonotic (exists in animals). But it will also probably become less severe: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00396-2 Again this does NOT mean that people should start using animal medicine!

    • Sunnydaze says:

      Please see the thread up by Pottymouth Pup that explains this process, and why these statements don’t actually tell us much

  29. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I’m discovering that I must not e a particularly nice person anymore. I think the combination of the Trump years, the pandemic and the covidiots have put me over the top. So, I’ve started to think along the lines of, “well, if the unvaccinated end up with long covid or dead? Meh” I’m not very proud of that. My compassion seems to be reserved for people who actually care about other people, which non of these covidiots do. My ONLY concern is for their children–if they are refusing to vaccinate the 12+ child and that child ends up with long covid or dead? They should be charged with a crime. Definitely not a nice person anymore. I hate what Trump and the Republicans have done to this country.

  30. Liz version 700 says:

    I just saw a news story that this Ivermectin is being given to inmates in Arkansas to treat Covid. To repeat …this is being given To incarcerated people who have no choices or ability to get other treatment! I can’t…I can’t

  31. Valerie says:

    Ivermectin is 2021’s Flavor-Aid.

    At this point, I see it two ways: These are cult members who will do what they’re told without question, or people who are finding out that they’ve been wrong about everything they’ve been led to believe by Trump, Fox, et. al since 2016 and are looking for a way out.

    What else would drive even ONE person, let alone hundreds of thousands, to take medication formulated for animals? That is the behaviour of the brainwashed and/or suicidal.

  32. Isa says:

    It’s a huge problem because it’s readily available over the counter at livestock co ops. And people believe there’s a cure for covid but doctors don’t want to admit it because money. So they think it’s some sort of conspiracy and don’t trust their doctors and go buy it over the counter, and get the incorrect dosage.
    Dude, your local doctors are prescribing meds trying to save you. They’re tired. They don’t want to see you die. They also don’t want to see 40 patients in one day. They’re not getting kickbacks if you die. If there was a miracle cure they’d be doling it out and basking in the glory.

  33. Julia K says:

    Anyone know who the model is with the horse? She looks so familiar but just can’t place where I’ve seen her before.