Pamela Anderson likes it kinky

We have no idea why Pamela Anderson is wearing a cheerleader outfit, but the possibilities are not endless. We’re sure the 39 year-old has a good excuse for trying to escape from the cameras while dressed as a cheerleader and carrying a napkin.

Pam looks pretty hot despite recent partying, and clearly keeps herself in good shape. She has attributed her health to a vegetarian diet and eating lots of Avacados, which she says keep her Hepatitis C at bay.

She also said that now that she’s getting up in years she is considering having another child:

Pamela has already got two sons, Brandon and Dylan, by ex-husband Tommy Lee but says: “I really love children, and once you have two, you might as well have ten.”

“But if I do have more kids it’ll have to be soon – before I’m 40.”

“Maybe I have to find a good sperm donor.”

We would assume that caring for ten children is not the same as looking after two, and think that Anderson will have little trouble finding a sperm donor, as evidenced by these pictures.

Anderson also recently admitted to having a love-hate relationship with her boobs. While she seems to give a lot of stupid quotes, they don’t seem rude or conceited and both Eva Longoria and Jennifer Aniston would do better to emulate Anderson.

Here is Anderson dressed up as a cheerleader. These pictures were taken in Malibu on 3/17. [via]

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