LeAnn Rimes gets a ranch with a big backyard for Eddie’s babies

This report from the Enquirer seems like it could totally be false, but many of you seem to enjoy analyzing the situation between Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes, so I thought I’d bring you this latest little slice. By the way, I’m totally there with all of you – this B-List scandal has it all for me – scandal, “homewrecking”, stalking, delusions, media battles, photo-ops, tragedy, bitchy quotes and hilarity. It’s a self-sustaining soap opera and I love every minute of it.

A few days ago, we heard that Eddie and his ex, Brandi Glanville, were attempting to proceed with their divorce in an amicable way. After spending a significant amount of time trying to destroy Eddie in the press, Brandi seemed to be singing a new tune. All of a sudden, she and Eddie seemed to be getting along, and they were even photographed at their son’s soccer game – together! I theorized, “Brandi is looking for a way to drive a wedge between Eddie and LeAnn, and she figures that it will piss LeAnn off if Eddie is now getting along with his ex-wife.”

It looks like LeAnn still has some arrows in her quiver, though. Despite warnings that Eddie’s an unreformed womanizer, LeAnn seems to be hellbent on providing as many media outlets with stories about how she and Eddie are totally in love, preparing to marry, and planning on lots of babies. This report from the National Enquirer is about the “cozy ranch” she and Eddie have leased. Apparently, they liked the house because it had a “huge backyard” and “room to spare” for all of the babies Eddie and LeAnn are going to have:

Dang ink ain’t dry yet on the divorce papers for lovestruck country thrush LEANN RIMES or her “CSI: Miami” sweetie EDDIE CIBRIAN, but they’ve already secretly leased a cozy ranch property in a swanky, gated San Fernando Valley community.

My Spy reports that when the woo-some twosome inspected the spread, Eddie fell hard for the huge backyard because it’s a perfect romp-and-stomp venue for his two tykes – with room to spare for all those babies LeAnn’s burbling about birthin’ once they get settled in.

[From The National Enquirer]

There’s really no doubt in my mind that LeAnn has her sights set on marriage and babies. What I can’t figure out is how on-board Eddie is. Part of me thinks he’s going along for the ride, knowing that Brandi will take him to the cleaners and that LeAnn will have the cash to support him ad infinitum. The other part of me thinks that Eddie seems to be looking for a way out, and that LeAnn is probably not his only “girlfriend”. He looks like a guy who wants to be dating lots of girls and having fun, not stuck in some fussy ranch house planning his next family with LeAnn. I really don’t know.

LeAnn Rimes is shown out shopping in Malibu on 9/16/09. Credit: Mike/Fame Pictures

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47 Responses to “LeAnn Rimes gets a ranch with a big backyard for Eddie’s babies”

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  1. Lee says:

    Has marrying a man who cheated on his wife with you ever been a good idea? This is going to end badly.

  2. audrey says:

    I think people are most fascinated that such a handsome man could leave such a gorgeous woman for this butterfaced idiot.

  3. Exiled says:

    The situation is a mess all around, but I don’t think someone should stay married to a ‘gorgeous’ woman, just because she’s ‘gorgeous’ that would just be soooo … shallow.

  4. Praise St. Angie! says:

    I wouldn’t even call her a butterface…that implies that everything on her is great “but her face”.

    and that’s not accurate.

    now, where’s her dang publicist? she’ll be here momentarily…

  5. Heavenbound says:

    I love the dress.

  6. yadira says:

    Ya, I don’t think she would be considered a “butterface”. She has no curves nor a figure to die for.

    I am liking her sunglasses though

  7. JJ says:

    Find it interesting that this story breaks after the weekend pics ofthe Cibrian family day at the soccer field without Smirkgirl. Sounds like LR needed to get the word out that the grand fairytale is moving along at warp speed. She must see it as a win/win: can “deny” involvement in this story to hound-dog Eddie, and yet get her message to Brandi that he is her prize now. Such a classless pair; hope BG gets full custody, who would want their kids around such a psychopath chica as LR?????

  8. Eileen Yover says:

    I have to ask because your postings totally facinate me. Everytime there’s a story on these two you post at least 5 comments by the end of the day on it. I can’t figure out who you are rooting for here because it seems to change with every post. I’ve deducted you have no interest in Brandi-but one day you love Eddie and Leann, and the next you think he’s shady.
    And yes, I look forward to these postings just to read your comments. It’s interesting how badly you need to comment on what everyone says on here- like you personally take offense that we have an issue with Leann’s unintellegent choices.
    Not trying to be mean, but inquiring minds want to know!

  9. Eileen Yover says:

    Yep I work on my computer from home too.
    I was just curious on your comments because they have alot of background info and insight that just a normal curious poster wouldn’t know off the top of their heads about Leann and Eddie’s work and the areas of California.

  10. princess pea says:

    As for me, ellen, I just don’t get why you regularly express concern for LeAnn, as if she is a victim. As if she wasn’t married herself. Whether or not divorce was likely… she stepped out on her man, and she didn’t even have the decency to look shame-faced about it when they got caught on camera. Eddie’s not a wizard, and it’s high time people stopped pretending that women are mindless and easily manipulated. LeAnn is a grown woman; I really don’t believe she needs or deserves a pity parade.

  11. QB says:

    Maybe Brandi and Eddie are trying to act civil infront of the kids. Even if she hates him he is the father of the kids and their divorce should not change the relationship they have with their kids or how they act around them.

  12. Jearld says:

    I hope someone checks the lease or the purchase documents because I’ll bet Eddie’s name is not on them. Eddie is a freeloader. I’m sure he and LeAnn will marry in Las Vegas at the end of the month and LeAnn will have to pay for the ceremony. Eddie will take what he can get and it seems women won’t dispose of him. I understand he still has stuff and Brandi’s house.

  13. Jessic says:

    Don’t you think the marriage is a done deal? Look at the sequence of events. These two have been doing each other for 9 months while Brandi and Dean sat at home wondering where their spouces were. Eddie announces his seperation and 7 days LeAnn does the same. Eddie announces his divorce and 7 days later LeAnn does the same. It was as like Eddie had to make it public first because LeAnn would run back to Dean if Eddie got cold feet. LeAnn likes the publicity of the mother not liking her, Eddie’s getting cold feet ect. so next week she can strut around with her engagement ring and three weeks later get married.

  14. Jan says:

    I think LeAnn’s worth is in the $35 mil range minus but less $10 mil she had to give to Deane Sheremet. Good for her. She promotes herself more than any other singer but she’s on the back side of her career. I would be interested to know if Eddie’s name is on the lease. If not, LeAnn is getting obsessive about providing a place for his kids. Let’s do the math: Brentwood lease= $15,000/mo Beverly Hills Rental: $25,000/mo. Valley lease $12,000/mo. Keeping Eddie close, publicity, ect. $15,000/mo. She’s going to need those millions.

  15. JJ says:

    Thanks for the Enquirer link. Bet she bought the tennis bracelet and paid for the Mexico trip. Guess she simply “bought” him. Agree totally with BG’s comments, he is toxic and worthless. Wonder if LR will get a prenup before the Oct/Nov wedding in Vegas? Probaly not, since it’s “love”. Gag

  16. Terry says:

    Hey JJ,
    You can bet your last dollar Rimes already has the prenup drawn up and it is iron clad. Rimes may be stupid when it comes to men but she’s a pretty sharp and hardcore gal. I have no doubt that in many ways she has bought and paid for her gigolo and he’s loving every minute of it. If these two are not married by mid november, something’s up with Eddie. If he’s smart, he’ll keep putting her off like he was until Rimes exposed this whole affair in order to force the issue with Brandi.

  17. Jason says:

    I wonder if Brandi’s comments are recent. Calling Eddie toxic and shallow sounds like early comments rather than “amicable” divorce comments. I hope she isn’t just saying these things as a desperate attempt to drive off LeAnn because Rimes is way to invested in this thing to start using her head. I hope Brandi’s toxic and shallow comments are spot on and Rimes suffers ten times the pain she has caused Deane, Brandi, children, and her fans.

  18. Jason says:

    Hey Ellen,
    I do not intend this to be a sarcastic question so please reply seriously. You said LeAnn and Eddie are “good” people in someways. Given the fact that LeAnn wrote a book about her blissful marriage to the perfect man just to sell to her fan club members at the same time she was having a torrid affair with Eddie, can anyone believe anything she says or does that is positive. Eddie took his mistresses on vacation while Brandi was home 9 months pregnant and putting to bed her 3 year old son. They have both publicized this mess and gloated about. They are proven liars, deceivers, manipulators, cheats, thieves, insensitive, mean spirited, and completely narcassitic. Do you say that they are good people in some ways because they do not abuse children and animals? Given their proven character, what character traits can you honestly say are good? Please respond, I would be most interested in what values and morals in them that give you confidence.

  19. Jason says:

    I wish Brandi would reconsider her “show”. I have a lot of empathy and respect for her now but that will fade if she comes off looking vendictive. She and Deane were betrayed in the worst way. As for Rimes, I was such a fan of hers a year ago but that has all changed. I do not believe LeAnn or Eddie are evil people but rather both are shallow narcassits. I truely believe that difficult times do not build character as much as reveal it and in LeAnn’s case I’m afraid my disappointment is complete. I do not believe in God or Karma but like most people I want to see people who selflessly do good and right things be rewarded and those who intentionally do wrong and bad things be visited by a multiple of their own wrong and bad doings as some sort of justice. Every intentional wrong in this world and every crime and broken heart begins with a lie and I will have no company with liars. My morality, my choice.

  20. cbme says:

    How many of you ladies that criticize LeAnn are mothers with children at home and don’t work outside the home? Sounds just like a bunch of cluckers who are scared to death that their easy life will wind up like the ex-wife of EC. LeAnn has worked all her life and, I believe, can take care of whatever comes. I think LeAnn is prettier than the ex an is certainly able to support herself. The “ugly” crap you say about her is just not true – express your fear some other way. Some women take pride in independence and do not hang around the house until this sort of thing happens and then play on the sympathy of others like themselves. Women who work are more aware of most that goes on in the world and are certainly more interesting. Signed A Working Woman

  21. Jason says:

    You are very much right and have always stated your case in a manner worth considering. I agree that a sin or series of sins do not a life time make so I am very harsh until much time has passed and the sinner shows remorse and growth. We shall see what LeAnn makes of her life but I will accept nothing from her as genuine as long as she is with Eddie. One can not destroy so much only to achieve something and exist as if all is well. It is like a person who destroys many lives on their way to becoming rich and then spends his life giving to charity and basking in the kind thoughts of others. Berny Madoff comes to mind.

  22. Jason says:

    Hello working woman,
    When you criticize an innocent woman like Brandi, you loose all credibility. LeAnn has worked hard for what she has and deserves every penny but don’t try to say she works hard today. LeAnn works 40 hours a month. Tell the waitress, secretary, bank teller, or other woman who hates her lecherous boss how hard LeAnn works for her millions while a single mom makes minimum wage. Say all the good things you find in LeAnn but don’t put down innocent people. LeAnn is not innocent and so she is to suffer the degrading trueths that are told.

  23. Jason says:

    I’ve posted a couple of things before reading your other posts so I want to say something else to you. I hope with all my heart you keep your faith and perspective. I hope God stays close to you and you can always rely on him and he doesn’t let you down. If I had one wish it would be that I was not irrelevant to God. He may very well exist but I am irrelevant to him. I do wish it were not so but I have accepted this fate. If God and karma exist, they have many children and loved ones but I have been left out of that family. Love you Ellen.

  24. Fat Elvis says:

    cbme: First off, I could care less about LeAnn and her love life, so what I’m about to say is not at all related to this scandal: Staying home with your children is one of the most difficult jobs anyone can take on. It’s not “easy” by any stretch, especially if said kids aren’t yet old enough to attend school — you’re on call 24/7 everyday, often at the expensive of your own “down” time, and you spend many late nights comforting sick kids, and guess what? You still have to be up first thing in morning (even on weekends)! Did I mention the endless hours spent entertaining them, feeding them, teaching them, breaking up fights, nursing wounds, and most importantly, reassuring them that they’re loved and adored? It’s hard work by anyone’s standards, so please think before you make such an insensitive and uninformed statement. Oh, and this whole “working women are more interesting” nonsense is BS. I’ve met just as many losers at the workplace as I have in any other walk of life.

    And before you write me off as some “jealous” housewife, please know that I’m a successful career woman who made a personal decision to spend a few years at home with her children.

  25. cbme says:

    Ellen: You said do not judge the innocent. I have not judged mothers who make minimum wage; I believe they are part of the “working women” that I talked about. Whether LeAnn works 40 hrs a month, a week, etc.. She was born with talent and certainly knows how to handle it. How do you know who is innocent in this situation? Do you know these people personally? Watch your own judging. You do enough of that to LeAnn. Does typing on your keyboard at home make you an all-knowing judge of LeAnn? I know that some men see their stay-at-home wives as boring and that is what I was trying to get across. Moms who work certainly are strong people and have my admiration. I was one of those also. Get a grip and be lenient in a case that you know absolutely nothing about. PLEASE. The Working Woman

  26. Deb says:

    Neither Eddie nor Leann are innocent PERIOD. Having a talent doesn’t make the trainwreck and destruction of innocent lives right PERIOD. Brandi stayed at home to raise HIS children. That alone is admirable and does not make her boring in the least. As long as Leann is out there grinning like a fool
    people are going to slam her. She shows no respect, no consideration and zero remorse. THERE ARE 2 VERY YOUNG KIDS INVOLVED who will be able at some point to Google these two selfish idiots and none of what they read will be flattering. Leann and Eddie better be able to handle all the sh*t load of bad karma coming their way. Unfortunately for them, they will probably will be shocked by it because I believe they think they are above all of it. These people usually get hit the hardest and when they do it ain’t pretty. I give it 6 months to a year when people will be back on here bemoaning the fact that they didn’t deserve the hand that karma dealt. Oh they will have deserved it alright, every bit of it. You get what you give in life people, you get what you give.

  27. cbme says:

    Deb: How do you know what went on in these 2 marriages? Nobody in this situation is INNOCENT. Raising HIS kids and not working is an excuse; she was also raising HER kids. If you put your total dependence on someone else, you might expect what you get. Do you really think that it makes a big difference to LeAnn what you or I think? Their lives are so difference to yours and mine that they cannot id with us. That doesn’t make it right in other eyes but it also doesn’t give anyone the right to sling mud around when you don’t know the situation. Maybe you do get what you deserve in life, and maybe not, but you also reap what you sow. What are you going to get by trying to sow ill will on anothers life? Did God write that in your job description? I don’t think so. It is one thing to have an honest opinion but another thing entirely to use such nasty judgement on strangers that you don’t know a thing about. I wish them all peace from this type of nasty judgement.

  28. Teri says:


    Well you see, that’s the thing. To most normal, rational people, having sexy time with a married movie woman while your wife is at home with the kids is not okay. I suppose some moraless a$$holes can excuse it any way they want, but people who are married usually believe thay can trust each other.

    these two acted without any concern for how their actions affected others, with only their own selfish motivations in mind. I feel perfectly justified in saying they are both guttersnipes, and I don’t want to see or hear any media in which they participate. PS if I were Bradi, I’d have no problem calling LeAnn a fat-arse homewrecker ho and calling her on the carpet for any and all of her so-called Bible thumping beliefs.

  29. JJ says:

    #44 Deb, support your comments. Face it, LR bought the hound dog (EC). Trip to Mexico, her concerts, expensive house rental in exclusive zip code etc. Both of these morons are toxic. Hope Brandi has a great time in Vegas with her friends. Hey Eddie, the more she pays for, the tighter the leash! BG, hope you take him to the cleaners 🙂

  30. Deb says:

    @cbme You can’t whitewash the bad by trying to cover it up with good deeds or a beautiful voice.
    That’s like trying to put perfume on a pig, at the end of the day the pig still stinks. I don’t need to wish ill will on them,they have done it to them selves. I don’t care if Brandi had b*tch stamped on her forehead, the way Leann and Eddie handled this situation(HELLO 2 KIDS INVOLVED) was vile. You better believe Leann and Eddie care about what the public thinks. We are the one’s who would watch the show Eddie’s on(I don’t now) and buy Leann’s music and go to her concerts. If things were so rosey she wouldn’t be out EVERY OTHER DAY getting photo ops(SPEEDIAL ANYONE). Way bigger stars manage to avoid it, somehow she just can’t seem to. Oh and by the way Brandi is walking the Red Carpet in Vegas for the anniversary @TAO Sat night. So those of you who were hoping Brandi would go away, she’s not. Is Brandi interesting enough for you now. @ Elvis great post.

  31. Deb says:

    @jj thank you….the more people scream that “we don’t know the situation” and try and justify the way these 2 idiots allowed their spouses and 2 INNOCENT KIDS to be publicly humiliated, speaks volumes. They are either a publicist for Leann or member’s of her fanclub….LET THE DENIALS BEGIN

  32. Jason says:

    I wish everyone would simply stop mixing apples and oranges to try to get their view point across. LeAnn Rimes has a beautiful voice and Eddie Cibrian is a magnificient physical speciman. Whether or not LeAnn’s philanthropy is genuine or for publicity might be a matter for discussion. The character that LeAnn and Eddie have revealed is completely seperate from whether or not they look good, sing, or act. Hell, even Sadam Husien hugged a little boy while he held his family hostage. I hope fans will praise Eddie and LeAnn for what are believed to be genuine talents or values and those who wish to criticize should not belittle looks or talent. Comments about Deane and Brandi should be out of bounds from both sides. Only Brandi called Rimes a stalker and I can not find fault in her for that but don’t belittle Brandi for any thing else she has said because she knows best.

  33. Jason says:

    Ellen, your posting of the playground story is interesting because reports make it sound like she’s donating the playground. She was giving the duty as a “humanitarian” to select the site. One of her associates selected the site in Nashville. It will be very interesting to see if she actually stays around to help build the playground or will she leave after the photo op. In my opinion, if she wants to do something for children, she and Reba McEntire who wrote the handbook for homewrecks should start a college fund for children of such disasters.

  34. Jason says:

    You are the worst hater of anybody and Ellen you should be ashamed for agreeing with her. To say Deane and Brandi are not innocent is a terrible accusation. It assumes everything and substantiates nothing. If you can not find positive qualities in LeAnn and Eddie then don’t make completely ficticious accusations against people who have shown themselves to be blameless. You have to be Rimes PR. Only someone as heartless as Rimes would make such a statement.

  35. crash2GO2 says:


  36. cbme says:

    Ellen: I sincerely apologize for any misquote accredited to you. I always readd your statements because they always seem fair. Jason: Whaat makes me a hater? What a strange statement!! I am not criticizing EB’s ex; I said that no person is completel innocent in divorce. I am not trying for credibility. I am only stating feelings that are my own. I raised a child on my own and I know that it isn’t easy trying to support them. Therefore, learn to rely on yourself. I don’t know about perfume on a pig or about unloading so much crap put out by unknowing people. I certainly never said LeAnn’s great voice excused her from being accountable for anything. To make it more simple, because she sings and doesn’t work 40 a week, she probably doesn’t have to work as many hours as someone with an ordinary job. I hope that these people have found “true love.” In some circumstances, divorce is going to happen. Sometimes it is entirely for the best. My life now is like a fairy tale compared to the past. I will always be a LeAnn fan regardless if her personal life lives up to my expectations or not. How do your personal friends fare if they do something that you don’t approve of. Do you call them lard face, etc. LeAnn is beautiful, intelligent and probably has a cleaner rep than most who write these sordid things about her.

  37. cbme says:

    Questiion: How many of you (female and male!!) would turn down EC in the same situation? Huum? I can’t wait to hear all the “I woulds” that are going to come out of this. I would like to think that I would but who knows????

  38. crash2GO2 says:

    @cbme – I had a man prettier than Eddie, and he was and still is my worst nightmare. Looks amount to exactly NOTHING.

  39. cbme says:

    crash2GO2: You did fall for a pretty face though – looks DO amount to something – they are what attracts us first. Whether you buy it (in one way or another), it does count. the working woman

  40. betty says:

    Why is Leann in such a rush to get married? If she thinks by marrying him and having babies will hold him she is sadly mistaken. If he is in love with her why can’t she wait to get to know him better.It’s obvious she is in love with him but I’ll bet she’s not so sure of his feelings. What he’s telling her and how he actually feels might be a different story. He lied to Brandi and he will lie to her. Relationships aren’t developed in the bedroom and casual dates. It takes time. She’s gotten involved with an experienced man unlike the boy she married.

  41. cbme says:

    Do you know that LeAnn is in a rush to get married? All we know is that some of these paps write things like “she is anxious to fill the backyard with Eddie’s babies?” Maybe she does want kids but no woman is stupid enough to make remarks like that where a man can see it. We are lots more devious than that and much smarter than that. Half this crap you are reading is some reporter hoping he will get something right. The Working Woman

  42. betty says:

    @cbme Leann was married to Dean for 7 years and had no kids and she’ only known Eddie for a short period of time and wants to fill the backyard with babies. PLEASE!! Sounds like a desperate woman to me. She wants the life with Eddie that Brandi had. Eddie is attached to his kids therefore Brandi will always be in his life . She is envious of that relationship. The paps got that comment from some where they didn’t make it up. Who said she was smart?

  43. cbme says:

    Betty: Do you really believe that a woman with a life like LeAnn has would envy a woman who stays home and does whatever women do who stay at home? I think not. LeAnn has a vibrant life full of excitement, beautiful clothes, etc. Think again. I wouldn’t even want to just be a housewife. Do you think she wants to have a whole bunch of kids (to fill a backyard????). I guess all women love their kids but women today are required to work and most like it. I think you are pretty damn smart if you can make $35M and hold on to it, don’t you? My best wishes go out to LeAnn and whomever she loves. The Working Woman

  44. betty says:

    cbme- Leann would love to stay home and have Eddie’s babies that’s her goal.If she had the excitement in her life as you projected she would not be running after him. Also, a lot of women don’t work and are not required to work, it’s a matter of choice or income. Leann envied the life Eddie had with Brandi and that what she wants. As far as the money goes, if she had none that relationship would be over.

  45. cbme says:

    Betty: Did you read the statement a while back where the ex stated that during the breakup between LR and EC that EC talked about LR all the time? She also said that all the time that she and EC were being counselled about their marriage problems he was talking to LR. If he hadn’t wanted to be in touch with her, he certainly didn’t have to. I also read a piece lately that said LR and EC are seldom separated; that he spends most nights with her. All of this is, of course, heresay. The point of women working: sooner or later, you may be put in a position to work whether you want to or not. Why would she envy Brandi’s life? If what you say is true, she could have bought someone else husband. Why should she want a woman’s life who has very little history (or none) of fame, who’s husband has cheated on her before and whose husband isn’t really all that well known? Can’t you see far enough ahead to give this man a little credit? Maybe he just doesn’t love her; it would certainly appear that way. Perhaps, he was getting something elsewhere that he wasn’t getting at home. I don’t just mean sex. Sometimes, people are just mismatched, or who knows what. I say to this woman, give yourself an opportunity to find a better life instead of sinking your teeth into skin and being pulled in every direction. Many of us have been there and done that and have been in the same position she is in now. We tried a different way, and, as for me, Mine is 100% better. All I read about EC is deragatory (msp?). People never take into consideration what his feelings might be or have been. Don’t stone this man yet. I hope he loves LeAnn – if he doesn’t, I hope he finds someone he does love. He is just human like the rest of us.

  46. cbme says:

    Betty: On my last little input, I left out my LeAnn thing. I don’t think any woman wants to have a backyard full of babies as you seem to think LeAnn would. How do you know her goal? Did she tell you or are you like Will Rogers – all you know is what you read on the computer?

  47. I agree best wished to the working woman Le ann!!