The woman dragged into the attempted extortion of David Letterman has been revealed as Stephanie Birkitt, his former assistant. Birkitt’s boyfriend (presumably former boyfriend) is 48 Hours producer Robert “Joe” Halderman, who was arrested for attempting to extort $2 million from Letterman. He and Birkitt lived together, and he found her old diaries, letters, and photos which “incriminated” Letterman. From the looks of it Birkitt had absolutely nothing to do with the extortion and is said to be “mortified” by the scandal.
Stephanie Birkitt has been identified as one of the women involved in the David Letterman extortion plot. Birkitt, Letterman’s former assistant who has made several appearances on the “Late Show,” lived with alleged blackmailer Robert “Joe” Halderman, who allegedly “was in possession of Birkitt’s diary, correspondence and photos — which he says incriminated Letterman,” according to TMZ.
Sources tell TMZ that Letterman and Birkitt had a sexual relationship that ended before 2003, when his son Harry was born. Sources tell RadarOnline.com that “Birkitt and Letterman slept together for a period of time before he married his girlfriend Regina had their son Harry” and that Birkitt is reportedly “mortified Halderman is using her fling with Letterman to blackmail her boss.”
So who is Stephanie Birkitt? Birkitt is a 1997 graduate of Wake Forest University who interned in the writers’ department at the “Late Show” in spring 1996. After a stint at “48 Hours” — incidentally, where Halderman worked as a producer — Birkitt moved back to the “Late Show.” After a job as producer, Birkitt applied to be Letterman’s assistant. “I heard there was a job in Dave’s office opening up and I applied, because I didn’t think I was much of a news hound, as it was a little too serious for my personality,” she told the New Hampshire Union Leader in 2004 (via Nexis).
In a 2002 interview with Entertainment Weekly, Birkitt called Letterman “the best boss I’ve ever had.” She expanded on that claim in a 2003 interview with her alma mater, telling a Wake Forest publication. “Aside from being incredibly funny and personable he is generous, kind, and is great fun to play catch with. I really couldn’t ask for a more fun work environment. Dave is truly the greatest boss I could ever have.”
[From the Huffington Post]
Birkitt raves about Dave being the best boss she ever had don’t come off as anything strange to me; somehow it seems her affection for him was more friendship-based. Gawker got an interesting tip today: supposedly Dave paid Birkitt’s law school tuition. I think this is supposed to imply that he’s a sleaze ball or their relationship was based on financial perks. Honestly I think it’s a great thing to do, and it makes it sound like he actually cared about Birkitt and wasn’t just screwing her.
As revealed last night, Late Night host David Letterman could be an especially good boss to some of his more special assistants. The show’s staff has long buzzed upon the attentions Dave bestows upon his favorites.
• Letterman had a cadre of female assistants who fell heavily on the young and attractive side of the ledger. He was said to employ as not less than three of these Special Assistants to the Host last year. The assistant tally however, was said to have climbed as high as five at moments.
• The scuttlebutt on the set had it that current assistant-in-question, Stephanie Birkitt, received extra compensation for duties as his First Assistant, in the form of Letterman picking up the tab for her graduate law studies at the Yeshiva University Law School.
[From Gawker]
I just flat-out don’t find that to be scandalous. I’d think he were sort of a jerk if he was seeing Birkitt and didn’t pick up the tab. Not that he’s obligated, but he’s got so much money, and it’s a kind thing to do. There’s no reason to believe she stuck around longer because of it.
Dave also admitted that he’d slept with “women” on the show – plural. So presumably there are others who might come forward, and it seems like Gawker is preparing for that by noting: “Each Valentines Day, Letterman sent lavish, expensive bouquets of flowers to each and every non-male on the Late Show staff with a handwritten note signed ‘Your Friend Dave.’” Again, not trying to be naive here but all these little tidbits make it hard for me to think the worst of Dave. I have no idea what kind of relationship he has with his wife – who was not legally his wife when he was with Birkitt – but for all we know, their relationship may have been an open one. Probably not, but who knows. But paying the law school tuition of a staff member or a girlfriend and sending flowers to every woman in the office on Valentine’s Day is not something for which we should be docking Letterman points.
Here are a few video clips of Birkitt on “Late Night.”
[Birkitt appears at 3:30]
[Birkitt appears at 1:00]
All of this points to the conclusion that Dave is a nice, personable guy with a sleazy, self-deprecating side and that he doesn’t like to be tied down too tightly. Maybe his wife doesn’t keep tabs on him 24/7 because they have a solid relationship and both their needs are being met.
In any event, Dave is one of my favorite celebrities because he is so candid and unapologetic about who he is and what he thinks. He doesn’t try to appeal to everyone.
It’s a shame the media are now throwing Stephanie’s name all over the place when it seems she has not come forward nor did she have anything to do with the extortion scheme. Stephanie and Dave probably had a fling years ago and remained good friends afterward.
The nonsense about the flowers is really silly. Lots of guys send flowers to all the ladies in their offices on Valentine’s Day. It’s nice gesture; nothing more.
hmmm, she’s not *too far on the side of attractive in that ol’ ledger
He screwed around on a serious gf, probably multiple times. Hard to excuse that ’cause he seems like a nice guy. I keep reading about his “wonderful” apology/confession. I just feel bad for his wife.
We don’t know what kind of relationship he has with his wife.Don’t judge
Why does every relationship have to fall into monogamous judeo christian marriage? Marriage is a relationship between you, your partner, and the government. If you choose to you can also add your relgion to the mix. Dave rarely talk about his realtionships publicly, who know what their choices are, and really it’s no one’s business but theirs. I think it’s crappy that everyone invloved in this has to go through it.
This is why I only watch Jay Leno. That guy is so down to earth and scandal free… One of the few celebrities I actually admire 🙂
Consenting adults, end of story.
I am not sure how to feel about this. Maybe they always had an open relationship and this was something that his wife/then-girlfriend knew about and approved of.
On the other hand, you don’t sh!t where you eat. Having flings with employees is usually a pretty bad idea. It is kinda stupid too when you think of all the sexual harassment lawsuits that could have resulted if the breakup with the woman didn’t go amicably.
“This is why I only watch Jay Leno. That guy is so down to earth and scandal free… One of the few celebrities I actually admire.”
*cough-cough* Scandal free? Ha!
I can believe your double standard. People who normally write here run anybody down who has an affair, but not Letterman. Why nobody deffended Claire Dane’s anti-“monogamous judeo christian” affair?
It’s not just about the infidelity, it’s about an almighty boss and celebrity taking advantange of his position with a much younger woman, a very young (maybe impressionable) woman
Um, would it not be polite (certainly less misleading) not to refer to this person as the “woman behind the Letterman extortion plot”? It really makes her sound like she orchestrated it, which is obviously not the case.
yeah, Lenore, you’re right. Speaking about bad headlines
We don’t know that it was infidelity. The couple only recently married. Even so, we don’t know what vows they took. Not everyone agrees to “forsake all others”. Personally I did and I have a very traditional marriage but not everyone’s marriage is like that. Admittedly it doesn’t look good but we just don’t know. If he did commit adultery, I would hope that he would have copped to it when he addresed it on his show.
Either way I have little to no respect for the guy anyway. This is just my 2 cents.
Blaugrau, the lady in question has spoken very highly of Letterman and appears to have no regrets about their relationship. So it doesn’t make sense to condemn people for liking each other and acting on those feelings.
Hey, you won’t catch me saying Letterman is such a nice guy. He is a sleaze, and for all the crap he has said about Sarah Palin and her family, acting as if he is so much above them, it serves him right to be outed as a cheating, lying , pig.
For those saying it is consenting adults, well true enough, but it is also a matter that it is not right for a boss to engage in personal relationships with his staff, as someone who is approached to have a tryst, may do so, out of fear of losing their job if they refuse.
I do not approve of anyone blackmailing another for monetary gain, or for some kind of personal gain, but I am glad that Letterman has been outed as a lying cheater. He derserves it for all of the slamming of other people he has done over the years. And, no, he obviously is not a nice guy, considering he has cheated on his current wife myriads of times during the course of their relationship, and no doubt lied about it. He has a son, should he not have tried to be a better role model to him, and a better mate, then husband to the woman who he has that son with?
I am by no means a Palin supporter, but the things he has said about her, her family over the last several years is beyond the pale. I think it is funny how he felt so morally superior to her and intellectually too and now he has been outed and it makes him look not only sleazy but a bit stupid as well. Before you go running your mouth about others, make sure you don’t have a few major skeltons in your closet.
Letterman hasn’t been funny since the early 1990’s. He comes off as a bitter hate filled hypocrite these days. Maybe this will take him down a peg or two.
I would rather watch any other late night host than him, and I used to be a big fan of his years ago,
javelin, girl, I see your point but I’m not talking about the infidelity. I couldn’t care less about other peoples affairs, but I think we shouldn’t be hypocrite here, condemning other’s infidelities but patting Letterman on the back just because the guy is funny. It’s like the comparison Chris Rock made about OC Simpson and Polansky. His art or talent doesn’t make him untouchable. I like Dave, but I’m also dissapointed
“I just flat-out don’t find that to be scandalous. I’d think he were sort of a jerk if he was seeing Birkitt and didn’t pick up the tab. Not that he’s obligated, but he’s got so much money, and it’s a kind thing to do.”
Why would he be a jerk if he didn’t pick up the tab? I didn’t even expect my parents to chip in to my school ‘tab’
This is the kind of ‘hand out’ mentality that people with money avoid. I had a rich friend who once told me that honestly, a lot of friends with money were easier to hang with b/.c they didn’t have expectations or seethe when they had to chip in for their amount. I’m not rich but I get it.
Your attitude is horrendous.
Whether his wife knew or didn’t care or whatever… it’s just really unethical for him to sleep with women to whom he is a boss. I know it happens all the time, but he’s in a position of power and it just isn’t something to laugh at or approve of. I really can’t believe how the audience at the show laughed as he was talking about it. It’s really not funny.
Are we surprise by this? Very typical nowadays in corporate America. I luv Dave and could careless who he sleeps with…. at the time he wasnt married so I could give a rats ass.
If Dave really did have an affair meaning his now-wife had no idea then he is a big sleaze (women = plural) and paying for her college buys him no points with me.
“Blaugrau, the lady in question has spoken very highly of Letterman and appears to have no regrets about their relationship. So it doesn’t make sense to condemn people for liking each other and acting on those feelings. ”
Well,sure, if she wasn’t sleeping with another woman’s man without said woman knowing it. I’m speculating cause I obviously don’t know whether open or closed but this thought can’t fly right if the relationship was not open. This would be an excuse to cheat (she thinks highly of him, they’re both adults, they like it so why not?) and that’s just sleazy to me.
Wow, that sounds like a fun place to work. not. Did the guys get the presents too? Did they get equal opportunities? What were the hirings based on?
Sorry, but i’m not getting the nice guy out of this one. Honestly, I could care less what kind of agreement he had with his spouse…he was, as has already been stated, sh*tting where he ate. He was an employer. Paying for university educations and sending flowers to the ladies he’s banged at the office makes him a nice guy? It also doesn’t mean he “cared” for any of them.
And her attestations about what a great boss he was don’t mean diddly squat to me. I don’t suppose she’s a little biased here. I wonder if all the other people who weren’t getting showered with flowers and free educations felt he was a “great” boss ?
Hey Firestarter,
An average 12 year old is intelectually superior to Ms Palin….I love how you throw politics into a discussion of Lettermans affairs. I’m relatively certain he isnt missing your narrow minded viewing of his program. And btw the way its skeleton, not skelton!
@blaugrau. I am among the last people to be patting Letterman on the back. I just think that there are bits of the puzzle that are still missing.
I already don’t like the guy (and yes I am a Palin suppoter) and don’t think he is funny but I am not ready to condemn him for something that we don’t know he did (the infidelity, we know he did the deed but we don’t know if they have an open relationship, they were on a break, had an understanding, etc.)
It is a different time. Back in the day, it was relatively safe to assume that in such a situation infidelity took place. Now, not so much. DL seems to be on the much more liberal end of the spectrum at least politically. I dont’ think it is such a huge stretch to say that he and his wife have a not so traditional marriage/relationship. And no, I don’t mean that as an insult at all. It’s their lives to live, not mine.
he’s a dirty old man, he’s never kept that a secret.
I don’t buy that these women are victims. Letterman never talked about it very much, but his long-term relationship was common knowledge, and yet they STILL chose to become involved with him. They’re a bunch of star-f*ckers, and just as guilty as he is. He couldn’t have been unfaithful on his own!
El Predicto- I had a typo, Spelling police, If you are going to comment on spelling, at least do it with a word that clearly is butchered, and not the result of a fast typist, so FAIL with the attempt at trying to embarrass me. Also, personally attacking me for having an opinion is rather ignorant if you ask me. I could give an eff about Palin one way or the other, but Letterman has no right to act as if he is so superior to her when he is an idiot as well.
I am sure Letterman is going to really be thankful that you are out there to defend his good name.
Have a super evening!
Consenting aside, it’s abuse of power if he is tapping several assistants and they get perks because of it. If he was getting it on the side around town I would say good on you mate. But it was with subordinates of World Wide Pants Production. Quite a douchey move.
Honestly his then-girlfiend at the time (mother of his kid, now his wife) MUST have known something was going on. Don’t women just have a sixth sense when it comes to their man cheating? I guess some guys are good at really hiding it but it is possible their relationship was very on and off. And they only got married recently right? That has got to be saying something right there, why else would they have waited so long? They had so many other issues to work out first!
Palin incriminates herself. Pointing out her myriad flaws is like shooting fish in a can of sardines.
“it’s just really unethical for him to sleep with women to whom he is a boss. I know it happens all the time, but he’s in a position of power and it just isn’t something to laugh at or approve of”
Amen, sacra
Why isn’t he being compared to Bill Clinton??? A man abuses his position of power to seduce young, impressionable women! There are women that will take the high road and ignore the slutty path to fame or prestige and use their intelligence and education to get there. But this is the AGE-OLD scenario and what Letterman did amounts to stocking his harem and paying off his whores.
Anybody who defends him hasn’t known the REAL DAVE because he kept his true character shielded from the camera all these years. And I could at least give him the ‘had a relationship’ bone, except to reduce every female he’s slept with (& worked with) to the paltry definition of ‘had sex’ with, nulls and voids that he viewed them as anything but objects to be used sexually.
He really is utter scum and I hope he crawls into a cave and dies a pauper’s death!
Again, these are adult women we’re talking about, not impressionable, naïve young girls. The “authority figure taking advantage of his position” argument is a fallacy. Until we hear otherwise, we must assume that each of these women made an informed decision to become involved with a man who was practically married. To suggest that they were helpless is patronizing, and rather insulting, actually.
Let’s put it this way: ladies, if your boss made an unwelcome pass at you, how would you respond? I think most of us would probably start off with a warning, telling him that his behavior was inappropriate. If he continued to make advances, it would be time to file a sexual harrassment complaint. None of these women ever did, and in fact, they still speak glowingly of him. Does this absolve him? No, infidelity is always wrong, and I’m not going to defend it. But these women are no angels themselves, and it’s hypocritical to place all the blame on Dave Letterman.
These were adult women, but in some cases just barely. At least one of them was a college intern; she and Dave got it on for a year, until he called it off, saying the age difference was just too much. Note that it took him a year — with sex — before he came to that conclusion. I have lost all respect for him. This is abuse of authority, plain and simple, and just because it isn’t uncommon doesn’t justify it. And no, I HATE Sarah Palin…
You know, europeans laugh at us because we’re so hung up on sex. Stuff like this is commonplace in europe.
I’m 23, and my boyfriend is 38, but the age diffeence has never been an issue, and I don’t think it’s an issue for most couples like us, either. In this particular instance, it sounds to me like Letterman got bored with the girl and the age difference was a convenient (if lame) excuse for him to move on to the next. He could’ve just as easily said, “It’s not you, it’s me.” So yeah, I guess I agree that he did use these women, which is sleazy and despicable, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for them. They knew he was sleeping with them behind the back a woman with whom he had been in a relationship for many years. Why would they think he’d treat them any better?
I completely agree that we’re laughably puritanical, but I don’t think it’s about the sex in this case, it’s the infidelity. I know Europe is more open and liberal, but I can’t imagine that cheating is exactly acceptable there, either.
“This is why I only watch Jay Leno. That guy is so down to earth and scandal free…
Aside from the scandal of how someone with that little comedic talent has held his own talk show for so GD long or how any network thought he was worthy of replacing the late great Johnny Carson. He’s also about as boring as watching the toaster.
She needs to repeat law school. The first thing you learn: never write anything incriminating down.
Aside from being blackmailed, the biggest issue is a boss sleeping with people who report to him. At most companies that would result in him being fired. Luckily, he is worth more to his company than the average worker so his job is safe. Once again, money and position will prevail.
OMG. Years ago when “Steph” would appear in segments on his show, I told my husband, “Dave is having an affair with this girl.” He was so friendly and flirty with her and would call her on air from his desk etc. He would invite her out to show photos of her at Nascar, etc and one could just tell.
So, when this story came out I asked my husband, “So, do you think it’s that Steph girl?” 🙂
The man wasn’t married and I’m glad he went straight to the cops. Just because someone knows private information about you doesn’t mean they can demand millions of dollars.
Wow, we’ve come a long way from feminism. Sex with the boss is never ‘consensual’ in the normal sense of the word, the power imbalance is too much. He runs a media empire (he’s not just the boss he IS the company), she’s getting coffee and emptying trash cans. All of a sudden she’s an on-air personality! One with no student debt either.
The same people are defending Polanski, so not only is chasing the secretary around the desk back in vogue, we’re also back to ‘no means yes’ and with minors as well. Congratulations, progressives! You’ve set women back 50 years if not more.
What nonsense that europeans don’t condemn adultery/infidelity. Europeans are not as liberal and as accepting as you may think. Infidelity that also involves exploitation is vile anywhere in the world
Letterman is fine; he never was the “Family Values” type. Yes, he probably cheated on his girlfriend now wife. But at least he does go around claiming he is Mr. “Family Values” like some of our politicians (can you just see the grin on all “Fake News” reporters/commentators). This has been a tough summer, for Dave, for our economy but at least he did not end up on the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).
Did Stephanie Birkitt know David Letterman have a girlfriend at the time they were having an affair??? She is just as fault as he may have been. There is more to the story, I am sure. But it is not only the man that is too blame….by the way, I am female.
Letterman never condemned others’ infidelities. If anything, he condemned the covering up of infidelities, and the hypocrisy around preachers and “family values” politicians turning around and having affairs.
Sleeping with one’s employees is never a good idea, but hasn’t been hypocritical about it.
I believe that the American people can see the distinction between a Late Night jokester and a Politician who preaches one thing and lives another. And I also believe that the American people will have more compassionate about this situation, but who knows what the court case will reveal.
Letterman wasn’t married at the time. Relationships end sometimes and a young impressionable girl may think he was dropping his old girlfriend so she went merrily on her way into a relationship with a man she admired and may have loved. She may have seen herself having a future with the man. Who truly knows what went on between them. Just goes to show you how deadly the effects of gossip are on its victims.
First of all she should’ve been with a guys her own age and not in the media then she would’nt have to deal with this B.S. and she could either be married with chidren working to pay them loans back for school or she could be single eating cat food in a high priced studio apartment in NYC try to pay back those god-awful student loans.
Either way she should be okay she gonna be more famous now and can pay for her whole family to go back to school if she signs the right agent P.S. call me 😉
Guys, it’s “couldn’t give an eff”. If you say you COULD give an eff, then in fact you DO care! And eff.
Personally, I thought Dave was awesome to blow that scumbag out of the water by telling the story himself first. Totally cut that blackmailing s***head off at the knees.
Know something? All the people here who are commenting that this is not such a big deal, it was “between consenting adults,” “they weren’t married yet,” etc., are overlooking one thing. The man was in a committed relationship with the woman he eventually married. Whether one is married or not, if they are in a committed relationship, it should be respected and if one of the parties feels he or she cannot keep their commitment, they should say so honestly. You would think that after 20 years, he would consider it a committed relationship, wouldn’t you? I would. Love, trust and respect doesn’t come from a marriage certificate; all that does is make it legal. Love, trust and respect comes from the heart, from inside a person, and obviously, Letterman didn’t have enough love, trust and respect for his girlfriend, and then wife, to stay true to her. How would all those people commenting about it not being a big deal feel if their partner of 20 years had not been true to them? Case closed.
Has anyone noticed that Letterman’s face looks so much like a horse?
Particularly when he raise his upper lip when he tries to tell a joke.
Of course his actions and character are like the other end.
I guess sexual harassment suit can be filed (I have not heard of one) but until then, who cares what consenting adults do. We all know that there are laws for regular folks and laws for those who have influence and power. Kinda like the military they all get different spanks for different ranks. In my book its between Dave and his wife.
Let’s remember “Those who are not willing to give pardon and mercy are those that do not need pardon and mercy. By the way, who are any of us to cast stones?
Remember you always need to watch out for the people that are quick to cast stones and shout “Sinner” because they usually turn out to make the largest transgressions.