– Lindsay Lohan and a stripper pole. Bad idea [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
– Director Peter Kosminsky is working on a Prince Harry biopic called The Spare [Dlisted]
– Carey Mulligan is building up for an Oscar campaign [Lainey Gossip]
– Christian Siriano: A Very ‘Fierce’ Life [PopEater]
– Brad, Angelina Visit Iraqi Refugees in Syria [MSN Wonderwall]
– Billboard Names Beyonce “Woman of the Year” [Bossip]
– We’ve All Been There: Does He Like Me? [College Candy]
– Mariah Carey Embraces Her ‘Bad’ Side & Stumbles Out Of Restaurant [Fafarazzi]
– “Zombieland” review [Pajiba]
– Kevin Federline’s Weight Loss Will Be A Team Effort [I’m Not Obsessed]
– Billy Ray Cyrus has concerns about Miley’s boyfriend Liam Hemsworth [Celebslam]
– Paris Hilton was seen leaving Chloe in West Hollywood last night [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– Alyssa Milano Wants You To Know She Isn’t Pregnant. Good, cause I was frettin’ [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Liza Minnelli To Cover “Single Ladies” In “Sex And The City 2” [The Frisky]
– Javier Bardem Tackles Madrid on Foot [PopSugar]
– Kate Beckinsale is the Sexiest Woman Alive [Egotastic]
– Britney Spears takes next step towards basically walking around pantsless [The Superficial]
– Hayden Panettiere Is Still Short. Boots don’t help [Hollywood Tuna]
Ironic as the only people who will where these trashy leggings are, in fact, strippers. Actually, these will probably cost upwards of $200 so I digress.
It’s good to see that Lindsay is seeing her job options realistically and works on qualifying herself for employers.
It’ll be good practice for her – I’m sure her opportunities in the movie business are shot to hell, so this will be the most likely route for her (and her sister, unfortunately).
Kaboom, I think she needs to get one of those McDonald’s playsets (with the real working microphone headset!). Lindsay would have to pay other people to watch her strip.
She needs to change the branding from 6126 to “Coke Whore Couture”
Trashy! She looks juts like a stripper – I just wish she’d wake up and see how far she has fallen, but i doubt that will ever happen.
I just don’t like her blonde at all.
I see the research for “I Know Who Killed Me” is paying off.
nice to see lindsay is hard at work on her new profession.
Good for Kate Beckinsale for getting sexiest woman of the year.
Lord knows she tries so hard.
She is holding the pole really awkwardly! LOL. She has the wrong grip
What a piece of trash.
I have a preview from the Paris Hilton movie on my website. To bad it got relased onto the internet for everyone to watch. She did not want it to be public as it was her ex boyfriend Rick Salomon that leeched it.