Jon Gosselin says Kate is lying and hiding money


Earlier today Celebitchy reported that Jon Gosselin had taken at least $200,000 out of his joint checking account with soon-to-be ex-wife Kate. Kate promptly went on The Today Show this morning and told the world that she only had $1000 left in her bank account thanks to Jon and couldn’t pay her bills. She also explained all the ways that he’s a vindictive, selfish, petty brat. Kate was gracious enough not to use those words, but I don’t mind it. Now Jon – being the aforementioned vindictive, selfish, petty brat of a man that he is – has lashed out, saying he took out only $22,000 and has the paper trail to prove it. He also claims that Kate is essentially unstable and/or stupid – however you wish to interpret the phrase “not thinking clearly.” And we all know Jon’s thought process is about as slow and thick as a fog, so that’s rich.

Gosselin tells THE INSIDER that Kate’s claims are “a total fabrication. I withdrew $22,000 last Thursday. I have the paper trail to prove it.” He goes on to say, “I’ve never taken any money out because over ten years, Kate handled all the banking. Over the past four years of doing the show, we accrued $2,250,000. She says in the past week I took $230,000. I have withdrawn roughly $177,000 over the course of a year, which is less than 10% of what we made. That’s like my paycheck.”

On why Kate would make these claims, “I believe she’s incriminating herself and not thinking clearly. She’s wanting me to look bad.” Does he believe Kate is having problems paying her bills? “No. She’s hiding money. We have 11 bank accounts. That was just our joint account. She had a best-selling book. Where’s that million dollars?” Gosselin insists, “I didn’t want these things to come public. I didn’t want this to be embarrassing for her.”

[From the Insider via the Huffington Post]

How charitable of Jon. What really frustrates me about stupid people is most of them don’t know they’re stupid. I don’t think Jon believes he’s any sort of genius, but he truly doesn’t get just how very simple and dumb he is. I’m not Kate’s biggest fan for a number of reasons, but still. This was never a marriage of equals, intellectually. Or most other ways.

Anyway, Kate’s lawyer has responded to Jon’s ridiculous claims. He’s nicer than me and manages not to actually call Jon stupid, but you can tell he’s thinking it.

Kate Gosselin’s lawyer isn’t buying the excuse offered by Jon and his attorney about why the reality TV dad suddenly and secretly removed $230,000 from a joint banking account. In fact, Marty Singer, one of Los Angeles’ top attorneys, isn’t holding back and calls the reasoning “ridiculous” in an exclusive interview with on Monday. Kate hired the Lavely & Singer law firm after she discovered Jon raided their bank account, leaving her with only $1,000 to pay the family bills, a scandal first reported by

Jon’s lawyer Mark Heller put out a lengthy statement citing alleged financial wrongdoing by Kate dating to 2008 while saying Jon was entitled to to the money in the account as a “paycheck.” … “Mr. Heller’s response to justify why his client withdrew over $200,000 is ridiculous,” Singer told exclusively. “There was a court order preventing Jon Gosselin from withdrawing the monies. He did so secretly, leaving only $1,000 to pay the family bills.”

[From Radar]

So all bull from Jon Gosselin. There’s nothing about his character or behavior that makes anyone think his version of events is more likely to be accurate. Though I could possibly be convinced that he’s too stupid to know the difference between $22,000 and $200,000. Actually I’d bet you anything that’s what happened. But seriously, I doubt Kate would have accused him of taking that kind of money if she couldn’t back it up. And frankly if she is hiding money, I can’t blame her. I’m not saying it’s legal or okay, but I can sympathize. The woman’s got 8 kids to feed. Don’t try to tell me Jon’s going to contribute to their support in any meaningful way.

In case you’re wondering, Jon was also dumb enough to hire just about the worst lawyer he possibly could. I think we should start a new line of jokes to replace “yo mama” jokes. “Jon Gosselin is so stupid…” “How stupid is he?” Fill in the rest with new daily example.

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48 Responses to “Jon Gosselin says Kate is lying and hiding money”

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  1. princess pea says:

    I’ll just get this in here before the parade of hate begins.

    He signed those contracts too. 8 children do not need millions of dollars all to themselves. I can’t wait for this divorce to be finished, but this poor guy is never going to find an impartial judge, so he’s likely screwed out of the money. Kate’s campaign has made sure of that.

    So worry not, haters. Queen Kate will sit upon her pile of wealth and laugh at us all soon enough.

  2. Ash says:

    where is all of the money? How could she only have 1000 left?

  3. audrey says:

    oh Jesus-
    Enough with these jizzbags.

  4. Just a Poster says:

    Princess, seriously??!!??!! Kate’s campaign???

    You don’t think he is douchey at all?

  5. Just a Poster says:

    oooh that sounded crany Princess Pea.. sorry! I didn’t mean it to sound like that.

  6. Just a Poster says:

    ugh! crany is supposed to be cranky.

  7. DonnaInMichigan says:

    So he got what he wanted..the show is pretty much cancelled.

    Shouldn’t he be out trying to find gainful employment? 200 grand isn’t going to go to far, with the way this guy is spending it.

  8. RobN says:

    Calling him a douchbag is getting old but I can’t really come up with another phrase that captures him so perfectly. Since this clearly isn’t going away, we might want to work on that.

  9. HarbinsMom says:

    Her wealth…come on. It’s obvious by recent events, that Jon has no business taking care of the finances..why do you think Kate did it for all of these years and he was okay with it? He’s immature and cannot be trusted. If Kate has any money, she’s taking care of her family, which is more than Jon’s done. At least she’s trying to add to the family’s income, not spend it all in a matter of months. Jon is a pathetic wannabe and needs to go away. It’s amazing how he wants the TLC deal to go away just when he’s working on the deal with that other paragon of virtue and father of the year, Michael Lohan. This is all a ploy so he can film the other series and you betcha the kids won’t see a DIME. He’s too busy spending on the tramp, Hailey.

  10. nanster says:

    REAL people can survive many years on $2.25M. What have they done with their money? These poseurs need to get on with their lives and understand that the gravy train is pulling away from the station. A little reality therapy – like actually getting a job – might be a good thing. I loathe these pseudo-celebs – I wish they’d just go away and take care of their kids.

  11. GatsbyGal says:

    So are we going to get continual “he said, she said” updates all day as the story progresses?

    As much as I hate Jon, I hate Kate more and it makes me laugh that he’s making her squirm. He finally got free of that bitch and man is he running with it.

  12. oxa says:

    It is hard to belive that they sold their souls and the kids childkood for such a small amount of money forfour years. Kate is not a smart as she thinks andshould have hired the entertainment lawyers before they signed contracts with TLC.
    Also where is all the cash she collected from the Love Offerings and signed photos of the kids @ $20 cash.
    I believe Jon.

  13. lottaluvin says:

    I’m so tired of these people. And I’m really starting to resent the fact that they keep subjecting the public to their tomfoolery..

  14. Steph says:

    princess pea, “8 kids do not need millions of dollars for themselves”. I would think they do if their parents want them to have an education down the road. It’s almost 2x as expensive to go to a state school as it was when I went 8 years ago- think about what it will be like in 10 years when the first two go off to school. the money should be FOR those children and not for mom and dad (especially a deadbeat dad who makes the wife he left pay all the bills on everything when he just goes and spends his half of the money not on the kids he loves so much but on his gfs). And another thing that bothers me about the story in general…how is he qualified for a $200k paycheck? As if…

  15. Cassie says:

    Kate said he took money from their liquid assests. Their other money is probably in real estate, stocks bonds etc. She used that account for month to month bills.I’m sure their expenses with that house are over 10k a month. Since he has ruined the show by not allowing the kids to participate he is going to have too get a job and he can’t get a reality show while is under contract with TLC.Idiot

  16. bros says:

    yes, gastby gal, they are going to kill us all with their play by play of their divorce. i do believe 11 bank accounts sounds right, and I definitely believe Khate is the queen of playing victim and the ‘why me’ card. they have plenty of money in their accounts, and anyone who believes that kate has 1,000 to her name is not thinking clearly.

  17. Rae says:

    @RobN – for a long time I didn’t really understand the use of douchebag as an insult, but this guy typifies it.

  18. Susette says:

    Slightly off topic: I love milkshakes as much, if not more, than the next person. Yet, knowing that Millions of Milkshakes has had Lohan, Kardashian, and now Gosselin swarming all over their milkshake making equipment, would have me avoiding the place. I don’t want pseudo-celeb vermin anywhere near my milkshakes.

  19. CYANN says:

    To RobN:

    Asshat seems to be the appropriate nickname for him now.

  20. katie says:

    he states that it is his paycheck…shouldnt he be helping pay for the household bills since he lives there 50% of the time and they are his kids too? i know kate has other means to make money (books sales, etc.) but its their house for now and their kids…did she take money out of the account and consider it her paycheck as well?

  21. katie says:

    and im pretty sure the bank, whether a brick and mortar bank an online one can show who withdrew what monies.

  22. moo says:

    Dear TLC – quit this crap with this family and I promise to watch ANYTHING else you put in their slot.
    Thanks – The Public

  23. Embee says:

    11 accounts sounds correct to me, too. 1 savings/trust account for each of the 8 children; 1 savings account for mom and dad that is readily liquidated in the event of an emergency; one investment account for long-term investments for mom and dad; and a household expenses account. John stated on Larry King that they got $1million pre-taxes. That’s approximately $500k after (state and federal) taxes each year. Out of that money they are saving money for 8 children’s college, plus their own retirement, plus buying clothing, food, etc. No doubt they are comfortable financially but it’s not extravagant. The fact that they have that much liquidity is actually very impressive to me.

    Also, how much of an ass is Jonboy for complaining about his wife’s book money? Undoubtedly it’s a marital asset that may be divided but he acts like she got one over on him for being industrious. Or maybe he’s just jealous because he is illiterate. Remember the STOP FILMING sign? Where he spelled his own name wrong?

  24. logan says:

    Jon doesn’t want the show to continue. O.k. Stop the show, Kate go back to nursing. Jon, mail that REALLY BIG child support check each and every month. Wait, first Jon get yourself a job. I hear McDonalds is hiring.
    Those poor, poor kids.

  25. Squirtle says:

    Are they giving him free milkshakes?? Damn the guy is just blowing up! His “soulmate” needs to have a weight intervention with him before he starts to look like K-Fat.

  26. Catherine says:

    Haley wants a nose job so Jon had to get the money somewhere. If there is any left over, he plans on getting lipo on the gut and manboobs.

  27. birdie says:

    Embree it’s nice to read someone post who understands the reality of financials….

    one poster said “regular people can live for many years on 2.5 million” … not with 8 children. The cost of living keeps going up. The house alone is work 1.1 mill, that leaves 1.4 million, now since Kate has been in charge of the finances, and there are reportedly trust funds set up for each of the kids, I’m guessing most of their earnings are tied up in places Jon can’t get too. Most people who earn a lot of money are smart enough to invest it, and save for their children’s educations, unforeseeable circumstances, etc. It’s very likely that the $200,000 Jon decided was his “paycheck” was the money used to pay taxes/ maintenance/ baby sitters/ buy groceries/ etc.

    What I see is a man who doesn’t get it. He shouldn’t be in charge of his family’s finances because he is clearly extremely irresponsible. Himself, alone, he admits he has dropped $177,000 this year. WTF? When you spend your family’s money that quickly, and cut off their source of future income, $2.5 million will go fast.

  28. mhjmc says:

    Isn’t this over yet??? Jon is a douche and Kate is a naggy hag .. there its out there!!
    Actually I’m more tired of Jon than Kate .. he is a brat, he left, he took up with a “girl” .. he took the family dogs away, he’s left Kate alone to take care of 8 children .. I’m sorry but I have no sympathy for him!!
    Kate is acting like every wronged woman .. he did this, he did that, I love him I want it to work!!! Pointing fingers & whining to anyone who will listen .. (ugh) But as a woman with children .. I’ll take her side.
    But they both need to shut up and get off the air and take care of their children!!!

  29. Mommy says:

    The whole point of Jon being an asshat at this point has been proven over and over, as has the point of Kate being a bitch. Now. I am on team Kate. None of those things have anything to do with the fact that these accounts were frozen essentially, and both owners of the account (Jon and Kate) needed to sign or agree to a withdrawal, and he did it without her signature or agreement. That’s the whole point.

  30. reggie says:

    An IT analyst (which is what he was prior to this fiasco starting up) does NOT have an average salary of 200K. Maybe an IT CIO, but def. not an analyst. IT analyst make about 70k average a year.

  31. Shay says:

    The bulk of the 2 Million might be in investments. No one should have 2 Million in a checking account unless they’re operating their monthly expenses at 2 million.

  32. Traci says:

    Jon is acting very erratic. I cannot believe that after this latest stunt that any court in their right mind would give him joint custody of those kids. How on earth did he think she would go grocery shopping this week? I think Kate knew all along how much of a lazy ass he was & if she didn’t stay on him so much to do things they never would’ve gotten done. Now she is kinda stuck in the “head of the household” roll because you know he’ll never make enough money to support 8 children.

  33. CB Rawks says:

    The money belongs to the kids. The show would never have existed if it was just that tubby weasel and his weird reverse-mulleted wife.

    The fact that he cleaned out the account of money that belongs to his own kids, purely out of spite, and also tried to cancel their source of income also out of spite…
    well, I sincerely hope he falls through a sewer grate and cries and whines for days and eventually drowns in excrement.
    What do you think the odds are? How’s the infrastructure where he lives?

  34. Lindsay says:

    How did they only make 2.5 million dollars over 4 years? Were the sources way off? Is he lying now? Did Kate lye to him to keep him from blowing through the money they were being paid by TLC?

    I wouldn’t put it past him while they were married to assume he should be able to burn his cash on stupid stuff, not thinking about the children and the future. At one point he was on a budget, now it is kind of clear why and it wasn’t just Kate’s need for control.

    The kids that they both claim as their top priority were home without either parent because there parents were to busy slinging dirt on each other through the media.

    The milkshake thing is quite the honor he joins the like of Heidi and Spencer and LaToya Jackson. Wow! At least he is claiming the proceeds go to the “Jon Gosselin Children Foundation.” What ever that is, it almost sounds like a donation to help his own kids.

    His milkshake is Crazy Eight. Clever. And a mixture of eight ice cream flavors. Does anyone know which ones they are? Cause I can’t think any eight flavors that would compliment the others.

    The judge needs to impose a gag order and expedite this divorce for everyone else. She even said today the older kids are being affected. They ask questions every night. She says she only tells them facts and let them draw their own conclusion but I’m not sure I believe it. It takes a very strong person to net let your emotions shine through when you are upset. Plus they can read and see the magazines at the stores, and their friends probably know some of the rumors and ask the girls about it. Maybe the nine year olds in the class is one of the inside sources.”
    I think it pass of few of the tabloids test of reliability.

    Why do my post keep getting deleted??

  35. Lindsay says:

    Embee – he also misspelled “penelty” and this was a professional sign, he did not make it with poster board and a magic marker. He hasn’t learned to spell his name or use spelled by 32?

    Katie – he is not there half the time a total of two days at most so it is about 28.5% – just to show how hand on he really is, he has no real job he moved far away, but doesn’t have any real commitments to keep him from being there. But they are HIS kids too, he made the decision to co-own the house so he should help with any maintenance and other expenses insurance, utility, ect. He should also pay more since Kate is doing the majority of the work. Not out partying with little Ms. New Boobs.

  36. Anastasia says:

    Anyone feeling an iota of sympathy for Kate is just falling for her little act. She’s a manipulative jerk just like he’s a douchebag.

    More people should be Team Kids, since they did nothing to deserve any of this crap: having no privacy their entire short lives, making money for their selfish jerky parents, long shooting days, photo shoots, interviews, you name it, they have not had a good life, unless you ONLY count material things and I don’t. And now their family has imploded and their parents are fighting each other right in front of the cameras.

    How lovely for them, huh?

  37. Ggirl says:

    Has no one invented a potent pesticide for these creatures yet? (not the kids of course) Make Schl*ng & Hate go away already!!!!

  38. Westender says:

    I am just wondering which one of the eight children twenty years from now will write a “Mommie/Daddie Dearest” book about growing up with Jon & Kate as parents? Those two are sure giving the potential author lots of material for the book!!

  39. Anastasia says:

    A lot of people here really need to check out the Gosselins Without Pity blog. I didn’t know much about this couple before I ran across it and it was very eye-opening.

  40. Mrs. Kalifornia says:

    These people are ridiculous. If they really divided the 2 mil by ten, then after taxes, that leaves about $56K each. That is hardly enough money for them to have multiple residences, lawyers, Gucci shoes or full time body guards (Kate).

    So, they are lying about NOT using the kids’ portions, or lying about how much money they made, or lying on their taxes. Either way, they are lying and are foolish to think that people are not going to add it up and catch on, esp. given the amount of information these idiots are giving out to the media. They are also pissing the money they both “do not have,” on legal fees, among other things.

    Jon is an idiot; but Kate is a domineering, savvy, media BLEEP. The lesser of the two evils here is Jon. He is too simple to act with intent and is being manipulated. Kate knows what she is doing.

  41. Mrs. Kalifornia says:

    Oh, and not every family of ten NEEDS to have their own TV show for all of you who keep saying “HOW WILL KATE SURVIVE.”

    Please. You people need to realize how normal people really live. TV has everyone thinking that the Jet Set lifestule is normal and what people NEED. I blame Cribs.

    They can work, buy a smaller house, fire the body guard, go back to nursing (at least $70K a year) and cut back on SPA DAYS like the rest of us.

  42. Arch says:

    I think that Kate is lying. It’s just another way to bring down her husband.

    According to reports over the weekend, Kate received overdraft notices on Friday, October 2 and she called the bank and they told her that Jon took out $200,000 (New amount $230,000) and that’s when she hired Marty and he emailed Jon’s lawyer, Heller, telling him that they want the money that Jon took on 10-01-09 back.

    If Kate has $1,000 in the bank, she wouldn’t have gotten overdraft notices. The account would have to have been in the negative for her to have received overdraft notices. Doesn’t Marty knows this?

    What comes with overdraft notices? Overdraft fees. So, why would Kate and her lawyer want Jon to only return the $230,000 and not request he pay for the overdraft fees too?

    Am I the only one that finds it strange that Kate’s story turned from Jon taking $200,000 ($230,000) on October 1, 2009 to Jon taking money starting on August 10, 2009 to September 29, 2009?

    On the Today’s interview yesterday, Kate told Meredith that she has account that shows Jon started taking money out on August 10,2009 and took his last amount on September 29, 2009.

    Okay, why did Kate get control over the money again?

    I find it strange that Kate doesn’t check her bank statements. Clearly she can do that at least twice a week online. She can’t make me believe that she never checked the statement online, in August and didn’t see withdrawals.

    I don’t have thousands of dollars in the bank and I check my account at least twice a week to make sure things has posted and plus to make sure nothing is off on my account.

    Although, a person has bank online, they still receive paper statements. Didn’t Kate view over the statement she received in September? I shows what took place in August and how much money you have as of the date on the statement.

    So, why didn’t Kate claim in August and September that Jon has taken money out of their account?

    Kate is saying this, because Jon had TLC close production and she wants Kate plus 8 so bad. In a segament, she said that the children doesn’t work, they play and she works. So that means that Kate looks at the show as her job. Her way of making a living.

    Why can’t Kate quit the show and go work as an RN. She called into The View yesterday morning, claiming that if she had to go work at McDonalds to go support her children, she would. Funny, how she would pick working at a restaurant that pays less than what an RN gets.

  43. The Domestic Goddess says:

    She asked Jon to leave. He did. She can’t stand that he found another woman, and he won’t be coming back to be her little slave boy. Maybe he’s just trying to find his feet. She’s getting what she asked for and she doesn’t like it. If you watched the ET interview, they both equally pay 7200/m towards bills. She wanted control of the children so fine she got that. She wanted 8 little fawning humans because she’s driven away or dismissed anyone who has helped her in the past. Wait til they start puberty, and want their independance from her. Then we will see the fireworks! Jon has wanted out of this for months, and he finally told TLC and Kate to suck wind. Kate is nothing but a whining, sad, pitiful woman who doesn’t like the writing on the wall.

  44. IlaughwhenIreadthisstory says:

    I think Jon is hiding the money in his stomach! He is as round as a ballon!

  45. miapocca says:

    Read kate’s lips

    She said LIQUID ASSETS….

    This guy and all those who think she needs to keep all her assets in cash when she has 8 children and a dumb husband are all crazy and lack financial acumen


    She probably just needs to keep about 50k in the account to make payments!

  46. Ana says:

    There are plenty of people with eight kids that do not live on that much money.

  47. Peaches Jones says:

    How on earth did Kate manage to hire those fancy lawyers with $1000.00? And even if they think they’ll get paid once they bring Kate successfully through this lawsuit, what money do they expect to get from this whole thing if both Jon and Kate are crying broke? I’ll tell you where the money is. It’s right here! Ask the stars. As long as they can keep the public interested in them, and knowing those 8 kids ain’t TV cute no more, and that their TV show ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’ was soon to dry up because those kids are now just brats and uninteresting, these two, Kate and Jon are just leading us all on their next money pit. How juicy; the 8 plus Kate lose Jon. That’s entertainment people! And that’s why some folks make the big bucks.

  48. Deb says:

    who cares where the money went, if she has it, good for her, he wrecked a lot of lives, he should pay dearly. And if he gets his own way, and the kids won’t be able to be on the show anymore, than he should face the music, and be a supportive father, meaning, get a job and take care of them. He whinned when Kate had to go out of town for book signings to support them, fine, he’s a big boy now, so, support the family, finally !! He cried, he never got to be a man and say how he felt. Fine he is now, but, should that have included leaving his family to act like a two bit wh—? Oh well, he sure is a man now, and I’ll just make a bet, those kids of his are REAL proud (?) of him ! HA !!!!!