Ready? Let’s go!
— Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey) November 1, 2021
Since it’s November 1st, it’s official Christmas szn, otherwise known as Merry Mariah Szn. It’s time, Mariah Carey tells us! [Just Jared]
This IG account uses AI to determine what celebrities would look like if they had aged naturally. So many of them look really nice! [OMG Blog]
Alec & Hilaria Baldwin did an impromptu press conference. [Dlisted]
Review of Last Night in Soho. [Pajiba]
Regina King is making “berets” happen. [Go Fug Yourself]
Ana de Armas will be a John Wick-style action star. [LaineyGossip]
Which sad celebrity is leaking their own tips to Deuxmoi? [Gawker]
The Texas abortion law could have unintended consequences. [Towleroad]
Who “discovered” Paris Hilton? [Starcasm]
Women share stories of men making them feel unsafe and uncomfortable in public spaces. These stories are so infuriating. [Buzzfeed]
Bella Thorne was Little Red Riding Hood and marijuana for Halloween [Egotastic]
I was hoping for a full thread on the Alec Baldwin press conference. I am the first to think the worst about him, but I actually thought this was pretty classy. They were following him, so he pulled over, got out, treated the press respectfully, and said sensitive, appropriate things. He seems to be completely humbled by all this and trying to do the right thing as best he can.
Now, let’s talk about Hillary. What was her plan with waving around her iPhone and repeatedly interrupting Alec? I get that she was being mama bear and trying to protect him, but 1. He didn’t need protection and 2. I feel like it’s such a Karen move to be videoing the whole thing. I guess she might have been concerned that if a physical altercation ensued (not completely unheard of with Alec) that she wanted to ensure his side was covered fairly, but this is not violent, angry Alec. This is thoughtful, reflective, truly humbled Alec, so Hillary’s hyper vigilance feels out of place.
I would have agreed… except for the fact that he then fully participated in her self-pitying Halloween insta posts (where he is even seen laughing on some photos).
She goes on about how hard this time has been for *her* (no mention of Halyna or her orphan son spending Halloween without a mother)a and he is happy to go along with her. If he really had respect for his friend Halyna, he would have asked Hilaria to abstain from the obligatory Halloween social media crap.
I couldn’t believe it when I saw that she had posted Halloween pics (not to mention also a picture of her holding Alec’s hand with the caption “I love you and I’m here). The Halloween pictures are especially distasteful. Give the kids Halloween, of course, but don’t post pictures of it on IG! Alec killed a woman not two weeks ago. Yes, it was a tragic accident, tragic for him as well as for Halyna Hutchins’ family. You don’t go posting happy Halloween photos and a caption about how parenting through this has been “intense.” I would have thought Alec would know better, but perhaps no force on this planet can keep Hilaria Baldwin off social media. She really has a piece missing.
That’s my thing too, I would have thought Alec would have known better and that it would come off as insensitive to her family and friends.
Hilaria doesn’t have the self awareness to think of how it would effect other people or to even think of what Halyna family is going though.
He and Hilaria DRESSED IN HALLOWEEN COSTUMES for her instagram, grinning with their happy kids like they don’t have a care in the world. Could they be more insensitive to the family of the woman who died?!! I was feeling some sympathy for him, not anymore.
@ Chaine
They probably dress for Halloween for their kids, there is nothing wrong with that. Post those pictures on social media is another thing.
The stories about men…just ugh. I’ll personally never forget going solo to NYC and sitting at a Broadway play, when this lone businessman sat down next to me. He looks perfectly harmless, so I thought I could make innocent conversation. All I did was say, “I don’t know anything about this play, do you?”
9 words and this guy starts replying and touching me, stroking my arm, asking me if I’m cold (it was 95 degrees out) and what hotel I was staying at (which was very close to the theater). I was so stunned I just sputtered that I had to go to the bathroom and fled. I explained the situation to an usher, and he found me another seat (better, actually). But I’ll always remember this dude who felt 9 words was enough to start touching me.
Like most women, I have so many stories I can’t focus on just one, but something about that article really irked me “in today’s society, women . . .” so I teach freshman comp and I have a strict rule about the phrase “in today’s society.” Unless your paper intends to prove this trend didn’t exist in previous times, don’t claim it’s a new thing. So total ugh at the implication there has ever been a time when women weren’t harassed in public spaces.
I teach Freshman comp as well. and totally agree. It’s not a well written article.
For the past 20 years, “In today’s society,” sets my teeth on edge lol.
When I was in my mid-20s I was working at a museum in New York City. It was a busy day and I was giving a tour to two people when a man much older than I was came up to me and asked me where a certain object was. I told him where he could find it but he said he needed me to show him. I took him over to see it after excusing myself from the tour for a minute. It turns out his objective was to ask me out on a date while I was working. I politely said no and that I had to return to my tour. He began to pressure me, told me to give a guy a chance and even used the excuse that he was a veteran and so I should go out with him. I finally said if he wanted to call my home he could talk to my boyfriend who I lived with and he finally laid off. That was over 10 years ago and sometimes I still think about it. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Okay, your story reminded me of a very specific incident when I was in college. I worked part-time at a city library and was often there after closing cataloguing books. The night guard at the front door wouldn’t let me leave until he had given me his whole life story and how lonely he was and had no one to talk to being there all night and would I please stay overnight with him. So, after that, I had to schedule my shifts to never leave after closing when the night guard came on duty.
Why didn’t I complain about him instead? Because I really thought he might get fired if I said something, and I didn’t want to be responsible for that, especially after he’d laid that whole sob story on me. But I was a kid. I’d handle it differently now.
Hey at least you got nine words lol. There’s absolutely no way I could definitively quantify the number of unprovoked verbal and/or physical harassments throughout my years. Verbal drivel. ‘Accidental’ bumps, rubs, drops, brushes, etc. Then there’s full frontal atrocities when a wrist is grabbed or an arm wraps tightly around a shoulder to guide, very close whispers in an ear, stroking hair, standing so close behind his wank brushes your ass….. It’s really endless the ways men have dominated public existence. I sure as shit HOPE they’re quaking in their boots of late. In the past, something happens to me like the above, I was always labeled a bitch. Crazy bitch really for making very clear I’d go nuclear if they didn’t remove themselves. It’s always been our fault.
Mabs A’Mabbin, one of my (young, female, feminist, awesome) grad school profs defined a bitch as an acronym for “babe in total control of herself” and at the time I just thought nothing of it. Then, later on, after lots of horrible experiences with men in academia and being called crazy and lots of other awful names (due to asking my university to do something about pervasive sexual harassment), I realized she was laying out the way such names are used to denigrate women who are doing good work. (I literally have a former colleague who was fired for being convicted of sexual assault on a student and sentenced to prison, and a vocal number of my senior male *and female* colleagues thought he should not be fired! That’s just one example. Still infuriates me his enablers are still in place and in power.)
I love that society is slightly more conscious of sexism now but yes, we have not solved it or ended it by any means.
Ahhhh Mariah. I think it was an MTV Cribs where they were touring her home with her. Ms. Carey got in the elliptical with her stilettos on. I’ve loved her ever since.
I Absolutely have that image seared into my brain and I don’t have any recollection how I saw cribs bc we did not have cable. Mariah is an icon. Long May she reign.
OMG. Those are some frightening images on the OMG blog. Some of them are tragic as those celebrities would have looked perfectly fine without all those surgeries and injections. But, my lord, some of them look fit for Halloween. Why did they mangle themselves so?!
That was a very hard “read,” wasn’t it?
Thank God Mariah is here to cheer us the fuck up in this dismal time. I love you forever, Mariah!
MERRY MARIAH! also Hilaria is yuck.