Antivaxx Trump supporter Kristy Swanson has been hospitalized with Covid


Kristy Swanson was an actress famous for the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the film), and she was on that TV show Psych for a while. I was surprised at her IMDB – she has actually worked pretty consistently on low-budget TV movies and sh-t for the Hallmark Channel, stuff like that. While she’s not a household name, she works and makes money, and probably has a career similar to Lori Loughlin. She’s also a Republican, and a vocal Trump supporter (her pinned tweet is from her visit to the Trump White House). You guessed it, she was also one of those “Covid is just a lil’ flu” people. Anti-masker, anti-science, anti-vaccine. Well, funny story.

She has spent the past 24 hours arguing with all of the people who are like “you should have gotten vaccinated, dumbass” and “did you try horse dewormer.” She blamed her Covid on vaccinated people who spread the virus (d’oh!) and she’s laughing at the people telling her to get vaccinated. I can’t believe medical resources are being wasted on this a–hole.

Just in case you wanted to know the extent of her MAGA fever dream, she’s on the record criticizing Anthony Fauci, she laments “cancel culture” constantly and she’s ride-or-die for Brett Kavanaugh, so much so that she made fun of the women who came out to tell their stories about Kavanaugh.


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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123 Responses to “Antivaxx Trump supporter Kristy Swanson has been hospitalized with Covid”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Tots and pears

    • Giddy says:

      Took me a moment. LOL!

    • Nuks says:


    • josephine says:

      My prayers are reserved for the poor people who have to risk their own lives to take care of her selfish, ignorant self. Worthless garbage.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Hospitals, HCWs, resources and meds should be saved for those who “believe” in science/medicine and got vaxxed (and of course, children and those who *legitimately* cannot be vaxxed for *real* health reasons).

      For all the deniers and MAGAts: set up a tent in the parking lot and staff it with all the “medical advice givers” from Facebook, Twitter, Fox, and OAN and let them take care of “their own”.

      I’m ALL out of any sympathy or compassion for these a$$wipes.

      • Still_Sarah says:

        @ Jan90067 : At least she can afford access to all of this wonderful healthcare. Must be great to afford health insurance – lots of other Americans don’t know the feeling.

    • superashes says:

      I first read this as “Thots and pears”, lol

  2. Amy T says:


  3. Esmom says:

    To the person who said she’s learning the hard way, it seems as though she isn’t learning at all. The cognitive dissonance required for her mindset is truly mind boggling. Imagine just doing the right thing instead of insisting on so much utter ignorance, just to own the libs.

    • Ginger says:

      I know someone that is against the vaccine and a trump supporter. She got Covid this summer, was the SO sick and almost hospitalized and is now on an inhaler.
      She still refuses the vaccine and blamed vaccinated people for giving it to her. They are delusional.

      • AlpineWitch says:

        In a certain way we are giving it to her… by taking the vaccine the virus moves on to someone else! 🤣

        Immunology 101, unfortunately these idiots cannot understand how anything scientific works…

  4. Miranda says:

    Funny how she praises the paramedics and her nurse, but doesn’t value their efforts enough to, you know, wear a mask and get a goddamn vaccine so these people could spend time with their families and take a well-earned vacation from caring non-stop for fucking stubborn morons for almost 2 years.

    • michelle says:

      Well said Miranda.

    • Merricat says:


    • Courtney B says:

      Preach. I want to cry when I think about what healthcare workers have been through. And then when salvation was in sight, antivaxxers fucked it all up again.

      • Miranda says:

        I’ve shared before that my stepmom is an ER doctor, and is retiring at the end of this year (several years earlier than she’d originally planned) because of COVID burnout. One of my sisters-in-law is an RN, and has said that at times, she feels almost like she’s abandoned her 8-year-old twins because she works so much. Also COVID and Trump supporter-related: another sister-in-law is an Ob/Gyn, and one expecting couple, whose first 2 kids she had delivered, switched doctors because they suddenly weren’t comfortable with her being Asian (yes, this is what they told the receptionist when canceling an appointment). So yeah, these people have made things hellish for frontline workers in more ways than one.

      • Jan90067 says:

        As a latecomer to watching Grey’s Anatomy, I just finished Season 17, which dealt with Meredith (main character) getting Covid, and the hospital dealing with Covid cases. I have to say, it was hard to watch after all we’ve gone through in the last 2 yrs. I had MAJOR anxiety watching (yet I couldn’t turn it off), and yes, it dealt with the deniers and the hate spewed towards the doctors who were Asian (Covid patients brought in saying they didn’t want an Asian doctor, or asking another “Where were you born?”). I know this is “fictional”, but I think it showed the deep physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion of all the staff and how truly heroic these people are.

        The only way to TRULY thank First Responders and HCW is to wear a damned mask and get vaxxed! That, and get the rest of the world vaxxed. This is the ONLY way to slow/stop this virus: don’t give it host bodies to mutate in!

  5. virginfangirl says:

    It’s so hard to grapple with the fact that if she wasn’t on this earth, her lies would be no more, and lives would be likely saved.

  6. Sue says:

    And taking up a bed that she didn’t have to have if she got vaccinated that another sick person might need.
    “Prayers for me please.” Did she pray for the earlier victims of this pandemic while she was denying science?
    I know I’m supposed to go high when she goes low but that under eye concealer In the bottom photo is unfortunate.

  7. Concern Fae says:

    When I first read the headline, I thought, “Wow, surprise” then, almost instantaneously, “No, not really.”

    • Another Anna says:

      A relative of mine is vaccine hesitant/antivax (she came in through the wellness track and she abhors the entire GOP) but perfectly fine wearing masks and she got Covid. When she told me she got Covid, she told me that she was shocked when the test came back positive. I couldn’t even hold my tongue, my response was “you were??” This is now a pandemic among the unvaxxed. If you choose not to take the vaccine, you are putting yourself and others at risk.

      Also side note I feel terrible for the immune-compromised and allergic who can’t take the vaccine. 1) These chucklefucks are putting them at risk and 2) I worry that those who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons might accidentally get lumped in with those who won’t get vaccinated and that just seems unfair to me.

  8. Jordana says:

    Spent 10 minutes looking at her twitter. Wow! She’s a terrible human.

    • Emma says:

      Twitter is terrible for giving a free platform to people like her denying science and destroying lives. I can’t stand it so I don’t have an account there.

    • Snappyfish says:

      Completely terrible. DUI hit & run, arrested for assault of boyfriend’s ex, MAGA & Kavanaugh supporter… garbage dumpster women

  9. manda says:

    whoa, her undereye brightener in that bottom pic. That is my worst fear! My undereyes look bad, but it’s all natural me 🙂

    I wonder what her nurse, Rose, thought of her? Of course, I immediately assume, “a-hole,” but then I remember that a lot of medical professionals have declined the vax, too, so…..

    • Merricat says:

      By “medical professionals,” you mean non-doctors and quacks.

    • Tootsie McJingle says:

      And many of those “medical professionals” have fortunately lost their jobs for not believe in science and medicine. I for one am grateful to weed them out.

    • Sue says:

      My friend’s neighbor is a RN and a anti vaxx science denier. It makes no sense. Anyway she’s in her late 30s, caught Covid and developed a heart condition because of it. Like she’s had 2 heart attacks since. And she has little kids who she Home schools because she refuses to get them their routine vaccinations. She’s still holding onto her beliefs.
      I saw a comment yesterday about a 37 year old father who died of Covid complications and left his little kids behind because he was an anti vaxxer. This is insane and so sad.

      • ElleV says:

        I’m not sure why, but nursing forums have been a hotbed of anti-vax nonsense since long before the pandemic.

        My guess – working closely with doctors probably exposes how fallible they are and power imbalances in health care make nurses distrust and dislike them and rankle at the idea of taking their orders over their own judgement. Meanwhile, nurses are usually the ones administering vaccines so they’re way more likely to see those extremely rare instances when things DO go wrong and negativity bias takes care of the rest. Talk about a perfect storm!

      • MissMarirose says:

        @ElleV: All this and a lot of nurses only have a two-year degree. They aren’t taking a lot of higher level science classes, like someone with a bachelor’s or master’s degree would. I think that makes a big difference in one’s understanding of the science behind this.

      • g says:

        @elleV they watch people dying of covid, still won’t get the vaccine but people still give them bs excuses and the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t realize you needed advance degrees to be a decent human being and protect your community. Smmfh

      • Jan90067 says:

        When I think of people who HAVE died because there wasn’t an ICU bed/vent, heart attack victims, stroke, car accidents….I get SO angry when you hear things like the man died because there were NO BEDS in a 4 state radius!

        @MissMarirose, my nephew’s gf is in one of those 2 yr programs to be a nurse. I thought it was an LVN license though. What worries me is that this batch of nurses, even vocational nurses, who couldn’t do in person labs because of schools closed during Covid…what will their *actual* experience be?? How compromised, and how much “learning on the job” will it take to get up to par?

      • Amy Too says:

        I wonder if a lot of them go into nursing because they’re mega evangelical Christians who think being a nurse is a very Godly career, but then because Christianity has become such a hot bed of right wing MAGAs, we ended up with a bunch of Christian, anti vax nurses. This describes a woman I nannied for perfectly. I think a lot of these women want to go into nursing specifically to “save babies” from abortion and work in labor and delivery and obstetrics, but everyone wants to be in labor and delivery and work with babies and pregnant women so a lot of these nurses end up taking jobs in another part of the medical field. The woman I worked for is working towards getting her midwifery degree? license? And she really wants to transfer to baby work, but in the meantime she’s a dialysis nurse.

      • manda says:

        omg!! two heart attacks! I just don’t understand being so scared of a vaccine that really has not been shown to hurt people as opposed to a disease that has killed so many. My own doctor’s nurse told me she wasn’t planning on getting the vaccine “right away,” but that was a while ago, but I don’t know where she stands.

        @ ElleV–very good point!

      • Same says:

        Break out the stereotypes — most RNs these days actually are BSNs, diploma nurses really are aging out.
        Nurses come in red , blue and purple along the political spectrum .
        We come as Catholics, Pagans and Atheists
        We don’t envy or hate doctors and so refuse to listen to them (seriously).

        Newsflash — about half of humans are vaccine hesitant or straight up anti vax or anti mandate or whatever reason based on the numbers … and it isn’t unique to the US.

        Hospitals are also giving exemptions for pretty much any reason to avoid firing staff.

        I just got my booster on Friday and am grateful.

      • Betsy says:

        @Same. No. Nowhere near 50% of the human population is vaccine hesitant or anti vax. Not even a little bit.

  10. Peanutbuttr says:

    She was also on a reality show in the midaughts, where she met her now husband, who is as bad as she is.

  11. LaUnicaAngelina says:

    She’s such an awful person, which sucks because I have a soft spot for the Buffy movie (and love the show). That’s the only thing I remember her from.

    • tealily says:

      I had no idea about who she was or what her beliefs were, but I always felt vaguely bad for her that SMG got so famous of that show and she didn’t have much of a career at all. Well. I don’t feel bad now.

      • Ange says:

        Well SMG was a much better actress ultimately. If you watch Kristy in her movie she was aggressively average.

  12. Piratewench says:

    I’m sure the “hot” NJ paramedics are just thrilled that their willfully ignorant and willfully ill patient who is using up their resources unnecessarily thinks they are hot.
    My eyes rolled so hard at that, I injured my brain.

    She may end up among the fine folks who have won a Herman cain award. I do hope she will fully recover because I am still human, despite what these people are putting our whole society through.

    If you’re looking for heartbreaking and infuriating tales of willful, unnecessary death and destruction please check out the Reddit sub called Herman Cain award. Hundreds and hundreds of antivaxers dying. It’s a trip and it makes me very sad but also very angry. She’s not alone in being an antivax nutcase who is paying for the ignorance with her health now.

    • Liesel says:

      That subreddit has become my feel-good happy stories of the week. It’s impossible for me to have any sympathy for those people. I used to feel apathy towards them. Now I just feel relief that there’s one less of their ilk in the world.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Oh I’m definitely going there. So angry at anti vaxxers and so over their lies and delusions. I told Kristy where to go yesterday on Twitter. Waiting for her to come back with “you don’t know my history!” Because I have a treat planned for her.

  13. Merricat says:

    It’s due to people like her that we still have a problem. No thoughts, no prayers, you stupid see you next Tuesday.

  14. Gil says:

    Let’s not forget that Covid WILL come back for her and she might not laugh the next time she gets it.

    • souperkay says:

      Yes, that will be the 5th wave in the US driven by time in buildings and houses as most of the US gets cold in the winter and the holidays. The second or third infection, even if you thought the first was mild, has the potential to be life changing if it doesn’t turn lethal, because of unseen vascular damage being compounded by repeated infections. This can lead to amputations as well as more people who live but are stuck in long term care facilities because they won’t be able to breathe independently or eat or anything independently ever again.

    • olliesmom says:

      And it WILL find her again because you know that she’s not going to get the vaccine even if she recovers.

  15. Sofia says:

    She’s on oxygen and still finding the time to tweet *eye roll*. And taking the vaccine would have most likely prevented a hospital trip and she would be at home dealing with mild symptoms.

  16. Liesel says:

    I’m really rooting for Covid to do its job on this one. Having seen her IG posts in the past, she’s absolutely awful and a garbage human being.

  17. Robyn says:

    KS: Prayers for me please
    Me: ✨no✨

    • Giddy says:

      Prayers for her? Sorry, busy, just so darn busy.

    • Betsy says:

      I will pray for the people tasked with caring for this monster. I will pray for the people she exposed. I will pray for the people who are under the sway of right wing propaganda, of which she is a part.

      For her? I will pray for her to learn her lesson and find God.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      She didn’t clarify what kind of prayers. So I’m cool with her request. I pray covid treat her as she treats it.

  18. souperkay says:

    Well, now that’s she’s a Herman Cain Award nominee, we will see just how this little, insignificant bout of pneumonia and COVID is no big deal, how *she* certainly will not be a HCA winner.

  19. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    How terribly sad to hear such awful news.
    Said no-one ever.

  20. Isle says:

    Would it be fair to mandate the non-vaccine compliant to relinquish medical care?

    • Same says:

      While I get the sentiment , I don’t know that we really want to open the box of medical care depending on compliance . Imagine if we didn’t treat diabetic ketoacidosis because someone are a snickers .

  21. Aimee says:

    Girl hasn’t had a career in decades.

  22. EllenOlenska says:

    There’s still time for her to win a Herman Cain award!

  23. lucy2 says:

    Oh FFS, that’s the hospital in my hometown! I have friends who work there. They do have a wonderful staff, who are probably being very kind to her, despite her spending the entire pandemic ignoring their safety and mocking everyone trying to make this end. How dare she.

    Funny how quickly the “it’s just a flu” crowd begs the internet for prayers and rushes to doctors for help when covid comes for them, huh?

  24. Courtney B says:

    She and dean cain (blech) also performed in a right wing play based on the Peter Strzok/Lisa page texts. They’re so gross.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      yeah, I read about that yesterday. I was like “a PLAY about text messages?! how lame are the Trumpers?!!”

      that’s a “tell me you have no hollywood career anymore without telling me you have no hollywood career anymore” role.

  25. Tiffany says:

    I’m still deciding on dinner tonight. I got a nice piece of beef but I also have chicken and salmon.

    What to do, what to do, what to do.

    What y’all having?

    • Betsy says:

      Salmon sounds lovely. I always overcook it, but it’s delicious with a little horseradish and lemon juice.

      • josephine says:

        and now I’m craving salmon. 350 for 20 minutes is my go-to, another 2 minutes if it’s a particularly thick piece.

      • Tiffany says:

        Good idea Betsy.

        I have horseradish and lemon in my fridge.

      • Jan90067 says:

        I do salmon with minced garlic, cajun spice, and balsamic glaze squeezed down the length. Broil, for about 15-20 min. (depending on thickness). OMG it’s to DIE for!!

    • Jaded says:

      Salmon with a maple syrup/soy sauce/ginger/garlic glaze – pop it under the broiler for a few minutes and the top goes all crispy.

    • Jenn says:

      Jan, that sounds delicious. So easy if you do it “en papillote” too! HMM. (Oops, looks like I put my reply in the wrong spot. Oh well)

    • BeanieBean says:

      Salmon, always go with salmon. Plus tiramisu, because it’s my birthday!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Salmon with a drizzle of olive oil, honey and any of the Penzey spices that fit your flavor preference. Broil for maybe a minute at the end to crisp up. Squeeze a bit of lemon on top. Wild rice or lime rice and baked/broiled asparagus on the side. Late to this…so maybe tomorrow. Penzey’s has been including in their emails the importance of voting and choosing love and the importance of not allowing the voices of some Americans trying to erase the voice of others because it’s not the same as their own.

  26. Barbie1 says:

    Who started the lie that vaccinated people spread the virus? Special place in hell is waiting for that person.

    • Betsy says:

      That’s not a lie; vaccinated people *can* spread the virus. We shed less virus and for a shorter period of time, but we definitely can spread it.

      • Coco says:

        But a vaccinated person sheds when they have contracted a break-through case of Covid, not from the vaccination itself. If my family’s dog shed the rabies virus after vaccination, I’d be writing this from the afterlife.

      • Jan90067 says:

        We are also much more likely to be asymptomatic, which is why masks are STILL being mandated (and/or encouraged) when indoors amongst others, esp. when you *can’t* distance, or are around others who aren’t vaxxed.
        Breakthrough cases are usually mild and don’t require hospitalization and I believe it’s only be 0.01% of vaxxed have died of Covid.

        I hate to say it, but even amongst the vaxxed we have our a$$h—s. My own sister (double vaxxed, boosted) went to an outdoor concert this past weekend. She said it was oversold and CROWDED. Her stupid husband wanted to get up close to the stage, in the huge crowd, but she made him stay back. Still…they now want to see my dad (who’s a week shy of his 94th bday). Her husband (from the background, when she called) asked if they should take a test, and I said yes! Get a rapid test. When he heard her ask this, he says he DOESN’T WANT to take one. She asked him why he said anything then, and started complaining she didn’t want to take a test. No matter what I said, how vulnerable dad is, she got mad at my saying she needs to do it. She practically hung up on me.

        Crazy, right??? How hard is it to take a drugstore rapid test before seeing an elderly relative?? She thinks being vaxxed is ALL that is needed now, that she’s invincible. To me, that is *almost* as stupid as being an anti-vaxxer.

      • Tessa says:

        They aren’t saying that vaccinated people can, they are saying vaccinated people spread it MORE, so it is a lie.

      • Betsy says:

        @Coco – no one is suggesting that we’re just shedding the virus from the vaccine, but we can definitely be a part of community spread.

      • Coco says:

        Nobody here is saying that, but anti-vaxxers are saying so as a fear-mongering tactic.

  27. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    No vaccines but let’s put white shoe polish under our eyes

    • GgRosey says:

      Love it 👍🏻

    • Christina says:

      It said she’d learned the hard way… no she has not. She is putting on her own concealer. Dumb bell needs to let the trained professionals do that, just like she needs to let them deal with COVID-19. She looks like a raccoon.

      What an ignorant, stupid woman. Ignorant because she doesn’t know, stupid because she doesn’t want to know.

  28. Michael says:

    Kristy has always been unbelievably ignorant and unwilling to look beyond her own worldview about anything. I remember back when she starred in a Spike Lee movie (School Daze) and he spoke about Malcolm X and she had no idea who he was talking about. He gave her a book on the subject but I do not think she read it. Or any other books not on the Christian Conservative Reading list

    • Tiffany says:

      She wasn’t in School Daze. It was Higher Learning and the director was the late John Singleton.

      How you got he and Spike, and those movies are over a decade apart, mixed up is beyond me.

  29. Cessily says:

    What is beyond selfish is that these wonderful people are taking care of her despite the risk she is to their health and the health of their families especially if they have children or family members who can not get vaccinated.. if you want to thank first responders and medical professionals get vaccinated.

  30. Rapunzel says:

    Meanwhile, I’ve booked my booster shot. My county in CA has only a 40% vaccination rate.

    Just saw a local guy, mid 30s, with 3 kids, die because he wasn’t vaxxed. Family posted a gofundme that already has over 6 grand. Seriously. It’s so gross these people willingly get sick, die and then stick others with footing the bill.

    I’m beyond caring if these people live or not.

    • lucy2 says:

      I feel for the young kids, who not only lose a parent, but someday will look back and see that there was something their parent could have done that could have possibly saved their life, and they choose not to do it out of ignorance and stubborness.

      Most of my state is well over 70%, but my county is only 56%. We have a huge senior population here too, which is cause for concern, but there’s also a lingering redneck crowd. I hardly see anyone wearing masks anymore except store employees (and me!).

  31. Rachel De Young says:

    This women is piece of work! As a Canadian, here’s a link to the gossip, effing Lloyd.

  32. J ferber says:

    Good news that the FDA approved the vaccine for 5 to 11 year olds. I’m hoping that the 69 percent of over 18 year olds in the U.S. who are fully vaccinated will be taking their kids real soon to get vaccinated.

  33. GRACE says:

    She should be treated with “thoughts and prayers” and nothing else. I’m a bad person. I’m over it with these selfish, resource-sucking, COVID and vaccine deniers.

    • olliesmom says:

      She should have been sent on her merry way with instructions to rest and take plenty of fluids, because you know, it’s just the flu.

  34. Valerie says:

    What’s she doing going to the hospital? Why isn’t she just staying at home and receiving prayers and taking her horse paste and vitamin D?

  35. Robin Webb says:

    She’s in my neighborhood (literally) – why is she in NJ?? Yuck

    • Lucy2 says:

      Friend of my family lives in your neighborhood too. I’m disgusted she and her awful husband have moved into the area.

  36. Emerald Crystal says:

    I’m a retired RN and I feel kinda guilty and relieved at the same time to be out of the hospital. Both of my knees are gone from nursing over 20 years. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be right now for all of the health care workers. It was difficult and stressful in the good ole’ pre-Covid days. I live in a very red part of Florida and have to stand my ground nearly every day, when friends or family members try to convince me that hundreds of thousands of people are dying from the covid vaccine, or how the livestock wormer is the best way to get rid of the virus. It’s like talking to brick walls. I just tell them that my generation was able to wipe out polio. measles and mumps with vaccines. I blame Trump and other Republicans for taking a health care issue and turning it into a political agenda. Trump just wanted to deflect from the fact that he kept quiet @ his knowledge of the virus being in our country for a few months, and people were dying because we didn’t know what was going on with it; all to protect his precious stock market and his billionaire cronies.

    • olliesmom says:

      Yep. They knew at least in January 2020. Probably before that – the late fall of 2019 when it really started going. I knew of it in January because a co worker and I were talking about it and tracking it in the news and we were getting alarmed at how efficiently it was spreading in Asia and Europe. So if we knew THEY knew!

  37. Harmony says:

    Those hot AF NJ paramedics, one whom is my hubby, don’t need Hallmark movie actors ogling them. They don’t need praise. They’re overworked, underpaid, dwindling in numbers, and exhausted. They need a break, and they need bimbos like Kristy Swanson to start taking this seriously and get vaccinated!

  38. Jayna says:

    I hope she enjoys that nice large co-pay or deductible she has to pay, because her insurance doesn’t pay for everything. A fully vaccinated radio host got COVID. He and his wife went on an RV trip. Halfway thought the road trip he got very sick and they came home. He had COVID. He is overweight, but does exercise. He eventually had to be admitted to the hospital. His doctor and the nurses told him if he wasn’t vaccinated he would probably have died. He has insurance, but his out-of-pocket for that six-day stay was, I believe, $6,000. He said maybe anti-vaccine people should think about that also when not getting vaccinated since the majority of COVID cases admitted are not vaccinated.

  39. Jayna says:

    I had Pfizer as my two doses. No complaints. I had no side effects, except one day of tiredness, and no COVID. But I’ve decided to do Moderna as my booster shot. Phizer contains 30 micrograms of mRNA . Moderna’s booster shot, which is cut in half from the full dose, still has more, at 50 micrograms of mRNA. Has anyone else done that? Moderna led in lasting effectiveness over the months. So that’s my reasoning. Everyone else in my family is sticking with the same as their first two doses, Pfizer, because they didn’t have any side effects and want to stay with the same vaccine.

    • Ladiabla says:

      Jayna, I also got the two doses of Pfizer and am thinking of getting the moderna booster, as I’ve read that moderna has greater efficacy over the Pfizer. I just got my flu shot yesterday and when I was talking to the tech, she told me that one of the pharmacists there decided she was going to get the moderna booster when she initially received the Pfizer vaccine. I’m not due to get my booster until late December, but it’s something to think about. I may ask my pcp about is as well. I want whichever gives me the most protection. I got covid last December and had to be hospitalized. I’m still having gastrointestinal issues and am terrified of a breakthrough infection.

  40. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    Her MUA hates her, apparently.

  41. jferber says:

    I’d like to update my above post. As of Nov. 1, 70% of people 18 and up in the U.S. are fully vaccinated. That is so, so good! I’m getting my booster next week.

  42. Izzy says:

    I have to be honest. I long since passed the threshold of not caring at all if these antivaxx idiots die. Like, just go, you’re making the rest of our lives harder. I was never this callous before the pandemic.

  43. Ry says:

    Get her the fuk out of that bed and give it to someone who wants to live and is grateful.
    Throw this bitch in a dark Comer with the treatment she deserves. She’ll just keep getting it and passing it on.
    Where’s Darwin when you heed him?