Cele|bitchy | Recycled tabloid trash: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s “secret hotel meeting”

Recycled tabloid trash: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s “secret hotel meeting”

Brad Pitt and Maddox Jolie-Pitt depart JFK airport in NYC
The Daily Mail is running a story that originated in British rag Grazia that sounds completely fabricated. They claims that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston met up for an hour in Brad’s hotel suite in NY about two weeks ago. Brad, who allegedly met up with Jen while he was in NY to speak at the Clinton Global Initiative, was said to be “unloading his emotional baggage” on her. How many times have we heard b.s. variations of this same story? At least they could change it up a little:

It comes amid reports that Brad and Jennifer are in regular phone contact and – if true – their latest encounter marks their second private meeting together in the Big Apple this year.

A source told Grazia that Jennifer agreed to visit Brad in his suite at the Essex House hotel, next to Central Park.

‘She arrived at his hotel suite a matter of hours after they had spoken. Brad was unloading his emotional baggage on Jen, which isn’t exactly fair considering their history.’

But the source added: ‘She was quick to tell him she wanted no part in his break-up with Angelina.’
At first she was reported to be reluctant to meet with her former husband.

But the magazine alleges Brad got his mother Jane – who is famously still close to Jen – to persuade her to meet with him and give some advice.

It comes amid claims that his four-year relationship with Angelina has hit the rocks.

[From The Daily Mail]

I’m sure if Brad and Jen had some secret meeting that only one random British source would pick it up. This story is recycled trash. In June, Star Magazine ran a story that Brad and Jen had a two hour meeting in a NY hotel, which was promptly denied by the hotel in question. This follows a questionable story in In Touch in May in which it was claimed that they drove around NY for an hour in an SUV.

Whenever there’s a lack of photos of Brad and Angelina together the tabloids run stories that they’re having problems. Then we hear that Brad is unloading all his new emotional baggage on his ex wife. I’m surprised that Grazia didn’t claim that Aniston was telling Brad all about her pregnancy. This is creative fiction. We just saw photos of Brad and Angelina with their twins after they took a joint charity trip to visit refugees in Syria. There are also recent photos of them out grocery shopping in France with their two older girls. I doubt anyone knows more about these two than their respective romantic histories and whatever they say in interviews.

Oh and the tabloids also speculate on Brad and Angelina based on their appearance. Brad has been looking really scruffy lately so he must be boozing and having problems at home, right? Not so much. That very unkempt beard is for a role.

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37 Responses to “Recycled tabloid trash: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s “secret hotel meeting””

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  1. Firestarter says:

    And away we go…..let the hate and the “Jenhen” comments begin.

  2. Heavenbound says:

    He does look great in the picture were he is wearing the tux, that is the Hot Brad Pitt I remember. Now, he just looks old and haggard.

  3. stacy says:

    he did look way hotter “back then”. Some men just lose it when they age, some don’t. Poor Brad lost it 🙁 i think he is good looking now, but nowhere near as hunky!

  4. Praise St. Angie! says:

    where do they come up with this stuff?

    at least it’s good for a laugh.

    and I’m SO glad to know that beard is for a role. so fug but at least it’s not really by choice.

  5. viper says:

    I think alot of his tidy look was more of Jens doing than his. I honestly think she was the one who kept him ‘ tidy’ where as with jolie he’s more of himself. I honestly do think when I see him now he’s much happier, wheras before he was the trophy and eyecandy. I mean even today I still havent seen a shot of Aniston sort of sloppy. She’s very much absorbed compared to Jolie who has never really been apart of the glamour side of hollywood.

  6. Maritza says:

    The tabloids just want to keep the myth of the triangle love affair alive so they can sell. People are not buying it anymore.

  7. birdie says:

    Yeah this is true, and Charles is speaking to the ghost of Princess Di about his martial troubles with Camilla.

    And I would never throw Brad Pitt out of bed. Then, Now, or Ever – he is a timeless babe.

  8. Anak says:

    Again with this?????

  9. Just a Poster says:

    Nope don’t see any.

    I say this story is debunked!

  10. Fat Elvis says:

    Wow, I forgot how much better he looked without his lame, dyed n’ coiffed hipster hair.

  11. DoMaJoReMc says:

    @ birdie……

    Oh, I would DEFINITELY throw him out of bed

  12. Rosalee says:

    The recession has caused many organizations to rethink recycling products in order to trim costs..using old tabloid headlines is one such measure..

  13. Beth says:

    Considering that Maddox was with him, I doubt that he would try to get back together with Jennifer with his son just a few feet away. Was Jennifer even in NYC then?

  14. Cheyenne says:

    The FF freaks are already trumpeting this bullshit as gospel. People will believe whatever they want.

  15. joe says:

    Celebitchy – this article is a little weird. It contradicts itself. You state that stories come when when they haven’t been seen together but then go on to state how we have seen many pictures of them over the last two weeks? So this story actually came out when there were alot of pictures of them together. It just didn’t make sense to me. Oh well. Also if you get a chance could you please link the article where he states he is growing this beard for a movie. I wasn’t aware he had said that. And when does filming of this movie start. If I were him I would opt for a pasted on beard during shoting and leave my face clean in between – it really doesn’t suit him!
    And as for them meeting I really don’t think either of them care to see each other. But obviously people stil care or you wouldn’t be posting this story.

  16. skibunny says:

    They looked fabulous together.

  17. Cinderella says:

    He’s growing his beard for Jen.


  18. minx says:

    Brad looked with Jen like Ben Affleck looked with J.Lo.. perfectly dressed, coiffed, stiff, not himself and reduced to being a pretty boy. Only now he’s become interesting (and that goes for Ben as well).
    Oh.. I’m sure they’re having secret meetings.. just like sooo many divorced men who come back to their ex-wives. I’m sure it’s every dumped female’s fantasy and maybe that’s why the tabloids try to recreate that triangle out of thin air.. but it’s just that: a fantasy.

  19. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Pitt didn’t always look dressed and coiffed when with Aniston.

    I give you…


  20. kim says:

    Why not make it more interesting and say he took Maddox with him so he can get to know his new stepmom. At their next meeting he’ll bring Zahara since she will have the final say on if he goes back to Jen. The tabs have already lied and said “Jen’s secret meeting w/Shiloh”and earlier this year “Jen meets the twins” GMAFB

  21. karen says:

    Hey 19, that beard was for a movie, too. I remember Aniston going on Leno and saying how much she hated the hair but it was for a movie and not her decision. I really don’t think Aniston or Jolie were the ones who changed his style. I just think he realized he was getting old and you can’t fight that forever. But who knows what these people are really like?

  22. donna dot says:

    @minx: no not really. see:


    the link shows a pic on brad and aniston. he has a beard and doesn’t look perfectly dressed. i googled it.

  23. karen says:

    And, just to add–“Brangelina + Jen”= the tabloid gift that keeps on giving (them loads of CASH!). At this point, they really need to stop. Brad and Jen have clearly moved on. Stop the madness.

  24. truthSF says:

    donna dot, the picture that you and Praise St. Angie is from a movie premiere in 2002. Brad was growing that beard for a movie,I think it was for “The Fountain”, (which starred Hugh Jackman, and was produced by Plan B) and then he backed out of it at the last minute.

    But you are right about him not always dressing up when he was with Aniston, He was only dressed up on the red carpet. But the tabloid are only using those red carpet pics to feed into the perfect golden couple bullshit.

  25. TwinkleToes says:

    That photo that you posted Praise is what jennifer really looks like. I forgot about that before the cheek, chin and nose sculpting. I don’t think Brangie are really together for real but they are doomed to stay together for the press. I think it ended for them when it was discovered that the twins had some kind of developmental problem due to Angie doing drugs while pregnant. I know it sounds mean but a nurse and a doctor I know said the twins look a little ‘off’. I think this drove a wedge between them. Shiloh never looked like that but drug problems only get worse over the years. It’s tragic.

  26. lennie says:

    Sure they “LOOK” beautiful, they were the perfect golden couple, all blonde haired and blue eyed (even Jen is a fake blonde and fake blue eyed one, it doesn’t matter they looked all american thus perfect! Always dressed up, perfectly clean and tanned, and they kissed a lot in public; cuddled a lot in public, talked a lot about their perfect marriage. But what happenned after all of this?

    At the other hand, as long as I can recall it, the rags especially british ones have written about Brad and Jen secret meetings, or textings or phone calls from the very beginning of Angelina and Brad’s relationship. The truth is that I can only see Brangelina as a very strong couple together for almost 5 years now, with 7 kids together, while Aniston already survived at least 5 relationships until her divorce.

  27. donna dot says:

    @TwinkleToes: you’ve made an interesting point. i compared pics of the twins with some of shiloh…and shiloh made many faces in front of the cameras…the twins not so. but…we don’t know. of course everyone should be healthy.

    i can’t imagine that jolie is drug-free. she admitted once using heroin and many others…and…we all know…it is a heavy drug…but i can’t imagine a pregnant women would do that. mh…on the other hand…i remeber how crazy she acted in the past…we don’t know.

  28. Miriam says:

    DoMaJoReMc: I visualized what you wrote and I LMAO 🙂

  29. Merridith says:

    I would be so upset if Jennifer even considered ever being with that pig again. I don’t think any of this bs is true.

  30. Charity is Chic says:

    Poor Lennie, don’t Brad and Angelina play the perfect couple in public too? How do you really know they are a strong couple? Especially since they spend so much time apart these last couple of years? Who know what really goes on behind closed doors. There’s a reason they call it SHOW business. And also, last time I checked they did not have 7 kids.

  31. This whole love triangle has been so overplayed. People aren’t believing it, and as time goes on, these supposed “sources” become more and more ludicrous.

  32. June says:

    I would be upset if Brad even considered ever being with that pig again. I don’t think any of this BS is true.

  33. michellllle says:

    Developmental problems due to drug use during her pregnancy? According to …?
    This was the first I’ve heard about this. Considering the press they generate I’m surprised such a claim has not drawn more attention, whether it’s true or not. Who knows what really happens behind closed doors. Still, it sounds like BS.

  34. princess pea says:

    @ Merridith and June:
    Same person? Hive mind?

    And why be upset? What’s your personal investment in Brad Pitt?

  35. B says:

    @Cheyenne–yeah, they will believe whatever they want. Just as you choose to believe that despite any evidence to the contrary, Brangelina are perfect, happy and beyond reproach. Seriously, there are some disturbed people on this site. Nobody knows for sure what’s going on. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. And a ride it WILL be, if the future is anything like the past drama of this situation…

  36. pumak says:

    she’s gorgeous. simply amazing

  37. Jersey says:

    Considering that Maddox was with him, I doubt that he would try to get back together with Jennifer with his son just a few feet away. Was Jennifer even in NYC then?