Cele|bitchy | Guy Ritchie: I still love “retarded” Madonna

Guy Ritchie: I still love “retarded” Madonna

Over the past few years, I’ve grown to love Guy Ritchie. I think he’s a lot cooler than people give him credit for, and I think he really loved Madonna in his own way. I also tend to think he’s probably a really great dad to Rocco and David Banda, and a great step-dad to Lourdes. As far as my Guy Ritchie affection goes, it also helps that I adored RocknRolla, his hilarious crime film starring my beloved Gerard Butler (and an epically gorgeous Idris Elba and my latest crush Tom Hardy). Any director willing to bring those actors together for any kind of film is going to win my respect – but the fact that RocknRolla was actually a really good movie certainly raised my opinion of Guy.

So Guy is gearing up to promote the Christmas release of Sherlock Holmes. He sat down for an extensive interview with Esquire (full interview here). Guy spends most of the time just shooting the sh-t, talking about his workouts and his bar, that kind of stuff. But then he starts talking about Madonna, and it’s pretty interesting:

“She’s a manifester, if there ever was one,” [Guy Ritchie] says. “First-rate manifester. Madonna makes things happen. Put Madonna up against any twenty-three-year-old, she’ll outwork them, outdance them, outperform them. The woman is broad.”

“Broad,” I say, repeating the word of the day.

“And, of course, here you go: I still love her,” he says. He takes a breath, drives through a red light. If no one is ahead of him, Guy Ritchie does not typically stop. “But she’s retarded, too.”

It’s rocky getting a divorce, innit? I say.

“You can’t tell someone when they’re getting divorced that their pain is an illusion,” he says. “I’m f-cking telling you, I feel it, I’ve been through that. You have, too. No one can say you don’t feel that. That’s the illusion of the illusion. The biggest fundamental is, you need a little ignorance.”

[From Esquire]

I like that. Madonna is “retarded” but he still loves her and respects her a great deal. I get that a lot of people will be upset with Guy’s use of the word “retarded” but I think this is one of those times where context is key. Is he really mocking the mentally challenged? Not really. He’s trying to talk about how complicated his relationship with Madonna was. Of course, he should have used a better word. Like “crazy” or “gristle”. I also like that the divorce seemed to hit Guy harder than Madonna – or maybe he’s just a better actor. Which wouldn’t be hard, because Madge is incapable of delivering one line on cue.

Regarding Sherlock Holmes, Guy also pontificated on the famous detective’s street cred, saying “Holmes was a gentleman, but he was also a street guy who could scruff it up a bit. I thought the story had lost that part of its essence.” I’m actually looking forward to seeing Sherlock Holmes – I think it will probably be pretty good, and likely closer to the original Sir Conan Doyle stories than people imagine.

Guy Ritchie is shown at the premiere of The Firm on 9/10/09. It was his 41st birthday and photographers presented him with a little cake. Credit: WENN.com and Fame Pictures

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16 Responses to “Guy Ritchie: I still love “retarded” Madonna”

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  1. Buddy says:

    i still think he is dorky. i mean what grown man says “retarded” in an interview? Plus, is he playing a little nicer now that he has a movie to promote?

  2. German says:

    I think he is referring to a quote of Madonna herself here. I remember that right after the whole divorce gossip came out, Madonna told the crowd at one of her concerts that the next song would be for “all the emotionally retarded out there” or something like that. Everyone suspected this to be a direct hit at Guy at this time.
    I am pretty sure that’s what he is referring to when he says “she’s retarded, too”.

  3. Lem says:

    I find it hard to seperate Guy from Lock Stock and Snatch. RocknRolla I cannot find, stupid redbox. I love his movies I love that he gave me Jason Statham. Madonna must be a bit daft.
    I feeling the love at CB today folks, feeling the love!

    *I also feel folks go crazy w/ the p.c.

  4. Just a Poster says:

    I really liked them together. And I thought it was really sad that they did end up divorced.

    I can’t help it, I just adore Guy. And it is very nice to hear a grown man speak kindly of his ex wife.

  5. Kris says:

    Kaiser, I cannot argue with your taste in men at all.

  6. awww says:

    when I saw that short movie from the bmw series featuring Madonna and directed by Ritchie I thought that the driver’s description of her channelled Guy’s own thoughts and feelings about his wife. It was spot on, unforgiving, but at the same very loving.
    too bad they didn’t make it.

  7. UrbanRube says:

    You can see why she loved him if he’d give her crap like that. Good for him.

  8. BW says:

    Maybe that’s really the word he wanted to use, meaning she’s “challanged” in some areas. Like the person above said Madonna referred to Ritchie as “emotionally retarded”. That is not a slam to the mentally challanged. “Retarded” didn’t originate as a “slang” word. Just sayin.

  9. the original kate says:

    he looks so much happier now that he’s divorced – he doesn’t have to cuddle up with the bag of bones & gristle madge has become.

  10. drakeula says:

    i just watched rock&rolla for the sixth time. i am crazy over guy ritchie and while i am not a huge madonna fa these days i actually loved them together. they seemed to balance one another.

  11. Rosanna says:

    Can’t stand him but i think he’s a great dad and I too think he did love Madonna. I’m glad she dumped him tho.

  12. lrm says:

    yea,i agree-i think it was his way of making a joke off of Madonna’s comments at her concernt ’emotionally retarded’-she was definitely alluding to Guy at that time…so i think he was going there…
    you have to admit,she picks good baby daddies,non? wide respect for Guy and Carlos Leon. She must have some nice aspects to her….

  13. cara says:

    Maybe he meant she was “retarded” in the sense that her growth is stunted. She, rather then growing and maturing, keeps trying to shock us with the same old, same old.

    She would of been much more “daring and provacative” if she retired, became a hands on mom and continued a life other then the one she is maintaining.

    I don’t know about you but seeing a 75 year old Vadge in a leotard, just doesn’t seem all that appealing. (and you know she’ll do it!!!)

    p.s. when he talks of the Vadge over dancing, etc…I had flashes of that chick, who would do “and I’m 50!”, from SNL. also…there’s a Hilarious mish/mash of the Grey Gardens lady dancing to a cover of a Vadge tune…..it’s a must see.

  14. Sue says:

    talk about re______ — nice jeans and shoes.

  15. Vermithrax says:

    Watch him in either of the featurettes on the Snatch or Lock, Stock dvds… or listen to the commentaries. The man is anything but ‘dorky’.

    He’s a sharp cat imo.

  16. TwinkleToes says:

    It’s a back handed compliment, alright but he would take her back in a heart beat. This isn’t over for these two yet. They may reunite in the years to come and he’s gonna be living here this time around.This break up was a power struggle between two people who love each other very much, deep down.