Kelly Clarkson & Sandra Bullock could not stop cracking each other up


Sandra Bullock is currently promoting The Unforgivable, a gritty drama where Sandy plays a hardened ex-con (and cop killer?) trying to find her younger sister. You get the idea: dark, morose, heavy drama. But Sandra is promoting the movie with light appearances on talk shows, which is how she ended up on Kelly Clarkson’s talk show couch. Bullock is a great talk show guest for anyone – she’s sharp, funny and dirty. What happened next was talk-show gold. Sandra had Kelly in stitches and they were making each other laugh so hard. Kelly had to stand up at one point to gather herself and Sandra’s “did you just call me a whore?” is one of the best improv lines EVER. The start of the interview is really funny, then it gets serious as Bullock talks about her movie, then around the 7:40-mark of this video, Bullock and Clarkson can barely contain themselves, that’s how hard they’re laughing.

It’s priceless. I love the way Bullock kept trying to take stock of everything, reminding Clarkson repeatedly that Kelly was very happy that Sandra’s parents were dead and that Kelly called her a whore. The whole bit about Wayfair – a company of which Kelly is the face – is amazing. Sandra brought it up repeatedly and Wayfair will probably give her thousands of dollars worth of sh-t.


Screencaps courtesy of the Kelly Clarkson Show.

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12 Responses to “Kelly Clarkson & Sandra Bullock could not stop cracking each other up”

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  1. Muggs says:

    That was seriously adorable and put me in a great mood!! Ready for whatever work throws at me today

  2. Louise says:

    Thank you for this! It’s the antidote for everything.

  3. Giddy says:

    The chairman of Wayfair must be about to explode with joy at the fact that Sandra Bullock not only knew their catch phrase but repeated it on the air. That interview was like eavesdropping on slightly drunk friends who were just happy to have time together.

  4. LarkspurLM says:

    Can I just say that the Kelly Clarkson show is a delight?

  5. FancyHat says:

    That was absolutely adorable. Thank you so much for posting about it

  6. Jess says:

    Omg I love them both so much! I hope they stay friends forever lol 😀

  7. Deanne says:

    That was an absolute joy to watch. Thank you for posting it.

  8. ANON says:

    Kelly Clarkson always seemed like one of the good ones to me, but she lost my respect when she started using her platform to shill MLMs. Not able to enjoy her stuff anymore.

  9. blairski says:

    This absolutely made my day, if not my week! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Yaya says:

    As a single foster parent – who has seen so many celebrities lately talk about the need for a two parent home, it was refreshing to see someone who gets it. Kids without someone need just one good adult to change their lives… Ask Oprah!

  11. Jayna says:

    Fifty-seven. She looks fantastic.