Duchess Kate wore a $1788 Miu Miu cardigan in the ‘Royal Carols’ promo

26th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards - Media Center

The Duchess of Cambridge appears in a tiny little promo for “her” Christmas special, Royal Carols: Together at Christmas. While ITV clearly sent out the promo commercial, I checked on ITV’s social media accounts and their YouTube channel and I could not find this anywhere other than royal reporters’ Twitter feeds. I realize that British channels don’t operate the same way an American network would, but… you would think if ITV really wanted people to see their prestigious royal Christmas programming, surely they would be hyping it on their social media? What gives? It’s very curious.

It’s kind of hilarious. Clearly, Kate filmed her segment separately from the actual event, and I don’t know if it happened before or after the show was filmed. She wore a Miu Miu sweater which retails for £1,350. Which is BONKERS. You’re going to tell me she dropped $1788 ON A CARDIGAN? And this is the first we’re seeing of the sweater too. It was bought for the occasion, is my guess. The Daily Mail ran a story about how she’s “copying” Princess Diana’s infamous black-sheep sweater. Yeah, there’s an element of copykeening her dead mother-in-law, absolutely, but it’s also typical Kate. Diana’s black-sheep sweater was adorable and it was worn with a wink, because the Princess of Wales was the black sheep of the family she married into. Kate’s cardigan is just twee, little-girlish and it has no “wink.” It’s just overpriced and juvenile. It would have looked cute on Princess Charlotte, only there would be no reason for a six-year-old child to wear a cardigan worth two grand. Also: those hairpieces are so obvious, my lord.

Members of The Royal Family Attend "Together At Christmas" Community Carol Service

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Attend Together At Christmas Community Carol Service

Header photo courtesy of ITV, additional photos courtesy of Instar, Backgrid.

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192 Responses to “Duchess Kate wore a $1788 Miu Miu cardigan in the ‘Royal Carols’ promo”

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  1. ML says:

    LOL, Kate’s cardigan is covered in white roses: maybe she’s “winking” at rosebushes?

  2. LW says:

    Even Miu Miu makes mistakes.

    Someone on twitter referred to her as Mumblelena 😃

  3. MurphyBrown says:

    ..which has now sold out apparently…

    • Wiglet Watcher says:

      Those Sold Out claims have been inflated for years. Usually, it means sold out of stock, but for Kate it meals all 5 items on the rack or her single Bespoke item Sold Out which is just the RRota doing what they do best. Prop up Kate like she’s some fashion icon.

      • Jan90067 says:

        It’s also been told that she also buys and holds items for YEARS before wearing, so when it comes out as “new”, it’s really barely left in stock by that point, so not hard to “sell out”.

        The Kartrashians do similar: reduced runs of goods, then crow how things sell out “in minutes”. Marketing to fool the masses.

    • Noki says:

      I always have a hard time believing these sold out in seconds stories because so and so wore it. Where are these mystical figures that buy out this stuff because a royal or celeb wore it!?

      • JT says:

        I don’t believe Kate’s clothes sell out because I don’t think people want to dress like Kate. Her style is too old and outdated for a modern woman. Hardly anything thing Kate has on is actually wearable for the average woman and her style is too matronly for the ladies who could actually afford it, unless they are old as well.

      • SusieQ says:

        I will fully admit that I found one of my new favorite shoe brands, Birdies, because Duchess Meghan was photographed wearing a pair of Birdies when she and Prince Harry went to Morocco.

      • Lurker25 says:

        @SusieQ, me too! I also fully admit to buying the JCrew parka she wore in Archie’s Chick Inn – it’s honestly so good! Actually waterproof, so light, perfect pockets, cinch cords… I throw it on to walk the dog, run errands, bad weather. It’s so practical AND cute.

        I didn’t get Megan’s style at first. Then realized every piece (even that red gala dress which I hated at first) stays in your mind and grows on you. I will shamelessly copy Meghan now bc I know it’ll be practical, age-appropriate, quality, timeless and easily incorporated into a capsule wardrobe.

        Kate’s clothes… Are a travesty. Worst part is that no one else can wear them because they’re clearly altered to follow the line of her body from armpit to hip. Most of rich people/royals give clothes to maids/helpers and donate to charity. Even if they wanted these geriatric toddler looks, they’d never fit.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Susie Q, I love Birdies!! My daughter bought me my first pair about 4 years ago, an olive loafer in faux velvet, and they have some great styles!!

    • HK9 says:

      Eh?!? Who is wearing that travesty?? I know the clothes she wears sells out a lot but this one is fugly. If you can show me a pic of this in the wild on an actual human I’ll believe it…but until then nah.

      • JT says:

        @HK9 I always think the same thing. I don’t know anybody in my real life who would even dress like Kate, but I hear that her clothes sell out and I’m confused. Her style isn’t all that wearable in the first place. Twee sweaters and coat dresses aren’t really the norm. I do know a bunch of women who dress like Meg, whose style is more modern and fresh, so it makes sense to me when her clothing sells out. I think the papers are lying because when was the last time something that Kate wore sold out? And why would it be this monstrosity? This sweater is really ugly.

      • Becks1 says:

        I don’t know about this sweater, but a lot of times her clothes are from past seasons, so when they are listed as “sold out” its because she bought something last spring or last christmas etc. Sometimes she holds onto things for years before wearing, sometimes just a few months, but with how quickly some stores go through their merchandise (especially when she wears something from Zara etc) then of course the item is sold out if she bought it 6 months ago.

      • Chaine says:

        It’s hard to believe a woman in her thirties would select and wear that with a straight face. Maybe we will find out that she sat down for the camera just after leaving the queen’s annual “ugly Christmas sweater” party.

      • CC says:

        I’ll play sweater’s advocate for a moment: I think what really ruins it is the collared blouse. Assuming the cardigan is its own garment and the blouse is a separate piece, I think the sweater would look much better on its own (wearing a camisole underneath).

      • Becks1 says:

        @CC lol at “sweater’s advocate”.

        But…..the collar is part of the sweater. It’s detachable, but still came with the sweater.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Noki she really does have a solid base of “CopyKates” — just check What Kate Wore or eBay. (There are also a lot of Etsy sellers who will take your measurements and make some of the crazy-expensive McQueens, etc.; they do it with some of Meghan’s clothes, too.) Rare pieces will sell for obscene amounts on eBay sometimes.

      I am very ashamed to admit I used to be one of these people, but that was waaaay back in like 2011–2012, before the endless coatdresses, Ma Ingalls dresses, and nonsense like Peter Pan collars. As soon as her style changed, I bounced, but she still has a bunch of hardcore fans who think she’s the greatest style icon of our era.

      There are a few people who will buy every. single. thing. she’s ever seen wearing or carrying. Usually it’s the moderately priced items that sell out so quickly, though — stuff from Reiss, Zara, Rebecca Taylor, J Crew, etc.

      But I was actually shocked that *this* sold out— every so often something super-expensive that she wears does sell out, but they tend to be much more versatile pieces that can be worn a lot, like a coat or a scarf. But this…? I find it hard to believe that that many people LOVE this heinous cardigan.

      But I did think of Diana’s sheep sweater *immediately* upon seeing it, so mission accomplished, I guess, Kate.

  4. Becks1 says:

    So honestly, one of the mistakes with this that was made was having so many pictures of the taping. People aren’t actually interested in what Kate has to say as a general matter; even her fans are mostly just in it for her clothes (and to “beat” Meghan.) But now we have all seen her clothes, we’ve seen which royals attended and what they wore, we saw what the Middletons wore, etc. One of the big “draws” for an event like this involving Kate is gone. I know some people are still going to tune in to the special itself, but if there are other more established concerts that air at the same time (like the one on BBC), then who is going to go out of their way to pick this one over another?

    Anyway I haven’t watched the commercial, but I did hear about it but all I heard about was…..Kate’s sweater. Which is really twee, she misses the point entirely with clothes like this. you need that “wink” like you said Kaiser, or a bit of sass or just some style to pull these off without looking twee. And she can’t.

    • Jan90067 says:

      And let’s face it…when Diana wore her black sheep sweater, she was what…19? 20? 21? Not a “hair under 40 “ woman with long sausage curls/waves wearing something that looks it might be too young for even her 6 yr old daughter.

      Tie back the fake hair, take away that stupid collar, open the neckline, put on a black velvet choker ribbon or an interesting necklace in the V…. And there ya go.

      • Cessily says:

        Princess Diana never made it to the age of 40.. it really needs to stop.

      • AmB says:

        Honestly, even a TURTLENECK would be an improvement. If you pick a Peter Pan collar you know exactly what you’re doing, and it isn’t dressing like an adult.

    • JT says:

      I think it’s odd that ITV isn’t really promoting this special, unless they are trying to bury it. The turnaround for this project was incredibly quick. It was about 2-3 weeks from the announcement to the air date, which isn’t typical for something like this and doesn’t bode well in regards to the quality of the program. Not many people were talking about this concert when it was taped and it’s still pretty quiet now. I don’t think the ratings will be good, especially if the superior, more well known, version will be on the BBC. I’ll be interested to see how this shakes out when it airs.

      • KFG says:

        I think ITV is burying it because it was dismal. Like it was probably a hot mess and they don’t want the criticism of catering to the royals.

      • Becks1 says:

        Okay, I went and actually watched the promo for it. And that’s an awful promo. It looked thrown together at the last minute, it told me nothing about the program other than the fact that Kate was “hosting” – not who else would be there (the special groups being honored), who was performing (just special guests), even the camera work at the Abbey looked rushed.

        I can’t imagine who is going to watch it based on that promo who wasn’t already planning on watching it.. Maybe ITV knows that though and so they just don’t care about promoting it.

  5. Aurora says:

    I’m waiting for the tabloids to call out the ridiculously obvious wiglets. Kate has gone way overboard in her quest to keep up with Meghan’s hair length.

    • Eurydice says:

      I think she’s been watching too many Hallmark movies – all the women have center parts with cascading wiglets over each shoulder.

    • Jais says:

      Real question. I literally cannot usually tell when someone is wearing extensions. I feel kind of silly for not seeing. What is the giveaway? Is it that it’s so long?

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m not very good at it either, sometimes with Kate I can tell because it is SO obvious, but here I really can’t. The giveaway though for me in these pictures is that if you look back at pictures of her from the summer or spring, her hair is significantly shorter. So for it to be halfway down her back WITH the curls/waves (meaning if it was straight it would be even longer) makes it obvious that she’s wearing extensions.

        I dont’ care about the extensions in themselves, I bought myself a fake ponytail extension for my halloween costume and omg I freaking love it, LOL. It only irks me with her because her hair is something she is consistently praised for and …..its fake.

      • Jais says:

        Thank, becks1. That makes sense looking at past pics of her hair. Looking at the live pics of her in the red dress, does it look like she’s wearing them then? I think no? But I can’t tell!
        I don’t care at all if she wears extensions either or if anyone else does but I just remember reading here that KP refuted an article that said she wears extensions. And of course never refuted a certain crying article. If she hadn’t treated Meghan the way she had and not been a truly terrible person, I wouldn’t GAF whether she wore them or not.
        I just can’t look at her without seeing an evil sister-in-law.

      • Chic says:

        Know too much about this. It’s the texture too although the color is great in terms of matching to her own hair mcolor. It starts about 3/4 quarter down the back of her hair. I suspect it is micro links or possibly Brazilian knots. They look synthetic at the bottom rather than human hair

      • Lorelei says:

        @Jais, I can never see it either, when most people on here seem to spot them immediately, lol. I guess I have wiglet-blindness or something.

        The thing that’s so stupid is that *no one would care* if she wore extensions, it’s the fact that she so vehemently denies it that’s obnoxious. She never should have said anything about it in the first place, and she most DEFINITELY never should have issued an official press release about it (??! Seriously, at some point I want an oral history of how an official press release from the palace denying that Kate was wearing extensions came to be) for god’s sake — just let people think whatever they think. If I had her resources, I’d probably get them too! It’s so strange that she has this insistence on people believing it’s all her real hair.

      • Lionel says:

        Her “real” hair is what you see from her center part down to the swoop backwards above the curls. The extensions are the cascades of curls that start under that swoop. They are shinier and hold the curl a bit differently than her natural hair. That, plus the sudden length, is the giveaway.

        I wear extensions myself and I love them, so no real shade here from me. Kate’s are usually really well done IMO. This is the first time I’ve seen them be so obvious.

      • Fleur says:

        @Jais: former hair dresser here : it’s several things, all of them subtle. Ideally, if done correctly, you’re not supposed to know, right?

        First the way they have her hair parted. The top layer of hair always swoops back with extra side extensions because that motion covers the sight of the connection pieces on the side.

        Second: note the subtle difference in hair “quality”, health and shine between the top layer which looks dry and thin, and the lowest layers which look thick and full.

        Third: note the very end of her curl tips/ends. It’s super unusual to see hair tips that healthy in real hair, much less in a woman her age who routinely gets her hair processed . Hair tips are fragile because they’re the oldest part of her hair. These hair tips/ends are too heavy, thick and even to be the hair she was born with. I have long thick hair that I baby and nurture and my hair tips don’t look that full.

        Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

      • Becks1 says:

        Thank you @Fleur and Lionel! I completely see what you are saying about how the hair is parted and the backwards “swoop.”

      • Nic919 says:

        @Fleur thanks for that excellent detailed explanation. I took a look at the top photo after reading your description and now I can’t unsee where the extensions start. The top layer is mostly straight and not anywhere near as curly as the longer extensions below. If it was all her hair, the upper part would hold more curl as well. It doesn’t though.

      • Jais says:

        Lionel and Fleur, thank you for these responses! Agree Lorelei and don’t think it’s a big deal to wear extensions except for the fact that there was a formal press release to say that she doesn’t wear them. Press releases that lie and zero press releases to tell the truth.

    • I’m curious to know how long the sausage curl wiglets will continue. 45? 50? 55? 60? Is there an expiration date/update or does this continue past 80. I’m all for “you do you” but I”m curious if or when she will update her style.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    I mean, she has other red tops in her wardrobe that could have worn but you won’t see any of the British press complaining about taxpayers’ money. I do wonder when was the exact point that William and Kate decided to play the media game? Was it 27 November 2017, 1 December 2017 or 19 May 2018?

    • Becks1 says:

      SO MANY other red tops/dresses/coats.

      I don’t know the exact point, but i think it was some point between the engagement and the wedding, when they started feeding Thomas Markle stories to the press.

  7. Edith says:

    Sold out or no (because nobody can trust report about her, it is always fake in order to bust her image)the point is that nobody is shouting outrage because of the prince.

  8. BrainFog 💉💉😷 says:


    • Lyds says:

      My eyes…the assault….I still haven’t recovered.

    • Amy Too says:

      My first words upon opening the page were “oh Jesus Christ Kate, what *is* this?”

      I’m always surprised at how many times I go from sitting here reading Celebitchy silently for like an hour to literally exclaiming out loud when I see something she’s worn. Sometimes it’s just “Gah! No!” Other times it’s “are you kidding me!?” Sometimes it’s “Ugh! why!?” This time it included an actual “Jesus Christ!” which is pretty high on the “NSFW level of things I’ve reflexively exclaimed when seeing a Kate outfit” scale.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Amy Too, same 😂

        Sometimes, if my my husband or kid is around, they’ll ask, “what?” and I have to just say I’m talking to myself or thinking out loud or whatever. Some of her clothes are war crimes.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Me too @ Amy Too!! It is amazing how I am here alone in the house and find myself squealing in absolute profanity when I see things like *this*!! My eyes, my eyes!!!

        And her extensions look so bad here! Maybe they should have pulled the camera out, preferably 20 feet, to avoid making everyone blind…..

    • EliseM says:

      ……buttons and a dose of jazz hands! Dont forget the Jazz hands!!

  9. Lurker8 says:

    I’ve been trying to make sense of Kate as compared to other royal brides like Diana or Meghan and I think a big difference is Kate’s image is 100% controlled by the palace. She’s not spontaneous. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her taking a selfie with people. They don’t trust her to make an off the cuff speech so they film it separately and edit it to make her acceptable to their standards. The palace controls how she is potrayed. Compare her with others not just Diana and Meghan and the difference is clear.
    The only thing people can talk about her compared to others is the expensive clothes she wears, her hair and her kids. Nothing else. No one will call her out on her laziness. Maybe she kmows the complicit rota will cover up her inadequacies.
    Also pictures of her exaggerated laughing when the people around her are more subdued is just weird. It looks strange. I’m surprised they haven’t told her to tone it down.

    • Lizzie says:

      I agree, that’s why she is so inconsistent and never has had a personal style. Her wardrobe looks like it’s put together by committee.

    • Jan90067 says:

      W&K are just a better dressed Oslo and Daisy.

      *Brownie points if you get the reference 😉 🪣

    • Demi says:

      She knows and the palace knows that she got a phobia of public speaking that’s why the palace is accommodating and they make her do pre-recorded instead but it is still obvious to the public & the media because Charles, William, Anne & the queen, H&M, European royals, Spanish teenage princesses. they all make speeches especially when they host an event like this!

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Demi, I seriously doubt that she has a public speaking phobia. She certainly loves being seen by the public–she’s constantly making sure she’s looking directly at the camera. I tend to believe that she’s bad at public speaking, because she wants to be bad at public speaking. People who have jobs that include public speaking, and are phobic about doing so, practice and/or gets help. It doesn’t stop them, because it’s part of their job. Well, it’s part of Kant’s job, too, except that now it isn’t. See how she played that?

    • notasugarhere says:

      She is not 100% controlled by the Palace, or we wouldn’t have had years of Kate/Carole leaks to the press. About Kate being the power behind the throne. About Kate being superwoman. About poor pathetic William needing his cheese on toast from Carole.

      Kate is often unscripted, out of control, and downright strange during engagements. She has no ability to connect with people on an emotional or intellectual level, so she constantly over acts. But no, she’s not controlled by the Palace.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Nota I’m still shocked that they even acknowledged the “WHAT ELSE.” They must have know how horrifically bad it looked, and decided to try and get ahead of the game by coming out and telling the story themselves, pretending it was a nice little anecdote about how resilient and “determined to get on with it!” Kate is or whatever. But anyone who actually watches it will see exactly how she feels about the Sussexes.

      • A says:

        The only thing that she does that is controlled is her silence, and consistent lack of work. She does nothing and says nothing bc those are the safest things for her to do. She uses the press and her mother to communicate the business that she wants to put out there to the outside world, but very little that we know of Kate comes from either her own actions, or her mouth.

        That’s not an accident. That is entirely on purpose. She speaks only through anonymous sources (her mother) and backchannel gossip, and that’s it. She knows that if she opens her mouth and says things for herself, she’d be rightfully roasted by the press and the people.

        In one way, it’s a decent strategy, esp since the main thing she cares about is preserving her status and rank. But it also shows you just how cynical and insincere Kate really is. She’d rather keep quiet than take a stand on literally anything. She’d rather ice out her rural rival than confront her husband, or the rival herself. She’d rather mumble a fake story about how her SIL made her cry and hide behind her mother’s skirt. She’s the epitome of a passive-aggressive, gossipy b-tch, who tries to be fake nice but really isn’t. And she’s not forced into doing any of this by the palace or her mother or anyone. She does these things bc this is how Kate is as a person. Let’s give her the credit where the credit is due.

    • A says:

      Kate isn’t controlled by the palace to the extent that you think she is. Kate is controlled by herself, and herself alone in many respects, and she controls and limits herself bc she’s terrified of ever being seen as a fool or putting a foot wrong in front of the public. She’s terrified because she’s deeply insecure, and unsure of her position and rank, and she’s desperate to hang onto both bc that’s what she’s always wanted.

      And tbh, she’s not a nice person. She’s not a selfless person. She is a social climbing user, and she is only in it for the rank and the title and the status. And you know, none of those things would be bad. There are plenty of aristocrats who are just as bad, if not worse than her. But what I can’t abide by is how she just pretends like she’s just a nice little mousey nobody who lucked out in the royal sweepstakes by getting the attention of a prince, and isn’t it just so nice that a prince like William took notice of and fell in love with an ordinary little commoner like Kate.

      Kate strikes me as a deeply emotional and sensitive person, while also an incredibly non-confrontational one at the same time. She goes along to get along, especially in a situation like the royal family, bc she is acutely aware of the fact that everyone thinks very little of her on account of her background, and she can’t stand up for herself bc not only does she agree with them on some level, but also bc she knows they are the gatekeepers of the position she wants to be in, so she has to let their insults slide out of fear that the doors will be shut to her. She’s got no self-confidence, either in herself as a person, or in her class and background.

      I feel like Kate would be a lot more appreciated if she were just capable of being who she is. Don’t pretend to be nice when you’re not. Have some gumption and learn to own who you actually are. She’s squirrely and she lacks authenticity, and that’s what irritates me about her the most.

      • Tessa says:

        Kate is not a nice person. If she wanted to be “popular” she would have been polite and welcomed her sister in law instead of working against her. No decent person would have let that crying story stay and would have denied it so Meghan would not have to live with the slamming of the media and really be nice to Meghan . She is confrontational IMO because she did not hesitate to glare at Harry and Meghan and her real self came forward when she rolled her eyes when the children mentioned Meghan. She sees women as “rivals.” She would “intervene” when she saw a woman coming on to William even before they dated. She was confrontational in that regard. I think she liked being the center of attention of two Princes which is one reason she disliked that Harry got serious about Meghan and wanted to marry her. Her “nice” act is jarring and to me she always was rather fake. But maybe she’s the exact type of person William would like, and I don’t mean that in a good way.

  10. hindulovegod says:

    I am trying to imagine looking in the mirror as a 40 year old woman, seeing that, and thinking it’s appropriate for a work event. There are other European royals she could use as a template for these things. She doesn’t even need her own sense of professionalism. She can copy and paste.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Hindulovegod, wouldn’t it have been rather timely if she had worn a Scottish sweater?

      I don’t like this sweater, because it’s way too busy for me. My first thought was that they were all buttons. Even when I realized they were roses, I still couldn’t get past how busy this sweater is.

  11. Watson says:

    The comments on the daily mail are scathing. Lol. People are super angry about the cost.

    • Commonwealthy seemed witty at first says:

      Yasss, peasants! Get mad, finally!

    • Jaded says:

      Time to storm the Bastille!

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Watson, as they should be!!! The taxpayers are suffering with lack of daily necessities, BlowJo having parties and the NHS workers are struggling due to another wave and haven’t had a decent wage increase for years. But, let’s all look at how Mumblelina, thanks Twitter, for her outrageous spending all while doing nothing!

      I don’t understand how the public in Britain are turning a blind eye at her decade of utterly useless arse all while there are so many so many are suffering.

    • Lorelei says:

      It’s about fcking time! They’ve been screaming about the cost of Meghan’s clothes for five years.

    • A says:

      For that ugly ass sweater, they damn well should be mad.

  12. L84Tea says:

    It’s not only overpriced, it’s UGLY!!

    • Lyds says:

      Keen: the only person in the world who would drop $1788 on an ugly Christmas sweater. And wear it in earnest.

  13. Miranda says:

    I have a cardi almost exactly like that, only mine came from a ModCloth clearance sale a few years back and only cost like, $10 (and yeah, it is kinda twee, but I think a bit of twee is permissible during the holiday season). And I agree that, the hairpieces are just…no. It just looks like she’s wearing one of those cheap-ass wiglets they sell on late night infomercials, just fake hair attached to an invisible elastic headband.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      So funny because when I first saw it, I was oh, hey, an ugly Christmas sweater, I’d even wear that for under $10 and I don’t do ugly Christmas sweaters.

      Then I saw the price and her attempt at baby curls and winced.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Miranda, yeah, all of us probably have something like that buried in our closets, but you wouldn’t wear it to make a big work presentation or something. Honestly it must be difficult to be as clueless as she is!! She should watch like three episodes of The Office and she’d have a better idea of how to dress for work, ffs.

  14. Liz Version 700 says:

    That sweater made me laugh so hard because if you look at it before you put your glasses on (as I did) it looks like a sweater full of white buttons!!!!! She should have popped a black button on there to make the comparisons to Diana just a touch more on the nose?

    But seriously, the price is eye popping!!!! And the wiglets are really not being done as well as someone who can buy a $1700 sweater should be able to afford to have them done…

    • L84Tea says:

      When I first saw it, I thought it was little pom-pom balls sewn all over it. I couldn’t understand what in the world I was looking at.

      • Liz Version 700 says:

        Hahaha!!!! It really does look like the craft kit I bought for my niece exploded all over it 👀🤣

      • CindyP says:

        At first glance looks like a strand of Christmas lights

      • Lorelei says:

        I also thought they were pom-pom balls, lol. But I wasn’t even surprised that she would wear something so stupid because she does so often.

  15. Commonwealthy seemed witty at first says:

    Why do a pre-pre-tape? Is it so she can have more takes? How hard is this job? Does she have a genuine fear of public-speaking? If she does, perhaps she could own it and end the stigma against mumbling.

    • Dee (2) says:

      She really could, but its just more evidence of them doing the bare minimum. An enterprising person would speak about how they struggled with giving speeches, how it still makes them uncomfortable, and the ways they have learned to overcome these issues. She could then partner with some agencies that work on speech therapy, and have her own “thing”. She could “borrow” from Joe Biden and his work on his stutter, or even look back at her own in-laws, and link herself to great-grandfather in law. It always amazes me how they just completely miss the simple things with real connections to themselves they could do, to do pointless and often laughable embiggening.

      • Commonwealthy seemed witty at first says:

        Oh yes, link to her great-grandfather-in-law would be great! And I think Kate would enjoy that very much, as neither Diana nor Meghan have had a link to King Bertie, so this could be her very own royal thing.
        I’m no Kate fan (she’s mean and lazy!), but if she’s going to make this a competition with Meghan I’d like for it to be a real one. Step up, Kate! Make me respect your hustle, please!
        Thing is, to own her possible speech issues, she would have to humble herself and accept her own shortcomings, because no one is perfect. And if she had the capacity to humble herself and accept her shortcomings, she would have never participated in the smear campaign, let alone let it go this far.
        She would also have to actually work, because speech issues and advocacy for speech issues are not easy.

      • Ania says:

        That would require to do said work, to be able to refer to it. She’s just bad at public speaking and has no intention to get better.

        I think this is one of the reasons why the don’t have professional PR – no expert wants to work for a client not willing to take his advice and be a face to terrible PR.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Dee it AMAZES me how she has failed to capitalize on so. many. opportunities.
        People would like her so much more if she’d been honest and said from the beginning that she was a bit nervous about public speaking (because who isn’t??) but that she’s trying her best. I also can’t believe that she didn’t turn her experience with HG into one of her “causes” that she could “bring awareness to.” TBH I’d never even heard of it until it was reported that Kate was hospitalized with it. There are so many little things that she could have done over the past ten+ years that would have endeared her to the public and made her a bit more relatable (but still as “mysterious” as royals are supposed to be) —but she is determined that no one EVER sees so much as a shred of her actual personality.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Lorelei I agree with you and its not hard to do because the other royals do it all the time! Camilla’s mother suffered from osteoporosis, so Camilla is an ambassador for the Royal Osteoporosis Society (and I think is involved in a few other osteo-related orgs as well) and she spoke out maybe 6 months ago about what it was like to see her mother suffer etc. Lady Louise was born with esotropia (okay I admit I had to look that up) so Sophie is involved with various charities for sight-related diseases/disorders.

        Kate could have taken the HG and made it into one of her causes, or even just “maternal health” in general, the importance of proper care during pregnancy, etc. Instead we got silence and I don’t think she has ever made a statement on national HG awareness day. If she IS so petrified of speaking in public (and not just lazy) why not spin that into another “cause” – anxiety about speaking in public is really common and people would have sympathy for her. Imagine the positive feedback she would get if she attended some workshops to help with it or something.

        Gah. It’s just mindblowing how inept and lazy she is.

      • Tessa says:

        Kate’s main problem is her bad attitude and how she treated Meghan. And her spin is that she is “upset” over it when she caused much of the problem. She also lacks humility and probably does not think she can improve her speech.

    • CindyP says:

      She spoke ONE friggin sentence! How can that be so hard

    • Demi says:

      She has public speaking phobia instead of addressing it as her role requires a fair amount of public speaking at events she will do everything in her power to not speak to a live audience but you guys said that would require humbleness from her& admitting she has flaws just like us the peasants.

      • Nic919 says:

        It’s not a phobia since kate sang the lead in my fair lady at Marlborough. It’s the new accent that causes her the problems. She can speak with far more ease using her natural accent. There was no reason to put on the posh nonsense. It’s clearly fake and unnatural.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Yes, look at how clearly she spat out “what else” in her natural accent. You heard that easily enough lol.

      • Demi says:

        Maybe it’s not full-on phobia& nothing excuse her not working to improve since she has the resources to hire people to help her but I was thinking of how her notes are shaking here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGhjjSIGA94
        that’s strange she doesn’t have stage fright for singing or walking in sheer dress but panics about giving a speech.

      • Tessa says:

        William is the same, he thinks he is “perfect” as is and nobody can instruct or advise him. His parents BOTH took speech lessons (Charles appeared in theatre productions at University to improve his speech and Diana took speech lessons).. Kate probably thinks she does not need any help and practices the posh accent at home with nobody advising her or helping her out.

  16. Over it says:

    That’s a lot of money for an ugly Christmas sweater. They sell them so much cheaper elsewhere
    Also your absolutely correct Kaiser, the hair pieces are hitting you in the face

    • Lyds says:

      Made a similar comment up thread without seeing yours! But yes, extreme ugliness…if she was savvy enough to troll everyone this is how to do it, but it’s hard to give her credit for any self-awareness.

  17. Melly says:

    I’ve been slow to the ongoing wiglets discussion and although I dislike Kate thought those accusing unfair. No more, even clueless me can see it now. Her hair looks ridiculous and the price of that cardigan is obscene given that she lives off taxpayers.

    • notasugarhere says:

      It is also the blondest she has been in a long time. This isn’t a few shades away from her mouse brown/grey. This is full-on moving towards Diana.

      • Tessa says:

        Kate should not attempt it, it makes her look even more mediocre. Diana worked and paid attention to her charities. Kate just ‘hosts” or “sponsors’ events where others do the real work. Also Diana had much better speech than Kate.

  18. SnarcasmQueen says:

    Those haie extensions look like they are attached with elastic.

    I’ve seen infomercials that were more compelling.

  19. Seraphina says:

    That was an eyesore. But it woke me up better than a second cup of coffee. And if indeed she is trying to pay homage to Diana, she needs to let that rest. It’s like a kindergartener trying to understand the theory of relativity.

    • Tessa says:

      It is a mistake for her to “pay homage” to Diana, it only emphasizes how inadequate Kate is compared to Diana, who actually worked hard and paid attention to her charities.

  20. Lolo86lf says:

    May I ask: Do the royals get their designer clothes complimentary or do they have to pay for them like the rest of us peasants?

    • Lyds says:

      They are technically not allowed to accept freebies from brands and corporations but Keen knows her way around that; there have been rumors of Pippa and Carole accepting on her behalf.

      • notasugarhere says:

        They’ve taken plenty of freebies for her, from fur hats, fur-lined gloves, bespoke necklaces for the births of the children, etc.

  21. twoz says:

    That cardigan looks like it came out of the ‘reduced’ bin of a very ordinary op shop.

  22. LeaTheFrench says:

    I don’t understand this – this is beyond ugly. Does she have a stylist ? Why would you want to dress like a 5 y old? This would be appropriate for my daughter who is in kindergarten, not a 40 smg future Queen who is supposed to project maturityand respectability and command authority. Jesus, grow up, woman.

    • Jais says:

      But how can she be dressing like a twee 5 year old if she is also growing into her muttonhood? Is mutton with buttons trying to turn back into a little lamb?

  23. Mrs. Smith says:

    Oof— big sparkly buttons, white roses (that look like buttons) and a Peter Pan collar?? It’s hurting my eyes. Just for perspective, I bought a sofa this weekend (which my family will use for decades) and it was a couple of hundred dollars less than this ridiculous sweater.

  24. Merricat says:

    The cardigan is overpriced when taxpayers are footing the bill, and it looks like a starter piece for the “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane” collection.
    One of the first bits of age-wisdom I learned: the make-up you wore in your youth makes you look ten times older when you reach middle-age.

  25. mariahlee says:

    I think the sweater is cute. The hair is a bit much (she should go darker and shorter), but she looks pretty in the still.

  26. Nic919 says:

    It really shows how much Kate just doesn’t care about other people’s money because spending almost 2 k on a sweater like that for a pre taped intro is just so wasteful. As others have said, she has a ton of other themed outfits she could have worn instead of buying something new. It is also childish looking and kate hasn’t realized that she’s too old and her styling is too old to play the “cute little girl” looks anymore, which is part of why it looks jarring.

    • Harper says:

      Along with the $3,000 coat dress she wore to the actual event, Kate spent close to $5,000 for this try hard, look-at-me! at Christmas special.

      I noticed the ITV commercial cuts away from Kate and Will’s walk into the Abbey right before she says something to him and he blanks her. She should just give up.

  27. equality says:

    If they are really wanting to promote the concert, why not use some of the performers in a promo? Who watches a concert to see the audience?

  28. Cel2495 says:

    Th cardigan is hideous. Almost 2k for that atrocity? Wow

  29. Moderatelywealthy says:

    I think she is trolling…this is a hideous cardigan- and she just said one sentence? is that all?

    Willliamlost BBC two millions viewers when his doc aired; methinks William will be privately furious if Kate´s Xmas thingy is sucessful, but of course we will be fed ” William is so proud of KKKate, he even brought her some gin and tonic”.

  30. Anna says:

    My God she really is a little girl playing princess. Why does she insist on wearing clothes for 4year olds? And Peter Pan collar? She is 40.

    Mayyybe a fashionista with a specific look could pull this off but this cardigan is horrid.

  31. Hannah says:

    FWIW, Kate is getting MAJOR flack for such a ridiculously expensive jumper in the BM comments section. That’s pretty much 3/4 of my grocery bill for the month. + it’s f******* ugly and completely unnecessary to have a brand new jumper for a stupid promo clip. Also nobody I know, even my die hard RW mum & Nan, plan on watching this. We’ll be watching Love Actually… again 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

  32. apollocat says:

    The sweater is ugly and I doubt normal women can afford this much for sweaters during pandemics. These sold-out is begin sketchy for some time. Anyways I guess William’s latest sidepiece is blond with kate’s hair color. kate has never been this blond before. she has the habit of dying her hair to match William’s sidepieces.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Ooh, good point on the hair color. We still don’t know who the mystery blonde woman in Will’s car was; it’s not Sofia Blount or Holly Valance, who were also at the party. I feel like the media knows but is intentionally keeping silent, just like they did with some of those Christmas parties from last year…

  33. WithTheAmerican says:

    I don’t care about her hair length and age, lots of older women are rocking long hair now – Andie MacDowell anyone? The thing with Kate is as Kaiser said – it’s the horrible style along with being obviously fake and then it’s her only “accomplishment”

    If this is her only accomplishment I expect a cascade of properly styled waves, not Shirley temple sausage. And that baby voice.

    Every woman I’ve ever known who uses that voice has been a manipulative, conniving back stabbed.

  34. Sofia says:

    I don’t really like Miu Miu so not a fan of the sweater. And has her hair gone lighter or is it just lighting? The only time I remember her hair being light is when she was dropping Charlotte off at school for her first day.

  35. Athena says:

    She would go unnoticed in a Duggar family reunion.

  36. AMM says:

    Her hair was one of her biggest sells for so long and she is desperate to hold onto it. Realistically – between age, having 3 kids, decades of dying and daily heat styling, and probably poor nutrition – it’s not gonna be the same bouncy and thick mane she had when she was 20. She needs to just accept it, cut off the fried ends and rock a bob for a while. These terribly curled extensions look awful. They are so stiff and ugly.

    • gruey says:

      Hair loss for women in middle age isn’t discussed much, but it’s a thing. I’m 40 and I just admitted I’m not imagining things and started Rogain and nutrafol. Many women have these issues. I’m sure her hair isn’t what it once was. That’s the nature of aging. That’s why everyone needs more in their lives than just physical beauty. Especially women. Society demands unsustainable ideals from us and, past a certain age, it’s just impossible to meet them. That said, I do like to watch women who look elegant as they age and take style notes. Queen Letizia is a great style role model. I will not, however, be buying a knockoff of a twee red cardigan with little flowers on it.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        Love your whole comment. We do absolutely need to be about more than our hair and looks. And ideally find people who love us for who we are, not how we wear an overpriced sweater.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Kate never had a thick mane of hair. If you look back at pics from the dating years, it was always thin. Looks thinner when flat ironed, a little fuller when she doesn’t iron it, but never a thick head of hair. She’s been doing extensions for probably 15 years.

  37. Feeshalori says:

    Her diction is awful and she sounds like she’s straining to get what few words she says out in a totally unintelligible accent.

    • Lizzie says:

      I think if I put a little effort in it I could do Diana’s accent. Why can’t Keen after a decade?

      • SnoodleDumpling says:

        Ah, you said the ‘F’ word…EFFORT!

        The ‘F’ word is not allowed in Kensington Palace.

  38. Gigi says:

    Even Miu Miu makes mistakes. Why can’t she ever sound natural? Just so stilted and rehearsed all the time.

  39. AmelieOriginal says:

    Whoa, holy ugly Christmas sweater which I guess isn’t even technically a Christmas sweater lol. Kate’s hair/extensions/whatever they are looks so off and super messy (something I’ve been noticing lately). I never really used the word twee until I saw the evolution of Kate’s fashion but this is so twee I think my teeth are gnashing. But it’s got everything Kate loves: buttons, Peter Pan collar, fugly pattern… I don’t get it, it’s hideous and so expensive. Why couldn’t she just have worn a dark green or dark red turtleneck? She was probably going for fun and festive but that cardigan is neither of those things!

  40. aquarius64 says:

    Nearly two grand for that sweater. No wonder she is getting dragged. I think the lack of promotion on this show is ITV’s payback to KP for foisting the royals on this show. This looks like a ratings bomb.

  41. Red Weather Tiger says:

    In that promo, Twee and Baldingham walk into WustMINSTUHObbey together, but the voiceover guy doesn’t even mention the Future Future King lurking in her shadow!! I know she was pretending to “host,” but still —seemed like a dig at Baldy by basically ignoring his presence.

  42. Lizzie says:

    If I had this amount of money to spend on a sweater it would be cashmere in a beautiful color that I would get plenty of use from for many years. This sweater is so distinctive she’ll wear it maybe one or two times. But then again, if it wasn’t this sweater she would be dropping a fortune on another ugly dress.

  43. girl_ninja says:

    The sweater is hideous, and I wouldn’t pay $20 for it at H&M or Forever 21. The thing that’s really getting me is the fake hair. It’s just so bad. And it is quite clear that who chose this hairstyle because of Meghan.

    So many Meghan and Harry haters go off on Meghan for not wearing her natural curls and for straightening her hair when they really don’t care. They’re sole purpose is to criticize, demean and terrorize her. And this racist, lazy, incompressible woman is wearing wiglet/clip-in or whatever looking like a teenage girl wandering the local mall.

  44. olliesmom says:

    Covid is burning through the UK again and Kate wore a tween cardigan that cost $1788. How are the British people not done with this family/institution?

  45. Hyrule Castle says:

    Anyone else play video games?
    I’m thinking the old Nintendo nes…
    Super Mario bros.
    Her sweater looks like something you’d find in a boss castle.
    You run on the black line & jump the roses.
    It’s so odd.

  46. Rapunzel says:

    This sweater is a representations of everything Cambridge.

    Red– for Wills incandescent rages

    White roses- to remind everyone that Kate is the White English rose rather than the uppity black woman Harry married.

    Buttons– to remind Royal reporters to button their lips shut about all negatives re: the Cambridges.

    And the criss-cross pattern- to represent the way Wills crosses in the opposite direction of his wife all the time.

    Bonus? It costs 1788, which is the year Wills wishes he lived in so he could be real king that sends folks to the tower.

    Perfection, no?

  47. Jaded says:

    That sweater is an eyesore — it reminds me of the kind of sweaters cheerleaders used to wear at my high school back in the sixties when the weather was cold. The extensions are utterly ridiculous, it looks like Barbie hair. The clenched jaw “Aim sao exaited t’ be hyosting Togetha at Chrestmas at Westminsta Ebby” is fakety fake fake fake.

    Be angry British peeps! Be very angry!

  48. Ariel says:

    The sweater is unbecoming a grown woman unless it was worn as a joke.

  49. CC says:

    Rapunzel: Um, ahem, my prince, don’t you want me to, uh, let down my hair?
    Prince, still seated on his horse and casually scrolling through his phone: Nah, I’m good.

  50. RoyalBlue says:

    When the assignment calls for festive wear and she mistakes it for the ugly sweater competition.

  51. Constant says:

    Well, at least Kate’s consistent. Everything about her lacks personality.

  52. Gubbinal says:

    Kate sounds and behaves like my alcoholic sister who is supported by welfare and shoplifts her clothes. She, too, does very few events. She, too, tries to have impactful hair and buttons. My sister is 20 years older than Kate, but her life has not changed at all.

  53. Diamond Rottweiler says:

    Lol. A sweater for two grand that looks like it was bought by a kindergarten teacher from a Kohl’s sale rack in Dayton, OH? It’s actually kind of brilliant in its awfulness.

  54. Linney says:

    First, how inappropriate to wear such an expensive sweater when so many people can’t even afford to buy their children a single Christmas gift. Second, her hair is absurd (and I say this as a thick haired person.) If you look at pictures of her from college, she had nice hair, but it certainly wasn’t particularly thick. It shocks me that the tabloids still go on about her “glossy mane” when it is so obviously fake. Third, that accent? We know some very “posh” people from England, and they do not talk like that at all. Finally, I am still baffled how “showing up” equals hosting. Maybe someday I’ll understand….

    • Tessa says:

      She is trying to look “relatable” in that sweater although the average people don’t spend all that money on a sweater.

  55. Crushton says:

    Goodness. The small, sycophantic village who did the lighting for this promo worked miracles. I’ve seen way too many photos of this woman, and to get her skin looking that good must have taken an unholy combination of fillers, alchemy, & Carole’s pageant mom energy. Thoughts and prayers to the whole crew.

    • Jais says:

      I want a lighting crew for all my family Christmas pics but the best I can do is ask that my sister set up the camera from further away rather than close-up. Lol, life at 40+

    • A says:

      I was just about to say. Her skin looks GREAT in that photo where she’s showing up for the concert. Whoever did the lighting for it must have read the comments here, bc they caught onto the fact that she needs to be lit well in order to not look too old and haggard. Fair enough. She looks good. Her extensions look good too.

  56. Roslyn says:

    Ohmygoodness! I feel sorry for that poor woman, for several reasons but primarily because either she has no personality whatsoever and allows herself to manipulated and primped and primed and coiffed and dressed like an old maid or a young girl – from the 1930s – and told to give a manic grin at every opportunity without regard for the outcome. The alternative is perhaps worse: she wants to look like this and makes these choices for herself and thinks she looks good and appropriate for her age and situation. So either her advisors are incompetent and/or playing a mean joke on her, or she has some very odd ideas about style and her own position in the world and doesn’t think she needs any advice. Either way I find it very sad because I think she looks very silly and I think she is a very poor role model for her children. These comments are based on her appearance alone because that’s all we have; she does nothing of any substance so all we can form our opinions about her from is her appearance.

    • Tessa says:

      She does that manic grin all by herself and I doubt anybody told her to do it. She was doing this during the years she was waiting for the proposal, the exaggerated laughs and manic grins.

  57. ABritGuest says:

    Itv news are promoting the special (which I think will do well and at least better than Earthshot) by talking about how will & Kate shared a festive glance & the comments are hilarious


    I don’t understand why KP & the media are playing up the romance angle for them. Didn’t they say for years that Will & Kate were too regal for PDA unlike Harry & Meghan & were modelling themselves on Elizabeth & Philip? The switch is so weird

    • Jaded says:

      They don’t even look like they’re glancing at each other…I wonder if Rose Hanbury was in the audience.

    • SwirlmamaD says:

      Omg that is hilarious! Are they even looking at each other? Geez, they’re gonna pull a ligament from all the stretching and reaching they’re doing.

    • Nic919 says:

      If you watch the video that festive glance looks like kate is looking at someone behind William. And he doesn’t seem to be looking at her either. It’s better than the pigeon shrug I guess.

      But honestly they froze the video within milliseconds to even get that look. It is a very quick moment in the actual video. And even then hard to say if they were directly looking at each other.

    • Tessa says:

      He looks annoyed. And she has this odd look on her face. Nothing romantic at all.

    • Haylie says:

      I saw the video clip and he looked like he’d smelled a fart.

      This will be Earthflop 2.0

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, folks were having fun with that! I liked ‘resurrection glimpse’ for Eastertime.

  58. A says:

    Dunno if it’s just me, but at first glance, the roses on that cardigan actually looked like weirdly deranged smiley faces. It almost looked like clown faces, until I zoomed in enough into the picture to see what it actually was.

    What part of coming into the concert and plonking yourself down on a pew, without even so much as addressing the assembled audience, counts as hosting? What is she hosting anyway? Just absolutely bizarre.

    Her accent changes every time I hear her speak, which really isn’t often. She sounds way too high and girly here, compared to before. That video of her saying, “What. Else.”, her voice sounded much lower, for some reason. Anyway. Talking about her accent is honestly so boring for me. The extent to which she’s a total nonentity is remarkable. The rest of the time, she barely elicits any emotion from the audience at all.

    • Tessa says:

      And the cutesy photo ops where her brother made faces at her, and she looked coyly at her family.

  59. Tessa says:

    It was weird how the Middletons sat in with the royals. Seems to me that there may be some title conferrals on them when William is King.