There is an ‘increasing sense of anger & frustration’ around Prince Harry’s memoir

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (C) and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (L) stand with Canada's High Commissioner for Canada in the United Kingdom, Janice Charette, as they leave after their visit to Canada House in thanks for the warm Canadian hospitalit

Again, there is absolutely a sense of desperation in the British tabloids as they’re trying to reach for any and all Sussex news this week. Mostly, they’re desperate to talk about the Sussexes because of Prince Andrew’s increasingly perilous legal situation. But I also think the Duchess of Cambridge’s Keen Birthday Buttons extravaganza has blown up in her face. Thus, we’re getting sketchy, selective stories about the Mail’s settlement with the Duchess of Sussex. And wouldn’t you know, this was dropped into one of the Mail’s stories about Kate and how keen and special she is:

Prince Harry’s memoir is reportedly an additional source of stress for the family.

Royal sources told the Mail that inside Buckingham Palace and the other royal households, there was an increasing sense of anger and frustration – not just because he had chosen to write such a book, but also over the ‘clearly deliberate’ timing of its publication this autumn.

It could be ‘the last straw’ for Harry and his family, with relations already at breaking point, insiders said. Having already been writing for a year, the prince is set to turn in a manuscript, which he promised will be a ‘first-hand account of my life that’s accurate and wholly truthful’, by the end of this year. It is set to hit the shelves in 2022.

[From The Daily Mail]

While I’ve never published a book, from my limited understanding, it’s not like Harry dictated a timeline to his publisher. The book is being written at a certain pace, then it will be edited at a certain pace, and here we are. I’m pretty sure that the timing won’t exactly interfere with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee anyway – if the book comes out this fall, that will be months after all of the jubilee crap. It sounds more like the courtiers are “angry and frustrated” that they can’t use Harry’s book as an excuse to disinvite the Sussexes from the jubilee celebrations. Which, let’s be honest, we’re not even sure that Harry and Meghan *want* to come. There has been zero reporting about Harry and Meghan eagerly RSVPing. The courtiers would LOVE to make that the story: the Sussexes are desperate to come but WE TOLD THEM NO!

Prince Harry of Belair? Prince Harry gets interviewed by James Corden on Tourist bus in Los Angeles

Photos courtesy of WENN, Backgrid and Instagram.

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85 Responses to “There is an ‘increasing sense of anger & frustration’ around Prince Harry’s memoir”

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  1. Merricat says:

    Lol, Harry does not set the timeline for publication. They know it, too, they just think their readers don’t.

  2. Chic says:

    The Streisand effect… Increasing sales of a book when you have no idea what’s in it! The book will be published in 9 months and you hyping already. Gotta love it.

    • Lol yet again they make it worse for themselves!!! Although I will say, I love the thought of them up and pacing at night wondering what all he is going to reveal. Tick tock Willy and KKKate, your time is coming 😈

      • Jan90067 says:

        Just occurred to me, though the timing is probably for a Christmas sales’ coup, this will come out around Charles’ birthday. Happy Birthday, Crappy Dad!

    • Mac says:

      IIRC, the publisher said the book would be about people who have inspired Harry throughout his life. If that’s the case, none of them will be in the book so why worry?

      • Because they do know the horrible things that they’ve done, but they don’t know what he will choose to reveal. I hope their stomachs are in a knot dreading it. As far as “inspiring”, couldn’t you technically say those racist psychopaths actions “inspired” him to leave and thus write this book?

      • equality says:

        “The guilty flee when no man pursueth.”

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Yeah, why are they so angry over “my life that’s accurate and wholly truthful”? The TRUTH has gotten them THAT worried? That’s an admission of guilt to me.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      this just reminds me of Muammar Gaddafi’s threats about crossing “the line of death,” aptly lampooned by the late, great Robin Williams

  3. Oh_Hey says:

    For two “ irrelevant quitters” they sure do get a lot of press.

    It’s not H&Ms fault everyone else is either boring and lazy or …. Andrew. They continue to do their work, collect checks, and live rent free in the BRF and couriers heads.

  4. Bettyrose says:

    Does anyone really think the memoir will reveal new information? It’ll be from Harry’s perspective and that’s noteworthy and interesting but will it be scorched earth? I doubt it.

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Bettyrose: Harry’s ghostwriter helped with Andre Agassi’s book. He’s going to talk about his experiences, how he felt at certain times and what he learned about them and himself which was how Agassi’s book was written. That’s not to say there won’t be any revelations but it’s not going to be scorched earth as the press and Palace fear.

    • Becks1 says:

      I don’t really think it will, but I think we have also seen that harry can say basically anything and its treated as brand new earth shattering information. Like I thought the podcast with Dax was excellent and showed a different side to harry, but it didn’t really tell us anything new. The press seized onto his talk about “generational trauma” and acted like he was dragging the whole family under a bus, driving over them, and then reversing and doing it again. But he didn’t really say anything worse than what Charles has already said.

      • Snuffles says:

        No. But people are going to pay attention to this memoir. People outside the UK and royal admirers. Harry and Meghan are destroying the myth that the UK royal family is anything to aspire to or admire. No one is going to want to touch that family with a ten foot pole in the future. Potential future wives and husbands of the Cambridge, York, Wessex kids, etc. are going to flee at the sight of them. They’ll have to force arranged marriages on them.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Snuffles, along those lines, I think part of the concern with this maybe the younger generation. I mean we saw what happened with the Crown, when all of a sudden people remembered, or learned for the first time, what they did to Diana and how that affected the royals. If you have some people who are interested in harry but don’t really care or know much about the institution, this book could be damaging from that perspective, especially if they are younger.

    • Chloe says:

      I don’t think it will reveal any details either. Maybe the full story behind some tabloid stories that dropped early 2000’s. Other than that i think it will be mainly about losing his mom, his time in the army and of course meeting Meghan. The book will be about him. Not the rest of his family and their secrets. But i think its very telling that they are this scared over it.

      If they treated him nice like they say they did, then what are they so afraid of?

    • Jais says:

      I don’t think the whole book will be scorched earth. But there might be some things he wants to talk about. Before the Oprah interview, we mostly didn’t think it was going to spill that much tea and we were wrong. All I’m saying is Harry’s going to write what he wants and he has shown he has no problem really discussing things and really discussing things is going to include the RF. Like the whole book isn’t about them but they will be in it and Harry doesn’t seem to be about sugarcoating things. The tabloids sugarcoat Kate so anything less than that will be considered scorched earth.

      • Jan90067 says:

        While I don’t feel Harry will *deliberately* set out to hurt anyone with his memoir, we’ve also seen he’s got no f*cks left to give about this family, save his grandmother (and God knows why after the way she let them treat him, the things she, herself, has done to him (not allowing his wreath, for one), and not “having a word” w/the press to back off her Granddaughter-In-Law and Archie.

        I really do hope he cuts loose after she goes and helps it all burn down (we know he *won’t*, but it’d be fitting retribution to help bring down the people who almost drove his wife to suicide (along with their then unborn child).

    • Snuffles says:

      No, but anything less then complete sycophancy is considered a massacre to their souls. It’s white fragility times a million.

      Harry will probably go easy on the family because as pissed off as he is at them, he has compassion for them because he views their behavior as generational trauma that they are trapped in. Now, the British Press? He’s gonna nuke.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Snuffles: He’s going to talk about how generational trauma has impacted his life and why he wanted to break the cycle. The press and the Palace are not going to like that he talks about it but there’s no denying that the being a member of the Royal Family causes trauma.

    • Paloma says:

      I think he’ll talk about any of the papped incidents and criticism which he was deeply affected by and felt were unjust. For example the nazi costume and his naked Vegas photos are famous examples but idk if those are what bothers him. After living with the never explain policy, he’ll want to explain whatever he wanted to then but couldn’t. I wonder whether he’ll listen if the ghost writer says no that is not a good look to some things being in it. Like I wonder who has ultimate say of editing things out, since the publisher wants it to sell thus wants him to appear sympathetic and NOT out of touch or haughty (unless they want to do him dirty.)

      • Lurker25 says:

        Legal Dept. (Publisher’s) has the ultimate say in editing things out. They don’t want to be exposed in case anyone in the book sues, and usually the author contact has boilerplate indemnification clause, but given the high profile here, legal will definitely take a look at manuscript before publication.
        If legal is ok, then author can say whatever he wants, the juicier the better. The editor will only step in for tonal changes (sounding whiny or like he had an axe to grind, not the actual material itself) but the ghostwriter will probably take care of those issues anyway.

      • Bettyrose says:

        I hope he does write about the nazi costume incident. I’m curious about his mindset at that time. No question that he’s grown and matured immeasurably since then, and I’m not looking for contrition. But the story behind it might say a lot about what’s culturally acceptable in the environment he was living in at that time. Kinda how the Tina Brown Diana biography is really the story of the upper echelons of Brit aristocracy.

      • Tessa says:

        I doubt he will mention directly how William would get free passes. William had the politically incorrect Out of Africa party, he used a military copter to go to a stag party (he never got in any trouble over it) and he founded Club H. He may imply it. Harry did apologize for the nazi costume incident (William was there when he selected it). Harry did a stupid thing and admitted it. But OTOH, Prince Philip who is now considered “iconic” made some offensive comments that he never apologized for.

      • Tessa says:

        I think before the second edition of Lacey’s book, Lacey covered the episode and talked of Harry often being scapegoated and William protected.

      • A commentor says:

        Williams wasn’t only there when he selected the Nazi costume, William was dressed as an island native – the theme of the party was something like Colonizers and Natives. Harry deserved flak for wearing that costume but what he didn’t deserve is to be thrown under the bus while W was in similar dress but came out looking squeaky clean. That would breed resentment in anyone!

      • bettyrose says:

        A Commenter:

        That’s the kind of thing I’m interested in knowing more about. Not just about Wills getting a free pass while Harry is thrown under the bus, but the entire posh culture that thinks a party like that would be okay. I’d love to see a light shone on that now that Harry has seen it all from a new perspective and understands that real people are hurt by casual dismissal of the horrors of colonization and genocide.

      • BeanieBean says:

        This is a country & culture where themed parties like ‘tarts & vicars’ is considered cute & funny. An broad examination of that would indeed be interesting.

    • Ginger says:

      Yeah, I don’t think anything earth shattering will be revealed. He isn’t going to name the “royal racist” or anything. But like Becks1 said, anything he will reveal will be blown up and they will drag him. Just him saying his truth is enough to make the British press meltdown.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    Everybody is so angry and frustrated by Harry but they still want him to come for the Jubilee. These people don’t live in the real world.

    • Liz Version 700 says:

      Amy Bee I was just thinking the same thing! It’s almost like what really bothers them is that Harry’s book might be the next time any of them hear from him. They expected him to come crawling back and instead he has all but ghosted the more abusive members of his family and has fully ghosted the abusive tabloids. They are really angry about their favorite punching bag walking away and being fine without them. And now he has turned the tables and they are shaking in their boots wondering what he will tell about their behavior.

  6. Becks1 says:

    Man, they are really so worried that he is going to spill all the tea, aren’t they?? What the hell did they DO to him and Meghan?? If my brother was going to write a tell-all memoir, I would be a little nervous that some of my embarrassing childhood moments *might* be included, but I wouldn’t be scared, angry, or frustrated.

    and look I think we all get that in general, airing family dirty laundry in public can be embarrassing. But, it is what it is sometimes, and if you’re a family like the British Royal Family, you have to expect that not everything is going to remain private forever.

    All that said, I don’t think this memoir is going to be all that explosive, he’s not out to hurt anyone, BUT at the same time, everything he and M do is deemed to be explosive. I didn’t think they would spill any real tea during the Oprah interview and we actually got a lot more than I had expected. So who knows at this point, but I don’t think his objective actually is “let me air all the dirty laundry.”

    • Rapunzel says:

      “What the hell did they DO to him and Meghan??”– this, Becks, is the obvious question. It’s clear they did something. Bad. And they are afraid Harry will name names.

      They keep telling on themselves. You watch, when the memoir is about to drop, it’s gonna be the Oprah interview all over again, times 100. They’ll make themselves look worse than Harry does, as usual.

      It’s like the article about Charles getting him to postpone the thing to avoid repeating conversations from the jubilee. What WERE they planning on saying that he couldn’t repeat?

      • C-Shell says:

        @Becks1, @Rapunzel

        Exactly this. It won’t matter *at all* what Harry’s memoir discloses about his experiences, lessons learned, people who influenced him (good and bad), pivotal moments in his childhood and growth, all the loving memories he’ll probably share about his beloved mother (in contrast to the way she was reviled in life), and the truth about his love and family life with M/A/L. ALL of that conflicts with the way the BRF and BM has depicted him (his mother, Meghan) all these years, and *that’s* going to send them all into a swivet.

      • ABritGuest says:

        I think the press are actually more excited about the memoir & are driving these stories. We’ve seen how the press ignore stories they are actually concerned about so there’s no need to mention the memoir in every royal story if they are so concerned with it overshadowing the jubilee. People like Piers Morgan keep saying Harry needs to name eg the royal racist and they obviously hope he will go into eg the Rose rumours so they can say how awful he is whilst expanding on stories they’ve been restrained on reporting.

        I think Robert Jobson’s coming out with a book about Prince William around his 40th so think there will be lots of time for the palace to spin what they anticipate in Harry’s memoir. They probably won’t claim the staff called Harry & Meghan damaged goods this time though… I’ve already seen KATE& William’s fans (who clearly think he is the one that had the conversation Harry said he’d never share) claim that he was concerned about skin tone because of fear a darker baby wouldn’t be accepted by the public & would need certain protection. I bet we will see more of that type of speculation in the lead up to Harry’s memoir to try and get ahead of the narrative.

        Apparently the crown season 5 comes out in November so if his book comes out near that time the rota will be in shambles. As someone said on here I bet the firm are annoyed that Harry’s Nazi costume photo was exposed already so they couldn’t strategically leak it.

    • Jasper says:

      That second question you listed there, that right there is what I want to know. People should only be running scared if they did something truly heinous. These panicked articles from the press really have me wondering about what was really done to Harry and Meghan. We already know they pulled their punches in the Oprah interview, but for the RF to be still so pressed? It could be that they view any unsanctioned opinion as apocalyptic but all this noise has me questioning that.
      Nah, where there’s smoke there’s fire.

    • A says:

      Are they actually nervous or are they trying to elicit a negative emotional response from their readers? I am genuinely on the fence about which it is. They weren’t actually concerned with what Harry said in the Oprah interview; they never seriously followed up on any of it. They hated that he did the interview and that’s the betrayal they’ve stuck with. I think the press knows the BRF is awful, so there is stuff to be nervous about. But they never treat it as such, so they seem mostly in the business of directing readers’ anger in one direction or another.

      I think they’re backing themselves into a corner with this H&M strategy and it can’t work forever. I don’t have a very high opinion of DM readers, but surely at some point people are going to start asking why the press knew there was damaging info about the BRF but refused to, you know, do any journalism with it.

      • Lurker25 says:

        @A, both. They are nervous AND trying to elicit a negative response from readers. But the fun part is the “they”… At this point “they” are BOTH the royal family and the papers. The royal family is nervous about dirty laundry, sure, but the papers won’t care about that, plus it’ll give them material for years. Papers aren’t nervous about their lies being called out – they always brush that off and twist the story. But if Harry goes into verifiable detail about the “invisible contract” ESPECIALLY with details that contravene the supposed apolitical nature of the RF (like how the RF and Tories have been lining their pockets while austerity measures are imposed on everyone else and the papers hide this in exchange for access plus the paper’s Tory aristo owner gets to line his pockets with these policies – what conflict? Etc.)
        So yeah… They’re salting the ground, ie reader’s minds, in advance of the book so no one will take *anything* he says seriously, even though they really should.
        @becks, I think they’re scared he’ll correct the record, like Meghan did about the Kate crying story. The family lied about H and M to protect W and K. Simply saying “it was the reverse” pulls the thread to unravel a whole string of lies, the layers of people lying to prop up the future heirs. It’s a horrible look. Harry simply telling HIS story, HIS side of things *can’t* happen bc doing so exposes everyone else. “They wouldn’t tell the truth to protect us but they’d lie to protect others” … The spare refusing to be a sacrificial pawn is all it takes to bring this house of cards down. At least, that’s what I think they fear

    • lanne says:

      Becks, I was thinking the same thing. If either of my brothers wrote a memoir, I’d be delighted. In fact, my brother’s MIL DID write a beautiful memoir, and she discussed her kids–my brother’s wife and her brother–but most of the book was about her own upbringing. It was wonderful. It gave me a fantastic perspective on a life that was very different from mine. It showed who she was as a person, and how the world looked through her eyes.

      Harry’s memoir will be a revelation. What was it like to see the world through his eyes? To have the most famous woman in the world as a mother? To lose his beloved mother as a child, and to have to grieve in front of the world? What was it like to have the longest reigning monarch in your country’s history as a grandmother? How did he reconcile his own desires with the realities of his family? If his family were emotionally healthy people, they would welcome him telling his own story. He has an incredible story to tell about his own lived experiences.

      When Charles wrote his memoir, I don’t recall the Queen and Prince Philip fussing and fretting over it. I don’t recall royal reporters fussing and fretting, either. The only reason why the royals are howling now is they know that they have mistreated Harry. It’s like if Cinderella were to write a memoir about growing up in Wicked Stepmother’s house. It’s comical how badly they fear they will come across.

      Once again, just like the Oprah interview, they will sell copies of the book around the world by showing their asses. They will show how they mistreated Harry as they scramble to say demeaning things about him “in defense,” just like they did with Meghan. Maybe they’ll even get the ratchets to talk about “what Harry said in his book” before they even read it.

      Why would Harry, just like anyone else, not be entitled to tell his own story? Riddle me that, ratchets. Why do you think, ratchets, that YOU can tell the story of this remarkable man’s life better than he can? The audacity of these bitches never ceases to amaze me.

      • JT says:

        Just Harry being truthful about his own life will damage the monarchy, because everything they sold him as is a lie. Let’s say Harry mentions his time in the army and all of fear, danger, and loss he’s experienced. Or the fact that he’s most likely taken someone’s life or seen some really dark sh*t. People will then remember how the family treated a war vet. What if he talks about how the press always knew where he was despite taking efforts to conceal himself, then people will guess that the family was selling him out. What if he goes into detail about how he was burning out because of all the tours and engagements he was doing? I’d be wondering where the hell was William and what we HE doing at the same time. Harry talking about himself puts the spotlight on the family because Harry has done so much on behalf of the crown and his country and look how they treated him. The press and the royals are currently trying to gaslight the public into thinking that Harry has done nothing his whole life, the he wasn’t important to the future of the monarchy, and that they are justified in their treatment of him because he didn’t fulfilled his end of the bargain. In actuality, Harry fulfilled his end and the some, especially in comparison to William, and Harry talking about everything he’s done reminds people of that fact which is bad news for that family.

      • Snuffles says:

        “ Why would Harry, just like anyone else, not be entitled to tell his own story? Riddle me that, ratchets. Why do you think, ratchets, that YOU can tell the story of this remarkable man’s life better than he can? The audacity of these bitches never ceases to amaze me.”

        Because the royal rota know that once Harry puts his own story out there, they will no longer be able to profit on the stories they have largely twisted or just flat out made up. They’re already pissed that Harry cut them out of profiting off of his present and future. Now he’s about to cut them out of profiting from his past too.

      • windyriver says:

        Part of the problem – a big part IMO though by no means the only part – is that Harry is writing a memoir while Will, the heir, isn’t – and is angry (for a change). And Harry will have significant experiences to relate, whereas Will has basically pissed away any opportunities he’s had. He’d have nothing to talk about. The chickens are coming home to roost for him, as they are for Kate; he’s poorly prepared for his job, and it’s increasingly clear to people around him when he’s out and about publicly. PR and sycophantic media articles – we know that’s one thing Will and Kate have a lot of experience with – can only go so far.

        Harry and Meghan are both charismatic people and exceptional in what they’ve accomplished so far with their work. But Will and Kate could’ve held their own a little better if they’d chosen to; their youth, relative attractiveness, cute family and connection to Diana would have compensated for less finely tuned people skills. They had 6-7 years before Meghan came along to lay that groundwork, and chose instead to ape the country squire lifestyle. Will is likely also upset Harry will talk about the influence Diana had on him, and the fact that he, Will, is the number one son will fade into the background.

        I do think Harry will have positive things to say about Charles, mostly from a work standpoint. Diana died when he was only 11, and crap father or not, Charles has done things as POW that are noteworthy and must also have been an inspirational model, for one son at least.

        William will likely continue to be just space in Harry’s memoir.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Snuffles – you have hit the bullseye – the royal expert industry is based on their special “expertise.” As long as no one in the RF complains or explains, the rota is in control of the narrative. The memoir will be like one of those “aha” moments in the movies – an event that makes you go back and rethink everything you were told before. Meghan had her “aha” moment with “it was the reverse” – it’ll be interesting to see what happens next.

  7. Mina_Esq says:

    Why are they worried? I thought they said that no one in the UK cares much for H and M. Presumably those who don’t care will not buy the book. 🙂

  8. Noki says:

    Harry is never going to write some sordid memoir especially while his grandma is alive. He has conducted himself with grace and respectfuly told his side of the story with the couple if appearances he has made. So these idiots really just enjoy working themselves up into knots.

    • Charm says:

      Thats why the memoir is coming out in November ’22……AFTER betty’s final hurrah (the jubilee) and therefore, after she has either literally and/or figuratively, but definitely retired…….shuffled off the world’s stage…….never to be seen again.

      No one can convince me that H didnt hv a say in the publication date of the memoir to be AFTER the jubilee celebrations, just to give betty a clear, uninterrupted YEAR of celebrations…..rmbr, the jubilee celebrations supposedly will begin Feb 6, being the anniv of her ascension to the throne 70 yrs ago. But the epicentre of the whole shebang will be that 4-day “bank holiday” in June.

      But the jubilee organizers announced from last yr that: “There will be year-long Platinum Jubilee celebrations throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world as communities come together to celebrate The Queen’s historic reign.”
      Yeah LOL lets see what “the commonwealth” does bcos I can tell you now, we here in my neck of the commonwealth wood hv planned NOTHING!

      PS: Perhaps our 2 morning dailies will publish a supplement in their respective newspapers, in collab with the uk high commish……that will be a great opp for them to earn some advt revenues so i can see them doing that.

  9. Jan says:

    Harry is working 9 to 5 now, should he spend vacation with backstabbers or visit Lesotho, decisions that he now get to make for himself.
    He will be in The Netherlands, if the Invictus Games are on.

    • Lady D says:

      And if Harry’s in the Netherlands, it’s pretty much a guarantee the RR’s will be in the Netherlands too. The RF might find it difficult to get the coverage needed for their Jubilee.

  10. Snuffles says:

    I’m pretty sue he already submitted his manuscript and it’s currently being edited and reviewed by lawyers with a fine tooth comb. It’s probably also being guarded like Fort Knox. I have no doubt that everyone in the UK is pulling every string and shaking every tree to get someone to leak.

  11. BeanieBean says:

    :…not just because he had chosen to write such a book, but also over the ‘clearly deliberate’ timing of its publication this autumn.” And yet, we don’t get the same reaction from these people over the Duke of Whatsis’ book, also a memoir and also due to be published this year. Huh, wonder why.

    • The Hench says:

      The thing is – what’s wrong the timing of Autumn 2022? That’s the bit they never explain. They keep conflating its publication with the Jubilee jamboree but the Jubilee will be OVER by Autumn. Is is just that it’s in the same year? Or if it were published in 2025 would the timing still be “clearly deliberate”?

  12. Osty says:

    If they do not want this memoir to interfere with queenie’s whatever then they can ignore it and put all their energy in promoting queen

    • Charm says:

      Or reschedule the jubilee. No one is forcing them to have it in the same year that H’s memoir will be published. LMAO

  13. MsIam says:

    I guess this is the new drum the UK press will bang all year. I hope they turn Harry’s book into a movie or a 10 part series on Netflix. Let them and that family choke on that for a while.

  14. Concern Fae says:

    They are having fits over the memoir because they would be out of a job if they didn’t.

    Tyranny is creating chaos and then offering yourself as the only way out of it.

  15. Lorelei says:

    You’d think they’d cool it with the talk of the Jubilee because it’s entirely possible that the Queen won’t even be here for it. She definitely might, but it’s iffy.

    • Becks1 says:

      Even if she’s alive for it, will she make any appearances? Maybe just one balcony appearance? She hasn’t been seen in public since when, October? Just a few appearances at Windsor Castle?

      • Rapunzel says:

        Becks- I never considered that, but you make a good point- it’s possible we could have the queen’s jubilee without the queen. Surreal.

  16. M says:

    It’s putting the cart before the horse to talk about the Jubilee like it’s a certainty. Bitch is OLD and they have been so shady with her health recently. These people are wishing death on Petty Betty with how much they mention it. Just look what happened with the superior Betty, Betty White!

  17. Merricat says:

    I imagine that the royal family will have tangential roles in this memoir, but of course, they think they’re the main subject.

  18. Soni says:

    This man has not said a single word about this book, lmfao. Has there been ANY info besides one short statement from the publisher? Literally why are British people so psycho?

    • lanne says:

      I know, right? I can’t get over them LIVESTREAMING a fluff interview with Meghan on Ellen, just WAITING for her to drop some news about the RF. And when she didn’t how silly did the entire British media look? They positively cannot stand that Meghan and Harry don’t give a shit about them.

  19. MelOn says:

    What will they complain about if he barely mentions them? “Harry is so cold , he didn’t see fit to include his family in his book!” They all need to lie down and gather themselves.

  20. Over it says:

    It must really suck to be the British media and monarchy right now. They are getting exactly what they all deserve.

  21. Lizzie Bathory says:

    I’m fascinated by the “anger” over this book. I can imagine that the “frustration” might be coming from courtiers who are used to controlling everything & who want the Jubilee to be the only event that happens in 2022 (best of luck with that).

    But I wonder about the anger. Could that be from William? And could it have less to do with any damning revelations than with Harry once again outshining him? Prince Philip & Charles both started writing books in their 30s & went on to be prolific authors. William never has, nor can I imagine him doing so. He’s very much the outlier, once again.

    • lanne says:

      What memoir could William write?

      Incandescent: My Life in Rage, by HRH William of Cambridge

      Poor me, I’m a Prince Who Does Nothing, by HRH William of Cambridge

      Can’t and Won’t: The Story of a Couple, by HRHs William and Catherine of Cambridge

      …Crickets…, by HRH William of Cambridge

      “My SIL’s a Bitch and I Hate Hate Hate Her,” by HRH William of Cambridge (with a forward by HRH Catherine “Bitch really DID make me cry” Cambridge.)

      “My Life’s Achievements,” a tweet by HRH William of Cambridge, followed by

      “My Life’s Achievements,” a brief text message by HRH Catherine of Cambridge

      “…………” a memoir by HRH Catherine of Cambridge

      • Lizzie Bathory says:

        Snort. “My Life in Buttons,” by HRH Cathy Cambridge, followed by “From Merkins to Wiglets: A History of Royal Hairpieces.”

        I did look it up & per Wikipedia, William has literally written 2 forwards to books & 2 articles. For a future king nearing 40, that just seems embarrassing.

      • Lizzie says:

        Well done!!

      • Tessa says:

        Or the classic “I’m in Charge Here.”

  22. Lizzie says:

    I think a lot of this is just jealousy, the rr all wanted to be the writers of Harry’s biography’s but he has cut them out and writing his memoir himself.

  23. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    TL:DR – great writer/ghostwriter, memoirs are often fascinating and healing, can’t wait.
    Awhile back I listened to Fresh Air when Terry Gross had J.R. Moehringer on, the ghostwriter for Prince Harry, and again when they replayed it ahead of The Tender Bar movie release. He’s pretty amazing and I can’t see anything horrible on the horizon, at least to potential readers, other than thin-skinned family. Sure there will be differing “recollections” and that’s true for any family. Unlike other families, at least in the non-royal sphere, they were more isolated from each other, with boarding schools, choices of different homes, or separate wings in big homes. Like many others, I think if there’s fear there is likely guilt. But, also he’s just telling his story and it could be really helpful to many. Memoirs often are and Harry’s probably just planning to tell his story, which I’m fascinated to read. I didn’t read Girl Interrupted, but I did read an interview with the author on how many young women wrote and felt seen and heard. The fear is also likely around “what if I’m not in it?” and certain ones are not as meaningful as they think.
    p.s. I really loved The Tender Bar movie.

  24. Dee says:

    It’s been the BRF’s “last straw” for 2 years. Yawn….

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      LOL! You would think with all of Kate & Will’s mental health “expertise” they would be able to help all of these crusties and their “last straws”, angers & frustration.

      Pssst..BRF/BM…check out the BetterUp app.

  25. Lizzie says:

    I hope his mother, wife and children are the only family he mentions. OH the burn if he didn’t even mention Chas, Bill or Cathy.

  26. dc says:

    “Anger & frustration”? It’s more likely pure fear of what he might expose.

  27. Tessa says:

    I remember well the impact Charles authorized biography by Dimbleby made. It caused outrage that Charles criticized his own parents. Even his siblings complained about it. In the interview with Oprah, Meghan and Harry never called out HM and Philip. Harry was visibly hurt by his father’s actions. I think Harry’s book will be very tame in comparison to Charles’.

  28. yinyang says:


  29. Mads says:

    I hope he will address the “invisible contract” and all the times he was deliberately used by his father and brother for positive PR and to bury negative/damaging stories about them. Name the Rota reporters who collaborated with the arrangement. I would love to see a picture of William from his “native and colonial” themed birthday party showing him in blackface or inappropriate fancy dress.

  30. blunt talker says:

    The British royal family have an unhealthy mindset towards Harry and Meghan-If they are really moving towards a more modern monarchy-this screaming and tearing out their hair looks insane and crazy-Harry’s decision to write this book is his choice-what he puts in it or not put in it is his choice-If the royal family did not do anything wrong towards the Sussex family-then there should be no fear of anything in the book-these wild guesses about the book is making people think the royal family has something to hide about themselves-they are cutting up too much-God bless the Sussex family through their journey in this world and life.

  31. Bread and Circuses says:

    “Prince Harry’s memoir is reportedly an additional source of stress for the family.”

    More or less stress than Prince Pedo possibly going to trial for raping underage sex-trafficked girls?

    I have to think the memoir is barely a blip, but outrage-baiting about the memoir is a useful distraction from the real source of stress.

  32. Ania says:

    There will be no earth-shattering recelations but all that Harry is saying now is so damaging because it changed RF’s image as something aspirational, the cherry-on-top part of society. A lot of people no longer see a fairy tale but dysfunctional family. Me included. I was young when Diana lived but always had an impresion that this remarkable lady just didn’t fit there. Now I know that nobody will ever fit in RF because they are all rotten and Diana was no exception. Next 5 years will be interesting to watch when RF shots themselves in a foot time after time.

  33. Shawna says:

    I’m sure a Harry-like writer could have a bit of pull, with the result that the editor pushes the review process or production along a little quicker, but there’s not a lot of wiggle room. Or perhaps Harry was told to hustle in delivering the manuscript. But even ordering paper and getting reservations at the actual printing presses are difficult these days. It’s quite hard to jump the line after a certain point.

  34. Mslove says:

    Harry & Meghan leaving was the best thing to ever happen to the BM, IMO. They have a storyline they can milk for years. H&M, the bad royals who left. Will Harry & Chuck reconcile? Will Kate start working more? Can William quiet his incandescent rage? Will Meghan ever set foot in London again? With the BM’s penchant for fiction writing, they have enough material to keep going for years. And now that Harry’s book is coming out soon, the BM will be busy coming up with new stories about how the RF are “at their breaking point” and “the poor Queen’s jubilee.”

    And we will never truly know what goes on in the BRF.

  35. MangoAngelesque says:

    If the Queen dies this year, they’re going to 100% blame Harry’s book for it.