I honestly can’t understand what kind of unhinged argument “commentators” are trying to make about Prince Harry and his desire to pay for his own security in the UK. Part of me thinks that the British media is just vamping, making sh-t up on the fly about “why Harry is terrible” because they weren’t expecting him to issue his statement over the weekend, correcting their false reporting. They can’t argue that “Harry needs to pay for his own security” anymore because he’s made it clear he wants to pay for his own security. So the new argument is that Harry is awful because he wants to pay for the police security for himself and his family and… like, how dare he? Because how dare he believe himself to be a legitimate target of terrorists and violent white supremacists, even though he demonstrably is a target?
Prince Harry ‘cannot pick and choose’ when he wants to visit the UK and receive protection, a former head of royal protection has warned. The Duke of Sussex should not be expecting bodyguards supplied to him when he decides to return home, Dai Davies said.
It comes as sources suggested the Queen will not help her grandson in his demand for security personnel when he comes to Britain. The insiders claimed the Monarch has no intentions of ‘caving into his demands’ for protection from the Met and Home Office.
Prince Harry faced outrage yesterday over his threat of legal action against Her Majesty’s Government. He is seeking a judicial review of the decision to strip him of his UK police protection team, claiming it is too dangerous to visit without Scotland Yard bodyguards. Last night there was anger at the unprecedented legal threat against the government as sources hit back saying: ‘Scotland Yard is not available for hire’.
Mr Davies, who was Operational Unit Commander for the Royals from 1995, told GMB: ‘He chose to go to America, that’s his prerogative. And it’s our prerogative to ensure when we look at any aspect of protection, any member of the Royal Family that we actually look and assess it through various security agencies. That’s the crux. And it’s been decided in this level, one they won’t supply him with protection because the risk at this stage is deemed low. However should there be a risk when he comes then clearly the Metropolitan Police would be duty bound.’
He went on: ‘Clearly it has been reviewed in the same way as so many other royal security have been done. Princess Anne for instance, his aunt, she doesn’t get full time protection we’re told now and yet arguably in 1974 she was nearly kidnapped and/or murdered. Her protection officer was shot. However, with regards to Harry, he can’t pick and choose when he wants to come. There has never been a precedent where somebody pays for their security in this country. If it’s required, it will be provided.’
So now they’re mad at Harry because Scotland Yard doesn’t have enough personnel? Or they’re mad because Harry would expect security for himself and his family and he would tell them in advance when he’s coming and they still wouldn’t have enough people to protect him? Again, I don’t understand what the British protection “sources” are even arguing. If their argument is “if we give it to Harry, regular old celebrities might expect to pay for their own police protection too!” And?? If a private citizen is facing an elevated threat from white nationalists or Islamic terrorists or whatever, surely the police SHOULD protect them? And if the private citizen wants to pay the police back, isn’t that the best solution?
Part of me is terrified that the real argument is that Harry doesn’t “deserve” protection because in their half-assed assessment, no one is threatening him. Nevermind that the same people have continuously put a target on Harry’s back for years. Anyway, I hope Harry never goes back.
Photos courtesy of Instar, Avalon Red, Backgrid.
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Harry, Duke of Sussex, attends a UK-Africa Investment Summit at the Intercontinental Hotel, London, UK. Pictured: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex BACKGRID USA 20 JANUARY 2020 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pictured while leaving The Royal Albert Hall after their final Royal Duties at the Mountbatten Festival of Music. Pictured: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex BACKGRID USA 7 MARCH 2020 BYLINE MUST READ: Timmie / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex during the Your Commonwealth Youth Challenge reception at Marlborough House in London.
- – New York – NY – 20210923 – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Visit the World Trade Center World Trade Center, NY – Prince Harry, Meghan Markle – Janet Mayer/Startraksphoto.com – – This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, attends the draw for the Rugby League World Cup 2021 at Buckingham Palace. Pictured: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex BACKGRID USA 16 JANUARY 2020 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex visit Canada House, London, UK
- The Duke and duchess of Sussex arrive at Westminster abbey for the commonwealth day ceremony.
Russel Myers tweeted that “if Harry were to return in an official capacity or to support the queen during the Platinum Jubilee events I’m sure he will be afforded the necessary protection.” I think the palace is trying to blackmail Harry into coming to the jubilee and then they’ll let him get police protection. They did the same for Phil’s funeral. He only got protection to go to an “official” event but removed it when he needed to do his own business, which compromised his safety, probably thinking that it would deter him. The royals want to use Harry, Meg, and the children for PR during the jubilee mess because the RF’s reputation is in tatters right now. I think Harry wanted to do a private visit, on his own terms, without involving the palace and when the RF found out, they made the Home Office deny his request. They are trying to control his movements and what he can do by withholding security.
Yep! The rota have spoken. Kant and won’t don’t sell and the sussex team doesn’t leak so they want access or else. Eff them. The jubilee is already going to be a bust so who cares. Stay in the US Harry
100% this. They’re blackmailing him into coming to the jubilee but they also don’t want him to do any charitable appearances while he’s in the UK. That’s why they want to yank his security just as they did after Phillip’s funeral and also why Harry wants to pay for his own security–so he can control it and be sure he and his family are protected at all times.
How ironic when the RF is supposedly all about supporting charity. They out themselves with every move.
The fact that TWO MPs were recently murdered in UK by a terrorist and white supremacist constituents while the British media continue to encourage a national sentiment of bullying and harassment of the Sussexes while denying them police protection is abhorrent. Leaking this security issue to the public is also egregious considering the signaling it gives people who do intend to harm them, and they knew this. I don’t see how Harry ever wants to speak to his despicable family members again, and that includes his granny.
@JT: Exactly.
Come on, Liz/Chuck. If you don’t want to meet your grandbabies, just say so.
Poor Harry. This is tantamount to exile. And it’s shit.
We’ve love them though and will happily embrace them in America.
They are both assets to our nation for their charitable endeavors and public activism and I’m proud Harry is on our team now! I’m excited to see what projects he cooks up to do here in the years to come.
I wish his US bodyguards could atleast be armed in the UK. So are you telling me all those mega rich billionaires in London walk around with unarmed security. They may have let out a security secret.
You are right! This whole situation has backfired in the most mind-boggling way, and I don’t say that with glee. There are so many new questions that have come up as a result of this exposure of security rules and what is and isn’t allowed. Now celebrities, politicians, or anyone with security risks are going to have these small cracks exposed to the public. Like what you just said about being armed or unarmed in the UK. That is just the sort of info that makes nutjobs get real brave. The RF just couldn’t leave well alone.
You can always tell the Americans, no offense, but bodyguards aren’t roaming the streets of London (or other major European cities) armed to the teeth. Even regular police don’t carry guns on a daily basis.
We know that. But exposing this fact to most people is a security vulnerability. Furthermore, the people who ARE armed are those who guard VIPS such a the royal family, so why are the Sussexes being denied?
You’re proving our point. After what I have read the last 48 hours as a result of this leak, I now know a lot more about UK security than I did before the weekend. But yeah, let’s make fun of the ignorant Americans.
@NotTodaySatan, I can emphatically tell you that the police ARE armed with guns when the Royals do visits around the UK. When the Queen and Meghan visited the North West together and came to Chester we saw snipers, with full body armour, rifles, other military-style weapons on their persons and binoculars perched on rooftops scanning us all in the crowds, continuously.
True, the foreign envoys in England usually can only roam around with Novichok or Plutonium 212 as weapons.
Do your everyday citizens get frothing hate screeds written about every damn thing they do including breathe? Do they get death threats and get called a race traitor? Do people want to erase their wife and children to purify the bloodlines? Are they blood born Princes of your realm being denied the right to pay for proper protection for their family to simply visit their homeland? You can shut the fuck up about us ignorant Americans wanting the Sussexes to have armed security when your media has brought this upon the Sussexes and your hateful racist trash bag royal family have hung them out to dry.
Am very curious what will come up with the judicial review. Are celebrities or even just high profile business people allowed to hire met police when necessary? I know the rota are saying that they absolutely don’t do that and that one guy said it but what’s really the truth? Like what if it comes out that this actually is really a commonplace thing and only Harry is being denied? There are so many examples on Twitter showing it has happened in the past but I just don’t really know how it all works. But what if this is another thing that effs it up for everybody else. Well, we won’t provide Harry with met police so now anyone else who used to hire met police can’t either. Lol, what if it actually messes up their budget bc it’s a service they do provide and rely on for money. Again, I have no idea how it works but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility.
There is nothing Islamic about terrorism. Someone who commits such an attack may be Muslim, but he/she isn’t acting as a good Muslim should per Islam.
Thank you Mariya!!!
Hear hear, Mariya!
This is the same dude that argued that Harry and Meghan would be in danger if he left the royal family a few years ago. The DF and BM are doing what they always do. Try to twist anything and everything to fit their agenda and pay people off to write whatever fits that narrative.
Meanwhile met police contacted C Bouzy and he has a report about the various people making a profit from hate of Harry and Meghan.
Ultimately if they come they’ll get the security they need. This is just the BM playing games at Harry and Meghan’s expense but outside the UK it doesn’t look good for the firm at all.
Yes Davies said the exact opposite about Harry being a high level target in 2020, so this guy just says whatever the people who pay him want him to say.
The media campaign against Harry and his family in the UK have made things even worse since 2020 and no credible security person would downplay that risk.
This is not just the British media playing a game. Someone from either the palace or the government leaked high security-related information about Harry’s judicial review of the Home Office. That’s a certain high level of privileged information that getting leaked into the public domain via tabloid is a serious concern and breach of an official government document/info. This is not just the media. This is the royal family and the government doing their bidding.
Furthermore, it’s not “IF they come, they’ll get the security they need.” It’s They WILL NOT come without being provided the security they deserve. Harry had already come there and wasn’t provided the security he should have had. He’s made it clear they won’t be there unless they get what they need.
Reducing this to just media bullying is shortsighted. His family shares a large portion of the blame and are evil for being this brazenly cruel.
Where is the evidence that Harry is asking his grandmother for help? I think its pretty clear she’s not helping him in anyway based on the way they have been treated. It looks like they got some old fart who no doubt has an OBE or some other letters after his name to “say something”. But sure enough he contradicts himself because he says if there is a threat then they are duty bound to protect Harry. Also, isn’t it a security breach to mention Anne doesn’t get full time protection?
At this point I wouldn’t trust any British protection, law enforcement or not, to truly protect the Sussex’s. I can well envision something happening and British protection turning a blind eye.
@Harla: Exactly! Harry has basically been told and the world is hearing – WE WANT YOU DEAD! Don’t ever come back to the UK. It is a sin and a shame!
We all see who gets paid protection. It ain’t pretty!
I agree but they may want to think about this long and hard. If something were to happen, especially to two babies, it will look very bad for the UK.
I don’t think they care about how they look. They think they are always in the right no matter what. And they want Meghan and the two babies dead so that Harry will come back to them again and their precious “white line” will be cleansed. Yes. that is exactly how white supremacists think.
This person is making no sense. no, Anne may not get FT police protection now (although her home is protected by RPOs, right?) but to say “well she was almost kidnapped 50 years ago and she still doesnt get FT protection in 2022” is….stupid. At the time she DID get FT protection which is partly why she wasn’t kidnapped and her agent was shot.
And Scotland Yard IS for hire, as twitter pointed out over the weekend, including Omid. Charles paid for RPOs for Camilla. Kate got protection for years before getting engaged.
Look, there are still a lot of people who think the royal family had a hand in Diana’s death, if only by denying her full time police protection. (not looking to get into a “but she turned them down” or other conspiracy argument about her death, just stating that some people DO still think the BRF played a role.) Some people think the BRF out and out had her killed.
why, why why would the BRF want to be in a situation where they look like they are putting another royal in danger? Can you imagine if something happened to Harry or his family that could have been prevented by proper security? That very well could actually be the end of the monarchy.
Protect the Sussexes.
Part of me thinks this judicial review story was released by the PMO to distract from Boris and his issues. The Home Office would have been the most knowledgeable about this application and it’s not a good look for any of the palaces to release a story about Harry wanting to pay for security but Andrew is still covered. The person who first printed it wasn’t a royal correspondent also leading me to think it was coming from Boris. And of course the right wing tabloid media took the story from there.
That was my first thought, too. Especially as there was another desperate story right before about Keir Starmer which failed to create the same distraction as the Prince Harry one. I feel so bad for Harry and Meghan who has entire establishments working against them.
@Nic919: The person who first reported the story is doing Emily Andrews’ old job at the MoS. She’s not a royal correspondent, I believe she may an associate editor, but she’s been reporting on royal stories for the MoS since Andrews left.
Why do they hate this guy so much? Why oh why did they let Harry marry Meghan in the first place? It’s obvious they never wanted her to join the royal family. The plan was for her to get kicked out and divorced in disgrace. No one questioned whether or not this was a good plan, or what would happen if it backfired. There was no royal plan B for Meghan doing a good job. Now they have the gall to say that Harry doesn’t need police protection, the same guy who walked behind his dead mother as a child, the mother who was killed by the paparrazzi? The same guy whose whife has had racist attackers who sent white powder to their home?
Harry, your family is telling you who they are. Believe them, please for the sake of your wife and kids. They should have given him an ultimatum–Meghan or us, and accepted it when he chose Meghan. The same shit would have likely happened, with Meghan blamed for “taking Harry away” but at least the palace would have been honest.
Either the metropolitan police is the most incompetent branch of law enforcement ever, or they are parrotting points from the palace. The Palace is like a cult–Harry is lucky to have escaped this cult. The royals dont deserve to see Harry children, ever. The UK is not a safe place for them, and the royals aren’t safe people for the children to be around.
They probably don’t consider those children Harry’s “real kids” either. They are probably still hoping against hope that Harry divorces Meghan, marries an aristobot, and has “real HRH children”. Disgusting people.
It’s crazy & Harry is lucky to have gotten out. We’re still only just glimpsing the odds he & Meghan were up against.
Plan A — make Harry slow walk the courtship, then scare Meghan off
Plan B — sabotage the wedding
Plan C — drive Meghan away before she gets pregnant
Plan D — drive pregnant Meghan to suicide, bring grieving Harry back into the fold
Plan E — take away security when they leave with Archie
Plan F — deny them security when the return
They’ve underestimated Harry & Meghan at every turn & will continue to do so.
Harry had to get permission from Petty Betty to marry Meghan. So many people from the throne need the monarch’s permission to marry. If they didn’t want this to happen all they had to do was tell him no. Likely Harry would have told them to pound sand and left and married Meghan anyway but they didn’t need to make this process so difficult. It didn’t have to get as ugly as it did. They could have just said a divorcee was not suitable for Harry. They didn’t have to out themselves as horrid racists. They could have even said an American actress wasn’t suitable.
Yet, three out of four of the Queen’s children are divorced. The QUeen’s sister divorced. And her grandson Peter Phillips divorced. It would be the height of hypocrisy by the royals if they said Harry could not marry divorcee.
The future King is divorced and married to a divorcee. They couldn’t tell him no. The other FFK also married a commoner so…
I’m sure that is part of it. “If you want protection, it must be on our terms and only when you are working for our benefit and we can control your entire itinerary.” That’s why he had police protection for Philip’s funeral but not when he came for Diana’s statue unveiling and the Well Child event. Harry coming as a private citizen to visit friends, family and charities won’t benefit the family so they will leave him exposed and vulnerable.
They didn’t expect blowback and the multiple examples of other ppl paying for security to be brought to light, so they’re scrambling for something that doesn’t make them look like evil, vapid, racists. Like #tryingtodianaprinceharry is on Twitter and people are again saying this is what happened to Diana and that they want Harry dead. This is such a bad look. Like Kate moss is more at risk than Harry and Meghan?
They ought to have expected it. Same thing happened when someone/the BM decided to go after Meghan with the manufactured Saudi earrings story – Twitter blew up with pictures of the royal women – especially Camilla IIRC – wearing their favorite jewels of Saudi, or otherwise nebulous Middle East, origin. The Meghan story died almost immediately.
But, perhaps people on here are correct, and this leak about Harry doesn’t originate with the palaces, but with the government…
This feels like the Firm realizes this is the last way they can control the Sussexes. It’s a futile attempt control their Netflix content, Harry’s memoir, future interviews, appearances while they are in the UK, etc. “Don’t outshine Billy and Buttons on their home territory or you won’t get protection.” It’s not going to work and it’s disgusting they are attempting this play, frankly.
I think that this blowhard is blowing smoke up everyones a$$! He was recently quoted as saying that the welfare of Harry, as well as Meghan, were certainly cause for concern considering the threats that have been made against the couple. As for how the Daily Fail is twisting this issue is again, for the millionth time, a way to present it as a situation that Harry is demanding and wants it his way, or no way! The fact that he wasn’t allowed protection when he visited the Well Child facility last summer clearly shows how imperative it is for him to have security. And we all know who blabbed to the RR’s as to his location, as Bitter Brother strikes again!!!
I think it’s disgusting that the Daily Fail, as well as the other rags, are twisting this scenario to fulfill their daily unrelenting attacks against Harry.
I hope a house falls on every single RR’s in Britain that seems to take delight in scorching the earth to attack Harry and Meghan.
@JT yup they got their talking points after seeing how awful they look to the world.
Yesterday it was oh just kidding …Charles has a place for you to stay at his home and here’s a Stevie wonder song for MLK….today it’s if they come at official capacity they will be protected.
All along though that’s been true that they’ll be protected at official capacity. Harry said so in his statement. They want clear game plans for their future visits which will include stuff for invictus games and their charities. Ultimately I still think Harry will win this because this all just looks so bad not only for the UK but esp the royal family
I think just about every one sees through the “there isn’t a threat” excuse as pure horse 💩. I think the sussexsquad found a whole new following after this. If Kate Moss’s threat level warrant 35 protection officers which she received tell me again how Prince Harry and his family are denied? Who is behind this? It is unprecedented and unforgivable especially after the tragedy of of Diana. It almost like they are trying to Diana Prince Harry and his Family 🤔🤨
Who ever leaked this story is totally reprehensible, because now they have exposed the inner workings of the RF, and this gives opportunity for whom ever has a grudge to infiltrate and wreck what ever harm they want, then the media will hold up their hands in sympathy saying we didnt mean to cause harm, which will be totally disingenuious. I reckon Harry can pop in and out of the country when all eyes are not on them, with the publicity the fricking Jubliee has and peoples expectations to see them and the kids, its probably most prudent for them to fly in under the radar and hope for no leaks. probably visit the queen on their last day. they are going to have to be very strategic with everything they do from now on.
there were reports that Charles wants them to come and stay with Him and Camila LOL another fricking olive branch
PR op for PC to get more attention than PW by having H&M with him.
@ Dutch, I agree with you wholeheartedly!! You put it into the perfect case of what the BRF are trying to do to Harry as well as Meghan and their children!
Yesterday the Fail had a story that he wanted to invite Harry and Meghan back so he could meet Lili. CH knows the optics are bad in this and wants to staunch the bleeding. Charles may step in for the Met to provide security and Harry pays.
The BM and BRF need to stop with this crap. They’re giving the UK a black eye.
The Fail is really reeling from Meghan winning that case. So bitter.
I think you are right JT. This is about control. The firm want to control when Harry can come to England& that it will be on their terms. If he comes as part of their PR eg jubilee then he will have police protection. If it’s on his own terms eg for his charity work, Diana statue unveiling then he won’t have the protection. But as his lawyer says that is an inconsistent position. So will be interesting to see what happens with the judicial review.
Invictus, sentabale, travalyst all have London offices, he and Meghan are still patrons of a few British charities & they have friends & family aside from the Windsors that they might want to see (and the Windsors they are fine with). He might want to visit his mother’s ancestral home& resting place. So it’s not cool for him to be blocked this way.
I can’t see the Met police ruining their bag (ability for orgs or rich people to hire police privately) or the press being happy if the firm ensures Harry and his family don’t return to England. Imagine if he goes to Invictus with his family in April & has the appropriate security set up to feel safe but isn’t able to come to England as they won’t afford him the same? It would look terrible
This ex royal bodyguard is a mouth for hire as in 2020 he was saying how dangerous it was for Harry to not have royal protection etc . So he’s conveniently changed his tune – see his January 2020 article in the Fail
Also Will can’t have it looking like Harry is actually important enough to need security if he’s not around the RF.
Is Scotland Yard really going to continue to deny him security, which he will pay for, in order to make the brf happy? Seriously??? So, who else controls SY? I wonder if Murdock and Lord Whatsit also can use their money to get what they want from SY. As an American, I don’t understand the brf’s position in the culture of the UK, but I do understand what a law enforcement agency is supposed to do. They (SY) simply cannot be this unaware of the huge hit the agency is taking over this. From the outside it appears that different entities are colluding to harm the Sussexes. They simply can’t not know this.
@Saucy&Sassy this is what happens when a disgraced journalist fired for lying is co-opted by media moguls (Lord Whatsit and Murdoch), given credibility via broadsheet, celebrity via tabloid, and is launched into the highest elected office in the land. He holds the levers of government and they control his lever. This is what happens when government is formed and called – albeit nominally – Her Majesty’s government. When her Majesty has a say in legislation via the Queen’s consent. This is happens when long standing institutions and the people who work there do not hold or have benchmarks. They instead rely on papers to paper over their lack of work, criminality, and indiscretions.
We had it here with Murdoch and Trump.
Exactly. He’s going through the process any private citizen would to get the Met’s cooperation. If it weren’t done he wouldn’t have had paperwork to fill out to apply for it and he wouldn’t be calling for a review of that paperwork by a judge. These RF stans are not exceedingly bright if they buy what the DM is selling.
Except “regular old celebrities” can hire the MET police for protection. I believe Kate Moss did for her wedding. As I said yesterday, I doubt Scotland Yard or even Priti Patel themselves are the ones say no – they’ve been told to say no by the BRF. My guess would be that the BRF do not want to make it “easier” for H&M to come over whenever they want and when they do come over, they want to control them hence why only allowing security during “official” events and not for personal ones like Diana’s statue unveiling.
I don’t think they realize how weak, petty and insignificant they are making the entire BRF look when they suggest that they can’t or don’t need to provide security to the 9th, 10th and 11th persons in line of succession to the throne. They are telling the world that the once powerful British Crown now can’t even afford to provide for its immediate family members. Weak!
H, Archie and Lili are 6th, 7th and 8th in line.
Harry is never going to bring his wife and children back to these savages.
It’s clear to me that the issue is Harry wants to make a private visit to the UK but he can’t because the Home Office will only provide security if he’s there for some event that involves the Royal Family.
“If their argument is ‘if we give it to Harry, regular old celebrities might expect to pay for their own police protection too!’ And?? If a private citizen is facing an elevated threat from white nationalists or Islamic terrorists or whatever, surely the police SHOULD protect them?”
Exactly. Russell Crowe got FBI and Scotland Yard protection back when al-Qaeda was targeting him. It wasn’t his idea, either–they determined there was a threat to him, contacted him about it, and had guards on him while he shot films and went to awards shows.
Today GMB Third news item at 8am was royal sources say Prince Charles offered an olive branch by inviting Harry and his family for Xmas but they said No. Expect more on this fairytale in the Fail tomorrow!!
Prince Charles must have an olive grove in his back garden with all the branches he keeps offering. 🤦🏻♀️
There’s sort of a pandemic going on and the kids can’t be vaccinated so I doubt even if it was a legit story that H&M would have taken Chuckles up on his offer.
This article is so stupid on so many levels. What they’re actually saying is that the security risk now is low – yes, because he’s living in California. And they will reassess the risk when he comes to the UK- well, yes, because the risk is in the UK. As for “he can’t pick and choose when he comes to the UK” – of course, he can. What are they going to do – deny a law-abiding UK citizen the right to enter his own country? And the only outrage Harry is facing is what has been manufactured by the media.
Harry has chosen not to enter his homeland without proper protections so they are basically denying him the right to access his homeland by denying him the right to pay to properly protect his family of choice because his family of origin is a bunch of racist trashbags.
I wonder if the Bot Sentinel report published today about the coordinated SM hate campaign targeting H&M will be useful to Harry’s team. It’s very detailed, and incredibly scary and disturbing – and I only skimmed it. Anyone in the organizations responsible for these decisions who doesn’t believe H&M need the most comprehensive protection if they’re back in England belongs in a different line of work.
Maybe the daily fail should pay for Harry and his families security since they have drummed up vile hatred for the last 4 years? Just a thought.
You know, if I didn’t feel safe visiting my home country without being surrounded by police officers and armed guards….I think a part of me might stop wanting to visit. Especially when my nasty relatives didn’t particularly want me to come.
I am speaking as someone who was more or less “exiled” from visiting my childhood home after my father died. I was already a grown woman at the time. My stepmother (his widow) made it clear I was no longer welcome there under the new paradigm. She inherited the estate in full, so that was that. For two decades we have been estranged, even though we were close (I thought) when Dad was alive, and my beloved childhood home is lost to me. I have had to let it go.
Not saying Harry should let England go, but is it really worth fighting for? I don’t know the answer. It’s not an easy question. What happened to him and Meghan was wrong, and the whole situation makes me really sad.
So the new talking point today is “how dare he ask his grandmother to intervene!” when there is absolutely no evidence of him doing that. It’s literally a legal situation with the Home Office, nothing to do with the royal family. They just keep moving the goal posts, as Lainey said back in the day.
I understand that England is Harry’s home and no doubt he misses it. However, his family has broadcast to the entire world that they do not care if Harry and his family live or die. In fact, it’s pretty clear they would prefer the Sussexes die. And not just Meghan and the kids, Harry as well. I wish he would never go back to that country and that he would say exactly why. The RF clearly is trying to Diana the Sussexes.
He’s all but said it aloud that they won’t go back because the treat of death is too great and the BRF refuses to allow him to properly protect his family. Harry has said aloud that he saw that history was repeating itself and that’s why they chose to leave.
«if we give it to Harry, regular old celebrities might expect to pay for their own police protection too!» A lot of them already do that right? I mean if I was rich and famous I would make sure I was safe. (Or as safe as I could be) If Harry wants to pay himself why not?
It is so obvious that the media (DM) is desperate to distract from Andrew. There are more click bait articles including allegations, scapegoating the Sussexes.
Harry is in for a fight. I do not believe he will get what he wants unless the queen vouches for him which seems unlikely. The queen puts the firm first before family.
The latest bit sentinel report seems to suggest otherwise