Cele|bitchy | “Rudy Giuliani was subpoenaed by the January 6th committee” links

“Rudy Giuliani was subpoenaed by the January 6th committee” links

Note by Celebitchy: We are having some necessary maintenance done today and will be down for hopefully no more than 10 minutes starting at 4pm EST

Rudy Giuliani was subpoenaed for his role in the January 6th insurrection. [Towleroad]
Rest in peace, Andre Leon Talley. [Buzzfeed]
The Dlisted podcast is out & they talk about Megan Fox, Mrs. Weed. [Dlisted]
Jenny Slate married Ben Shattuck on New Year’s Eve. [Just Jared]
Paul Walter Hauser, one of the great character actors working today, canceled himself on Twitter because his opinions are too spicy (and awful). [Pajiba]
Wait, how many cats has Jamie Lynn Spears killed?? [OMG Blog]
I totally missed the Olivia Culpo story around NYE. [LaineyGossip]
The Fug Girls are really missing the awards shows! [Go Fug Yourself]
Sheet-pan s’mores: light ‘em up!! [Gawker]
90 Day Fiance star lived with a hitman. [Starcasm]
Jennifer Lopez’s chainmail actually looks awesome? [Egotastic]

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18 Responses to ““Rudy Giuliani was subpoenaed by the January 6th committee” links”

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  1. Emma says:

    How is it difficult to not run over your (presumably) beloved pets again and again and again? Or she just doesn’t care enough to adapt and find a solution? And the animals have to suffer for it.

  2. tealily says:

    Yikes, Jamie Lynn! I’ve gotta say, that was always one of my biggest fears when my cat used to go outside, and I certainly don’t have a silent car. Seriously though, I think it’s dangerous for people too!

    • fluffybunny says:

      We’ve been in our house for 16 years and the next street over there’s a house that has an outdoor cat that roams the neighborhood. The previous one died of old age. My whole neighborhood manages to safely avoid hitting the neighborhood cat. The current one is a Siamese which I thought were pricey so no clue why it’s roaming the neighborhood.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        I’ve lived……….years with, and around, animals large and small. Neighbors with practically small zoos. Indoors and outdoors. Never have I, myself, killed an animal nor lived close to anyone accidentally killing their roaming pets. Maybe I’ve been lucky. Maybe my friends and neighbors have been lucky. But if I had killed just one, I’d never make a public passive aggressive announcement. How many HAS she killed?

  3. JennyJenny says:

    Is it possible the cats nest inside the engine area?
    Then they’re killed when someone starts the engine. It happens often in cold weather areas. It’s tragic.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      That was my thought, as well, but I looked it up & apparently it’s a design issue that’s specific to the Tesla model 3. There’s a hole in the undercarriage of the car that cats like to crawl into, then they try to jump out once the car is already moving. It sounds awful. Honestly, if I had Jamie Lynn’s money, I’d just get a different car to keep my kitties safe.

  4. jferber says:

    Kaiser, you’ve printed two priceless pictures of our beloved Rudy. Thank you.

  5. Merricat says:

    I absolutely believe that was Jamie Lynn’s version of a humblebrag, to let people know what sort of car she drives.

  6. Eurydice says:

    My eyes refuse to see anything but the sheet pan s’mores.

  7. Lizzie Bathory says:

    Guiliani, Sidney Powell & Jenna Ellis. Every single attorney involved in this thing is going to wind up disbarred. And all for a guy who didn’t even pay them. White supremacy is a hell of a drug.

  8. Zen says:

    I dream these Jan 6th senate hearings will be like the Watergate ones where one by one it will reach higher into the conspiracy with each going to jail until it reaches Trump who “falls on his sword” like Nixon did although I recognize Nixon was still the president while Trump is thankfully out of office. Trump’s “fall on sword” could be to shut up, never meet, write or phone anyone again. Just play golf in Florida and turn into an orange liver spot. It’s too much to hope he goes to jail, even though he should. The guy has wriggled out of consequence his entire life.

  9. Nev says:

    Rest In Power Andre Leon Talley!!!

    I hope/wish he gets a proper post. As a young black gay man he was my only love joy representation in the 90’s. Will never forget him. ICON.

  10. jferber says:

    News: The Supreme Court said Trump has no executive privilege and the January 6, 2020 documents relating to the insurrection MUST be given to Congress. Godspeed with that.