After spending several days in Morocco for her VH1 series The Price of Beauty, Jessica Simpson is back in America and she had a new message for all of us. Not really us, but the “us” as in “people who know who Jessica Simpson is and sort of follow random news about her”. It seems someone has been spreading some rumors about Jessica’s dog, Daisy. Daisy was taken by coyotes a month ago, and after spending a few days in denial and Twittering the doggie-drama (“Still holding out hope despite the a–holes that say is it a dumb thing to do. Daisy is my baby … why would I stop searching? I’m a mom.”), Jessica has finally acknowledged that her puppy isn’t coming back.
Unfortunately, people have been contacting Jessica’s family to tell them that Daisy is alive. Jessica tweeted: “People have been contacting my family and friends saying that Daisy has been found. Untrue. People are so cruel..please respect her memory.” I totally agree with Jessica. What kind of a-hole calls her family to tell them Daisy is alive? It is cruel and nasty.
In other Jessica Simpson news, I think I’m going to start reading her Twitter with more regularity, because some of the stuff she writes is just classic. She’s been traveling all over the world for The Price of Beauty, and she always tweets whatever cultural drama she experiences. In Uganda, it was drama over fly nets, or as Jessica the entitled princess tweeted: “WTF?!? Do I really have to sleep like this?” Before she even left for Morocco, Jessica tweeted these words of wisdom: “Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture your heart. old indian saying.” And Jessica knows about Indian sayings, because she’s Indian. Seriously, Jessica?
In Morocco, it seems the drama was all about the food. Jessica tweeted several different messages involving the word “fruit” plus several epic images of her friends (and her best gay boyfriend Ken Paves) posing with Moroccan fruit. She also loved the shopping and the beauty (“i have never seen such intricate tile work in my life!! BEAUTIFUL!!”). But by far my favorite tweet of the week was this one: “on my last day in Morocco i have finally learned it is spelled with 2 c’s and not and 2 r’s. i am a dweb!! i mean REALLY?!?! J” I mean, really. How you can not love a pleasant, happy idiot like Jessica? Don’t be cruel to her, y’all. She brings us so much joy.
Photos thanks to Jessica Simpson’s Twitter.
her tweets are lol funny!!
What’s wrong with posting/saying old sayings and proverbs? A lot of people do that. I can’t quote Shakespear because I’m not British or an English professor? I don’t know people make fun of Jessica. Yes she’s dumb but harmless.
GTF over it Jessica ?
I’m not a real fan of Jessica (mainly because I have an extremely low tolerance for stupidity, and face it, poor Jess has the IQ of wet cement), but I do feel bad for her loss. My almost 5-year old Boxer likely has a brain tumor (hopefully I will know for sure in the next week), and it is hard. My dog IS my baby, I was holding her when she opened her eyes for the first time, and the first thing she ever saw was me, so I understand completely how much this has upset her. So basically, rag on her for everything (ANYTHING!) else, but maybe let’s show a little compassion for this. And believe me, I am as big a bitch as anyone (more so, so I’ve been told many a time lol), but I just don’t have the heart to tell her to GTFO this.
I don’t buy Jessica’s helpless little airhead act nor do I find her twits funny. she is a talentless singer and reality tv bimbo past her prime, that has nothing to offer as an entertainer (unless you count her weight fluctuation and failed relationships as entertainment). at this point she’s just trying to stay famous by the skin of her teeth and I’m not going to pity her because she’s failing too.
R.I.P Daisy.
The only Tweet that bothered me was about the nets. She’s complaining about the net but imagine how many people around the world died that night of Malaria because they didn’t have a net.
I don’t follow Jessica so all that other stuff is blah to me.
She’s a Marilyn Monroe in the making. No respect for herself, no attempt at building a decent career. I bet she’ll end up dead or on drugs by the time she’s thirty-six.
I believe the only reason it didn’t work out with Nick is that Nick wanted her to respect herself while she insisted on going another way.
I don’t know the whole story on exactly what happened to Daisy, so can you guys answer some questions.
Where was she when the coyote took Daisy? I think she said “We” saw the coyote take Daisy. So, did they chase after the coyote? Why wasn’t Daisy on a leash? (#1 way to make sure your dog is safe).
I personally would have chased that coyote until I passed out. I always have my little dog on a leash unless he is in a fenced in yard and I’m still outside with him.
Does she really need public approval on how to mourn the loss of something so personal? I agree people are cruel, but IT DOESN’T MATTER when it comes to something like this… she’s giving people more power than they deserve… If I had a tragic loss of this magnitude, I would just assume people who were being assholes, where just that… assholes… you don’t need the public’s instructions on how you are allowed to grieve jessica :/
She gives us so much power because to simply go off and mourn on her own would mean taking responsibility for her life, something she has certainly avoided.
If she were to dismiss us, she would have to think for herself, she has not shown signs of being able to do that.
I do feel bad about her dog. I know how she feels. I have a kitty and she is like my child.
Dead serious, though, if a coyote grabbed my cat, I would’ve thrown myself in between them!
why did you write it like that:
Jessica Simpson asks us to “respect” her dead dog’s memory
if she would ask to respect her dead child’s memory…nobody would write it like that…but it’s just a dog for you, huh? shame on you! humans put theirselves always above animals or nature.
She never called her a dog, you dolt.