Courteney Cox sold her mansion because it was haunted

Courteney Cox appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! To promote her new series, Shining Vale. Most of the pics in the post are from the premiere. The dog above is one of the stars. I have high hopes for Shining Vale. It’s a horror comedy series with a great cast about a writer (Courteney) trying to get her mojo back who ends up in a haunted house. The ghost is Mira Sorvino, who looks like she’s eating this role up. Since the series deals with a haunted house, Jimmy asked Courteney where she stood with ghosts and hauntings. She said she didn’t used to believe in them until she lived in her own haunted house. Apparently the home, which had been lived in by both Gypsy Rose Lee and Carole King, was known to have ghosts, but the stories didn’t sway Courteney until a UPS driver saw one standing behind her.

Courteney Cox stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! Monday night to promote her new show, Shining Vale, a horror comedy series about a dysfunctional family that moves to a small town and into a house haunted by demons.

Cox recently stated in an interview that she relates to her character in more ways than one, when it comes to “going through a midlife crisis” and menopause. However, on Monday, Cox revealed to Kimmel that having a ghost encounter is another similarity.

“I didn’t believe at first,” admitted Cox. “But I lived in this house in Laurel Canyon, which is in L.A., obviously, and it was Gypsy Rose Lee’s house and Carole King.

“So Carole King came over to my house and she said that there had been a divorce, that was really ugly, and there was a ghost in the house. And I was, like, ‘Yeah, whatever.’ But other people who would stay there with me, like friends of mine, said they felt an encounter with a woman who was sitting on the edge of the bed. And I was, like, ‘Yeah, whatever.'” Cox also shared that she and King did a séance, but she was so in awe of King that she “didn’t listen to a word.” Whether or not that séance worked is questionable, since Cox then revealed the spine-chilling moment when she discovered she was not alone in her home.

“I was at the house one day not being a believer. The doorbell rang. It was a UPS guy, or something, and I opened the door and he said, ‘Do you know this house is haunted?’ And I go, ‘Yeah, why? Why do you think that?’ And he goes, ‘Because there is someone standing behind you.’ And I was like, ‘Let’s sell,'” Cox recounted, as Kimmel’s audience gasped.

As for Kimmel, he responded, “What a terrible, terrible UPS guy. Why would you say that to somebody?”

[From Yahoo!]

Courteney told Jimmy she was never able to sleep in the house after the UPS guy saw the ghost. Jimmy asked if that’s why she sold it and she said, “probably.” Sleep deprivation would get me to do just about anything. I would love to hear the full story on this, not the two-minute, talk show couch version. Did Courteney get a sense there was someone there or did she see someone? How did the UPS guy convince her if a full-on séance hadn’t done so? Although, of the places in LA I would expect ghosts to hang out, Laurel Canyon is in the top three. As soon as she said that’s where the house was, I was convinced.

As Kaiser mentioned in her last post on Courteney, she’s launched a cleaning product line called Homecourt. If you’ve ever watched her IG videos you know that Courteney is a proud neat-freak. This is such a good fit for her. The line is vegan, cruelty-free and the packaging is sustainable, but OMG is it so far beyond my budget. It’s too bad though, because the scents sound amazing. Maybe that’s why Courteney has ghosts, her house always looks and smells so good, they don’t want to leave.

Here’s the trailer for Shining Vale. It premieres this Sunday on Starz:

Photo credit: InStar Images and YouTube

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19 Responses to “Courteney Cox sold her mansion because it was haunted”

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  1. Laalaa says:

    I didn’t believe in ghosts until a cousin who nevet met me in person contacted me last May and said he dreamt about my dad, who he never met in person because my dad passed away when I was little.
    And my cousin says to me my dad told him in the dream to help him – and to make me see that he is with me.
    Let’s just say I finally understood why I had been an insomniac for 33 years, I always felt a presence. He was my ghost, and we said goodbye a week after my cousin told me this, and from then on, my dad is no longer my ghost.
    My dad commited suicide when I was 8. So… I never believed in ghosts. But now I know what I know, and I checked if I was going crazy, don’t worry.
    Stopped being an insomniac, too. 😀

    • Chergui says:

      I love hearing people’s experiences like that. Many people don’t believe until they have their own experience. Sometimes even when you do, you don’t trust it’s real.

      I’d had odd experiences since childhood but tended to dismiss them as my imagination or convince myself it didn’t really happen, since most people wouldn’t believe it anyway.

      Then four years ago, one night as I was going to bed, I hear my grandmothers voice loud and clear, but in my mind. She told me she was gone, to take care of my boys and then teased me about a photo we’d been talking about.

      I thought I was just over worrying. I’d spoken to her on the phone only about an hour before. She was fine. Part of me wanted to call her to check but I thought I’d annoy her by waking her up.

      The next day, I still couldn’t bring myself to pick up the phone and call her. I knew my mother was going to see her. It sounds selfish of me now that I think about it because part of me knew I was going to get a call from my mother to tell me my grandmother was dead and I was just waiting for it. Sure enough I got that call. She was found collapsed on the floor in her bedroom and the coroner confirmed she had died the previous evening.

      That sealed it for me. Still people didn’t believe me but I couldn’t deny what had happened.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      I was holding my first born (she was about two at the time), and she pointed to an area in the eat-in kitchen by the windows and said, “Mama there are two angels, look.” I, of course, saw nothing. It did give me a chill because my beloved grandfather had died recently, and I thought it must be my grandmother (who predeceased my grandfather) and grandfather visiting us, and meeting their grandbaby. I will never, ever forget that. First born is 24 now.
      The funny thing is that that happened in the second house we moved to, in a different state from where my grandparents lived all their lives. They had come to see us. So I guess not tethered to one location, but rather to people, maybe?

    • Anners says:

      I wasn’t sure where I stood on ghosts, but I vividly remember living in an apartment in Argentina that was haunted by an angry woman. That’s all I know. She used to stand in my bedroom and seethe. Never saw her, just felt her. Freaked me right the eff out. Was quite happy to leave that place. None of my other (many) apartments in Argentina were haunted. Just sayin’. Made me a believer.

  2. Lala11_7 says:

    My childhood home…where my Mama still lives have ghosts…We moved in it in 1972…by 1973…we had gotten acclimated with the Spirits and we were ALL cool with it…the Spirits ONLY acted out when there was someone in the house that they didn’t like…which is why my Aunt & older brother didn’t come by much…but in hindsight…that was cool too😝

  3. Escargot says:

    Oh I’ll definitely be coming back to this comments section later to see all the ghost stories people will share. All my life I have loved personal ghost stories!

    The story from Courtney doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but these things can be hard to tell and hard to understand.

    I’ve had a few experiences, but the most mundane one was the most freaky for me. Something moved my phone across the room and left it in the middle of the floor while I was in the bathroom. No one else was in the home. It was a vacation rental beach house, and it had an eerie feeling to begin with. When I came out of the bathroom and saw my phone just laying in the middle of the floor I was so scared. It seems like such a little thing and yet it completely freaked me out to know something had done that and left it in such a way that I was sure to be aware that I was not alone in the house.

  4. Harla says:

    Pretty much every house I’ve lived in has had a ghost or two but my childhood home was the most haunted and the most frightening. I’m home alone a lot of the time, hubby works far away from home, so the additional presences in the house keep me company 😊

  5. theotherViv says:

    That is the coolest UPS driver ever, I would have asked for his number.

  6. Sasha says:

    It doesn’t sound like it was a menacing ghost at all.

  7. Kate says:

    *pours more coffee, wraps blanket around shoulders while reading everyone’s ghost encounters*

  8. jferber says:

    I love the little dog she’s carrying. Looks like an old friend. If the house was haunted, so be it. She had to move.

  9. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    I grew up in a haunted house and just accepted that it was a normal part of my life. Daddy and Mama never made a fuss over it, so neither did my brother and i. It just WAS.
    I have many many memories but 2 really stand out to this day. I would be happy to share if anyone is interested and I could use the space to tell the tales
    Our current home is *sob* not haunted, not even a teeny bit, and I feel like I’m living in an alien space. MerlinsDad doesn’t mind tho.

    • Anners says:

      Yes please! I would like to hear Ghost stories

    • SomeChick says:

      do tell! I always love it when posts about ghosts show up, because the comments always have such fascinating stories.

      I’ve had numerous experiences of visitors from beyond the grave coming to me, but never a random ghost. I take that back. I had a job working in a Halloween haunted attraction, and the location (a decommissioned battleship) was definitely haunted. some places you could really feel it. guests even commented on it! one woman walked into the room where I was hiding, waiting to jump out (the old bunk room) and immediately said to her friends, this part is definitely actually haunted. most of the ghosts didn’t seem to mind us, but there were areas where it was made clear we were not welcome.

      I was telling this story to some ghost hunters and one of them said was incredibly rude to go there and disturb them. I was thinking, but it’s ok for you folks to do it?! should have said that but didn’t.

  10. Luna17 says:

    A haunted Laurel Canyon home is my dream home! I’m a big believer in ghosts and all the whoo stuff. I’ve never lived anywhere haunted though. I love reading the stories on these threads.

  11. Milkweed says:

    I believe her! My friend has the best ghost story. She was staying at her dad and stepmom’s house in the country. She woke up in the night to an old woman sitting on the edge of her bed staring at her. My friend couldn’t figure out who she was and fell back asleep, telling herself she was dreaming. The following day a man drove up the driveway and knocked on their door. He said he grew up in the house and it was the anniversary of his mother’s death and he was wondering if he could place some flowers for her at the base of the big tree she loved.

  12. North of Boston says:

    It wasn’t a ghost thing, but some thing:

    I was at a cook out with friends and a few of us were playing croquet. A friend took a good slug at a ball, it flew across the yard. Just then one of the kids, about 3, ran across the lawn towards her dad who was directly across from me. Both he and I did that lunging thing towards her even though there was no way we’d get to her before the ball did … it was coming straight towards her at speed. When it got about a foot away from her it stopped- a complete stop – in 2-3 feet in mid-air, and dropped straight down to the ground. There was nothing visible to stop it, it didn’t bounce off anything and she had no idea. Her dad and I just looked at each other like “did you see that? Did that just happen?”

    There are things out there we have no idea about, can’t explain… and sometimes get glimpses.

  13. Deering24 says:

    Oh, man, I was just reading about this place last week in one of the Haunted LA blogs. It’s got quite the history…