“Watch out, a new latex-clad Khloe Kardashian variant just dropped” links

Khloe Kardashian wore latex for the ‘gram. [Egotastic]
Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks it was fine to attend a white nationalist conference. [Jezebel]
Wheel of Fortune’s “Another feather in your cap” led to a debacle. [Dlisted]
Pamela Anderson teams with Netflix to tell her “true story.” [JustJared]
Oh, Chameleon: Wild Boys sounds like a good podcast. [Pajiba]
Rihanna is having a good time in Paris. [GFY]
Here are some of the most cheeseball dad jokes. [Buzzfeed]
Controversial opinion: Beetlejuice doesn’t need a sequel. [LaineyGossip]
LGBTQ Ukrainians are fighting for their country too. [Towleroad]
Dolly Parton teams up with 1-800-Flowers. [Seriously OMG]
Anya Taylor Joy went to the Dior show. [Tom & Lorenzo]

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56 Responses to ““Watch out, a new latex-clad Khloe Kardashian variant just dropped” links”

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  1. Kate says:

    That Wheel of Fortune moment was….truly something. Both in how unlucky people got spinning and in how off mark the guesses were.

    • FHMom says:

      It was incredible. I went right to Twitter afterward to see if anyone had watched it. My husband and I were laughing so hard.

      • InVain says:

        I was screaming at the TV… I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing. Feather in your hat, lap, map…. I thought it would never end.

  2. bros says:

    gross. looks like a blood sausage casing.

    also irritates me to no end: you can’t have an ass that big with quads that small. trust. all us girls out there building our booties at the gym, you build the quads at the same time, inevitably, if you are not just asking your doctor to stuff your sausage casing so that you can pose next to a sh$tty old car with your 4th face and some broke down hair for some reason.

    • ME says:

      It actually seems like her a$$ is a lot smaller than it once was…same with Kim. I guess they think out-of-proportion big butts are out of style now.

    • Erin says:

      Yes, what’s with her always doing these photo shoots in/next to cars? That last photo is especially hilarious, hanging on to dirty undercarriage to give looks lol. So bizarre.

    • Wiglet Watcher says:

      Shockingly, she still has her nearly original face. Idk what she does, but she got upset when an unedited bikini pic got leaked a few weeks ago. She looked like her old self, but with a different body shape. The face was not what she edits it to be.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        It’s sad that she needs to edit her face to be something the surgeries didn’t make her happy with. Last night, watching tv, a commercial came on. I’m thinking that looks like Khloe Kardashian except not the Khloe seen in her photoshopped photos. It was her. Sadly, the sausage casing dressing from an earlier post is spot on. There is a noticeable or nosetable difference from the site’s photo and how she looks in the video too.


        That Wheel of Fortune bit had me in pain and loling at the contestants.

        Ah Rihanna, I admire your DGAF attitude and embracing your pregnant body.

  3. Kitten says:

    These women make me sad TBH.

    • Monette says:

      Same, kitten, same 🙁

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Yes, it’s sad. ☹️

        And it looks like, to me IMO, that Khloe need therapy. Khloe could have any man on the planet but Mama Katra$hian and Tristan the TrashMan of a them all, really messed with her head.

        Khloe needs to get away from her mother and cut ties with Tristan and maintain custody through an intermediary.

    • Tiffany:) says:

      Same. Sad for them, sad for the world that consumes what they put out.

  4. bettyrose says:

    That egotastic article is gross. The family’s biggest accomplishment is turning Khloe into a good looking woman? I know the Kardashians put themselves out there for that sexist drivel, so I don’t even hate this for them. I hate it for the rest of us .

    • Zadie says:

      What a disgusting comment.
      I was never a consistent viewer of the Kardashian show but in the early years I caught a few episodes & I remember thinking Khloe was very pretty. There was something about her smile back then, perhaps the genuine emotion behind it, that was naturally beautiful.
      Now I just feel sad when I look at her.
      And her sisters.

    • VoominVava says:

      This! We need to start holding these so-called journalists accountable. Gossip blogs and mags too. They are all about what women are flaunting .. I am so sick of reading about Blake Lively’s pins or Salma Hayek’s cleavage. These women offer way more than that, but the headlines / articles don’t focus on it. If we don’t consume it, they will have to stop printing it… right? 🙁 sigh.

    • Sue says:

      Khloe was really cute before she messed with her face.

  5. jferber says:

    She’s hiding her hands in all pics.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Ooooooooh, well spotted, jferber! These women, honestly… Aart from the oldest daughter (who I’m sure has had many a=enhancement to her face/body), none of them look like their original selves – especially Khloe and’s birthday Kylie. Why? From what I’ve been told by fans, people were following and keeping up with them long before all this New Face/s etc started.
      And now, this one has made herself into a “model” Ike her younger sister…? What next? Because you can bet there’ll be more…

  6. ME says:

    The Kardashians can never quench their thirst can they?

    Also, I wonder about Rihanna. She’s pregnant, maskless, and travelling. Is this a good idea?

    • VoominVava says:

      I wondered the same thing about Rihanna .. I’m still stuck in my house 2 years later, with my 10 year old autistic son who I am just trying to get through each day with. He is an extreme flight risk and if he were to have to be hospitalized for covid it would be so traumatizing for him. So I am holed up STILL. We are still trying to figure out how to vaccinate him because of the trauma and fear .. it has only gotten worse with us being so isolated. He hasn’t seen his grandparents in over a year too.. But the world is moving on. I just have to watch, which I guess I’m used to because it isn’t much different than being an autism mom in a normal world.
      I apologize if that sounded pathetic, but it is getting harder to keep it all together, especially with the climate of the world around us.

      • Ocho says:

        Hugs to you Voominvava and to your son. That sounds hard. X

      • Dot says:

        Vava – I just wanted to say that I can’t imagine what it’s like for you – just parenting at all during this has been hard. Your son is so lucky to have you looking out for him.

      • MEEP says:

        @ VoominVava – So I’m a fainter with needles which means I need to lie down when I get a shot. I’ve had several bad experiences with getting other vaccines, mainly people not believing me about being a fainter (why would I make it up?) so I was worried about where I was going to get my COVID shots. Any way when I called in to book my first shot and explained my situation they recommended a “low stimulus immunization clinic” that specializes in giving shots to people who have issues with needles and people with autism get recommended to that clinic. I have no idea if they have anything like that where you are (I’m Canadian) but it might be worth asking your public health dept about? It was a great experience for me, the nurses were clearly trained in how to handle patients who have issues with needles.

      • Emma says:

        VoominVava — all the love to you and your family, that sounds very rough.

        Meep— thank you for sharing that. I would love a clinic like that. I have had an extreme phobia of needles since my childhood. Ironically for my work I am in or around COVID clinics a lot and the nurses and doctors here are awesome.

      • FHMom says:

        Are there any sensory friendly places vaccinating? What about places with therapy dogs? My town did the therapy dogs for children and there were some hospitals that had special rooms for people needing extra care.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ VoominVava, hugs to you for being acutely aware about how traumatizing the thought of a shot for your son would be, plus the added trauma of a potentially hospitalization would be. You are a true warrior mother for him! Though I am sad that he hasn’t been able to see his grandparents.

        To all of the mothers out there that have been battling the coronavirus for the last two years, you are ALL super heroes!! I could not imagine if I had to work AND school my children as well!!

        I too am fearful of the coronavirus, as my body would never be able to fight off an infection, though I am vaxxed and boosted as well. I live in MAGAT country, Texas, and these idiots scare the bejeezus out of me! I refuse NOT to go out double masked, I don’t care what the HC system is reporting. We still have people dying in Brazos country from NOT being vaccinated! I am sticking to dentist and chronic pain care only, and the dentist visits scare me as my mouth is wide open!! Though, to give them credit, they have posted that masks are required but I don’t know if his staff is vaccinated, given the Repugnant’s in our state legislature. Abbott the Buffoon and Patrick who Pickpockets!!

      • Mustlovedogs says:

        @Voomviva I am sending you the biggest virtual hug ever. Mum here of a child (young man now) with autism who has had to be hospitalised for an extended period. I wish you could come and sit with me right now in my warm kitchen. I’d make you a tea (or something stronger) and you wouldn’t even have to say a word. Because I would understand. Remember this- you are an incredible mother. You are the best. Love to you and your son.

      • VoominVava says:

        Oh my Goodness, I just came back to this post and am in tears. Thank you to everyone for the love and support, you have no idea what it means.
        I am in Canada and I am working on getting a drive in vaccination where they will come to the car. I’m so nervous about it but we have to do it.

        Thanks again hugs xx

    • Tiffany:) says:

      For her sake, I hope she stays safe. COVID does horrific and tragic things to pregnant women.

    • ME says:

      @ VoominVava

      I wish you all the strength. You don’t sound pathetic at all…you sound like an amazing mom !

  7. beepboop says:

    Please don’t link Jezebel, their writers are on strike. Clicking is crossing picket lines.

    • Chanteloup says:


    • BothSidesNow says:

      I didn’t realize that as I did read the article.

      But as for Greene, she is a liar and a White Nationalist!! Actions speak louder than words!!! She’s lying through her teeth that she didn’t know him, she has picked up Drumpfs handbook on how to lie and sound and credible!

      As for her comments about Biden, she is unhinged as a looney tune! How the hell she made it into Congress is baffling to me!!!

    • SomeChick says:

      thank you for pointing this out! I will not be crossing that picket line. <3

  8. girl_ninja says:

    She’s just so thirsty and dripping in insecurity and desperation. The K Klan are a sad, sad lot.

  9. JC says:

    The only positive thing I can say is that I LOVE HER HAIR LIKE THIS!

    • SAS says:

      Agreed, this is a beautiful weave.

      Nice job on coming up with something positive!

      • JC says:

        Haha! I legit thought it was her actual hair!!!! I was like yesssssssss but either way, it looks great so :::slow clap in that dept::::::

  10. TheRickestRick says:

    I decided to listen to the new Chameleon podcast, Wild Boys, on my way to work the other week, imagine my surprise when they start describing familiar things and it turns out it takes place in my little city! Blew my mind ot be honest! It’s a pretty fascinating story, especially as they do a “where are they now” couple of segments at the end

  11. Trish says:

    A new Khloe variant, lol. I have to laugh.

  12. Kaye says:

    “new Khloe Kardashian variant” is the funniest thing I’ve read all week.

  13. bettyrose says:

    As we’re eyeing actresses to play Madonna, something that will happen many more times over the years, I suspect, as Gen X nostalgia ramps into ticket sales, I would never have thought of Evan Rachel Wood. I can see how it works, but she’s sooo much taller than Madonna. Who knows, maybe it’ll work so well that won’t even be an issue. Not everyone is as attuned to the height of female celebs as I am. It’s a short thing.

  14. BendyWindy says:

    Look, I have breast implants. I’m planning to have a nose job in the next two years. You do you, Boo, as far as cosmetic procedures go, but what the H E double hockey sticks is this Kardashian mess?

    Either after all these years, Khloé is a bad model with only one look (and Blue Steel it is not), or her face is no longer capable of moving. Either way, these shots ain’t it.

  15. equality says:

    All I can think is how do you get into and out of that thing? How many people have to help you dress and undress?

    • SomeChick says:

      I can answer that! latex isn’t that hard to get into and out of, because it is extremely stretchy. you have to kind of roll it on and off (and it’s easiest to remove in the shower). the top looks like it has a back zip.

      my quibble is that they didn’t thoroughly polish the top. you can totally see powder along all the seams! latex is stored with powder (such as corn starch or unscented talc) and then when you put it on, you polish it with bumper guard or something similar, to remove the last of the powder and shine it up. very sloppy to see the residue along those seams. also, fit issues in the cups. I’m surprised this isn’t custom work (or if it is, that the fit is not better).

      come on, gurl, this is for work and you have a budget, and help! her hair does look good tho.

  16. Sushiroll says:

    Khloe is beginning to enter Jocelyn Wildernstein territory. I feel bad for her. If she stops now she may still be okay looking in the future. But she’s starting to get dangerously close to that one surgery that leaves her permanently deformed. She really desperately needs to stop.

  17. Dwntwnjules says:

    She looks amazing. I’m happy for her.

  18. YaGotMek says:

    Time isn’t going to be a friend . Kim has already had about half of her ass removed but the pain and suffering is going to be sad. You can’t do that to a body and expect it to age well.

  19. Zoochy says:

    Khloe tries so hard to project confidence, but it just doesn’t work. It looks like she made up her face to look just like Kim and Kylie.

  20. Christine says:

    Please, no, on Beetlejuice 2. That movie is a perfect encapsulation of the 80s, there is no way to do it justice now. Yes, the original cast (mains, anyway) is still alive, but can you imagine Beetlejuice with the internet? Or cell phones? Its beauty is they were all trapped in that house, with no where to go. They couldn’t Google a ghostbuster, or whatever.

    I love Beetlejuice so, so much.

  21. Patricia says:

    How do the Kardashians explain to their children why they don’t look like mommy? Do they plan on plastic surgery for the kids? They’re sending the kids straight into body dysmorphia!!!

  22. Silver Birch says:

    Why is she squatting in front of a Toyota?

  23. Dillesca says:

    Throwing in my endorsement of Wild Boys. It’s a pretty good podcast.

  24. JWOOLMAN says:

    My first thought was “Hope she doesn’t develop a latex allergy.” She might be allergy prone, she apparently overdid coconut oil big time and ended up with a coconut allergy.

    That’s all I got.