Ricky Schroder threw a tantrum about mask mandates at the Dwight Eisenhower presidential museum?? Ricky lost his sh-t on a security guard. [Dlisted]
The Louis Vuitton show attendees didn’t actually look awful? That being said, the LV shoes were a complete mess. [LaineyGossip]
The new poster for Jordan Peele’s Nope is upsetting! [OMG Blog]
Kristen Stewart’s fiancee Dylan Meyer was Kristen’s date at the Oscar nominees luncheon yesterday. They’re so cute. [JustJared]
I’m not upset about Ukrainian war memes, mostly because I think people are confused about what constitutes political propaganda. [Pajiba]
I don’t really understand Charlie XCX’s outfit here. [GFY]
Kanye West shared a poem about divorce. [Buzzfeed]
The US might act alone to ban Russian oil imports. [Towleroad]
I have never seen a Schiaparelli piece and thought “wow, that’s stunning and I would love to own that.” This collection is a mess. [Tom & Lorenzo]
RHOSLC’s Mary Cosby did what to whom? [Starcasm]
Andrew Cuomo says he’s the victim of cancel culture. Sigh… [Jezebel]
While traveling with the freedom convoy, maskless Ricky Schroder was denied entry into the Dwight D. Eisenhower museum and called the security guard a “Nazi” for enforcing “evil federal government” mask rules. pic.twitter.com/XTcqwEfijQ
— PatriotTakes
(@patriottakes) March 6, 2022
I hate anti-mask and anti-vaxx a$$holes with a passion. So selfish. Who do you think you are? You think this virus can’t destroy your “Freedumb” loving a$$? You are not special. I don’t care what horse pills or vitamins you take, you are human like the rest of us !
Same. I was actually looking for a new ophthalmologist last night and I found one that had all good reviews except for one and that one was from a grow man who threw a fit about being asked to wear a mask in the office. The review was from two weeks ago too and our mandate was lifted before that. So guess where I will be making my new patient appt.?
At this point, it doesn’t seem much different than no-shirt, no-shoes, no-service. And you really can’t blame someone who is all up in your business like an eye doctor for wanting people to wear masks.
Exactly, Covid DGAF who you are. I treated it with all due respect and did the things I was supposed to do and still got it 4 weeks ago. And maybe I was smug about not having an awful case (2 days were terrible, the rest were not pleasant but not awful) because now, 4 weeks later the coughing so much I can’t breathe has started to kick in and NOW I am miserable.
He’s so desperate for attention and what’s with the fake southern accent?
hes awfully young to be looking like David letterman and to sound like a 3rd grade drop out who grew up on a polygamist compound
I love how he says im Ricky schoeder like anyone is gonna care
I’m the age of girls that swooned over him, but he was never my type.
Oh, he absolutely came up with that “Dwight D. Eisenhower, the man who defeated the Nazis, and you’ve become one,” line ahead of time and went there to film that vainglorious and self-righteous little mess just to be able to spit it out at some poor security guard or front desk clerk.
Side note: I love that security guard. You can just tell he is so sick of idiots he could scream, but he just kept his cool even when Schroder insulted him multiple times.
Pretty sure Ike would not have approved of Ricky’s behavior.
I’ve been saying since the start of all these anti-maskers fit videos, they love it. They love every single part of walking in somewhere knowing they’re going to be asked to put a mask on. That’s why so many of them pull out their “laws” from “their own research” on the spot and begin their tirades loud enough for everyone to hear. They’re so proud of themselves and they love every single second of it.
Why was he so out of breath? He is looking so rough for being only 51 years old.
He is a drunk
What is “Nope” about? Aliens? I just hope I can wait for it to come to streaming without major spoilers. I like to watch a Jordan Peele movie with as little information as possible, but no to the point I’m going to a theater.
I watched the trailer for it like 5 times and I still have no idea lol.
I saw the trailer during the Super Bowl and was very confused. No idea what the movie is about. I don’t like scary movies so I probably won’t be watching.
I’m guessing alien horror movie too. I’m not keen on horror movies and mainly avoid them because of the gore factor not out of fear. BUT movies about aliens doing horrible things to humans scare the crap out of me — anything with aliens or interdimensional travel where you end up in another dimension with no way of getting back home. Heck to this day Alien and Aliens still gross me out and scare me at the same time.
I love horror, and especially the Jordan Peele variety, not just because his movies always have a strong social message (although that too) but because they’re generally not gory or slashery. Candyman was, but that’s the franchise. They’re the best kind of psychological horror. I think he did a brilliant job with Candyman, but it’s definitely not for non horror fans. I would recommend Us to anyone, though. It’s creepy AF but no gore and you have to watch it multiple times to catch every detail.
He’s a right wing crank. From Rittenhouse to this. Didn’t he get arrested for domestic violence? On Twitter, Jason Bateman trended because he’s the anti-Schroder in talent and success.
I remember when Ricky had a resurgence in his career after joining the NYPD Blue cast. He was so good in that role and then he moved on to play some doctor on a Lifetime show.
I think he was always “conservative” but then his life went off the rails after his wife left him after 24 years of marriage. She says he was abusive. He’s such a horrible mess and has aged so significantly I wonder if he may be ill.
I suspect just incredibly entitled. Cowards who justify their selfiness under the guise of being a “Christian” are always the ones who also justify atrocities in the name of God. I believe the ex. And the incredible anger, entitlement and pettyness is probably killing him from the inside. At some point, the vile destroys the body.
Ricky is such a loser. He needs help with his anger issues.
Aside.. if you’re going to donate to anyone, please consider donating directly to your candidate of choice. There are lots of people now claiming they’re going to get Democrats elected if you donate to them, but time after time, we find out they’re not actually giving money for to the candidates or even putting ads on for any length of time.
Midterms, baby!
Ricky is a piece of sh!t.
He needs to trim those nose hairs. yikes. Filming up close and putting those messy nostrils on display for the whole world to see. He’s never heard of nose clippers and a beard grooming kit? That mess just screams crazy fart in the house.
Then pulling the “don’t you know who I am” card. No Ricky, he doesn’t know who you are. The Ricky Schroeder he probably remembers was a cute little blond kid, not a crazy looking nut bag.
If he were wearing a mask, we wouldn’t be able to see his gross nose hairs. We all need him to wear a mask!
Ricky Schroder stunting for idiots again. He knew there was a mask mandate (regardless of vaccination status) at the museum before he went there. He had no intention of touring the museum. The mandate and only being able to buy tickets online announcement is front and center on their homepage. A$$hat.
He’s trying to be relevant again. Still a child.
One of my husbands closest friends and golf buddy was the security guard. He was doing his job and is such a nice guy; he didn’t deserve that bs. Schroeder is a washed up brat.
Awww. I’m so sorry he had to endure that abuse. I hope he’s OK. Schroeder is a complete asshole. He shouldn’t be getting away with that verbal assault and total lack of respect for people just doing their jobs. I’m praying karma will bite him in the azz.
@GreenEyes, waves hand, I’m an Abilene, KS resident. Ricky could have walked around town, gone into ANY store and not worried about wearing a mask (no one here does). Yet, he DELIBERATELY goes into the Eisenhower Museum and Library to start trouble. It’s a federal museum, so it falls under their rules.
He KNEW what he was doing. Ricky is a little troll. Your husband’s friend is a rock star.
please pass along that everyone here thinks Ricky is an idiot!
Leave the security guard alone.
What a tool bag. That poor security guard.
The anti-mask movement pisses me off because it’s the very least anyone can do regarding this virus. People are really out there throwing little baby fits because of a piece of cloth.
I like the LV shoes.
Ricky’s Instagram is off the effing rails… the far right has his firmly in their grasp.
I thought he refused to go by Ricky any longer. Sure pulled that name out quick enough for his “do you know who I am?” moment.
Thank you Kaiser. (Re: Nope movie poster). I hate to see animals harmed or Potentially harmed. Even if it’s “pretend”. Not cool.
Same! Very much same!
Ricky needs to marry Candace Cameron and call it a day. Cameron can be his bro in law. These 80’s kids never had a chance. Big drugs and no parental supervision like the Coreys or evangelical crap
Holy shit! Who knew the Silver Spoons kid grew up to be a stupid, entitled white supremacist? Coulda knocked me over with a feather.
Dayum, when he turned that selfie cam on he looked so rough! I would never have recognized him, looks like he is in his sixties and so unkempt.
Ricky also posted bail for Kyle Rittenhouse and posed for some happy photos with him. Never forget. Total piece of shit.
Seriously, the entitlement of someone who is a theatrical performer? I know 100 thousand people who have offered more service to humanity than this jerk. I cant wait for the day when someone will say, “Don’t you know who I am?!, I taught children the alphabet and numbers for four decades.” and, we roll out the red carpet for that person, not this idiot. He was on television. Yay for you.
He sucks. He also bailed out the Rittenhouse murderer. Such asinine shenanigans.
What is with has-beens from 1980s sitcoms turning into far right loonies? Ricky Schroeder, Kristie Alley, Kirk Cameron, Scott Baio…
I never saw this guy as a child actor, though I knew his name. The first time I saw him was as Newt in “Lonesome Dove” and he was so impressive, gave a really moving performance. He was a young teen then.
What a disappointment, ugh. That guard was the soul of patience. I almost lost it when he said “You don’t know God!” to the guy. Maybe the guard is religious, maybe not. Maybe he’s an atheist, but that’s not the point. Who does Schroder think he is?! You don’t “know” God either, you washed-up git!
Maybe he never heard the phrase “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” It’s not an exact analogy, but I think the gist of it is you can follow the rules of your society and of your faith at the same time. Plenty of people manage it just fine. Not that I think this is really about religion for Schroder. He’s just a troll.
I suppose he got miffed when the security officer did not appear to be impressed when he mentioned that he was Ricky Schroeder. Like, who really gives a rat’s ass about some washed up, 80s child star? I mean, really! Mind you, Ricky Schroeder and his ilk rail against the so-called “woke” Hollywood celebs. It really must have stung Rick’s ego when the officer still got blocked him from entering the Eisenhower Museum despite his albeit, washed up celebrity status.
Ricky has been a jackass for years. He was in front of me with his family at a grocery store once and was a complete ass to the cashier. I can’t explain it, sulky for simultaneously being recognized and not being recognized. It was odd.
I hated that show as a kid. I also didn’t like The Facts of Life.
I love that, whenever Ricky Schroeder makes news for doing something stupid, Jason Bateman trends on Twitter for being better looking and more successful.
Thank you, small town Kansas security guard. Respect to you.
Ricky was born in Brooklyn but raised in Staten Island. SI is Republican a$$holery heaven. I expect nothing less.
I don’t know if SI changed or I just left the cult when I married my Jersey boy and can see more clearly what always was. It’s a shame, but I’m not shocked.