I think everything started up between Kim Kardashian, Pete Davidson and Kanye West again this weekend when Kim finally went Instagram-Official with Pete. Soon after, Kanye was getting up bright and early to sh-tpost about DL Hughley, who was completely and totally accurate when he called out Kanye for stalking Kim. DL didn’t take it – he responded in a series of tweets, and Kanye deleted all of his sh-tposts attacking DL.
In addition to the DL stuff – which was just a warm-up – Kanye then posted a bunch of sh-t about how Kim was “antagonizing” him by continuing to allow North to be on TikTok. Ye was posting a bunch of sh-t bright and early, so that’s when Pete decided to get proactive with the situation. Pete texted Kanye and Pete did not miss. At all.
I AM DECEASED pic.twitter.com/SLPPRD7jZC
— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) March 13, 2022
Some highlights of this exchange: Kanye clutching his pearls over Pete’s curse words, Pete identifying himself as “Skete” (which is what Kanye has been calling him), and Pete backing Kim as a great mom. But the part every man was in their feelings about was when Ye asked Pete where he was and Pete responded: “In bed with your wife.” I’m starting to understand the whole BDE thing, you guys.
Pete Davidson wants Kanye West to “grow the f–k up.”
“Yo it’s Skete. Can you please take a second and calm down. It’s 8am and it don’t gotta be like this,” the comedian texted West in screenshots shared by “Saturday Night Live” guest writer Dave Sirus on Sunday. “Kim is literally the best mother I’ve ever met. What she does for those kids is amazing and you are so f–king lucky that she’s your kids mom. I’ve decided im not gonna let you treat us this way anymore and I’m done being quiet. Grow the f**k up.”
According to the screenshots – which Page Six can confirm are real – West then asked, “Oh you using profanity now. Where are you right now?” Davidson clapped back with a selfie of himself shirtless under the covers, adding, “In bed with your wife.”
West, 44, and Davidson, 28, continued to go at it during their text conversation, with “The King of Staten Island” star suggesting they meet up in person.
“I’m in LA for the day if you wanna stop being a little internet bitch boy and talk,” Davidson wrote. “You don’t scare me bro. Your actions are so p—y and embarrassing. It’s so sad to watch you ruin ur legacy on the daily.”
Davidson at one point changed his tune, however, insisting to West, “Let me help you man. I struggle with mental stuff too. It’s not an easy journey, you don’t have to feel this way anymore. There’s no shame in having a little help. You’ll be so happy and at peace. I have your back even though you treat me like sh-t because I want everything to be smooth. But if you continue to press me like you have for the past 6 months I’m gonna stop being so nice.”
I came out of this with a genuine appreciation for Pete? Like… go ahead, handle your business, Skete. Skete came at this like a man. Sure, there was some trash-talk, but Pete’s point about having Kanye’s back even though Ye has treated him like sh-t is dead right. Pete has stayed out of it publicly until now. Anyway, Team Skete.
Photos courtesy of Instagram, Backgrid.
- Manhattan, NY – Pete Davidson holds a box with his bobblehead doll while exiting Lure Sushi after hanging out with Machine Gun Kelly. Pictured: Pete Davidson BACKGRID USA 12 SEPTEMBER 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Pete Davidson seen arriving at NBC studios with a security. Pictured: Pete Davidson BACKGRID USA 9 DECEMBER 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Miami, FL – Kanye West arriving at the Four Seasons Hotel with his new fling Chaney Jones in Miami. Pictured: Kanye West BACKGRID USA 28 FEBRUARY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Florence Pugh on the red carpet for the EE British Academy Awards 2022 at Royal Albert Hall in Kensington, London, United Kingdom.,Image: 669436413, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Cat Morley / Avalon
Wow. Never has a reputation improved so greatly from a Kardashian association.
Pete is coming out perfectly. And so is Kim by way of his praise.
The way he stood up for her is hot. He didn’t back down to Kanye The Bully (note how Kanye has so little to say here…that’s how bullies work. They don’t have much to say when actually confronted). He owned his place in Kim’s life, defended her, and showed kindness to Kanye. That’s a man owning his power, to get all self help-y about it.
“He owned his place in Kim’s life, defended her, and showed kindness to Kanye.”
Pete is a good dude. all of these people who were like “what do all those hot women see in him?”…IT’S THIS. women like nice men. he’s sweet, he treats his GFs well, he makes them laugh and it’s clear from this text exchange that he’s fundamentally a good, kind person.
“ note how Kanye has so little to say here…that’s how bullies work.”
Yep! He literally had NOTHING to say to Pete aside from some performative pearl clutching. He also is too afraid to be 1:1 with Pete, clearly.
He is so pathetic it’s really pitiful.
I don’t see any winners here. No need to engage at all (and his engagement felt like Kris wrote it — what a coincidence that it coincides with their new show). The kids lose all the way around here.
There’s an argument to be made for not engaging, but there’s also something to be said for standing up for yourself against an abusive bully.
Pete has always been a sweet and funny guy. I never understood why so many people had a problem with him. He isn’t elevated because of Kim; he was already there. Kim is fortunate to have someone like him. I just hate to see him in this mess. I don’t know who released those text messages, but I hope it wasn’t the Kardashian Klan. He asked for privacy.
I see it was a friend of Pete’s. I don’t understand why they made it public.
I didn’t think “in bed with your wife” was so perfect. Yes, funny, but immature and triggering. As someone wrote on Twitter: “This exchange is like a 14 year old boy telling an 8 year old boy not to be childish.”
This was…very good. Also catching up on the BDE thing.
Wow! Pete is super impressive. I love how he has *everyone’s* back.
Have inexplicably found him really attractive ever since Ariana brought him to my attention and had no idea why, but this just ramps it up a few levels to be honest.
Welp. Kanye wanted that smoke and Pete Skete Davidson is all about that smoke.
Then this morning, The Kardashian’s full trailer dropped, shows Kim, Pete and Kanye and ends with Kris Jenner saying “don’t ever go against the family.” The devil works hard… but ole KJ works way harder!!
Excellent cross-promotion. Kanye is a tool, but he didn’t know what he was up against with Kris Jenner.
as much as I’m sure this felt good in the moment, Pete really should have kept his silence and let his lawyers do the talking – Kanye is a narc and *wants* a reaction and he’s going to get 100x worse now he knows he can provoke it
that said, it’s still BDE lol
True but I think Pete didn’t give him the reaction he wanted. Narcs want you to lose your cool. Pete did the opposite of that and kept offering to get him help, pitying him basically.
i think you’re right that this isn’t the reaction Kanye wants and i think that shows because he didn’t put these messages on blast
Agreed. He really should have just kept ignoring Kanye. I’m sure it felt cathartic but it’s just playing Kanye’s game and that’s not smart. Pete is only 28 though, so he doesn’t realize this yet maybe.
Also, PDE is now what I think of every time I see him. Pete Davidson Energy.
You’ve got a point, but Kanye seems like the type of narc who will keep going with the toxic behavior even after you go no-contact with him. Kim or Pete could be making some statement about a serious issue without even talking to him or about him, or hanging with somebody else, and he’ll come in with this kind of behavior. You can try going no direct and no indirect contact with a person like this man for a long time, and even look for ways to make yourself smaller so they move on, but they won’t stop it. Kanye also has a dangerous audience intentionally and applauding his misogyny, so he has less incentive to stop than a regular narc.
i completely agree that kanye will be toxic no matter what, and no one should make themselves smaller / walk on eggshells because it will upset him, and i also think there’s no point engaging with him whatsoever – like he is not worth the emotional effort
can’t help but enjoy pete trolling him from kim’s bed tho! lol
Also this may be more about Pete wanting to know he did what he could to help Kim and the kids.
Now he knows he did what he could, and can be clear headed about that.
interesting point, Colby! if this is a one-time deal it could also function effectively as a public statement about how pete feels about this situation
he makes really clear he’s not scared, kanye is out of line and needs help, but also pete is open to sort things out privately – and it will add a juicy extra layer to any future snl skits
It doesn’t matter if Pete responds or not. Kanye is so divorced from reality he is operating in his own world.
Eh, Pete is in a lose-lose situation. If he says nothing Kanye is just going to get empowered to keep going, interpreting his silence as some sort of tacit agreement. We know that because it is exactly what happened for several weeks.
If he says something Kanye gets the reaction, true, but it isn’t the reaction he wants and it isn’t from the person he wants. So who knows, worth a shot I think. Good for Pete.
Agreed. I was bullied in elementary school and had to learn to stand up for myself. If you show them fear they keep doing it because bullies prey on people they perceive to be weak. His silence could have been interpreted as fear by Kanye. With these texts he pretty much called Kanye’s bluff. However, Kanye seems to be spiraling with his mental illness, so there is actual danger here for Pete, whether from Ye or from his fans. But Kanye has been so out of pocket with his bullshit that he absolutely deserved to be called out. I’m just glad Kim has such good security and hope she and Pete both stay safe.
What worries me about the way this is playing out publicly is all the people who seem to be uncritically endorsing whatever Kanye says or does — it’s really normalizing this kind of ultra-controlling behavior. And not just trying to control his ex wife, but control EVERYTHING: “If you want to see me, come to Sunday Service.”
WHY make all this public? Such a terrible decision by Kanye in particular. It will scar those kids, and they’re the ones I feel most sorry for.
Yeah, I saw some Trumper named Matt Walsh who was saying that Kanye’s insanity was what men should do when their wife/gf wants to leave them. Super scary.
That guy is a raging idiot. However, Kanye has fans in the evangelical/conservative Christian community due to his Sunday Services. Despite the fact that Kanye made “Jesus Walks” ages ago, Christians assumed he wasn’t one of them. In reality, African-American culture is all tied up with Christianity so there’s a lot of dynamics going on there as relates to pop culture and America’s most racially segregated hour of the week (church), etc. Anyway, they’ve recently discovered that Kanye is a Christian, so they’re all about him now. And that kind of Christianity can get hardcore patriarchal, which means they’ll always side with men over women. You know, his “Biblical authority”/tyranny over the family, blahblahblah.
Matt Walsh is an unhinged, misogynistic, alt right, conspiracy theorist piece of garbage and has been since before trump but like so many others, because of trump and those horrific four + years, he has been emboldened and now speaks for a majority of republican “Christian” white men.
He’s making it public because he has the platform and he’s an abuser. He wants to publicly humiliate her. His narcissistic ego sees what it wants to see, so he doesn’t get how bad it makes him look to the judge.
This is about power, domination, and control. The red flags were there from the start, when he made her throw out all her clothes and controlled her wardrobe.
Gotta say, I *am* impressed with the level of maturity PD is extending. Whodathunkit?
Wow! Not one lie detected. Pete may be younger than Kim but she probably feels like he is 20 years more mature than her Ex. Well said and well put. Lordy if Pete ever turned SNL loose on him there would probably be and entire episode’s worth of jokes.
When the choices are: be cordial gentlemen or get into some gangsta sh**.
Yeah, Pete definitely has bde
Honestly, it’s long past time Pete Davidson pushed back at the bully. Bullies tend to back down when they get pushed back. And in the comments under that Tweet, someone suggested SNL skits and Taylor Swift as the musical guest. I, too, am deceased.
Taylor Swift lol that was a riot !
😒 Oh noes. Not Ye-ren trying out a dictim routine after the incel campaign of propaganda & terror he initiated with them. This is the same forty-fuck year old brat who has been pulling out almost every anti-SJW bullying trick in the book with them for months. He has put them, the kids, and other women and girls at risk in the process. But now that one of his targets is giving him backtalk, he wants to clutch his pearls about tone-related shit like profanity? Kanye is supposed to be free to punch down at all the times without “being antagonized” about the harmful impact of his behaviors? What an original take for someone pushing a conservative melief. Team Pete. It’s good that Pete stood up to him for a couple of reasons, one of them being his Status as a Perfect Victim. A good chunk of that Status comes from him not being the out-of-touch entitled asshole half of his relationship. But it would be disingenuous AF to pretend a good chunk of it doesn’t also come from his not being a female- especially not a female who has been deemed sexually immoral. That gives him extra right to not be abused, and to fight back when someone treats him this way.
All this.
[I meant this to format farther down the thread] “In bed with your wife/girlfriend” is a standard put down, it’s almost as common as references to f-king their mom. You can also say “but your girlfriend likes when I do that.” My house sees a lot of Hasan Piker streams because of my college age son and Hasan uses it all the time to shut people up. (Hasan is handsome enough to carry it out too) It’s the next generation of “your mama” jokes. When he asked where Pete was, it was like checking a comedian’s knee reflexes. I just wish this didn’t step on the bad PR cycle Kim was having over “people just don’t want to work these days.”
@Truth, not you coming in and breaking down the origin and the intention behind “in bed with your wife” 😂😂 I loved it. I saw these comments and I guess not everyone “gets” this dig. It is absolutely the next gen “your momma.”
It’s the unexpectedness of the reply. It’s the sudden escalation in insult. It’s the knee jerk reaction even if the other person KNOWS it’s not true. 😂 (however in this case…👀)
My best friend takes it up a notch and makes it his own by replying “that’s not what your dad said” or something about their father GETTING IT (he’s a gay man by the way).
I’ve been way too invested in this drama, but I’m finding myself on Team Pete too. The picture was savage, but I’m convinced it was a direct response to one of Kanye’s first attacks on Pete, where Kanye tried to perpetuate the rumor that Pete had caused Mac Miller’s suicide by sending pics of him and Ariana Grande in bed. That was a very low blow, especially since Ariana and Mac’s family have both publicly insisted that never happened. I think Pete was angry and was like, “you want to see what it looks like when I actually do that?” Anyway, it was interesting to see how Pete started hot but started trying to actually work things out once he cooled down. It would’ve been nice to see things work out better.
BDE? That in bed with your wife comment is just stepping into Kanye’s pathetic territory.
Basically using Kim, a woman, as an object. Same as Kanye has been doing.
That’s what I thought too. Not a good sign that Pete has decided to engage. Kim needs to jettison the both of them and find a nondescript lawyer type like her dad.
I was completely all in with Pete until that comment. That was some low down trashiness that brought him down to Ye level bullying and tackiness. I’m still on his side though.
Yeah, saying that and then following up with “let’s get you some help for your mental health” could have just led with that bro. They’re both annoying tbh
Exactly how I feel –he didn’t need to say that.
The photo and comment disappointed me too. Plus, it’s such an unflattering selfie.
Pete seems like a great, mature person. I wish him luck with dealing with these people, I hope it doesn’t end up robbing him of his hard earned peace.
I am surprised at how well Pete has handled this. he stayed quiet, and when he finally “spoke up,” he went all in and hit all the right points – praising Kim as a mother, mocking Kanye just enough to make you cheer for him, offering support for his mental health, and reminding him of what Pete has done to help Kanye with SNL etc. He came off looking like someone who stands up for people he cares about.
I don’t blame Pete for responding, but making it public and the trash talk and photo…no. But at least he’s trying to keep things peaceful and talk it out. Kanye is such a gross bully and abuser.
I really hope the kids are shielded from all of this.
Their 8yo is on TikTok.
Sunday morning Ye posted a rant against Kim’s parenting. Pete released these through his close friend and writing partner Dave Sirus. Ye deleted the rant. In that sense it was productive because Ye’s rant is gone.
I hope Pete knows what he’s doing and that he will be none the worse for it when his girlfriend moves on. He and the kids are the only ones I care about here. K’s “nobody wants to f****** work these days” was when I was officially completely over her.
My mouth legitimately dropped open when I saw this this weekend. Even my hubby who only knows of this from gossip between me and my teen was like ‘oh shit’. Normally I’d say stay off sm with this all but Pete has lain waaay low while Ye spilled his nonsense and vitriol. He even now he was reaching out, mental health wise. Because Pete knows he has a mental illness, doesn’t hide it and gets help, openly.
Now that was a next-level text.
I think I just figured out what Skete means lol
Love Pete for the genuine person that he is. That’s probably why the women just love him beside the BDE
I really wish people wouldn’t amplify the “skete” thing. it’s kanye’s abusive term. why repeat it?! tbh I expect better here.
I too am coming out of this really liking Pete. He’s not someone I paid much attention to before. Good for him. And he even became supportive about Kanye getting help for his mental health which he desperately needs to accept.
I saw a tweet recently that if Kanye were a woman, he might be under a conservatorship by now. Just saying.
There is nothing better than killing someone with kindness, compassion and just a dash of pity. He’s not perfect, he’s human and Ye has been ANTAGONISTIC this whole time so a little poke at the “in bed with your wife” thing was due. It made me laugh because it’s hitting him where it hurts. He got that out of his system and LAID some truth down. Kim must feel so validated with Pete who also has mental issues but completely different from Kanye. He actually talks about it, seeks help and listens to their partner. BDE all the way. I got next Pete!!!
I don’t believe Pete should stay quiet. He shouldn’t have to! It’s giving “suffer in silence.”
100% team Pete. I don’t know if Kanye leaked those messages, but he shouldn’t have because they prove Pete is the mature / sane one.
Pete showed great maturity right up until he had his friend/manager post the texts on Instagram. The whole thing was perfectly orchestrated by (genius) Kris Jenner, including Kim’s recent tirade about women not wanting to work. They knew exactly the reaction Kim was going to get.
If you’ve been following the situation at all, Pete had his friend leak the texts AFTER Kanye went on a rant about them on Instagram. They weren’t even “leaked” – no one’s pretending they weren’t intended to be made public. But it was in direct response to Kanye’s own actions and discussing the texts on Instagram. Surely Pete deserves to get his side of the story out there, given what Kanye has been doing for the last couple of months, no?
Why didn’t Pete just release the texts himself? Why have a “friend” do it?
Because he doesnt have social media.
@ Pilar
Didn’t he just re-activate his instagram/twittr or something? What happened to that?
Yes he briefly reactivated his IG. But only for like a week or two. He pretty much just posted some promotion about his new movie and then deactivated it again. So he has no socials yet again.
@ Pilar
Oh ok. Thanks.
I didn’t think this was legit at first but knowing that it probably is real kinda restored my faith in humanity, lol.
I think Pete is probably a really good dude. I don’t get the overwhelming attraction so many seem to have for him but he seems like someone who is really loyal and wants to take care of his loved ones.
Who leaked these texts? The screenshots I saw looked like they were taken from Pete’s phone.
Most likely Kim she need a distraction from the commute she made .
I heard it was Pete’s “friend”. LOL Pete is really learning a lot from the Kardashians isn’t he?
Petes writing partner Dave Sirus leaked them. Kanye then doxed sirus on IG. And Petes a smart guy he doesnt need Kardashians to tell him what to do.
@ Pilar
He seems to be taking notes right from the Kardashian playbook though. Take accountability then…release the texts yourself…don’t get your friend to do them. That’s such a Kardashian move. The Kardashian influence is strong. Pete is out-numbered. He will become more and more like them the longer he dates Kim. Just watch.
From what I’ve read Pete doesn’t have any social media anymore, so that was one way to put it out.
Pete is definitely awesome and the one coming out of this on top, but damn. It has to suck being a 28-year old dealing with this nonsense out of a man in his 40s.
Of course, it only drives home why Kim, a 41-year old herself, is finding the guy in his twenties to be a refreshingly mature change, after living with that man-child and his tantrums for so long.
Kanye’s obsession with North’s tik tok is scary. Kanye is a misogynist who thinks girls/women should be controlled by men – told what to wear, how to look and behave.
and note how he has ZERO concerns about his sons…no worry about making sure that they know how to properly treat women with respect. he’s awful.
I’m actually really worried about how his awful behaviour will influence his kids, especially his daughters.
Say what you will about Kim but at least she seems like a good parent.
You left out the part where Kanye posted the name of his kids’ SCHOOL! He can’t claim he wants his daughter off TikTok for privacy’s sake when he’s literally doxing her on Instagram and putting her safety at risk. Oh, and airing all his family’s dirty laundry too.
It’s well known what school the kids attend. Kim has posted pics of North and Penelope in their school uniform (you can see the name of the school on their shirts). Both parents should be protecting their children’s privacy…but not with this family I guess.
Well looks like Kim got what she wanted…all is forgiven about her stupid “work” comments. Well played Kim and Pete, well played. Ratings for their new show should be huge…all this work they’re putting in to drum up publicity should do the trick.
Finally someone said exactly what I was was thinking ! 👏 👏 👏
Skete lol shouldn’t antagonize someone with unmedicated mental health woes. He should take the high road. The “I’m in bed with your wife” stuff. Just tell him to back off like an adult and leave it at that.
Kaiser said all that I would. Team Pete here, sorry Team Skete!
Note also that Pete didn’t make a peep until the marriage part of the divorce was bifurcated and Kim was declared single.
First thought was the saying Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
Question for those more knowledgeable regarding abusers, bullies and narcissists:
Could the “In bed with your wife” comment set Kanye off enough to do something truly drastic?
I feel it’s great Pete not only stood his ground and defended Kim (and he so while remaining empathetic towards Kanye, even extending an olive branch) however I worry that one line could push things in a bad direction.
Not saying egg shells need to be walked on. At the same time, don’t these waters need to be navigated carefully?
Pete seems like a decent guy. Maybe next he can explain to Kim why she shouldn’t be giving business advice to us lazy poor women who didn’t grow up in Beverly Hills with stupid rich parents, money for tons of plastic surgery and a momager?
Kanye is just so ill. Feels dangerously sick. He needs to listen to the people in his life that actually do care about his well-being.
his (now ex) wife and mother of his children cares about his well being, and we see how well he listened to her. 🙁 I don’t say this for snark, I only want to point out that people who care about him have tried, but he won’t listen to anyone.
and not that they should have to and I would NEVER put pressure on a child like this, but at this point I wonder if he’d even listen to pleas from his kids.
Agree. I should have said I wish he’d listen…
Kim’s comments recently turned me off of her; but I can’t say I blame Pete for finally speaking up. Kanye has been threatening him for months and months and it’s ridiculous… Kanye needs serious mental health help. Those poor children.
Kanye is a dangerous abuser and nobody deserves to be at the receiving end of what he is doing.
That being said, Kim is a horrible person anyway – that’s not me saying she deserves assault or abuse, just that Pete’s adoration for her baffles me. I can’t bring myself to think this is great. The whole “In bed with your wife” thing…could you not make that kind of thing public, for the sake of their kids who will have to read this? They sound like two 13-year-olds here in this text conversation.
More appropriate would just be a simple message from Pete that he is acknowledging all of Kanye’s behavior and will no longer accept it, and appropriate supplementary measures will be taken if it doesn’t cease.
My two cents.
C – 100% agree with everything you said.
Damn. Like, I’d stand up and clap for Pete because he really handled Kanye and faced him on his BS. Alas we all know Kanye doesn’t have the balls to confront him like a decent adult, he just likes to wail on some social.
Anyone else notice the KIM tattoo on the left side on his chest ? Lol
These people are hilarious. All three are attention seeking in my opinion.
Pete is an adult but this exchange reeks with timing and verbiage as orchestrated by Kris Jenner.
I’d like for Pete to come out of whatever Kim’s intentions, OK and not used!
Okay- good for him for standing up for himself- but saying- “in bed with your wife?” Super misogynistic and degrading to Kim.
Like she’s someone’s property. If I remember correctly he made some degrading comments about Arianna Grande too.
Do not get why this guy gets all the ladies.
I just get bleh gross vibes from him
If he could have left out the photo/bed comment this would have been fine. But maybe that’s the only thing Ye will respond to as “having “balls”.
Also technically she’s not his wife anymore, no?
Pete sticks his tongue out a lot in photos. It looks pretty sizable. Perhaps he has B *T* E.
I’m just here for the unified Pete love, as someone who has supported him on this page from the gate -when he was just mentally ill Staten Island white trash that women should stop dating and keep at arms length-