Republican senators are losing their minds at Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. [Jezebel]
An update on the Daniel Kaluuya situation with his guru. [Dlisted]
It definitely feels like CODA will win Best Picture, right? [LaineyGossip]
The Croc Purse? Let’s not. [OMG Blog]
A new job for Yahya Abdul-Mateen II! [JustJared]
New Yorkers are taking it out on Russian restaurants. [Pajiba]
Julianne Hough looks… different? Weird vibe too. [GFY]
Some of these photos are bonkers and cool. [Buzzfeed]
Tom Daley, master knitter, makes special gifts for his dude friends. [Towleroad]
Why did Blake Lively go to this awards ceremony? [Tom & Lorenzo]
More details on that Bad Vegan guy. [Starcasm]
Watching Lindsay Graham question her was painful to watch. He used it as an opportunity to whine and bellyache about how people questioned ACB and Kavannaugh. He was rude, disturbingly condescending, and would hardly let KBJ get a word in. And the questions he did want answers for were completely off the wall and baiting. It was infuriating.
It’s so disturbing that a professional Black woman has to go through this vile hazing and grandstanding from white right-wing men. Like at the minimum treat her with respect! But noooo they reserve that for under-qualified rapists like Kavanaugh.
It’s really disturbing and unsettling.
I just came here to ask if Ms. Lindsey was clutching his pearls and shrieking again.
He stormed out at the end of his questions, most of which were illegal.
He is trash.
I’m surprised anyone has the stomach for it. I couldn’t even stand reading about his commentary.
Biden and dems had better kick ass to get her confirmed.
Too funny about Tom Daley. When I was at university (a billion years ago) I used to knit and sell “willie warmers.” University colors, stripes, a jaunty pom pom on the end – these, along with shooting pool and tutoring math, kept me in spending money the whole time.
I made a lot of money playing pool when I was younger too. I ran a 14 team, ten pub league for a dozen years, and won a lot of league tournaments. I have arthritis in my thumb now and it’s interfering with play. I knew I should have learned to shoot left. I’m kicking myself that I didn’t. Glad I still have time.
See, now, I’m disappointed in myself. Very good at pool & darts. Didn’t know I was playing for money until years later when I learned a male friend/pool partner of mine told me of the bets after the fact-years later. I thought we were playing for the table.
Love that you made ‘willie warmers’ @ Eurydice. A jaunty pom pom too! That’s awesome. You know, there is probably still a market for the warmers. Just saying. That side job doesn’t need to end.
@ Agreatreckoning
WHAT?? That friend owes you money!! I’d be pissed!
Judge soon to be Justice Jackson is something special. Her poise experience and love for the people of this country will carry her through.
I sure hope you’re right!
So much. I know it’s wrong to put the pressure and expectation of perfection onto Black women, but from Stacy Abrams, to Kamala Harris, to Ketanji Brown Jackson to many many other women whose names I do and don’t know, these women who get the least amount of leeway to mess up and recover in their careers, who have to carry the emotional burden of stoicism in the face of public hypocrisy and often cruelty, I want to do my best as a supporter. I’m at an age where I’ve well accepted that I won’t be setting the world on fire as an actress, novelist, and definitely not a politician. But I have the resources now to be a supporter to those I believe in, and that’s what I want the second half of my life to be about.
Can I just please rant about something? The idiocy of comments that are like “so just because she doesn’t like beer doesn’t mean she’s qualified.” Oh, gawd! Get off the beer thing. No one cares if Kavanaugh drinks a friggin’ six pack of Coors (because of course it would be Coors) every night. He cried, whined, and bragged about his love for beer in a *job interview*. For one of the most important jobs in the nation. I know I know why bother responding to internet trolls. I don’t. But every so often I need a bit of a rant just to deal.
I hear you @bettyrose. The overwrought acting, the obvious condescension and the constant harping about Brett Kavanaugh is nauseating. I also find Lindsey G and Hawley particularly offensive and Graham in particular makes my skin crawl.
I think they are bringing up Kavanaugh in a “neener neener, look who we got in and now we’re going to grill this upstart” kind of way.
I follow Tom Daley on Instagram. He is just so adorable.
The tears the tears. Graham’s argument was Biden picked the wrong Black Woman? It’s difficult watching Republicans questioning someone else’s morality when they supported Trump across 2 impeachments…..the nerve
This exactly 1000%
Ketanji Brown Jackson is one of the most qualified candidates in the history of the Supreme Court. It is shameful that she has to take questions from jokers like Hawley who are just showing their own ignorance.
If there was an actual debate about the law that might be one thing, but few of these senators are remotely smart enough to ever try asking an intelligent question and none of the GOP senators have her legal acumen and they know it.
This is an opportunity for some to show beyond a doubt that they are ignorant, racist, and mysogynists who appear to be beyond redemption.
For something just light and pleasant today, all my fellow 80s club kids, if you haven’t already, run to YouTube and check out the Soft Cell/Pet Shop Boys collaboration that dropped today. It’s amazing. I can’t stop listening to it.
OMG must go listen now
I’m sorry, but I don’t think CODA deserves the best movie. It’s an important movie that I’m happy got made, but the script is a juvenile melodrama of forced twists that was painful to watch (the Mom didn’t tell her daughter that a television crew was coming? the daughter couldn’t explain to her teacher that this was a unique situation that wasn’t likely to occur weekly? the inspector lady happened to come the one time the daughter didn’t come? come on). It’s the caliber of shows for teens, not the best picture. The rest of the movie was quite good (acting, cinematography), but not outstanding, IMO. Not to mention that it’s a REMAKE. How can the best movie of the year be a movie that was already made years ago, almost shot-for-shot? If it wins, I will feel like it’s pandering. The deaf community doesn’t need a token win, they need more opportunities to tell their stories, and then one day, a story that truly deserves the Best Picture award will come along, I’m sure.
I haven’t followed American politics much the last few months, but lol if she makes them angry.
I don’t care what your ethnicity is (I’m in a minority myself), but the fact KBJ has given the lowest sentences and punishments to pedophiles REALLY turned me off and has me wondering whether we will turn a blind eye just to say Biden confirmed the first African American into the Supreme Court. This can potentially come and bite us all in the butt. Especially where it hurts: justice for our kids, and I mean all American kids, not just blood related. I believe we have a duty to protect all kids above political agendas. I can’t get past it. I’m sure there are other, more deserving African American candidates with a better judgement record.
Clinton’s first surgeon general, Jocelyn Elders, a Black woman, was made to resign after agreeing with a reporter’s question that masturbation is a good alternative to teen sex. That may have been 30 years ago, but the point stands that Black women are held to much higher standards. Are there other Black women judges Biden could have nominated? No doubt, but the vetting process wasn’t half-hearted. The nominee had to be uber qualified, educated at a/the top university, married only once, and free from even the slightest scandal. Within that category, every single one would have some judicial record that doesn’t stand up to all progressive standards. I would put money down that Biden selected the judge with the best chance of being confirmed as Justice.
Kamala Harris was one of the most progressive district attorneys this nation has ever known, and plenty of progressives found fault with her record. But she only needed to be elected by the voters, not confirmed by elderly white men with minimal accountability.
Do you mean first African American woman? Because Thurgood Marshall was the first African American.
Judge Jackson did no such thing. Her sentences are very much in line with what other judges, including conservative ones, have imposed.
From The NY Times above:
“Andrew C. McCarthy, a conservative writer and former federal prosecutor, characterized Mr. Hawley’s criticisms of Judge Jackson as a smear.
“It is not soft on porn to call for sensible line-drawing,” he wrote in a column for National Review. “Plenty of hard-nosed prosecutors and Republican-appointed judges have long believed that this mandatory minimum is too draconian.”
In fact, three Republican-appointed judges served on the commission with Judge Jackson when the recommendations were released: Judge William H. Pryor Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, Judge Ricardo Hinojosa of the Southern District of Texas and Judge Dabney Friedrich, who was appointed to the District Court for the District of Columbia by President Donald J. Trump.”
Sen. Hawley is the same guy who on Jan 6 supported the rioters. Hawley has big ambition and is craven enough to cherry pick and smear a judge who by far exceeds him in character, integrity, wit, and judicial temperament. Sens. Hawley and Blackburn are playing the white grievance, racist card for their voting base.
People who watched Judge Jackson for over 12 hrs handled the hysterical screeds of these demagogues know exactly what they are about.
Sen. Hawley was pushing the narrative that she was lenient in sentencing people guilty of child porn. He has been fact checked by multiple news agencies to show that Hawley was cherry picking and taking things out of context. Hawley is the senator who cheered on the Jan 6 rioters.
In fact a number of conservative judges and the conservative National Review have debunked this insinuation. It’s an attempt to smear Judge Jackson. Her sentences in these cases fall very much in line with what other judges, including conservative ones, have imposed and are within the congressional guideline.
That was debunked.
@Yikes – Judge KBJ did not give the lowest sentences and punishments to pedophiles. That is a false claim by Hawley that has been repeated by many looking for an excuse to dislike an eminently qualified candidate. Judge KBJ’s sentencing of pedophiles (including those convicted of possession/receipt) was squarely in line with the sentences given by other judges (including those nominated by republicans) and in line with expert guidance. I would exercise caution and recommend fact checking before believing claims or allegations that are so extreme.
Josh Hawley will undoubtedly follow many of his other legislative predecessors who obsess and attempt to demonize others for the things they crave. His toe tapping in the bathroom stall moment will be here in less than five years I bet…
Did you watch the hearings? She didn’t “give the lowest sentences”. Take the time to watch the full hearings before you post. Please.
That you are supposedly a minority isn’t relative.
Your blanket statement is ridiculous. You don’t know anything about the facts or circumstances of the cases.
Judge Brown will not be ” the first African American” on the Court.
Judge Jackson is eminently qualified to sit on the US Supreme Court. She actually has more varied experienced that the past 3 judges nominated. Her credentials are impressive. She not only clerked for a Supreme Court judge, but served as a trial judge, a member of judicial sentencing commission and a public defender. Of the nine, only one other has the experience of a trial judge (Judge Sotomayor). None of the other judges has any experience as a public defender.
Judge Jackson was confirmed by the Senate in 2021 to DC Circuit Court in a vote (53-44). The same Senate who will vote in her nomination for the US Supreme Court.
She is more than qualified for the job. More so than half the people on the SC.
Oh but the MEMES!!
What an incredible woman~she makes the republican male senators look like cowardly snivelling curs. They are not doing themselves any favors.