There are still so many unanswered questions about the Duchess of Sussex’s years in the UK. One of the most bewildering and infuriating incidents – which is still a complete mystery – was the “accident” involving Guy Markle, one of her rescue dogs. Soon after Meghan brought her dogs over to the UK and shortly after the wedding, Guy was the victim of a mysterious accident where two of his legs were broken. Meghan and Harry have never discussed it publicly and we still don’t know what happened to Guy or why or who did what. I bring this up because Guy Markle’s mysterious accident is mentioned in Meghan’s farewell letter to Mayhew, the animal-rescue charity of which she was royal patron. Mayhew loves Meghan and her three-year patronage term ended a few months ago. She’s still committed to working with animal-rescue charities and she wrote a lovely goodbye letter:
“I was introduced to Mayhew by my dear friend, animal behaviorist, Oli Juste. We shared, amongst many things, a commitment to animal welfare, and a deep love of rescue dogs. In fact, it was Oli and his fiancé Rob who helped care for my rescue dog, Guy, when I had just moved to the UK and he was recovering from a debilitating accident. They loved him as though he was their own.
It was nearly four years ago, as I was exploring possible organizations to volunteer with, that Oli brought me to Mayhew. He knew that beyond their adoption and rescue programs, their international work to keep animals safe, and their local work to find abandoned pets homes, that I would be drawn to their deep love of community, which transcended the animals themselves, and extended to the people around them. He was right. I fell in love with Mayhew, and soon became their Royal patron.
As my three-year patronage to Mayhew came to a close earlier this year, I reflected on the work they have achieved in the hardest of times—during a global pandemic with minimal resources, safeguarding staff from their stations in Afghanistan, and still resolving to remain steadfast in their vital day to day work for animal and human welfare throughout London and across the globe. Every day there was another twist and turn, every week another update—which Oli and I would connect about: “What can we do? How can we do more? Look at the amazing work they continue to do.”
On January 15, 2022, my beloved friend Oli tragically and very suddenly passed away. It has left me, and so many others, heartbroken and reflective—knowing that the legacy he leaves for our furry friends is beautifully simple: just love them. Especially those left behind or forgotten. In his memory, we will be creating the Oli Juste wing at Mayhew, to shelter the animals who may have a harder time finding their forever homes. Because much like Oli, they will never be forgotten, and they will always be loved.
Though my time as patron of Mayhew has come to a close, my unwavering support has not. I encourage each of you to support in whatever way you are able. The emotional support of a rescue animal is unparalleled—as you’ll soon realize: it is not you who saves them, it is they who save you. To the Mayhew community, thank you for entrusting me as your patron. It has been an honor.
[Meghan’s letter, posted at Mayhew]
Mayhew confirmed that Meghan made a generous donation to Mayhew in memory of Oli Juste, and Mayhew will name a new wing after Juste. Mayhew sounds broken up about losing Meghan as their patron – even though she’s been gone from Salt Island for more than two years, she was still working with them and helping them fundraise. I wonder if any royal or royal-adjacent will take up a patronage with Mayhew now? Hm.
As for the enduring mystery of What Happened To Poor Guy Markle, again… it really bothers me. There were a few terrible stories like that, where I feel like the real story is a lot worse than we’re even imagining. Remember that nanny they fired just weeks after Archie’s birth? That’s another one. I’m so glad Meghan got out of that toxic place.
Photos courtesy of Instar, Avalon Red.
- USA Rights Only – Tonga, Oceania -20181025- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attend an official welcome at Consular House in Tonga on the first day of their visit to the country. -PICTURED: Meghan Duchess of Sussex -PHOTO by: Paul Edwards/PA Images/ -39316632.jpg This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- The Duchess of Sussex visits Mayhew on Wednesday 16th January to meet with staff, volunteers and beneficiaries, and hear more about the animal welfare charityÕs various initiatives, from community engagement to international projects. This will be Her Royal HighnessÕs first official visit to Mayhew in her new role as Patron. PIC: Duchess meets a Jack Russel called “Minnie”,Image: 535134073, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR SEVEN DAYS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: – / Avalon
- The Duchess of Sussex visits Mayhew on Wednesday 16th January to meet with staff, volunteers and beneficiaries, and hear more about the animal welfare charityÕs various initiatives, from community engagement to international projects. This will be Her Royal HighnessÕs first official visit to Mayhew in her new role as Patron. PIC: Duchess meets a Jack Russel called “Minnie”
- The Duchess of Sussex visits Mayhew on Wednesday 16th January to meet with staff, volunteers and beneficiaries, and hear more about the animal welfare charityÄôs various initiatives, from community engagement to international projects. This will be Her Royal HighnessÄôs first official visit to Mayhew in her new role as Patron. PIC: Duchess meets “Maggi” a Jack Russel with Emma Driver and Zoe Edwards
- The Duchess of Sussex visits Mayhew on Wednesday 16th January to meet with staff, volunteers and beneficiaries, and hear more about the animal welfare charityÄôs various initiatives, from community engagement to international projects. This will be Her Royal HighnessÄôs first official visit to Mayhew in her new role as Patron. PIC: Duchess meets “Maggi” a Jack Russel with Emma Driver and Zoe Edwards
I had NOT heard about Guy’s accident. Good Lord, what went on over there?! Thank goodness they got out.
I thought I read that Camilla was taking over the patronage. Whomever it is, I doubt they will do half as much in twice the length of time.
Some low down dirty sh**t happened on that Island. Who broke that poor dog’s legs? I have my theories but I can’t wait to read Meghan’s proper biography one day.
OMG. I had not heard about the accident either. WTF happened?! That something happened to Guy is an extra level of sinister. (And now I’m wondering about that photo with the Queen- was he already injured, or did that set off jealousy?)
I’m glad Meghan mentioned it so that it’s in the collective record of public things we know. Holy F.
Or did TQ ride with Guy because of what happened? Was it a form of support?
Imagine if Baldy really did something to Guy and TQ can’t/won’t punish him due to him being the hair’s heir. But she poses with Guy knowing the statement it makes. Like when she snubbed them during the Choo Choo tour. It’s a show of support to The Sussexes which would enrage Billyboy even more.
@Lexistential, there were unofficial reports in early December 2017 that Guy’s legs had been broken, but no details were ever reported, and no official statements were ever made. The story quietly went away. It was indicated that a top veterinary surgeon had operated on Guy, and that he was in good hands, and recovering. This is the first time I heard of Meghan’s friend, Oli Juste. It’s so sad about his sudden passing in January. What a lot Meg has been experiencing, and with such grace!
Guy was seen riding with the Queen a few days before the May 2018 royal wedding. I appreciated the comforting message the Queen was sending. She must have taken care of Guy while M&H were prepping for their big day.
Camilla took over the national theater because it’s a national thing and they have a history of having a Royal patron. I don’t think anyone will take over Mayhew. It was a charity Meghan chose because she personally wanted to be their patron not because they needed a Royal patron. That is likely also why she set a time limit on the patronage. I don’t think she ever wanted to be Patron of literally hundreds of charities she doesn’t have time for like many of the other working Royals. She can now move on to another deserving charity without feeling like she’s neglecting her duty to Mayhew.
A lot of these charities i am sure wanted them to stay on. If she can still help from across the pond i dont understand why they snatched the charities from her she is still Royal. They probably dont want to look bad or lazy,because she would still give more energy than those on salty island.
Many did and some even begged the RF as she brought in money and international attention. But if they didn’t speak up when she was getting hassled they don’t deserve her. Best for her to sever that link and serve charities that appreciate her.
I recall a few did speak to her work and character in a tactful way. They also made it clear she was valuable.
And even if they spoke up more and directly it wouldn’t help anyone. The story would be buried in the BM and the BRF would not look kindly at that charity.
I think that many of them begged the RF for both Harry and Meghan!! If I remember correctly, the military patronage had held out high hopes to keep Harry, especially since he has served 2 tours in Afghanistan, as he was very well liked and was instrumental in his actions. It’s a shame that they would strip Harry as he had actually served during combat but instead they will get stuck with someone who likes to dress up with medals that has done nothing.
It’s a shame that they treat these patronages as nothing but a photo op, the Lamridges IF they show up, as opposed to how committed Harry and Meghan are. The ones that will need the greatest amount of support, exposure and donations will suffer the greatest.
I was made to understand that it is harder to speak up than we think without becoming the target for horrendous abuse. If you are in the UK there is no escape. You will be ruined. Who knows maybe Meghan would not have encourage them to speak up. She knows the score. I’ll never forget Harry’s “if you know what I know” comment.
There may be a slight bit of comprehension problem going on here….um…….M VOLUNTEERED to be a patron of Mayhew….she CHOSE them. Mayhew was not under the umbrella of “Royal Patronages.” That term became affixed AFTER Meghan, a Royal, became their patron.
Now, the nomenclature: “royal” has been removed with the end of that 3-year agreement (interesting that M had placed a time limit on it but as someone upthread said, her approach might have been: “I’ll make sure you get all the help you need over this specific period and thus set you up with a solid foundation to build on.” Much like she did with another charity she CHOSE: the women of the Hub Community Kitchen.
Anyhooooo….whats very interesting to me in all this is that it appears that the Sussexes are shedding the “royal” from their activism. Note well that M said her support for Mayhew will continue. So too has her support for Smartworks – another charity she VOLUNTARILY CHOSE…….nothing to do with “royal.”
As her letter stated she will continue working with Mayhew in other capacity. Duchess Meghan probably signed up as patron for three years not knowing what her royal duties would entails (maybe three years was what she was able to negotiate with the Firm at that time since Mayhew was outside royal patronage.)
@Charm your comment makes sense. Duchess Meghan is still affiliated with the Hub Community Kitchen and Smartworks. Mayhew is now like those 2 organizations in her charitable work. The newly founded Olie wing at Mayhew is an example.
I wonder how the royal patronage system works, do the charities apply to be given a royal patron?
And, yeah, she got to keep Mayhew and Hubb because they were her choices, the queen had nothing to do with “giving” Meghan these two charities.
ETA: And SmartWorks!
The nanny story always has given me the creeps. I feel like they either caught her taking photos of Archie or she behaved inappropriately to Harry.
Something just felt really wrong there.
I think that nanny endangered Archie. That malevolent ‘family’ wants her and her children dead.
ElX…are you for real???
The nanny story is really creepy. I think she was taking pictures and trying to sell them to the tabloids, but what if it was something beyond that?
I’ve seen way to many lifetime movies easy becuase my brain went to her subtlety sabotaging Meghan and her belief in herself as a parent.
I think it’s more likely she was taking photos to sell to the tabloids or something. But given what all was happening at the time I feel like it’s possible for a lot of things to have happened.
Didn’t they fire her in the middle of the night? It had to be something urgent to do that. And we never heard this as part of the bullying allegations, which is telling.
Pics are possible, but I think Harry and Meg would have already been alert to that possibility and have some protocols in place to prevent it. Or something in the employment contract. I think if it was that simple, we’d have gotten the explanation, same with the Guy story. No reason not to say “she took pics and it wasn’t allowed, so we fired her” or “Guy ran into the road and got hit.” Both stories are fishy because it’s weird no simple explanation was given.
I’m guessing Archie was endangered in some way. Or… they discovered she was doing something else nefarious.
@Rapunzel I don’t think we know for sure when they fired her. We know it was very soon after Archie was born and I “think” it was said that she was the night nanny, so people made the assumption that it was MOTN, but I don’t think we’ve ever gotten confirmation on that (not sure though.)
There could have been protocols in place to address pictures and something in the employment agreement and she still could have done it, which would have prompted her immediate removal.
But, I also think if that was all it was, we would have heard that as an explanation, as it makes sense. I wonder if it was something related but more sinister – if she was trying to plant cameras around the house or something.
IIRC (and it all blends together at this point) there was a push by some RRs that this firing was another sign of H&M being incompetent bosses etc and then that push stopped VERY abruptly, so it makes me think that they were, for once, told to back off. Omid gave an interview around the time his book came out (I think) where the reporter asked him about the nanny and he went off the record and the reporter then said in the article “if that was my nanny, I would have fired them too.” and I think Omid as well as other reporters have said it cant be discussed bc of legal reasons.
So all of that to say….we really have no idea but lots of speculation, but we can assume it was pretty bad.
Becks- re: photos, you’d think the BRF as a whole would have something in place to prevent an employee from even being in a position to take photos, contract rules or not. Like, prevent employees from having a camera phone. Or a cell at all.
Right? That would make sense. Like no cell phones allowed in the palaces or at work except for basic flip phones without a camera (basically a work phone.) But maybe that was the issue, if she snuck one in?
But at any rate, what we do know is that whatever happened was very bad and probably traumatizing for H&M if they were already receiving threats, felt attacked and threatened by the family and the press, and Meghan was struggling from a mental health POV.
I was very curious about this when I saw it yesterday. It isn’t typical for the royals to have (for lack of a better word) ‘term limits’ on their roles as patrons, right? And isn’t Meghan still a patron of SmartWorks? So it isn’t as if her living in California would preclude her from continuing with Mayhew.
I hope it was a mutual decision, for whatever reason, and that it ended amicably. I just found it to be odd? (Maybe other royals *do* end their time as patrons regularly, but I was never aware of it because I really only pay attention to the Sussexes and the Cambridges?) It’s a shame; Mayhew was so perfect for her.
In any case, that was a beautiful letter.
(Haven’t had caffeine yet so I hope this makes sense!)
Not sure how true it is but I had heard that some of Harry’s patronages eg Virgin Marathon had fixed terms so perhaps was the case.
It’s a shame as after seeing how the Hubb community kitchen, SmartWorks & Luminary Bakery benefited from the together cookbook, Vogue & the SmartSet collection, I was excited to see what initiatives or projects Meghan would do with the National Theatre and Mayhew as a patron. I’m sure it’s disappointing for the orgs she was patron of how things went as Meghan brought so much attention to them & unpredented donations from fans.
I can see how SmartWorks can work remotely as we saw Meghan do zooms & coach that young woman with them. but with pets it’s not really the same & Mayhew likely need someone on the ground who can do the physical visits & cute pictures with the animals Mayhew supports etc. With the security issue, Meghan’s ability to return to the uk as often as the Sussexes may have envisaged originally, may be compromised. Plus with the level of hatred whipped up by the press since her exit & especially after Oprah she may not want to return that often now.
Meghan’s been pretty consistent with the orgs she’s supported including uk orgs, so I’m sure she/Archewell will keep supporting Mayhew somehow eg with grants etc. it’s nice that that she’s donated for a wing in honour of her friend.
@ABritGuest, I hadn’t thought of that, but it totally makes sense; it would definitely be harder to maintain Mayhew remotely. I have no doubt that she will still continue to support them, even if she doesn’t hold that particular title anymore.
The people at the organizations where she had been patron until Betty “stripped her” of them must have been (and still be) so, so angry and frustrated. Anything this woman touches turns to gold!
@Lorelei: It’s not unusual for patronages to end. Harry ended his patronage with the London Marathon last year. Camilla renewed her patronage with animal welfare organisation some time last year too. Usually patronages are for about 3-5 years. It makes sense for Meghan to end it because she doesn’t live in the UK anymore.
@AmyBee, thank you!
For some reason I always got the impression that they took on new patronages while still keeping the old ones, which is why the older royals have so many more than the younger ones. Didn’t Philip have something like 500+?
And obviously I suspected there was some fckery involved here since it is Meghan who we’re talking about here…I was expecting to see her detractors gloating all over Twitter with BS “Mayhew Dumps Meghan!” type headlines.
So thank you for the explanation.
This wasn’t a “royal” patronage. Meghan’s focus seems more on women issues so maybe she trying to align her associations more with that interest.
I sat on the board of a local organization and after three years felt I had accomplished for them what I had set out to and moved on, there doesn’t have to be anything more to it than that.
^^ @Athena, it was a royal patronage because Meghan was a senior royal when she initiated working with Mayhew. It just wasn’t directly assigned to Meg by the Queen. It happened as a result of Meg’s personal preference. AFAIK, that’s why the Queen could not take the patronage from her.
Meg signed up for three years with Mayhew apparently. If she was still a working royal living in the U.K., Meg likely would have renewed her patronage with Mayhew. As it is, she will still be offering the group her full support from afar, and she’s asking others to support the animal charity too.
I doubt we’ll ever get the real story about Poor Guy or the Nasty Nanny, but it’s terrifying to contemplate the possibilities. Meghan brought so much thoughtfulness and creativity to the causes she chose and championed during her (thank god) brief time in the UK, i know they’re crushed that they’ve lost her hands on engagement. But she and Harry expressly said they’d continue to serve them and they have, and they will. It still infuriates me that the courtiers made that cockamamie statement under the Queen’s name that only a working royal can live a life of “service.” Well, we knew and they continue to demonstrate how fucked up their idea of “service” really is. Wankers.
I can’t think of a single charity that either Cannot or Willnot are patrons of, aside from the ones recently in the news like Kate and some rugby organization, but I can’t name the charity. It is striking that a family of grifters has fleeced taxpayer money for centuries and are so bad at it, their organizations remain basically nameless. Harry and Meghan’s organizations actually benefit from their presence, and they have name recognition.
Yup, neither can I. CopyKeen doesn’t do anything for her patronages and Wil I Am A Bully doesn’t do anything for his either. Which is especially irresponsible when he is the so-called president of the BAFTA organization and he won’t show up one night a year!!
Such lazy asses, except for the elder royals, case in point Anne who outworks CopyKeen and The Other Brother with twice as many patronages and probably has a greater count than the Lambridge as a couple!
Meghan is excellent at marketing. I can’t think of Hubb without thinking about the Together cookbook, and Smartworks is in my head as the Smartworks Collection.
@Christine, well, it’s kind of hard to keep up when Kate’s patronages are being forced to shutter due to financial issues, which Kate did not lift one finger to try and help with 🙃
Something about the severing of this relationship feels like a real finality for Meghan. I think she’s done with the UK. I mean, we all know she’s done, but I think this is her way of saying she is done done.
The letter felt the same to me, like she was well and truly done. I know that she will continue to support those charities but it had a finality to it. It felt like a period at the end of sentence. Done and over. I’m glad. I fear that someone intentionally hurt Guy and who knows what that nanny was up to. I cannot imagine what Meghan and Harry endured during their time there. It must be so wonderful for them to be able to breathe as deeply as they like.
I’m glad that she is cutting ties. There is no need for her to come to the UK. I hope the babies stay away as well!
There is definitely a need for her to come to the U.K. As difficult and problematic as it is she is still the Duchess of Sussex and her children’s grandfather will one day be King. There are many people in the U.K. who are not against the Sussexes. The anti Meghan propaganda was purely concocted by the media with the connivance of the RF to manipulate public opinion against her. The same media are now turning against the Cambridge’s, something l predicted, the RF are such fools to play dangerous games. I have no doubt that the children will in future wish to spend time in Britain which is their right to do so.
Good points; I think after the Queen passes and a new reign begins, perhaps things will settle down. Very unpopular opinion perhaps, but I have believed in recent years that the Queen is manipulative , petty and unyielding. She has played the sweet old granny far too well.
^^ @JuliaK, it is much more complicated and involved on a number of levels than just settling on the Queen being entirely at fault for everything.
I recall that when the Queen intervened on behalf of Diana’s butler, Paul Burrell, to prevent him being tried for theft of Diana’s belongings after her death, Burrell later revealed that the Queen had cryptically said to him, “We aren’t in charge of everything.”
In part, that likely means the Queen has always accepted and understood how little power she holds. But she listens to those in power, and she goes along to get along. Plus, she fiercely and possibly maniacally protects her family’s riches, and the monarchial traditions she was raised to uphold, at all costs.
At this point, it is obvious too that she will go above and beyond to protect the son she has favored ever since he was born.
I love their little faces!! So cute!!
I’m constantly inspired by Meghan. I love the way she comes across so warmly and so genuine in her correspondence. She never comes across like she’s spouting word salad or giving platitudes about the importance of whatever it is. There’s real substance there. The RF are incredibly short-sighted for pushing H&M out.
Agreed. I really love the way she communicates. It’s so warm and thoughtful.
Yes, she is compassionate, supportive and thoughtful in all of her correspondence. It’s a reflection of who she is as a woman and a woman that is selfless in her actions. She doesn’t need to spout a word salad of verbs or adjectives as her work speaks for itself!
I am certain that those that will continue working with Meghan will be more than thrilled to have her in their court!!!
This step does feel like she’s saying she’s done done with the UK. I hope so too. I hope she never steps foot in that place again.
Wouldn’t put it past someone to deliberately hurt Guy to try to keep MM in line and the nanny was probably trying to lure Harry away or hurt Archie and they caught on.
I will say beagles are notorious for following their nose and ignoring everything else, so it could be that Guy found himself jumping or running into something that injured him. Like the Queen on a golf cart…
Or someone in the midst of an Incandescent rage.
The story came out in December 2017-it was reported to have happened shortly after H & M’s engagement was announced. KP declined to comment. Very disturbing story.
If it was something as innocent as that they would have just said so. Guy may have been the victim of someone incandescent with rage.
Prince Philip was still driving at this point as well wasn’t he? The crash happened after this, yes?
Cool story bro. But that beagle had lived all his life, in two countries (US & Canada) plus travel with his mom to other places, all prior to his then short few months stay in the UK where he immediately had a debilitating accident? That beggars belief. Some incandescent person did something to that dog. Its not unknown for mentally disturbed persons to hurt animals in retaliation for not being able to hurt people. Especially mentally disturbed persons for whom theres evidence that animals dont like them.
See: rabbit trying to get away.
See: no images of said incandescent one with a pet, in 40 years.
Except there are many pictures of Will and Lupo, even where he’s holding and kissing the dog on the head.
You’re right. Once a beagle gets a good run on they’re gone. An old boyfriend of mine had one and he was incorrigible. He nearly got run over one night when he got out — we chased him for blocks and he ran right out onto a busy highway. Thank god he wasn’t hit.
@Jaded, I grew up with many beagles as my Dad raised them and ran them in field trials etc., and yes, absolutely. NOTHING gets in between a beagle and their sniffs, and more than one has met injury or worse because of it.
I’m not trying to put Will in ANY kind of good light, but I can 100% see Guy following his nose and getting hit by a moving vehicle or jumping off of something and landing wrong.
So Guy managed to break TWO legs by “ignoring everything else” and running into the Queen’s golf cart, that she didn’t own or at least wasn’t using until 4 years after the fact? Yeah, I don’t think so…
A beautiful letter and tribute to her friend Oli. I’m sure there a lot of horror stories that Meghan can tell about her time in the UK.
I cannot imagine what she was going through. To have a family as powerful as the RF conspiring against you even to the point of recruiting her father to speak against her – I cannot imagine what she suffered. Yet Meghan continued to give her best to her husband and son and to her charities. She continued to try and do the job given to her by people that would happily put her in a tunnel in Paris (no I am not saying the RF killed Diana, just that they wouldn’t mind if something equally tragic happened to Meghan) bc of her love for Harry and his for her. It breaks my heart to think of how she must have felt with no one to trust but her husband and knowing they hated him just as much. I am so glad they are living in sunshine and joy these days.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the UK has as big of a Back to Sleep initiative like the US does. The nanny could’ve been putting Archie to sleep on his tummy just because that’s how she’s always done it. In the US new moms are told that’s a huge no-no. I could see her firing a nanny for putting a baby to sleep on his tummy, especially when you consider what she had already gone through with those crazy Windsors being mean as hell to her. Plus postpartum hormones? Psh…
I believe the NHS advice is to place baby on their back to sleep, it reduces the risk of SIDS. A nanny should know this, I doubt the RF employ someone with no training or experience in child care to be nannies.
It’s made very clear to parents by the NHS, NCT, midwives, health visitors and anyone else in childcare in the UK that you only put babies to sleep on their backs. The only time you would put a baby on their front is for tummy time which is when they’re awake and under constant supervision. So no, that’s highly, highly unlikely to be the reason the nanny was fired.
If Meghan had asked repeatedly for Archie to not be put on his stomach and the nanny ignored her wishes then continued to do so, Meghan would be in her right to fire the nanny and it would have nothing to do with hormones but with an employee not listening to the wishes of a mother. Just don’t believe the firing was bc of Meghan’s hormones.
“Gross misconduct” is not hormones unbelievable that someone would use such a ridiculous excuse to condone something that was I obviously a very serious breach. I imagine it was far worse than photos, with all the hate directed at Meghan and her children my thoughts immediately went to abuse, something that put the babies life in immediate danger like shaking or hitting him. I doubt this was over some photos, I think with the media attention and smear campaign against them they would have said if that was the case. That family and the people the surround themselves with are historically horrible and entitled people who are never held accountable.
Harry & Meghan fired the nanny. Not Meghan alone. They are a team. According to reports it was on the nanny’s 2nd night of work. Whatever it was, it was egregious enough to be fired BY THEM. I’ll go along with what others have said about getting caught taking pictures or even being caught sleeping on the job/dereliction of duties.
If it was something more sinister I would hope that type of animal would not be released free into the wild.
Harry and Meghan both fired the nanny and the RR know why but can’t report it for “legal reasons”, but Omid Scobie did share the reason off the record during one of his interviews and the reporter interviewing him stated that they would have done the same thing…. so no, it wasn’t due to hormones.
Her dog had an ‘accident’ in which he broke two legs?! I hope that the one who did this gets hemorroids and shits chalk for all eternity.
YASS!! I shall remember this curse for use as needed.
Om my gawd!!!!! That was hilarious!!! Though I did lose a bit of coffee which is now on the duvet and my shirt!!! 😂😂😂
Yes!!!! I will now use this brilliantly worded curse to those who aptly deserve it!!!!
I wonder what we need to activate this curse??? Hair and chalk? The hair part will be very difficult as there isn’t much to gather and a lock of it is out of the question…….damn! I need an alternative recipe!!! 😆😆
Dog-lover here and it’s fishy to me that we’ve never heard specifics of how Guy was hurt. Just that it was an accident, which probably happened when Meghan was not there and someone else had access to Guy. Dogs can do silly things like awkwardly jump off from places and limp a little afterward but to break two legs? There is usually a story that goes along with an innocent, every-day occurrence that goes wrong and the dog ends up hurt and in the doggy ER. The lack of story is ominous to me.
If the thought of Harry’s book is giving the Windsors stomach cramps, wait until Meghan’s comes out. And it is coming. Burger King will have to abdicate in advance.
I’m hoping Meghan’s future memoir drops like Beyoncé’s Lemonade album. ZERO notice.
@Snuffles I would faint dead away out of shock and excitement
It’s telling, to me, that Meghan left Guy with Oli and Rob while he was recuperating. If there is one thing the royal family has enough of, it’s dog minders. She chose for Guy to stay with them, I’m guessing while she was traveling for work. Yikes.
Me too @ Christine!!! It’s a clear indication that Meghan did NOT have confidence in any of the royal handlers. There is something fishy in the BRF….
I am not familiar with the breed but I can’t imagine how a dog could suffer TWO broken legs!
@Christine, excellent point. Every single time I think my opinion of this family could not possibly get worse, I’m proven wrong. Obviously we don’t know for sure if someone intentionally hurt Guy, but IMO it speaks VOLUMES that she left him with friends instead of an enormous family with multiple homes, lots of other dogs, plenty of space to run around, and access to the best food & veterinary care— not to mention said family’s history of being dog lovers. There was some reason she didn’t trust the BRF and I hope one day she writes a memoir and we have lots of these questions answered.
This. If it was an innocent accident, Guy wouldn’t have been sent to a ‘safe house’ to recover. Somebody deliberately hurt her dog, in a classic abusive violent narcissist move, and it’s somebody important enough for a cover-up. My money’s on William.
What a beautiful letter! I feel myself tearing up a little because its obvious Meghan felt a real attachment to the organization and their cause. The way Meghan was treated by the press and the family seems so unfair, I don’t care what Charles and his press minions want to claim. I’m glad things ended with Mayhew on a good note and it was done publicly so the press can’t twist it someway. I’m sure they would try to claim she was bullying the dogs or some other ridiculous lie.
Yeah, she got me with this one too.
I’m so glad you covered this story because as usual what I’m seeing on Twitter is a whole different complexion. It isn’t even 9 AM yet and I’m already tired.
Meghan told Harry about her suicidal thoughts on the same day she visited Mayhew as an official patron
A beautiful heartfelt letter to her friend, Mayhew and the animals she loves.
My gut tells me Guy’s injury was no accident. And the thought of what the nanny did to get fired in the middle of the night gives me CHILLS.
I don’t want Archie or Lili stepping on UK ground EVER.
The possibilities are really dark. I only hope that it’s something sleazy like taking pictures, and not something worse. It is really bizarre though, that Harry’s family is so freaked out about his memoir. People write memoirs, royals write memoirs. Nothing new to see there. They are really telling on themselves with their panic, and my guess is that what Meghan went through was worse than any of us here are even imagining. Some other poster said at one time that Harry was threatening to walk away from the royal family completely–disavow his titles and cut all ties with his family. I wonder if he’s waiting for his grandmother to pass to do that. It may be wise to cut all ties, especially if the nanny story was worse than we have speculated. (Then again, would a nanny risk going to jail for something illegal, even at the behest of a prince?)
@Lanne, Harry’s “if everyone knew what I know” has stuck with me. The public saw how viciously Meghan was treated, so I cannot imagine what worse atrocities were going on behind closed doors.
One broken leg might be explained, but two? It sounds like someone wanted to get a specific message across. Animal abuse, another strike against them if deliberately done. And for a nanny to be fired immediately in the middle of the night had to be for something so egregious that they couldn’t get rid of her fast enough.
It’s a lovely letter and honestly a touching way to end a patronage.
As for why, it’s possible Meghan is becoming busier (Netflix, Spotify, Archewell, 2 kids) and has to simply end this patronage because she cannot dedicate enough time to it. Or Mayhew want someone who will do an in person appearance 1-2 times a year so they get coverage of Meghan holding puppies etc etc and since the security stuff could take a bit to get sorted, it was decided it was best to end it.
They werent getting that before Meghan, tho. So…
I didn’t remember that her dog Guy had gotten injured while in the UK. There are so many ways a dog can get injured so my mind doesn’t automatically go to “suspicious.” But with the BRF anything goes.
I wonder why her time as a patron with Mayhew ended. It makes sense if she is living so far in CA and really can’t do much apart from donate money once in awhile. Also with the whole security thing hanging over the Sussexes, Meghan maybe didn’t know when she could drop by again in person. Or was Mayhew ordered by the BRF to drop Meghan as a patron? That’s what I’d like to know.
I could see The Firm strong arming her UK charities to drop Meghan. Like threatening to take away their license to operate or something similar.
They can still be patrons just not ‘royal’ patrons. But we all know what the organisation would prefer.
I’m not going to speculate on how Guy was injured. I’m just glad Meghan is out of the UK and that Guy seems to be thriving in CA.
With the nanny issue, I think she was caught taking photos of Archie and trying to sell them to tabloids. They have had a nanny since then. If it was worse they would have a hard time trusting anyone with their child.
That is a high possibility too. We all know how desperate the tabs are for pictures of Archie. Sickening. The Sussexes really had a hard time over there. smh
It all reminds me of that one Real Housewife from Miami who said her Nanny killed her son via shaken baby.
I do think the night nanny was behaving inappropriately in caring for Archie. Being too rough, shaking him or even scolding him when they were not around. It’s sickening and I am comforted by the fact that H,M,A and L are well and away from that cesspool of toxic people. Smdh!
I love how you can just hear Meghan’s voice when you read her correspondence. It’s very her. She has always had a clear point of view and presents it professionally but not in a staid way. There is a thoughtfulness that always comes across. Such a rarity.
The nanny story made me sick and so worried for their safety. I had not heard about Guy and his legs being broken. They were just surrounded by evil on that damn island.
“ Soon after Meghan brought her dogs over to the UK”
She only brought Guy. Bogart was rehomed.
If the royals were responsible for his accident I think she would’ve said so in her Oprah interview
Rescue dogs are so amazing. I love my girl so much, and I’m so glad I was open to any breed and not a specific one. My pup is an undetermined mix of dog breeds, and she is GLORIOUS. Sweet, funny, loving, and so uniquely beautiful.
If anyone is thinking of getting a dog, please visit a shelter near you! Foster-to-Adopt is a great way to make sure the dog is a good fit for you and your family.
My local SPCA charges $400 for a dog or cat. Four hundred bucks! I can afford a dog, I can’t afford the extra cost. It’s more than my car payment.
Breed specific rescues often have lower adoption fees, because of lack of overhead. The one I am most familiar with uses volunteers to foster the dogs in their homes, they don’t have a fixed shelter.
It depends on the rescue and the shelter really. One local shelter only charges 75 for adoption, but the breed-specific rescues are usually around 200-500, depending on age (the younger dogs are more expensive.)
Different shelters have different costs, so I wouldn’t give up the search. In my situation, it was only $250, but that included all of her vaccinations and spaying. All that plus a furry best friend? It’s a bargain in my eyes! Words fail to describe how much joy she has brought to my life.
My pup was very ill when I first fostered her, and the shelter covered ALL of her medical expenses for the first 3 months she was living with me, until she was well enough to be spayed.
vet visits are frequently more than that, so if you cant afford 400 then you cant afford a dog or cat or anything
Jesus God. Here is where we are. People don’t deserve a dog if they can’t cough up $400 at a moment’s notice.
Lady D, I promise you there is a furry friend in your future.
You are a kind and wonderful person, Christine, thank you. I needed that after today.
Geez Lisa, you sound exactly like the SPCA. I own five cats between 3 and 18 years of age. I know all about vet bills.
I’m honestly not dog specific. It truly doesn’t matter what breed, age or size of dog I get, I just want to give a dog a home. I also know that there will be a lot of puppies born soon that will need homes.
This was a very good patronage for Meghan to have-I am sorry it had to end for her but happy she will continue to support this charity-the story or rumor about her beagle Guy is very strange indeed-the nanny story brings all kinds of scary stories to my mind-no wonder the royal family are shitting themselves if Harry mentions what happened in these two stories-I have a suspicious mind about both stories-I am a beagle loving owner-I have six at the moment-I would kick anybody’s ass who tried to hurt my dogs-walk over and hurt my dogs you will limp back-guaranteed-God bless and keep the Sussex family safe in your loving arms.