Cele|bitchy | Jobson: Invictus might fail because Prince Harry is not a working royal

Jobson: Invictus might fail because Prince Harry is not a working royal

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have gotten a rock-star reception at the Invictus Games this year in the Hague. The games were delayed for two years, but they managed to pull them off in between variants and hopefully everyone is vaccinated and safe. Just before the games started, the British media was downright gleeful at the prospect that Prince Harry might not be able to pull it off this time, or that the games would be some kind of sad affair because of all of the vile they’ve thrown at him. One of the grossest arguments I saw before the games started was this piece in the Daily Mail, with exclusive comments from Robert Jobson. Jobson argued that Harry wouldn’t be able to continue doing Invictus because… he’s not royal, and he doesn’t have the royal machinery around him. Like, Jobson is actively advocating for Invictus to end, or for Harry to be pushed out of the organization.

Royal correspondent and biographer Robert Jobson tells our royal talk show Palace Confidential that while he’s a ‘big fan of the Invictus Games’, Harry’s position outside the Royal Family makes it harder to keep it going.

‘You need an awful lot of money to do it and you need an awful lot of goodwill from governments and that’s what he’s got so far. Whether he can continue that without being a full-time member of the Royal Family, I don’t know,’ he says. ‘It’s one thing that I think he got absolutely right and if he’d stayed a full-time royal it could have run on and run on and been brilliant. I’m not sure how much longer it’s got.’

Meanwhile The Mail on Sunday’s Kate Mansey points out the tricky situation the Duke of Sussex finds himself in simultaneously promoting the games, his Netflix deal and his commercial work for the firm BetterUp.

‘There is that question mark: If you’re being paid by Netflix to do a massive lucrative show, then you’re doing your charity work, [and] you’re being paid by the BetterUp organisation – I think that is difficult territory,’ she says. ‘There’s a lot of ethical questions that raises I suppose.’

[From The Daily Mail]

“If he’d stayed a full-time royal it could have run on and run on and been brilliant. I’m not sure how much longer it’s got…” As I said, Jobson was gleeful at the idea that Invictus would fail ahead of the games. They all were – they were scared and convinced that everyone would believe their smears and lies and that the games would be a disaster and the only reason anyone would even care about Harry and Meghan would be because of their royal titles. Meanwhile, Harry brought in Netflix and BetterUp for new partnerships with Invictus, and he clearly has a host of big-name sponsors like Jaguar Land Rover, Heineken, Shell and Lockheed Martin, among many others. Invictus has become like the Paralympics and Olympic games – there are huge corporations vying to sponsor these events and attach themselves to such an “easy win” when it comes to imagery and PR. Imagine convincing yourself that Harry needs the clownery of royal machinery to execute the games long-term?? And he didn’t even really use the *royal* machinery when he founded Invictus in the first place!!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar and Backgrid.

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91 Responses to “Jobson: Invictus might fail because Prince Harry is not a working royal”

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  1. Dee(2) says:

    The way these people just rub their hands together in Glee at the possibility of massive failure, that would be seriously detrimental to other people is really gross. I understand they hate Harry and Meghan, but the initiative that they support helps so many other people. They just don’t give a damn about other people at all, but spend all their time talking about how that family is all about lifelong service.

    • Colby says:

      Because if Harry succeeds without the RF, it shows the RF is useless. Then the whole economy of royal commentary (his job) is out. These monarchists NEED Harry to fail to hold up their delusion that the RF provides any value to the world.

      • karkopolo says:

        Colby, you are spot on. Harry and Meghan continue to flourish without the monarchy, and that terrifies them. They can’t handle the idea that one can be more prosperous *without* the crown, because it shakes the very foundation that their entire careers are built upon. They continue to be confronted with reality: that the remaining royals don’t generate the interest or star-power that H&M have, that H&M are making real impacts and doing compassionate work on their own, that H&M aren’t going to come crawling begging on their knees to be let back in. But they double down, because they can’t acknowledge that reality or their carefully constructed equilibrium fails.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      The Invictus games will continue to succeed precisely because Harry is not a working royal. He can get as much commercial sponsorship as he wants and most governments will definitely partner with him as they can see all the benefits of being associated with it. I think Jobbo is deluded. That family couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery. The current Invictus games keep going from strength to strength with no other British royals involvement due to Harry building a strong community with veterans proving that his titles is not why he is successful.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Elizabeth Regina: “The Invictus games will continue to succeed precisely because Harry is not a working royal.”

        So true! You said it in a nutshell, and thanks! Just as @Kaiser said: “Harry didn’t even really use the *royal* machinery when he founded Invictus in the first place!!”

        ^^ Exactly! ✅ Harry was smart about ultimately keeping both Invictus and Sentebale separate from the Royal Foundation once those ventures were able to form their own boards and fundraising arms.

        As @Elizabeth Regina mentions, Harry now has the freedom to join with any sponsor he feels is right. While still a senior royal, Harry spoke about having issues with keeping Invictus going every year, apparently due to the difficulty of forming alliances with sponsors, precisely because of the burdens of royal status! That’s why they didn’t have Invictus in 2019. Harry was trying to figure out how to lessen the complications of his involvement, while still having a management team in place to keep things going.

        Now, Harry doesn’t have to answer to his father, or to the U.K. government, or to the palace grey men! He’s a private citizen and a free agent, which allows him to give even more support to Invictus. Plus, the publicity that Netflix is providing will be invaluable in helping Invictus to grow and prosper. Yay!

      • Debbie says:

        @Aftershocks: All you’re saying may be true but who knows how much further Prince Harry could have gone and how well he could have done with Invictus this year. After all, look how well William and Kate did in the Caribbean with the money, government help, and palace apparatus behind them. Oops, never mind.

      • nina says:

        @Debbie. Damn, now I have to go clean my keyboard and desk. Making me spit my coffee all over everything. BAWHAHAHA.

    • The Hench says:

      To be fair, Jobson is only learning from the stellar example of the Duchess of Cambridge. Several of her patronages failed because she’s not a working Royal either.

  2. Dee says:


    I think Invictus did so well because is ISN’T a strictly “royal” initiative. Those are usually just PR oppos, but this is actually genuine outreach to disadvantaged groups, which tends to be more popular and less controversial. Being a “royal” is going to become harder and harder to justify as resources become more scarce and global alliances shift away from the post-WW2 order that disproportionately benefitted Europe and North America over the global south. And as awareness of historical atrocities (of which there are SO many) abject hatred for them will grow. They’re sitting on a time bomb and telling Harry he’s a fool for running clear.

  3. Bettyrose says:

    It’s true. Only the BRF successfully pulls off high profile international events. In fact, they’re known worldwide for their charitable spirit and love for all peoples.

    • Matthew says:

      @Bettyrose not to mention their incredible capabilities at creating flawless international events.

    • PaulaH says:

      Agreed. Presidents and PMs around the world are envious of their ability to pull off perfect Royal Tours. Their “soft diplomacy” is the envy of the world!

    • BeanieBean says:

      And their astounding adherence to ethical norms when it comes to financing those international events and personal lives.

  4. RoSco says:

    Wait but didn’t the Royal machinery have trouble putting together that boring Christmas celebration that Kate hosted about six months ago? That machine is broken.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Even the BBC refused to screen that self centering PR mess after the fiasco that was terra cacas.

      • Laura D says:

        The Beeb didn’t refuse the Christmas celebration. William threw all his toys out of his pram because the Beeb refused to take the two part documentary “Princes at War” off the air. The documentary was a fair assessment at how members of the royal family uses the media to leak stories.

      • nina says:

        terra cacas. O my. I am going to to be cleaning my desk all night.

  5. Steph says:

    Harry loves babies! He’s looking at the little one wearing Meg’s coat line he wants to snatch it up and keep it!

    • SpankyB says:

      The mom does look a little worried! LOL

      • liz says:

        If that were me, I’d be a bit more worried that my baby was about to spit up on or have a diaper leak all over what must be a $1000 coat. But that’s just me and my kid spit up on everything (so everything I wore for about two years was machine washable and from Old Navy).

    • Lorelei says:

      I’ve never been so jealous of a baby

  6. Amy Bee says:

    The British press and royalists have this weird sense of ownership over the Invictus Games. Because Harry started it as a royal they believe it should belong to the Royal Family and the press also believe that they played a part in its success. After the first games, Harry took it out of the control of the Royal Foundation. That was such a smart move.

    • TRAVELIN says:

      It was a fantastic move for Harry to not have it be associated with the royal family. I have thought for some time that Harry knew what we all are just now figuring out. Will would take all the credit of Harry’s work. This kind of event requires hundreds of hours of planning and meetings. And I am sure Will would have just show up to take a bow at the medal ceremony!

    • L84Tea says:

      That move was rather telling I think. Seems to me that Harry was aware of the foundation’s shenanigans for quite a long time and always knew it would be better to get Invictus out of there.

      • Deering24 says:

        And this is why it would make no sense for the Sussexes to come back part-time. Why would they want their good works tainted by the RF’s shady business practices? They’ve been through that mess before…

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Genius move by Harry. But he knew, having had the experience of co-creating and fundraising for Sentebale. After Will joined Harry to launch the Royal Foundation in 2009, it must have soon become clear to Harry that his Sentebale charity needed to be separate and form its own board. Will was doing precious little with RF, besides funneling the funding that was coming in for Harry’s ventures and due to Harry’s hard work. The same happened when Meghan caught W trying to mess with proceeds meant for the Hubb Community Center via the Together cookbook sales!

  7. Lili says:

    WTH! i can’t with these people. Harry is the founder and he isnt stupid, he said UK & Us particpation will dwindle as the years go by, i suppose due to lack of their participation in war. and i’m sure he will adapt to take that into account. this has nothing to do with royalty,

  8. DCLite says:

    It also seems a little dicey to bring up “needing an awful lot of money.” He’s talking about sponsorships but it immediately made me think of the fact that Harry is footing all his expenses himself or getting his sponsors to cover it rather than the taxpayer money funding anything the Royals do.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Here’s a link to this year’s Invictus Games (too many to list): https://invictusgames2020.com/en/sponsoring/partnersandsponsors/

      Harry’s doing just fine without the royal machinery behind him. Jobson is flat out lying. Or he’s incredibly stupid. Or both. And there are no ethical concerns with Harry’s working relationship with Netflix and BetterUp and doing charity work. Lots of us ordinarys, who have regular jobs, do charity work. There’s no conflict. Harry’s smart, Meghan’s smart, their team is smart, etc. They’ve got this.

    • Christine says:

      Yeah, the irony of the British media screeching about Harry’s (nonexistent) conflicts of interest is too much for me today. I really can’t with these idiots.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I know @ CHRISTINE, but these comments are too fucking funny to ignore!!! The ridiculousness of rabid Jabba the Hut comments as well as CopyKeen not being a working Royal either!!

        Unfortunately, we will see in the Daily Fails headlines tomorrow how commentators find that the BRF are the envy of the world with their diplomacy, ethics and their stellar charities that are thriving, as well as the envy of philanthropist across the globe!! All because they are incapable of deciphering satire and need more material for article #833 to smear and justify their ownership over Harry and Meghan!!

  9. Eurydice says:

    So interesting to be part of an industry where there are no penalties for being wrong.

    • Seraphina says:

      Or how they just flat out lie.
      I think they believe if they say it, they may make it happen. Or they think a lot of us are just plain stupid.

      • Elizabeth Regina says:

        Spot on. They think if they say it often enough, people will believe it. Jobbo and his ilk must be very upset that the IG have been deemed a great success story straight after the Caribbean offensive of their faves.

      • Red says:

        To be fair a lot of Daily Hate readers really are that stupid.

  10. anniefannie says:

    How often can theses RR’s get it so wrong and maintain any sort of credibility?
    I can’t imagine IG could have received better & splashier PR! Harry and Meghan have burnished their legacy of service forever in spite of the enormous litany of RR detractors.

    • Lorelei says:

      I’m honestly surprised that they don’t delete all of their stories that turn out to be completely wrong, making their reporters and sources look moronic. They do all sorts of shady nonsense, so it’s not as if they’ll respect journalistic standards of integrity when it comes to that one thing.

      • Christine says:

        Why would they bother? The Cannot and Willnot supporters are off in lala land, they don’t even bother to fact check a single thing that disparages their “true love story”, much less wonder months later if something was inaccurate.

  11. TheOriginalMia says:

    Ha! So much projection. Invictus is a success because Harry is the veteran prince, who is one of them. When he’s with his brothers and sisters in arms, all the pretense of royalty falls by the wayside. It doesn’t matter to the veterans if he’s a working Royal or not. He’s Captain Wales, Afghan war veteran. Jobson is a clown. Honking his red nose as loud as possible to detract from the fact that the other working royals’ charities have failed. Yes, I’m looking at you, Kate & William.

  12. C says:

    Well the sponsors had two years to make up their minds as to whether they wanted to get involved if he wasn’t a full time royal and they still did, so I think that ship has sailed, Jobbie (and I mean that in the British way).

    • BeanieBean says:

      Right? He hasn’t been part of the ‘royal family’ officially for two whole years now, so what on earth is Jobson on about? If being royal-adjacent were truly important to these sponsors, they would have pulled out sometime in the last two years. Superdry makes sports clothing; being a sponsor of IG is great advertising for them. Royal connections don’t count here.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @C & BeanieBean, extactly. I’m just so happy that Jobson thought it was a great idea to write his shite after the small startup called BOEING announced their multi-year/games continuation deal with the Invictus Foundation. All this time I thought Boeing was just an American mult-national corporation that is the world’s largest aeropace company and largest supplier of military aircraft. /s Two years after Prince Harry stepped down as a senior working royal, the wee little corportation called BOEING, signed up for more. The military community is greater than the idea of being ‘royal’. Multiple interviews (with IG athletes) I’ve watched, it was about Harry the soldier…not Harry who was born in the royal family. He is family to veterans because he was a soldier that served, cares and understands. With pure and unadulterated heart. Heart of Invictus.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Ack…exactly not extactly. Though extactly sounds like it could be a strategic word. Forgot to include the Boeing link.

        March 29, 2022. Boeing announced a partnership with the Invictus Games.

        What Philip wanted? Philip was a military man deep in his soul. He had to give it up for the Queen just like Harry did because of his workshy older brother. William/Kate were/are lazy. They were making the RF looki bad then and now. I dare any RR that reads this site to present an actual logical argument that what Will’s lack of nothingness -military wise-is greater than what Harry has and continuously has done for the military and veterans. Make the argument that Philip would be more proud of Will than Harry military wise. Harry is a soldier. William is solder. Quite like the aptly definition of solder in the Cambridge dictionary. Sadly. A soft metal.

  13. Merricat says:

    Lol, this insistence that the brf is massively influential is hilarious.
    Jobson can save his artificial concern; Invictus doesn’t need it.

    • Rae says:

      I agree Dee on everything apart from the global alliances shifting to the south. I see not much evidence of this happening, if anything these past two months has shown how much power the current powerful blocs wield.

  14. TIFFANY says:

    How the hell did Jobson get Invictus and Earthshot mixed up in this interview?

    Maybe it is time for him to retire.

  15. AVEA says:

    The royal machinery runs on laziness, leaks and nepotism, I’m not sure what jobless thinks they would have done better. He built it up himself and it’s one of the things he cares greatly about that wasn’t snatched away from him when they left. Can’t imagine what they would do if they felt they were entitled to it

  16. C-Shell says:

    None of these 🤡🤡🤡 knows how any of these things work. Jabba just keeps adding to the CVS receipts of ridiculous lies and faux outrage over all things Harry and Meghan. Harry has made IG a roaring success IN SPITE of the “royal machinery,” not because it adds any value whatsoever. I admire Harry’s ability to see the big picture and adapt his paradigms as necessary. There will never be a shortage of war and war casualties, but the communities affected will shift over time. Harry gets that, and the IG will continue to serve the vets damaged as a consequence, wherever in the world they are.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Right, and Harry can fill a need in this respect wherever it exists. There’s always the necessity for groups, ventures, and institutions (ahem) to adapt and adjust with the passage of time! That’s a given.

  17. Giddy says:

    Now writers like Jobson can see that Harry didn’t need to be a working Royal for the Invictus games to soar! What would his next column have been if the games had failed? Probably that Invictus needed to be taken over by Will and have Royal backing. But guess what, Jobson you giant a-hole? The games were a huge success! H&M were greeted like the rock stars they are, countries want them to bring Invictus to their shores, and powerful corporations are lining up begging to be sponsors. So, aim your poison elsewhere. H&M are immune!

  18. Lorelei says:

    Yeah, without the gold standard team that planned the recent Caribbean tour, Invictus will for sure fail

  19. lanne says:

    I’d like Jobba the Hutt to name any royal initiative from any royal family that has the scope and breadth of the Invictus Games on a global level. He can’t because none exist. If that’s the case, then why would Hary’s royal status affect the games going forward? When have the royals put money into an event the size of the Invictus Games? That scale of event requires corporate sponsorship: the queen isn’t exactly writing a check to support this endeavor. Besides, according to William, the only thing the royals have to offer to any initiative is smiles.

    I think the Invictus Games can do quite well without royal smiles, thank you very much.

    • C-Shell says:

      “ I think the Invictus Games can do quite well without royal smiles, thank you very much.”

      Especially the scary, unnatural kind! 😣

  20. MsIam says:

    Jobson is Charles’ mouthpiece. I believe this is Charles trying to convince Harry that he needs to come back in order for Invictus to be a success. But it already is a success Charles, despite all of the mud you have tried to fling on it. He doesn’t need you and the family anymore. As for that line about “ethical questions” is that a joke? They want to question Harry when Charles, Andrew and Prince Michael are just sitting there? Hello? And the Netflix obsession is just weird, especially coming from people in the media. Are they not familiar with documentaries? Huh?

  21. Jais says:

    More than gleeful, I think Jobsen is misguided and delusional. The rota live and breath within this idea that royalty means something and that the RF are inherently revered and respected. The cracks are there but they are willfully pretending they don’t exist. To admit that Harry doesn’t need the RF and that the monarchy is essentially nothing more than smoke and mirrors is also to admit that about their own reporting and existence. Feeling glee at Harry’s failure is also validating themselves and what they do. It’s some weird existential stuff. Like just admit that it’s bs, at least to yourself, which I think some of the RR do, but some just really take it to heart.

    Edit-meant to reply to @colby above

  22. PrincessK says:

    Nonsense. Jobson is just another RR who is mad because the Sussexes have not fallen flat on their faces. He is just another one praying for them not to succeed. Terrible people.

  23. Snuffles says:

    When Harry and Meghan left, these clowns were 100% certain that they would flop within a year and come running back. That’s why they put in that stupid 1 year review. They threw up every obstacle they could think of. Cutting them off financially, yanking their security, leaking their locations. They were printing cruel comics showing them poor and destitute and begging the Queen for money.

    They were SO convinced it was just a blip. Just Harry throwing a tantrum and that he would soon come to his senses. But with every deal they signed, job they landed and putting roots down by buying a house, their certainty dwindled.

    But they are still having a hard time grasping how anything can be done outside of the royal bubble. To be fair, 99% of the royal family wouldn’t be able to hack it even for a day.

    I think Harry has been preparing for this moment for 20 years long before he met Meghan. He regularly built projects and organizations outside of royal purview. He made friends and built connections outside royal and aristocratic circles. He’s very resilient and resourceful. And meeting Meghan, another incredibly intelligent, resilient and resourceful person just super charged him.

    • Christine says:

      I agree with you, Harry has been planning this for a long time!

    • susan says:

      I think this is part of what they don’t understand about Harry. I really don’t think he felt “seen” until she came along. Meghan helped him to realize his real potential. She validated him and pushed him to do the work of healing that sad boy who walked behind his mother’s coffin.

      He KNOWS what she did for him. And he’s not letting go.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Yep! Exactly! I remember during their 2017 courtship when Harry attended one of his military events. He was wearing his uniform proudly, standing at attention with his chest puffed out, and with a new pep to his step. I remember reports of how calmer and happier Harry was during that time. Everyone who knew him remarked upon a new steadiness they saw in his demeanor.

        I believe that everything in Harry’s life began to take on greater meaning and purpose when he gained a committed, accomplished partner in Meghan. It must have meant so much to Harry, especially after his despondency over the difficulty of building and maintaining a lasting relationship. And especially after his unhappiness in being forced by his family to retire from the military, in 2015.

  24. C-Shell says:

    I’m hoping and betting on the Heart of Invictus documentary/docuseries getting Emmy, BAFTA, Golden Globe and every other nomination and award. Take THAT Earth💩!

  25. Julia K says:

    Kaiser, he did actually use some royal machinery at first. When he started Invictus in around 2013 to 2014, it was funded in the beginning by a grant from the Royal Foundation. He, along with others in the RF had access to funds for charitable use. It is now, if course, free of royal money and is supported by sponsors.

    • kirk says:

      I hope he talks about Invictus founding in his book. Seems like I recall an interview where he was talking about the difficulties getting it set up, primarily coming from royal blockage.

    • Charm says:

      Dont get it twisted. Theres a reason that the Endeavor Fund – also a program started within the Royal Foundation – was handed over to Harry when he left that place and he placed it within the IGFoundation – another Harry creation.

      Fundraising by the RF was supposed to have been a joint effort of the 2 (Harry & bullyiam) then 3 (kHATE) principals but, as usual, H did all the work. So just as how he set up Sentebale, then IG and IGFoundation, he also set up Endeavor Fund. These all have the stamp of Harry’s solo hard work on them and thats why it was a no-brainer for him to take them with him.

      You might hv noticed that he left Heads Together with the two do-nothings and started HeadFit on his own. But compare those 2 charities today and see which one is thriving.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ @Kaiser is right @Julia. Re-read her phrasing with greater depth of understanding. @Charm is right too. Invictus, Sentebale, Endeavour Fund, HeadFit, Travalyst, et al, are all Harry’s brainchildren, built through Harry’s hard work, and Harry’s passion and determination. Harry created his own life’s work in spite of his royal status, and in spite of the interferences of ‘royal machinery,’ and royal f*kery!

  26. Jaded says:

    Well the rest of the BRF can’t seem to plan anything without f*cking it up despite having legions of fawning staffers so Jobbie needs to cut back on the happy juice if he thinks his bloviating will be taken with anything more than a massive eye roll and huge grain of salt.

  27. M iranda says:

    This tired narrative that Harry simply MUST be a working royal (and with a few exceptions, I use the word “working” VERY loosely when it comes to the RF) in order to be an effective patron is insulting to not only Harry, but to all the men and women who have participated in Invictus and experienced a positive effect on their mental health and self-esteem because of it. To me, the narrative seems to imply that they see those who benefit from any royal charity efforts as little more than groveling peasants who drop to their knees and scamper around to gather the coins the lord of the manor tosses from his carriage as he passes by. Does anyone else get that vibe, or am I just reading into it too much?

    • susan says:

      No, you totally nailed it.

      IMO there’s no chance they’d go back. in the first place, their promise was to support QEII. Once she’s gone, that mission no longer exists.
      In the second place, these “royal tours” and patronage events are little more than the kind of cosplay you mentioned. And juxtaposing Invictus and its triumphant participants with the W&K fail tour is almost unfair. Charles, W&K and the rest of the bunch are so diminished by not just the star power of H&M, but the way they use it to make the world a little bit better.

      Compare Harry’s interview with Hoda to *anything* William has done in the last year. Harry comes across as charming, articulate, warm, personable and relatable. William is stuffy, pretentious and out of touch.

    • Lorelei says:

      Harry has done more work in this one week alone than both of the Cambridges do in an entire year

  28. Liz Version 700 says:

    The fact that Harry and Meghan have succeeded in all of their endeavors to such a fantastic degree doesn’t just prove the royal family is useless. The fact is H&M have thrived and succeeded and their partners have all benefited 100 fold from being connected with them IN SPITE of the enormous efforts to make them fail from the Palace Idiots, Royal Rota and their terrible family members. They have shown that you can succeed on your own and “whispers” the power of the Royals isn’t real it just exists because others allow it too. The Royals are a house of cards and if the illusion is broken (and it has been) they will soon be nothing but a rich family whose money came from stealing from others. This is the reason the Rota are going nuts. They scared off the golden geese and now everyone can see the Emperor has no clothes…

  29. MangoAngelesque says:

    Royal machinery? The same Royal machinery that coordinated the Colonial Travesty Tour? Those are the wheels and cogs you think Harry needs for Invictus?

    Yeah, no.

  30. Liz Version 700 says:

    Right?!? That colonial tour wasn’t exactly a great advertisement for the palace’s “people.”

  31. Over it says:

    The British media all seem to share the same brain cell. They repeats the same crap over and over and the biggest issue I have is why so much of the public refuses to think critically for themselves? Like why do they go along like sheep? I watched part of a segment this morning on my phone that came up from loose women, a British show, granted I don’t watch the show but I was curious. They had one black woman on the panel with 3 other white women and one especially was so full of vile hatred towards Harry and Meghan . The black lady tried to push back but she folded. This white one that looked like dried cream was seething. And she keeps saying they wanted their privacy but won’t shut up and Netflix this and that. I don’t understand why no one ever corrects these people with that privacy lie and why the bitterness that Netflix is filming a show for wounded veterans? It’s not like Harry and Meghan are filming kuwtk. Or whatever that bbc royal show was called. What is wrong with these people? Harry isn’t a palace artifact. He is a human. He isn’t a slave , he can make his own choices.

  32. aquarius64 says:

    Jobs on has a book coming out about William. He’s afraid the sales will tank in light of Invictus success and Caribbean flop.

    • Christine says:


      He should have chosen another subject matter. Willnot has always been a flop, but the rr has made sure that no one who is paying casual attention would notice.

  33. topherben says:

    I guess pretending that Harry’s status as a full-time working royal would be crucial to the future success of Invictus is a back-handed way of justifying the existence of “working royals” in the first place?

  34. Tessa says:

    Jobson does not consider that the veterans appreciate Harry’s work all these years. They like Meghan and Harry and look forward to the games. In his zest to put down Harry, Jobson shows little consideration for the veterans.

  35. lucy2 says:

    LOL if they managed to make it work during a pandemic, I THINK they’ll be ok going forward without him being a “working royal”

  36. sammi says:

    By chance we saw an interview on GB (which we do not follow) and Wooton and Jobson were apoplectic when challenged by a African American guest who said why Harry and Meghan were believed and loved in USA. It was hilarious as these two ‘reporters’ could not remain neutral or coherent as their views were not accepted and this guy remained so calm and even said “sorry you are angry but that is Ok”. Hope someone can post this clip somewhere as sure they will delete it!