Cele|bitchy | Prince William ‘had no desire’ to see Prince Harry attend the Jubbly

Prince William ‘had no desire’ to see Prince Harry attend the Jubbly

There are several silver linings to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s announcement that they will come to the UK for Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubbly in June. One, we finally have a new storyline and the British media has a new worry stone and talking point, which is that Harry, Meghan, Archie and Lili will “pull focus from the Queen.” I’m happy about that, even if I genuinely wish that the Sussexes would just stay put in Montecito. Secondly, the Sussex-return will be hilarious because Prince William is already f–king seething about it. Y’all know he’s been raging for days! Speaking of:

The Daily Beast understands that Prince William had no desire for his brother to attend Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June, having feared his presence, which was finally confirmed Friday, could overshadow the celebrations and damage the dignity of the proceedings.

“Harry’s presence on British soil is not welcomed by his brother,” one source said before the announcement was made that Harry will attend. “Last time Harry came to the U.K., William managed to be in the Alps. These things don’t happen by accident. William is sick of the sight and sound of his kid brother. He doesn’t want him there.”

The queen is understood to have personally wished that her California-based grandson would attend, and is thought to have been keen to facilitate him to do so. All sources The Daily Beast spoke to this week agreed that if Harry, however angry he is with his family—and despite the historic low watermark that his relations with his brother have hit—were to attend the Jubilee, it would be largely out of respect for his grandmother.

It was notable that in the [Today] interview, Harry, when asked if he missed his brother (or father), declined to answer the question. It is clear that the relationship between Harry and William is as bad as it has ever been, not helped by nervousness on William’s part around the convention-shattering decision of Harry to write an “entirely honest” memoir, due to be published later this year, which William fears may seek to damage the monarchy. Adding to the animus is that William and his family were deeply dismayed by Harry going on American TV just days after meeting his grandmother and suggesting that she was not being properly looked after and that it was up to him to make sure she was “protected” and had “the right people around her.”

Emily Andrews, a former royal editor for the Sun and the Mail on Sunday, told The Daily Beast: “William has played his cards very close to his chest throughout the whole thing and said nothing about it to anyone, so you can be sure he would not be actively agitating for Harry not to come.”

[From The Daily Beast]

Cry more, Baldemort!! I love how William basically acts like he made the executive decision to be on vacation when Harry and Meghan visited the Queen, like William had any idea that they would be there. Harry and Meghan clearly didn’t tell anyone, which is why Kensington Palace didn’t have the information to leak. This is William acting pissy about that too – “I’m so glad I wasn’t here, I hate my brother so much!!” Anyway, yes, the Family Sussex’s return is almost entirely about Harry’s respect for his grandmother, and the fact that she personally requested their presence at her Jubbly. I also believe that – despite Clarence House’s leaks to the contrary – Charles is eager to put some issues to bed with the Montecito royals. So it’s just William and Kate being pissy grudge-holders. The Cambridges look immature and petty in this situation, although when don’t they look immature and petty?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar.

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72 Responses to “Prince William ‘had no desire’ to see Prince Harry attend the Jubbly”

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  1. Layla says:

    Of course he didn’t. Because he and his mean girl wife both know no one will pay attention to them
    Unfortunately, this is not like where he can give himself an award. He doesn’t make the decisions (Thank God)
    Plus they won’t be able to copykeen. They’ll have to wait 3/4 months later

    Honestly, I was worried when I read the sussexes are coming back here. As much as I really really want them to, I’m scared for them (mainly due to the behaviour of the stupid tabloids) but if they’re comfortable with coming back, I 100% support them. Plus now it’s really funny seeing the rat rota pull their hair out and beat their chests about how Harry and Meghan will “pull focus”. I want the rat rota to suffer and lose sleep. More of this

  2. Eurydice says:

    Wow, today started out like an SNL skit and now it’s becoming a full comedy hour.

    • Not a Subject says:

      Especially when the Queen (or more likely Charles since he’s leading things now) played his Ace card and is shipping all their rasses out of London. Bill and Cathy will be in Wales and mean-girl Sophie and her huzz will be in Northern Ireland. …… Funny thing: Wales is the one who refused to buy the children’s jubilee books on the queen’s life for their schools and Northern Ireland just had an election and Sinn Fein (the anti-monarchy, pro-democracy group) won big time. //// It’s all slipping away and after the Queen goes, more will go.

      • SarahCS says:

        I saw a story about that book and I wondered how it was landing. Thanks for the update!

      • PunkPrincessPhD says:

        That’s certainly one way to describe Sinn Féin …

        That said, SF taking the highest percentage of 1st preference votes, seats, and the FM’s chair is a significant moment, and puts even more uncertainty around NI’s place in the Union (in the long term – there’s no chance of a border poll in the near future).

        Can’t wait to see if Wessex “took notes” on that one …

      • Michele says:

        Good. I hope she loses Scotland especially since baldy tried some shenanigans the last time he and the show pup were in Scotland. Scottish independence before the change over would be absolutely delicious.

  3. Someone is jealous lol. Sorry Willy, green is not your color. Also Harry didn’t want to see YOU the last time he visited, not the other way around. Let’s not get things twisted.

    • AnaKist says:

      Yes, I’m with you on this, Pink Flamingo. Harry and Meghan can hold their heads up high. They have done nothing wrong, apart from removing themselves from a toxic situation where they were blatantly disrespected. Why would anyone want to hang around people who treat you so shabbily? I can remember the days when the British press made a great point about how close Kate and Harry wre. When Meghan ca arrived on the scene, that closeness ended. There were no more cute photos and the press stopped talking about Harry and Kate’s close relationship. It makes me wonder if is it a bit of jealousy there still. In the bigger picture, I really think the Cambridges (and their crowd?) didn’t expect that Harry and Meghan would petrol so easily , and thrive in the US. It’s true, they are a bunch of petty twits.

  4. Kelly says:

    Willy may be keeping his cards close to his chest with one hand while the other dials his rota rats to speak on this. What a tool. The only thing that is going to ruin the future monarchy is this tool, future future fugly saying how he “hates his brother”, not exactly the etiquette of a royal.

  5. ML says:

    Interesting that the courtiers believe Harry is coming due to his respect for his grandmother. I believe it’s his love for his grandmother that’s driving Harry instead.

  6. Tessa says:

    Dignified ! Like when kate and will glared at Harry and Meghan at that church service

    • JaneBee says:

      @Tessa Came here to say exactly this!!! TOB+K are literally incapable of ‘dignified’ behaviour. Chronic jaw/fist clenching, crazy eyes, rictus smiles, and jazz hands don’t = dignified.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    Well the Queen has obliged him by sending him to Wales for the weekend.

  8. Palma says:

    I wonder why nobody in Britain seems preoccupied with first, the bad temper and grudge holding of the future head of the church of England (not very Christian, is it?) and second, with the lack of respect for hierarchy that William displays, both to his father and grandmother, when that’s supposed to be so important.
    Then of course the absurdity of criticising whatever Harry does: cold hearted if you don’t come, attention seeking if you do.
    Oh well…

    • Deering24 says:

      Palma—TPTB have a culture of denial enforced. If they can keep everyone ignoring William’s problems, everything will be okay and the Monarchy Won’t Fall. 🙄

    • Ellie says:

      Agree so much with your comment. This family’s behaviour is the opposite of what Christ taught. Their behaviour is cold, dysfunctional, grudge bearing, jealous and hateful.

  9. Merricat says:

    I love that they cleared the deck for the arrival of the Sussexes. Good for her maj, lol.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      What an absolutely ridiculous bunch of lies, starting with this statement, “William has played his cards very close to his chest throughout the whole thing and said nothing about it to anyone, so you can be sure he would not be actively agitating for Harry not to come.”

      That’s what Baldimort has done since Meghan arrived on the scene was scream, demand, stamp his tiny feet and hands and hold his breath like a toddler!!! He has told the entire WORLD how he and CopyKeen feel about Harry and Meghan!! Such lies, lies, lies!! BTW, Baldimort you don’t have to invite him to your Platinum Jubbly, so just STFU and sit down.

      I would like to read a breaking news story when Baldimort ISN’T hating and smearing Harry and Meghan, THAT would be actual news!!

      • Christine says:

        That’s the sentence that got me as well.

        Willnot has no cards, other than the fact that he was a byproduct of the sperm and egg from Diana and Chuck, and emerged first. That is the beginning and end of his “cards”.

        True to form, being as he has no cards, he has given the ammunition to others to malign his brother and outright torture his sister in law.

        Willnot isn’t going to see Harry because of the Jason Knauf, et. al., of it all. He has not one leg to stand on, and there’s no way he has the intelligence, both emotional and book, to puzzle through any way out of this, besides stamping his feet, balling his fists, and giving a wonky toothed grimace.

        I have gone from wanting Harry and Meghan to avoid Salty Isle like the plague, to fervently hoping they meet W and K face to face, in front of cameras. Those two assholes have no coping skills to navigate this, sending them out of England is a fucking kindness to them.

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s hilarious, isn’t it? “Ok, we’ll respect your desires – it’s off to Wales with you.”

    • Becks1 says:

      It really is very telling, isn’t it? We know who the Queen wants there and who she doesn’t really care about.

  10. Not a Subject says:

    Prince William and the press act like the royal family cant trust Harry or say anything around him for fear that it will end up ‘with Gayle King’ but William is constantly leaking to the press. CONSTANTLY. Tom Sykes is very well connected and aristo himself, so this is definitely being said by William to enough toffs to make sure it goes the gossip rounds. I respect Harry far more for just being direct.

    In addition, remember how there was a slew of friends that would host Charles and Camilla during the affair years, lock the gates and Diana couldn’t reach them. Toffs don’t look down upon bad behavior from their future king because they are obsessed (and dependent) upon royalty. They’ll never push back on all Willie’s bad behavior (cheating, sh* tting on Harry or whatever it may be).

    • BothSidesNow says:

      I hope that their descendants hold a higher standard as they will be dead once Baldimort becomes king, IF he becomes king. The Monarchy might be gone in the next 15+ years, at the rate it’s going.

    • Jaded says:

      The toffs are actually more aristocratic than most royalty. They turned on Peen and Mean when she tried to take down Rose Hanbury over the affair fallout. They will circle the wagons and protect themselves against intrusive behaviour like that, especially from some lowly middle-class parvenu like Khate.

      • GuestWho says:

        Interestingly (or not), Basher is accepted by the aristocrats because of who is mother’s family is – not his father’s. But, yeah, Buttons doesn’t stand a chance with that crowd.

  11. girl_ninja says:

    He absolutely wants to see his brother so that he can snub him. Is he not embarrassed? Has he no dignity or shame? Harry and Meghan are already eating up the attention and it’s gonna get worse. This Jubbly is gonna be a nightmare for Baldy and his Botox bride.

    • Guest says:

      Yeah. It’s not pulling attention away from the Queen that the Cannot’s are concerned about it. It’s that all eyes will be on H&M and the FFK &FFQ are going to be totally ignored.😂🤣

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Yes, that is were Baldimort’s anger hinges on, not the fact that Harry is coming at the request of his Grandmother. It’s that everyone will be clamoring for Harry and Meghan. I mentioned the other day that CopyKeen is probably living on cigarettes and coffee to select her awful duds for the Jubbly only to be outdone by Meghan into the stratosphere!

        I can’t wait to see their unhappiness during the entire Jubbly!!! They will be miserable until the Jubbly and Baldimort will be insufferable until then as well.

    • Not a Subject says:

      Exactly. I mean what press is going to want to leave London during the Jube and go to Wales to follow those two dullards? The ones that get that assignment will be p.o.ed ….. also, the real truth is Harry has publicly snubbed him 2x. First, Willie had no idea he was coming before Invictus or he would have leaked it to press. Second, when asked directly avoided saying if he missed him. You reap what you sow, brother!

  12. MsIam says:

    William, Harry didn’t even mention you or your father by name. In fact, I don’t think he mentioned your name during the Oprah interview either. So….I think that means he’s kinda over you. Now you need to get over him. Stop sulking and go build your own legacy. Otherwise, you’ll be known in history as King William the Jerk. Move on.

  13. Well Wisher says:

    Does this confirm the family rejection of one of its flesh and blood is really Bill’s strong dislike for his brother?

    Harry simply would not tolerate an abusive relationship with anyone and values his autonomy. So Bill is in his feelings. Okay.

    The only odd part is “on British soil”- Bill does not own the UK.

  14. Laura D says:

    Why does William think this a “good” look for the future of the monarchy? Surely a more regal response would be to say absolutely nothing about his brother. He should carry on with his duties and not respond to any questions whatsoever about H&M. All this rage is just making him look petty, spiteful and bliddy ridiculous. Can he not see that these constant attacks towards his brother are showing the world why H&M were right to leave the firm?

    • SarahCS says:

      He doesn’t think. That’s a huge part of the problem. He’s. spoilt child who has never been told ‘no’ and never had to think his way out of anything. He’s petulant and reactive.

  15. Sunshine says:

    The inability to control his brother is killing him.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Yes and it may be the death of him if he doesn’t get his anger in check. We see it all the time. Maybe Baldimort should look into BetterUp for some help because he needs it desperately!! As does CopyKeen and her codependent relationship with her mother/partner in crime.

  16. Snuffles says:

    “Ain’t nobody coming to see you, Otis!”

  17. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    Given what we now know about the recent break-in at Windsor Castle and the story about the thefts, perhaps Harry is right to be concerned about the welfare and security of his grandmother.

  18. C-Shell says:

    Right. Bulliam is worried that Harry’s entirely honest memoir will damage the monarchy. *snort 😂* This man child is so totally lacking in EQ, he doesn’t get that, if you don’t want your aggrieved brother to expose you for the enraged/enraging racist, misogynist, smearing, leaking TOOL that you are, maybe you should behave better, stop the lying, stop briefing the 🤡🤡🤡, work on your own mental fitness (to be FFK).

    Anyway, wish granted, you won’t have to see your brother’s face as your grandmother and father have sent you to your room (Wales) while the Sussexes are participating in Jubbly activities.

  19. Angela says:

    It’s nice to see Bill reminded that hes not even close to being king yet. The Queen still gets what she wants and she wants Harry there.

  20. kelleybelle says:

    I wasn’t aware that anyone gave a rip what William thought about anything. I only know that Baldy & Bones wouldn’t be able to tolerate being on the balcony with Harry and Meghan. What a pathetic look for the royal family. It’s really come down to schoolyard pettiness, hasn’t it?

  21. Over it says:

    Poor Willy is trying to save face, no Harry didn’t blank me, I blanked him he screams and rages into the wind. No one listens. Lol.Willy and Kate mcbuttons wanted to be seen as senior working royals on that balcony, so off to work you two lazy ass grifters go, all the way to whales.lol

  22. Gabby says:

    A message to William:

    Don’t worry, dickhead, the feeling is mutual. Harry wants nothing to do with you either. I bet it stings that Granny was so desperate to get your brother to the Jubbly that she was willing to ship you off to Wales to get you out of the way. You may have to borrow dignity and grace to get through the events, but please try. After your Caribbean disaster you really need a success or two.

    Speaking of darkening one’s shores, please refrain from coming to the US for your EarthShotItselfInTheFoot prize or really for any reason whatsoever. We don’t want you or your racist vapid wife here. Now go have a good day.

    • Liz Version 700 says:

      Gabby 100% co-sign all of this!

    • SarahCS says:

      It reminds me of when I was in the garden during the first lockdown/homeschooling saga I heard our neighbour explaining to one of their two boys “well don’t worry, he doesn’t want to be your brother anymore either”. The only difference being the boys next door were five and seven at the time…

    • This whole message is a masterpiece.

    • Christine says:

      Best letter ever. Gabby!!!

  23. aquarius64 says:

    Has it been confirmed Bad Dad is still coming to the Jubbly? Tin foil tiara theory: Bulliam is afraid the BM’s useful idiot will spill the tea he was part of the plot to stop the wedding in front of press he can’t control. Side note: Scammy or bf, loose cannon no. 2, fired off a nasty email to the Buzzfeed reporter who exposed her Meghan troll accounts. The reporter was following up on her losing her lawyer in the defamation law suit. In response the email accused her of harassment and it will be forwarded to RRs and Kensington Palace. Yep it implicated KP.

  24. Sue E Generis says:

    It’s a shame that William can’t see that the only one coming off poorly here is him. It looks like all the adults went through a rough patch and are trying to smooth things out, while Joffrey is over in the corner stomping his feet, cursing and sulking. A very bad look.

  25. Steph says:

    It’s kinda mind blowing that William’s existence is so miserable even with all the privilege he has. He literally spends his entire life raging about two people who don’t give a damn about him. Imagine what he could accomplish if he put that energy into something useful and fulfilling.

    • ILady Digby says:

      Exactly Call me Bill and Pay my Bills should be grateful for his good fortune and feel blessed by fragrant wife, gorgeous children, all those castles and uncountable toilets and that balcony practically all to himself!
      If he was the well balanced, generous and kind older brother of repute than he would be respectful of his grandmother and glad to see H and M again. Instead he is jealous and spiteful and that’s a bad look for anyone let alone FFK and future Head of the Church of England.

    • Deering24 says:

      Proof, once again, that everything isn’t everything if you aren’t about anything. William is wasting his life/immense blessings on petty, hateful, unimportant crap because he is petty and hateful.

  26. Rapunzel says:

    He had no desire to see Harry show up because everyone likes Harry more than him. Also, if Harry doesn’t show up, not only does Willy get the attention, but he can control the narrative. He wanted to make it seem like he had Harry banned from the jubilee, I’ll bet.

  27. Lyn O'Callaghan says:

    Huh, it looks like ol’ Elegant Bill isn’t so elegant after all.

  28. Lizzie says:

    What a classless guy. Needs more king lessons from granny cause this is amateur hour.

  29. First comment says:

    Lol.:”William has played his cards very close to his chest throughout the whole thing and said nothing about it to anyone”… the article itself contradicts the statement… the whole world knows how TOB feels through sources and so-called friends. At least, Harry is direct and all we know about him is whatever he chose to say himself.

    • Liz Version 700 says:

      Right?!? I’m not sure William knows what “playing your cards close to your best” actually means?

  30. Saucy&Sassy says:

    This is really well played by TQ and PC. The dates haven’t been announced yet (that I could find), but it’s definitely during the Jubbly weekend. I could see PC appear at a Jubbly engagement with the Sussexes, which will give him some limelight. TQ will be pictured in some way with the Sussexes, which will give her limelight. I suspect there will be discussions behind the scene. You know who doesn’t get any of the reflected glory? The Cams. They have really played themselves. I think TQ and PC do blame the Cams for the Sussexes leaving, and this is part of their power play. It could get very interesting in the near future watching TQ and PC. I agree with others here that a very clear line has been drawn about who is in charge and who will be King. If I were the Mids, I would be careful going forward.

  31. Jaded says:

    Typical William. This is a total “close the gate after the horse is out of the barn” moment and he thinks we don’t see it. He is so nakedly, transparently spiteful. He needs to get a grip on his anger and jealousy and start acting like the FFK instead of a spoiled toddler flinging his toys or he will hasten the departure of many countries from the Commonwealth and reduce the monarchy to a shadow of its former self, which is actually a good thing.

  32. serena says:

    “Harry’s presence on British soil is not welcomed by his brother,”.. damn, so now Baldy he really went public with his raging and hate for the world to see.

  33. FeministYeah says:

    This rehashing of how bad Meghan is just shows how BLIND the royal courtiers are to their racism. You’re literally complaining that a Black woman wanted her wedding to look and feel the way she wanted it to.

    By doing that, they’re showing their contempt and angry reactions to this nebulous concept TO THEM of a Black woman being actually a person with wants and needs. Black people are meant to be not lynched or talked about in violent terms, but anything more than that is CLEARLY that same Black people being uppity and wanting way more than they’re owed. They only ever work and grovel for those who they think are better than them (idiotic in and by itself), and Black people to these courtiers are less than less.
    Thanks for showing your whole asses though!

  34. L4Frimaire says:

    The fact that William would even let such petty nasty statements be printed makes him look like such a whiny bitch. This guy has no skills when it comes to showing decorum or diplomacy on the world stage. The fact is he was hoping the Sussexes wouldn’t come so they could be dragged and attacked for not showing up to the last big celebration of the Queen while she’s still alive. The only person old Will is worried about overshadowing is himself and his sidekick. Well Baldemort must be so pleased he’ll spend part of this event in Wales far away from London.

  35. ChattyCath says:

    Keen and her vile entourage may have been accepted eventually had they not been charmless and obnoxious from the start. Money doesn’t buy everything and the gilt is coming off the gingerbread now

  36. MikeB says:

    In 2020 the world saw the appalling treatment of Harry and Meghan at the Commonwealth service. In 2022 the world will be watching very closely how they are treated during any event they attend, already the powers to be have tried to humiliate Harry and Meghan by banning them from the balcony.