Elon Musk is still “making plans” for what he will do when he takes over Twitter. There are many who believe the deal will fall through, or that at the end of the day, Musk will not actually have the money to buy Twitter. I have no idea what’s happening with all of that, but I do know that if and when Musk takes over, Twitter will become a haven for lunatics, Nazis and fascists, moreso than it is already. Speaking of, Musk said yesterday that he would absolutely reinstate Donald Trump’s Twitter account. Trump was permanently suspended and banned from Twitter in January 2021, when he was using his account to incite terrorism. I’m still haunted by the fact that whatever he was trying and failing to tweet after the insurrection was so bad that Twitter corporate decided to ban him rather than merely censor his tweets.
Donald Trump may be coming back to Twitter — at least, if Elon Musk’s acquisition of the social media platform moves forward. On Tuesday, the 50-year-old Tesla CEO said that, if his deal to acquire Twitter goes through as planned, he would reverse the permanent ban against Trump that was put in place following the riots at the U.S. Capitol. Speaking at FT Live’s Future of the Car conference Tuesday, Musk said the ban on Trump’s verified account was a “mistake” and that he would “reverse” it if he owned the social media platform.
“Permanent bans should be extremely rare and really reserved for accounts that are bots, or scam, spam accounts … I do think it was not correct to ban Donald Trump,” Musk said, according to a CNBC report. “I think that was a mistake, because it alienated a large part of the country and did not ultimately result in Donald Trump not having a voice.”
Musk was quick to note, however, that he hasn’t yet acquired Twitter. “I would reverse the permanent ban,” he added. “I don’t own Twitter yet. So this is not like a thing that will definitely happen, because what if I don’t own Twitter?”
The transaction, which was unanimously approved by Twitter’s board, is expected to close in 2022 — though the terms of the deal could still change.
This People Magazine article actually reminded me of something I tried to forget, which is that one of the tweets which got Trump a permanent ban was something about his refusal to adhere to an orderly transition of power on January 20, 2021. As in, he was trying to incite his terrorist supporters to overthrow the government again at Biden’s inauguration. The dumbf–ks like Elon Musk would have you believe that Twitter was merely “unfairly” censoring Trump for conservative political speech. No. Trump was using his Twitter to actively incite terrorism and communicate with the violent psychopaths that made up his MAGA Army. Anyway, Musk *thinks* he’s being trollish. He’s not. He’s planning to empower Nazis and fascists.
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- (200107) — SHANGHAI, Jan. 7, 2020 () — Tesla CEO Elon Musk attends an opening ceremony for Tesla China-made Model Y program in Shanghai, east China, Jan. 7, 2020. U.S. electric carmaker Tesla officially launched its China-made Model Y program in its Shanghai gigafactory Tuesday, one year after the company broke ground on its first overseas plant. The first batch of China-produced Model 3 sedans was also delivered to its non-employee customers at an opening ceremony for the program. (/Ding Ting),Image: 562871736, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS excluding China – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon.red – sales@avalon.red London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: Ding Ting / Avalon
- (FILE) Elon Musk acquires 1,200+ ventilators from China to help alleviate coronavirus COVID-19 shortage. Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has acquired a trove of ventilators from China and shipped them to the U.S. for distribution to hospitals in need during the coronavirus. BEVERLY HILLS, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA – FEBRUARY 22: Chief Executive Officer of Tesla, Inc. and SpaceX Elon Musk arrives at the 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party held at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 22, 2015 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States.,Image: 563994638, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon.red – sales@avalon.red London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Avalon
- 01 December 2020, Berlin: Elon Musk, head of the space company SpaceX and Tesla CEO, comes to the Axel Springer Award ceremony. Musk will accept this year’s Axel Springer Award.,Image: 572867757, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Britta Pedersen / DPA Picture Alliance / Avalon
- U.S. President Donald Trump, left, and U.S. First Lady Melania Trump arrive to a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, U.S., on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021. Trump departs Washington with Americans more politically divided and more likely to be out of work than when he arrived, while awaiting trial for his second impeachment – an ignominious end to one of the most turbulent presidencies in American history.,Image: 584864792, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: usage worldwide, Model Release: no, Credit line: Stefani Reynolds – Pool via CNP / DPA Picture Alliance / Avalon
- Washington, DC – US President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks to supporters gathered to protest Congress’ upcoming certification of Joe Biden as the next president on the Ellipse in Washington, DC, USA, 06 January 2021. Various groups of Trump supporters are gathering to protest as Congress prepares to meet and certify the results of the 2020 US Presidential election. Pictured: Trump BACKGRID USA 6 JANUARY 2021 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – US President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks to supporters gathered to protest Congress’ upcoming certification of Joe Biden as the next president on the Ellipse in Washington, DC, USA, 06 January 2021. Various groups of Trump supporters are gathering to protest as Congress prepares to meet and certify the results of the 2020 US Presidential election. Pictured: Trump BACKGRID USA 6 JANUARY 2021 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Prince George’s County, MD – President Donald J. Trump greets attendees at Joint Base Andrews, Md., Jan. 20, 2021. After his farewell address, Trump traveled with his family to Palm Beach, Florida. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 20 JANUARY 2021 BYLINE MUST READ: Best Image / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Birthing Elon Musk was a mistake.
WTF has happened in this country that “alienating” neo-Nazis, fascists, incels, misogynists, and other assorted assholes is considered a bad thing?
Musk is desperate for love and attention and he gets it from the MAGA crowd.
Reminds me of someone…..
Geez… Mr. “Daddy Issues” is so desperate for love and affection that he bought Trump’s fanbase for a measly $40Billion? That’s like buying a bunch of bot followers.
Dude would have been better off getting some therapy for his mid-life crisis.
100% agree
It’s always good to know what the Nazis and fascists are thinking, but only if someone is going to do something about it and arrest/stop them from committing acts of violence or treason. Since all of our law enforcement, military, and FBI are infiltrated by white nationalists, KKK members, and neo-Nazis, that’s not going to happen. So, whether Trump is on Twitter or not, we’re screwed. And the only ones who can stop another insurrection again will be the people themselves–real patriots and not those whose allegiance is with the Confederacy–for the reasons stated above.
TFG started his own (beyond lame) pay SM site. If he goes back on Twitter “for free”, he loses income and we ALL know how fe feels about the grift. He’ll stay there, to keep the MAGAts and lowlifes mostly there. If he starts to tweet, he loses his paying idiots.
Yeah, but the Jan. 6th committee is about to start doing things publicly. And Trump needs to get ahead of that with the most people. His fear of going to jail outweighs his greed. It’s the only thing.
Egomaniacs admire each other for their abilities to not be held accountable, or to have to adhere to any rules. The only empathy or sadness they feel, is when someone wh is just as irresponsible as themselves, is held accountable.
They are blind to the IMPACT this lack of accountability has on anyone or anything- its just all a matter of “no one can tell me what to do”.
When will ALL of this stupidity end. When will ALL of these irreverent 4 year old CHILDREN stop assuming positions of power. When will we as a society, stop ENABLING these bratty lunatics and start holding men up to the same standards as women and teaching them empathy, boundaries, rules, and limitations?
The world as we know it is literally in flames cos of men fencing each other with their members. Literally, this is the world we now have to live in. Its not even a joke.
Yes to all of this. Narcissists love and protect other narcissists.
I’m sure DT reminds Elon of his father. Of course the racist doesn’t see that the racist did anything wrong.
Yes some serious daddy issues that need unpacking.
Now is the time to bail on twitter. If we all leave… it’s useless.
I maybe thought I might return, but now I want no part of it and never want to hear or read about it again. Let it fade away.
A lot of people I know (myself included) have started accounts on “Counter Social”. It’s another alternative w/out the “trash”.
I am staying until the provincial election is over and then I will be deleting my account – especially if Trump is allowed back on. I feel this will tank Twitter.
not so shocking Apartheid Clyde wants to embolden Nazis
I deleted my account
I hate waking up in the morning these days.
And this is why I deactivated my Twitter account. He’s telegraphing his plans and it will not create a free and robust debate, it will turn Twitter into a cesspool.
As worrisome as this is, we are not without recourse. If users leave and refuse to pay the fees that Elon plans to charge, or agree to openly identify who they really are and lose all anonymity (like he also plans) then it won’t become an appealing option for companies or influencers to advertise there.
And as disgusting as Elon is, if Twitter becomes a money pit, he will bail and Twitter could go the way of the dodo.
SO many people will bail if he starts charging fees. The entire site will just be a bunch of blue checks lonely for likes, RTs, and general engagement.
For me the silly fee isn’t the deal-breaker. I think I saw 3 bucks a month. If I valued Twitter I’d pay it. And I like Twitter. But the reveal your identity? That is a stone cold deal-breaker, no discussion. Bye. Do they know what these people will do to women, especially black women, and LGBTQ people if they find out their identity? Are they crazy? The least harmful thing they will do is destroy small businesses with fake yelp and google reviews. It starts there. And then escalates. Next thing you know you are in hiding. Or dead.
The plastic surgery is so disconcerting.
Same with Mark Zuckerberg.
Society goes after the Kardashians but every time I see a picture of Elon Musk, it takes me a second to get past all the stuff he’s done to face. And Zuckerberg looks an alien in a too small toupee.
What surgery has the Zuck had done? You mean he wants to look like that?
Zuckerberg is 40 next year and his face is completely and unnaturally smooth. He definitely uses Botox in his forehead.
I don’t know if he’s had Jared Kushner-level plastic surgery.
It’s plastic surgery? I thought they were both just unattractive and/or their ugly souls were showing on their faces.
He’s had a lot of work done to prevent aging. First being his hair. Then Botox. Then he is noticeably letting his fillers settle.
He’s a tiny little insecure racist and I want him deplatformed.
His hair and chin implant – he was basically Brian stelter before. Lol.
Lots of Silicon Valley execs get surgery – it’s surprisingly common among both genders – and hard to find a filler free face. It seems super important that execs look cool – and dressing like teenagers has evolved into.. well – this.
Tech bro culture is rife with body image issues. They just cover it up with pseudo-science and new age language.
Yeeeeep. “Bio-hacking” is a fancy bro term for disordered eating.
I just deactivated my twitter account and it feels so freaking wonderful!
I can’t be the only one who is freaked out about this.
When Donald Trump comes back to Twitter, he will have his daily (sometimes hourly) forum, and it will be all over the news. Free campaign publicity and a convenient means to whip his supporters into a frenzy.
America is pretty bad now–not Biden’s fault, but because of lingering COVID and the war and the economy, plus, plus–but it was so much worse when he was president. And, there is the effect of his imprint on SCOTUS–Roe v. Wade.
I can’t even wrap my mind around his possible return to the White House…
I have this daydream every now and then: Keep our Twitter accounts, keep any stock we have. Keep the value high….just until the ink dries. Then sell, deactivate, crash & burn any value in any way we can. Market forces! Crushing!
So, yeah, a daydream based on very little actual knowledge of how these immense economics work.
But it relieves some angst.
Can someone please explain the terms of sale? Are there loans involved?
I re-activated Twitter for Elie Mystal once the Roe ruling leaked. Wherever he goes, I will follow.
“I will vote for Democrats, then criticize Democrats when they suck, then vote for them again, in a little maneuver I call “BEING CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING MULTIPLE FUCKING TRUTHS AT THE SAME GODDAMN TIME.””
LOVE this
This is what I said from the beginning once he went on his spiel about protecting free speech and blah blah blah. I hope Twitter goes out in a fiery blaze. Celebs should take the initiative and jump ship NOW to set an example.
Kaiser’s excellent choice of Trump photos is second only to those of Will and Kate.
Elon makes the mistake of thinking only people from the USA use twitter.
As with most things Elon says, I’ll believe this Twitter deal when I see it actually happen.
Today he makes waves talking about reinstating Trump. A week or so ago he had everyone clutching their pearls when he said he’d brought in a bunch of investors including a Saudi prince. Now if the original financing (leveraging his Tesla shares to buy Twitter) was solid, why did he turn around and announce new investment? He’s created volatility for Telsa & Twitter stock, he’s churned outrage online & he’s caused turmoil within Twitter. Does that make Twitter a better acquisition? And another “investor” he announced is Binance–a crypto outfit under investigation by the IRS & DOJ. It was also forced out of China due to new crypto regulations. Does that make the deal more or less attractive to Twitter shareholders?
Elon plays games to get attention. If he happens to make money doing it, fine. If he gets bored, tanks the deal & pays the $1 billion fine, he won’t lose any sleep over it.
Is Elon a U.S. citizen? I know twitter isn’t considered a news company. But if he isn’t a citizen, then couldn’t it be pushed he can’t be an owner of something from the U.S. that informs that many people. And also counldn’t Biden take awy Murdochs citizenship that Reagan gave him?
Just a reminder that he doesn’t actually own Twitter yet and this is him just taking out of his rear about what he ‘would’ do. He doesn’t have the $$ yet, there’s a pending lawsuit from stockholders. Most corporate people think he’s talking this big talk so he can eventually back out and save face. Apparently there’s only about a 30-40% chance this deal will go through.
He’s doing it for attention
I also saw comments that Musk is drawing attention away from the most recent Tesla recall (of 130,000 vehicles, because of touchscreen malfunctions).
I think he’s going to face a reckoning one way or another: his plans for Twitter don’t make financial sense (leaving aside his know-nothing moderation comments), and Tesla is not in the greatest shape either.
If he really does remove most moderation from Twitter, the value of the site will tank dramatically, as others have noted. People who want that experience can go to 8 kun or Gab right now. And if he DOESN’T remove most moderation, the right wing is going to be furious with him.
Other platforms have gone from ‘the’ platform (or at least ‘the’ platform for certain groups of people) to almost nothing before.
If there’s a cool new thing in a year or two, then he gets left with a very expensive empty bucket.
Elon Musk is the exact definition of mid life crisis. He is trying to pretend he is still a young cool tech bro. It’s kind of pathetic.
Hate this douche. Hope his deal falls through.
I know several people in downtown SF who enjoy the Twitter food court options, but good riddance when he moves that whole fascist operation to Texas (sorry Texas CBs. I’m not picking on you guys, it’s just that it’s the 2nd most obvious thing Musk is going to do after reinstating twitler).
While I can’t speak for the rest of my fellow Texas natives, I feel it’s safe to say trust me that there are plenty of us here who don’t want him either.
We have enough problems
Yeah, I have family who are neighbors of his rocket-testing site, & they share the same sentiments toward him as Rand Paul’s neighbors.
Which is why I no longer have Twitter
And I REALLLLLLLLLY wish Elon would stay outta my state. We have more than our share of bottom feeding mouth breathers…
You can’t trust this asshole. First he said he wouldn’t, now he says he will. F him. I hope he loses the deal altogether.
Why can’t Elon choke to death on his own ego?