In Canada in the 1800s, Anglican and Catholic churches began forcibly removing Indigenous children from their families and their communities. The practice continued well into the 1960s. Children were sent to church-run boarding schools, and in recent years, people have learned even further depths of horror, as unmarked graves were found all around those boarding schools. The Indigenous communities – the First Nations – have demanded apologies from the Anglican church, from the Vatican and from the British royal family. The Queen is the head of the Church of England, and the practice of removing children from their families started when Canada was a British colony. Weeks ago, the Archbishop of Canterbury (Justin Welby) made a formal apology and he listened to survivors’ stories. Pope Francis also made a formal apology and he begged for forgiveness and he spoke movingly about intergenerational trauma.
All of which means that there is still one big formal apology missing: an apology from Queen Elizabeth II or perhaps the Prince of Wales. Charles and Camilla are doing their whirlwind Canadian tour right now, trying to fly under the radar to avoid protests or big, public flops. Clarence House repeatedly emphasized that this Canadian tour was less of a Jubbly tour and more like Charles and Camilla coming to Canada to show their respect to the First Nations communities. Charles ended up making a speech. The speech did not include the words “I’m sorry” or “on behalf of the Queen, we are so deeply sorry” or “what happened was completely horrific and there is no apology big enough, but still I offer one.” Instead, Charles yammered about reconciliation.
Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall have arrived in Canada — and the royal heir wasted no time in addressing the need to “come to terms with the darker and more difficult aspects of the past.”
Prince Charles, 73, gave a speech at the Confederation Building shortly after landing, thanking Canadians for their warm welcome as they kick off a three-day tour in honor of Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, as Canada is one of the 14 countries outside of the U.K. where the Queen is head of state.
“It is with the greatest respect that both my wife and I begin our visit to these homelands that have been lived in and cared for by Indigenous peoples — First Nations, Métis and Inuit — for thousands of years,” he began. Prince Charles said he had spoken with the Governor-General about the “vital process” of reconciliation in the wake of the mistreatment of Indigenous people of the region, particularly the children who were forcibly relocated from the 19th century to the 1970s by the Anglican Church — of which the Queen is the head.
“As we look to our collective future, as one people sharing one planet, we must find new ways to come to terms with the darker and more difficult aspects of the past: acknowledging, reconciling and striving to do better. It is a process that starts with listening,” he said. “I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to discuss with the Governor-General the vital process of reconciliation in this country – not a one-off act, of course, but an ongoing commitment to healing, respect and understanding. I know that our visit here this week comes at an important moment — with Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples across Canada committing to reflect honestly and openly on the past and to forge a new relationship for the future.”
He added, “As we begin this Platinum Jubilee visit, which will take us from the newest member of Confederation to among the oldest communities in the North — and to a much-storied capital at the heart of a great nation — my wife and I look forward to listening to you and learning about the future you are working to build.”
After the speech, the royal couple took part “in a solemn moment of reflection and prayer at the Heart Garden, on the grounds of Government House, with Indigenous leaders and community members in the spirit of reconciliation,” Chris Fitzgerald, Deputy Private Secretary said last month. “Heart Gardens are in memory of all Indigenous children who were lost to the residential school system, in recognition of those who survived, and the families of both.”
There’s nothing wrong with doing the heavy and long work of reconciliation. But I believe the reconciliation process can only begin when facts are established and agreed upon with both sides attempting to reconcile. As in, one side needs to say: this was wrong, this was criminal, this is one of the biggest tragedies of the 19th and 20th centuries, my ancestors brutalized your ancestors and I acknowledge and apologize for the history, the wrongdoing, the crimes. Then the reconciliation process can begin. Charles isn’t doing that. When even Pope Franny and the Archbishop of Canterbury are more willing to apologize and humbly ask for mercy, what does that say about the Windsors?
Photos courtesy of Getty, Instar.
- North America Rights Only – Ottawa, Canada -20220517- Prince Charles And Camilla Duchess Of Cornwall arrive in Ottawa, during their three-day trip to Canada to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. -PICTURED: Prince Charles, Camilla Duchess Of Cornwall -PHOTO by: PA Images/ Disclaimer: This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded For images containing underage children: Be advised that some Countries may have restricted privacy laws against publishing images of underage children. Inform yourself! Underage children may need to be removed or have their face pixelated before publishing
- North America Rights Only – Ottawa, Canada -20220517- Prince Charles And Camilla Duchess Of Cornwall arrive in Ottawa, during their three-day trip to Canada to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. -PICTURED: Camilla Duchess Of Cornwall -PHOTO by: PA Images/ Disclaimer: This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded For images containing underage children: Be advised that some Countries may have restricted privacy laws against publishing images of underage children. Inform yourself! Underage children may need to be removed or have their face pixelated before publishing
- North America Rights Only – London, UK -20220512- Prince Charles And Camilla Duchess Of Cornwall arrive for their visit to Canada House in London, ahead of their forthcoming tour. -PICTURED: Prince Charles, Camilla Duchess of Cornwall -PHOTO by: PA Images/ Disclaimer: This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded For images containing underage children: Be advised that some Countries may have restricted privacy laws against publishing images of underage children. Inform yourself! Underage children may need to be removed or have their face pixelated before publishing
Could it be a money issue Saying sorry lead to financial liability
You’re right
This is what I think. Once they apologize, they take responsibility which leads to reparations and financial liability.
What happened in Canada to the indigenous peoples was horrific and they are still treated as lesser. Reconciliation will be a long process for our country. It’s a systemic racism that is deeply ingrained into our history. I’m glad prominent people are acknowledging it and speaking about it, but there has to be more they can do.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but he never said or implied that they were going to ‘do’ anything. Only ‘listen’ and ‘learn’ as they always do. Sounds like a lot of useless pablum to me.
They aren’t treated as lesser officially, but they, like some other groups, some face racism from some people including police and healthcare workers. On the plus side, it is easier for (stadus card holding) indigenous Canadians to attend university than anyone else. They don’t need to worry about grades or tuition.
It’s only about protecting themselves. Ignoring everything and moving their train forward for as long as they can.
Nothing about the Windsors says they care about anyone except themselves and their secret wealth.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
It’s not just the money. They just don’t feel truly remorseful or a sense of responsibility for the atrocities that were committed.
Apology and reparations are two separate things. We have examples of apologies from the State without reparations eg- the German Chancellor Brandt’s (I think) apology for Nazi atrocities at Warsaw and Trudeau’s own apology for the Komagata Maru incident.
Could be. But as @MA pointed out, it wouldn’t surprise me if the royals… simply didn’t care or think they’re responsible. And they’re not *personally* responsible but these things were happening in their lifetimes and their grandparents benefitted from it.
Petty Betty was head of the church when this was happening and queen mother hated indigenous people and anyone not white. They’re responsible personally for not intervening. What a bunch of cretins.
There can be no reconciliation without an apology. That’s basic af.
Plus, we Canadians do not want any more of these people in our country especially as titular heads of state. They are PARASITES.
No, those are two separate things. You can be legally/financially liable even if you never apologize, and you can be immune or not liable even if you do apologize.
The British royals don’t apologize because they feel they’re above apologizing. OTHER people make mistakes and apologize, but THEY do not. They are too high and mighty for any common person to expect an apology or show of remorse. Just the privilege of basking in their regal presence should be more than enough for lower class people to ever hope for. How DARE you expect an apology as if the royals answer to *you*?
Truth comes before reconciliation, and this is what Charles is missing. He never is forthright with the truth.
“It is a process that starts with apologizing. I am deeply sorry on behalf of my colonialist monstrous ancestors.” FIFY, Charles.
No. It’s a process that starts with telling the truth. State and admit to the atrocities committed and the terrible consequences, and then start with the reconciliation process which involves apologizing.
@ThatsNotOkay, I like and agree with your apology for Charles… I just felt that the admission of wrongdoing must come first… Didn’t want you to think I was in disagreement with what you said per se.
He and Wills, always “Listening and Learning”, yet never DOING anything concrete to actually rectify or help.
Generational Ineptitude, thy name is Windsor.
Oh my!! Jan90067!!! That’s bloody brilliantly and truthful!!!!
Chef’s kiss!!
The problem is the Windsors don’t really have much power. Charles or the Queen can’ really do anything to solve this. Paliment would have to do something. I know if he and the Queen said something needed to be done it would put some pressure on the Prim Minister. But that’s all hey can do. And right now with all the financial hardships in England. If the Queen diverted money to this I believe it would be the end of the monarchy. When people in England are having problems paying their own bills and putting food in their kids stomaches, sending money anywhere else would cause a riot.
The last residential school in Canada closed in 1996. Indigenous peoples are still vastly overrepresented in foster care and the prison population. Approximately 100 so-called reserves do not have clean drinking water. The sheer amount of MMIWG is staggering. Our government runs pipelines over unceded territory while the RCMP violently removes people. The genocide continues.
I thought I knew something about this tragedy but your added info literally took my breath away. Of course the Royals give no shts.
^^^^ All of this. Canada has a lot of work to do on the road to reconciliation and reparations and it will never truly start until the genocide stops. What the RCMP are doing in Wet’suwet’en on unceded territory is criminal. White lobster fishermen committing arson, burning indigenous fishing boats while the RCMP stood by not even allowing indigenous peoples their treaty rights to “earn a moderate income.”
And what we’ve listed is just the tip of the iceberg.
The US likely has thousands too.
I’m also Lucy 😂.
I came here to say just about that, residential schools continued into the 1990s, including in the US. We haven’t even begun to search the US ones for graves, probably because we’re scared. The violence that continues is so shocking.
Camilla wearing red is some Kate Middleton cosplaying. But I wonder if she knows about the red dress project in Canada, which honours murdered and missing indigenous women.
I seriously doubt it. If she did, she would never.
The horse whisperer’s staff probably thought: yes, red is part of the Canadian flag. Look at how good we are; we worked so hard to find a red dress you look decent in! Yay, us! It’s not difficult to google anything to find out if a specific colour has a different meaning, you know, to be sure, to do one’s job correctly and for more than five minutes. Is her staff still using the encyclopedia Britannica?
I guess it’s progress that Charles even addresses the TOPIC. If he didn’t giggle or snark about not taking notes, do we call this a win? 🙄 His planners have most definitely curtailed their time on the ground to avoid pics and vid’s of C&C being confronted with protests. Odds on them being photographed hugging members of the First Nations?
Once again @C-Shell you are 100% on point and I couldn’t agree more, except one thing… you know darn well Charles, Camilla, Willy and Waity only hug white people. Although I would love to see the active recoiling clips going viral again if someone dares to try.
LOL, we shall see, eh? We’ll find out how much Charles is throwing Willy and Waity under the bus if he and Cams overcome their aversion to non-white ppl and act all warm and cuddly with their indigenous subjects (for the cameras). Stay tuned!
I won’t hold my breath. You make an interesting point, it is entertaining to see how Charles has just dumped the other two and is doing everything he can it seems to pull back in Harry and Meghan. I can only imagine the incandescent rage right LOL.
Is there some kind of protocol in place that doesn’t allow them to apologize? Bc literally, since the flop tour, it’s the one thing that’s being asked for. There is no way, at this point, C&C haven’t gotten the memo.
Also, I don’t think using the term ancestors is appropriate here. His mother was well into her reign and role of head of the church of England while this was going on my. I think more personal ownership of the issue like “my family” is necessary. Saying my ancestors puts a false distance between him and the crimes committed.
That’s right!!! These crimes were still being committed in the last 3 decades and still no apology or the slightest bit of trying to empathize with the Indigenous population. The constant brutality that Indigenous tribes deserve an apology and much, much more than a simple statement. You will never convince me that the BRF didn’t know. Ignorance is NOT a an excuse!! The Pope apologized, which is a start but stop telling us that you are listening when you have known about the actions of your ancestors, and your Mum, for DECADES!!
I can believe that they didn’t know. I can also believe that they didn’t care, and didn’t care to know. In the US, when confronted with the very recent Black Lives Matter movement, many non-Black, supposedly “educated” adults were absolutely stunned by the possibility that there are racial disparities in this country. Shocked!
And, of course, the backlash has been swift— from anti-so-called “CRT” political efforts to limiting access in schools to books that have been included in our literary canon for decades.
Most of us don’t know what it takes to get our groceries, our clothes, and our electronics to the store — and how many dangerous and exploited jobs are the foundations of our consumer-oriented lives.
BothSidesNow, I quite agree that ignorance is not an excuse. If the representatives of the Queen are hiding behind ignorance, then there is absolutely nothing stopping them from getting an education except their own cowardice.
Even as I write this, I realize that Charles is probably offers the best chance for getting some genuine understanding and remorse. If there is a reign of Will, I don’t see him having the mental bandwidth or the interest to honestly confront and address the impact of his family’s and his country’s exploitive history.
Can’t apologize if you don’t think what happened (and is happening) was wrong.
I’ve seen royalists say that the Royal Family doesn’t have to apologize because it was the British Government that sanctioned these atrocities. But in the process of colonizing many parts of the world the Queen’s ancestors were made the rulers of these lands and spoils of those wars were gifted to the Royal Family. The lands of countries such as Canada still belong to the Queen so she and her family should apologize.
Should apologize and pay billions. They can sell off a few of their stolen castles, real estate and jewels for this and still be hideously wealthy.
And they should!! Greece should be added to the list as well.
The government has so much money at their disposal, especially considering they refused to pass the billions from the gasoline conglomerates onto the British public. Even their own parliament is selfish and greedy!
His grandparents aren’t “ancestors”. Ancestors implies people that lived and died in a bygone era. This stuff was still going on less than a century ago. This failure to apologize isn’t just a curiosity, it’s the whole game. They won’t apologize because they don’t actually see their behavior as immoral. They merely understand that the global community sees it as immoral and holds it against them. They would like that to stop, which is what they mean when they talk about reconciliation. If you think for one second that these people have any intention of apologizing, much less making amends, for what they did, you really aren’t paying attention to them.
This. The attitude of the British establishment and people is shocking in this day and age. There are always excuses made- that every empire in the world did this, atrocities keep happening in the world, the people today are not responsible for what happened in the past, the British were also colonised by the Romans and Vikings, the colonies are better of because of the Raj, the empire brought civilisation..blah..blah. You have to wonder where their moral compass is at.
@Dee 1000% this. Same with slavery, racism, colonialism, corruption scandals, and all the different scandals and atrocities committed by them or in their name. They are unfeeling, privileged, insulated and out of touch, they think everything they have is deserved and don’t care about the world around them except as it directly impacts them. They will do the bare minimum as the cultural winds shift but no one should credit this as “progress” or anything more than a shallow PR exercise
I said something similar up thread. These atrocities against indigenous children continued for over 40 yrs into his mother’s reign. She is still the monarch. This isn’t history, it’s current events.
You’re right—it is current events.
The atrocities continue to this day. Indigenous Peoples still receive substandard access to education and healthcare. Many First Nations communities have been without clean drinking water for decades. Most reserve communities better resemble what you’d find in a developing nation and not one of the wealthiest countries on earth. Indigenous women and girls are at substantively greater risk of violence and murder. The suicide risk is much greater among Indigenous than non-Indigenous people. And the ‘60s Scoop didn’t end in the ‘60s; there are more Indigenous children in the child welfare system today than during the height of the ‘60s.
I get so frustrated when I hear people say that Indigenous Peoples need to “get over it.” You can’t get over something that is still happening. We can’t treat this as if it’s ancient history. It’s not ancient. It’s not even history.
They really think they’re above everyone, huh? Even the pope asked for forgiveness!
I’m disgusted.
That literally just happened, though, and was the result of some pretty focused activism. (Plus lots of Indigenous people are Catholic, which might be a factor.)
I feel honour-bound to point out that the Presbyterian, Methodist, and United Churches also ran residential schools; it wasn’t just Catholics and Anglicans.
Interestingly, all three of the additional sects you mention were among the earliest to apologize for their roles in residential schools and cultural suppression: The United Church was initially called out in 1981, and they issued a first apology in 1986 and then again in 1998. The Presbyterian church did so in 1994, the Canadian Anglican church in 1992. I believe some of these churches have also offered financial recompense, but I can’t find the article I read about it.
I’m not sure about the Methodists, they literally became the United Church (more Presbyterians and a handful of Congregationalist churches chose not to join) so I believe the United Church apology encompasses those Methodist residential schools.
The British have a lot to apologise for. Chucky apologising for one thing will lead to, rightly, demands for apologies for other atrocities. The Jallianwallah Bagh massacre, the Bengal and Irish Famines, the trans-atlantic slave trade, the Boer concentration camps, the loot of irreplaceable cultural artefacts.. and the list goes on and on. Chucky &Co do not want to open the flood gates.
Admitting culpability and apologizing could likely set up a precedent for financial reconciliation. These grifters don’t want to pay a cent.
This tour is a joke and all Canadians can see right through Red Chuck and Gladys. This is not a real tour, it’s a joke disguised as an olive branch, when it’s actually just a mini vacation at our taxpayers expense.
It’s why the United States government never apologized for slavery and neatly half the population was terrified Obama would. But he didn’t. Bill Clinton came close to it, but he didn’t either. My country has a lot of introspection to do before turning its eyes outward and casting stones.
That’s true, we do. They are finally recognizing the brutal atrocities in Tulsa, over one hundred years ago. Where are the reparations for the killings and the wealth that was stolen from them? We have a terrible history regarding Native Americans as well. They haven’t fulfilled their commitment to create access to water, roads and other facilities to support their livelihood. Plus the atrocities that are committed against Native Americans is still not investigated by the FBI or is there any incentive to start actively supporting the local tribes with the incredible resources available to them. The number of Native Americans that don’t have running water is a disgrace and yet no one is doing anything to rectify it.
Though this program is trying to rectify the injustices. I have been donating for years as well as a Native American woman that has taken on the role to give access to those in need. They are hoping to purchase more water trucks as well.
BothSidesNow — and what about the “40 acres and a mule” — or what the value of such, even conservatively invested, would be worth today? What truly bites is knowing that in the US, after the Civil War, those who owned slaves were compensated for their economic losses — while those enslaved and their descendants were and are left to struggle.
Thank you for providing information re: the Navaho Water Project. As a country, we have a lot of injustices to rectify — starting with our collective ignorance re: the history and ongoing existence of injustice.
Good luck with that!
The Queen is the head of the Monarchy – any apology must come directly from her. At 96, I don’t expect that to happen. So sending the royals on these Jubilee tours is having disastrous consequences as we’ve seen.
Another point to note: The British occupation/colonization of Commonwealth countries, “only” dates back 400 or 500 years.
The Monarchy and the British Government have yet to apologize for 1,000 years of oppressing the Irish or the Irish Holocaust, aka the Great Hunger or Great Famine of 1845 – 1852, which isn’t even taught in UK schools in which over 1.5 million Irish died of starvation, when the potato crop was blighted. Meanwhile, the British overlords continued to export other crops, corn, wheat, barley which were abundant – which were grown in Ireland to Britain. Mass evictions followed and several million more Irish emigrated to the U.S., Canada, Australia etc. in so-called “coffin ships” where many more died before they reached their destination. It took Ireland over a century to recover from the Great Famine.
I have no expectations that the Monarchy or the British Government will formally apologize to the current and former Commonwealth countries for their heinous acts of forcibly separating indigenous families.
“homelands that have been lived in and cared for by Indigenous peoples”
You mean the rightful owners of the land???
Nope, their view is that they are the rightful owners of all you cast your eyes upon. In their opinion, it was the retrenchment of their wealth and power that was the true injustice. I’m not even making that up, it’s literally how these parasites think.
Selling the golden carriage and that state crown or whatever it’s called would give them so much money to begin the reparations. But they don’t want to part with their stolen loot, because by doing that it would mean they give a damm about what their ancestors did and they really don’t.
On brand 👍
Chuck basically said “sorry not sorry” and thumbed his nose at everybody. SMH.
What’s interesting is actually the residential schools issue is not isolated to Canada. Other “colonies” in the commonwealth were subject to this, New Zealand and Australia both had residential schools that targeted indigenous people. The church had a role as well but the Queen is the head of the Church of England.
Additionally – let’s not even get into the fact that the first trade and all the other crazy shit the commonwealth had a hand in that was part of systematic efforts to displace indigenous people in Canada and rob them of land and resources.
Actually, it didn’t end until around 1978. The last couple of decades were called the “Sixties Scoop”. I am a survivor of a Residential School. And the last school to close was in the 90’s.
I am actually surprised, well disgusted, that Chuck and Willie put up this learning bullsh!t excuse when the NYT ran an incredible story of the atrocities committed against the Indigenous Tribes several years ago! The brutality that they all committed was, and still do with regards to the blatant racism, was incredibly horrific to read.
The entire BRF knows exactly what they have done and no amount of listening to going to absolve them.
The Truth & Reconciliation Commission (2015) said that in order for Reconciliation to take place there must be four things: Awareness off the past; Acknowledgement of the harm that has been done; Atonement for the causes; and Action to change the behaviour.
Atonement is a necessary part of this formula. That is the accountability and the steps to make the wrongs right. Expressing “sorrow” is not atonement, and it’s not an action that resolves anything.
The churches, the Crown, the Canadian government along with educational, justice and healthcare bodies all have a role in Reconciliation. But we won’t get there while those representing the Crown skirt the issue without taking responsibility.
And, yes, significant resources are required. But considering how many resources have been stripped from Canada—and from Indigenous Peoples—the bill is due.
Very well said!
Reading this, I got a small shock. I wonder if this is part of the reason that Meghan was rejected and bullied by members of the BRF and the firm. Outspoken, well-educated, biracial, American Meghan surely would have had a lot to say about Awareness, Acknowledgement, Atonement, and Action — among other things. I can see how her educated, empathetic, earnestness might have made tea time conversations difficult for some of the Fab Four.
Perhaps the issues were not just racism and cultural mismatch, but avoiding both enlightenment and the actions that necessarily must follow from education. 💡
I genuinely believe that if Harry had stayed “in the royal family” he would have eventually apologized for the injustices that his family benefited from. All the stuff that they should do, and that we hope they will do, and will never do, he would do.
I recently learned that referring to the Indigenous people as “Indigenous communities” is not correct, as they never ceded their nation’s’ sovereignty and it makes it sound like we’re talking about Canadian neighborhoods or something when we talk about it.
Obviously there’s no consensus on a lot of these topics and I’m white so I’m not an authority. But I thought it was a good point; referring to them as simply “Indigenous People” or “Indigenous Nations” or “First Nations”… basically wording it in a way that recognizes their sovereignty and status outside of the Canadian colonial system.
Anyways… I just wanted to share this, because I used to refer them as “… communities” or as “Indigenous people of Canada” and I was kindly corrected so I’d like to pass that along.
To reiterate MadFab’s point,while I agree with the points made in this article, it isn’t simply a good idea to get to truth before we get to Reconciliation, it is stated by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2015), that atonement must occur prior to Reconciliation. It’s horrid that Charles is trying to gloss over this and the BRF thinks they can get away with that. What they’ve shown us is they are a bunch of weak idiots scared of having to pay reparations. I think, it’s time we leave these idiots behind if they’re too pathetic to own their own history. There’s a thought provoking opinion piece in the Toronto Star today by Bob Hepburn about the fading monarchy that is worth a read and had me realizing we need to get this done. Speaking of history, important to note the last residential school closed in 1996. PW was 14 years old. Many of the bodies discovered at these horrific crime scenes from the residential schools would have been in their 40s and 50s today. So even though I completely agree the BRF needes to atone for evils they have done in the past, important to note that the treatment of Indigenous Peoples at the hands of current living members of the BRF is evidence that they have NOT changed. These people are dangerous, weak, and evil, and they need to GO!
Slippers4life, thank you for mentioning the Hepburn piece. It was, indeed, thought provoking.
So much evil is rationalized and accepted in the name of profit — and to maintain a deeply toxic and entrenched status quo.
No problem and very true. Thanks for posting the link!
Since the 1980s, Canada has began the arduous task of coming to terms with its past.
One may not find the extensive work done on Wikipedia.
All the churches involved except the Catholic (until recently) have apologised.
The children that were hurt were compensated and the the living people who caused harm were persecuted and several served jail time.
This was documented on the news and books were written.
We’ve had films, docuseries like “The boys of St Vincent.”
The wretched residential schools were simply horrible, recently,there have been not just apologies but compensation.
Some may say late, in a valid argument, but it happened, never the less.
Right now there are ads running asking the people who are qualified to apply.
Nunuvat was officially created in April 1, 1999 with its borders drawn in 1993.
The indigenous peoples are being recognised for the heavy price they paid in terms of life in the 1812 war, the same time of conflict when the enslaved people helped the British army burn the first White House.
I have attended events where people who have survived tell their story with the healing energy of sage and drums mimicking the heart beat.
Her history is curated without jingoism and nostalgia, so necessary to avoid making the same mistakes.
Why does Charles have to apologies?
Because the creeping fascism in the UK and US is not so much here?
This is not a gang, where one have to join?
Were they any apologies for Manifest Destiny nor the Monroe Doctrine?
Well wisher all due respect you sound like someone playing from the colonizers playbook. There are still colonies in Canada with zero clean water for the last three years. Justin Trudeau has made no apologies and On indigenous remembrance day went for a walk on the beach and ran from reporters give me a break this guy is a nasty colonizer – If you’re not getting your news from the indigenous in Canada, you’re reading propaganda
Many people have benefited— and continue to benefit — from the atrocities committed by their forebears. I’m not sure why you’re flinging in what might be rhetorical questions about Manifest Destiny, but yes, the US government should acknowledge and apologize for quite a lot of theft, genocide, and multigenerational suffering. Such apologies would be most meaningful if they came along with some commitment to change and some form of reparation for the harms to those injured.
The United States hadn’t considered that it even NEEDED a reconciliation exercise until recently: ;
Perhaps there will be apologies for the Monroe Doctrine someday. It’s certainly warranted.
@Well Wisher, your claimed that “ The children that were hurt were compensated and the the living people who caused harm were persecuted and several served jail time.” This statement is false. Your post makes it sounds like these issues were dealt with decades ago when in fact they are not. The government only this year- 2022-pledged $ 31 Billion in compensation toward victims of the discriminatory child welfare system. And it was only December 2021 did the Federal Court upheld $6 Billion compensation for the contaminated water lawsuits. There are still many other ongoing cases being negotiated and in court.
It’s very easy to look up these facts on line.
The BRF refused to acknowledge its role and responsibility and made no move toward actual reconciliation as many posters here stated.
The fact is QE 2, as ‘Head of State’, holds an opportunistic and fair weather title. As Head of State, she or her proxy needs to act by taking responsibility. Instead what the people get is a British monarch who wants to be treated as Head of State for the expensive pageantry and freebies, but who is unwilling to undertake the difficult work and harder responsibility of leadership that such a role requires. By its actions and inactions, the British monarchy is an exploitative institution. The Queen is part of the problem, instead of being part of the solution.
I have seen adverts for former students of residential schools to apply.
If there was not a settlement, why run the ads?
I am not advocating for the BRF, I do not have a side.
I refuse to allow the idea citizenship to be reduced to cheap nationalism that only benefit the distractors. Disinformation plays a key role in the terminal decline of the power of democracy and in some cases entire countries.
There shouldn’t be any need for silly comparisons as to who is worse.
Right now, with the available information at hand I conclude as a citizen that we are better as a constitutional monarchy.
I have no concern about how other western countries chose to express their version of democracy, it is not a competition, it is what is suitable for the population of the individual countries: further this is not in a poly science class where these matters can be discussed in a civil manner.
I will resume Grorge Orwell’s “Politics and the English Language.” I have never subscribed to the idea of 1984 as a how-to book.
My problem has been disinformation and distraction, people have worked hard to make gains to have a livable society to have it frittered away by disaster capitalism.
It is still a work in progress.
The Canadian government continuing with PM Chretien have made great progress towards reconciliation.
I will reiterate that the job of reconciliation is not over, but better than most.
@WellWisher, we are going to differ regarding whether British constitutional monarchy benefits its citizens. I don’t think it’s a benefit because citizens aren’t better off today. Not in the Commonwealth or within the UK. These royals are divisive and politicized figures. There are favoritisms shown both publicly and privately. The fact that these royals chose right wing tabloids and media to write as guest columnists or have been profiled advantageously in them reveals they are not apolitical. People are entertained and distracted by the royals, but not better off. Who benefited in terms of wealth, special privileges (by special exemption of parliamentary laws) and properties? The royals themselves (and the bank accounts of chroniclers of juicy royal gossips).
As for Jean Chretien, his denial of being aware of the ongoing abuses while in office beggared belief. These things were recorded by the government and various institutions. The statistics revealed the tragedies. It wasn’t a mystery. The defense that he adopted an indigenous child is no defense. That’s the thing about reconciliation; powerful, people can’t use willful ignorance as an excuse because by doing so, they are denying they could have done something about it (I.e. using your powerful office to investigate/research/fact find).
WellWisher, we are going to differ regarding whether British constitutional monarchy benefits its citizens. I don’t think it’s a benefit because citizens aren’t better off today. Not in the Commonwealth or within the UK. These royals are divisive and politicized figures. There are favoritism shown both publicly and privately. The fact that these royals chose right wing tabloids and media to write as guest columnists or have been profiled advantageously in them reveals they are not apolitical. People are entertained and distracted by the royals, but not better off. Who benefited in terms of wealth, special privileges (by special exemption of parliamentary laws) and properties? The royals themselves (and the bank accounts of chroniclers of juicy royal gossips).
As for Jean Chretien, his denial of being aware of the ongoing abuses while in office beggared belief. These things were recorded by the government and various institutions. The statistics revealed the tragedies. It wasn’t a mystery. The defense that he adopted an indigenous child is no defense. That’s the thing about reconciliation; powerful, people can’t use willful ignorance as an excuse because by doing so, they are denying they could have done something about it.
This skates awfully close to “Why don’t they just get over it?”
@Wellwisher — Indigenous Peoples in Canada didn’t have the right to vote until 1960. Over 60 Indigenous communities in Canada are STILL under long-term drinking water advisories after over a decade of complaints. These advisories warn people to either boil water before use, not to consume it, or avoid it altogether because of such high toxicity levels. There is a deficit in funding for the maintenance and operation of drinking water systems on reserves of some $138 million dollars annually. First Nations schools are chronically underfunded. Promised federal funding for infrastructure, marine and air access, and medical care falls far short of what is needed. Yes this is a work in process, and has been for far too LONG a time, and will continue to be as reconciliation heel-dragging continues by both the Canadian government, and useless platitudes from the royal family.
I will reiterate with emphasis that we have a way to go on reconciliation.
Having lived through the Siege on Ottawa, with foreign interference and deliberate disinformation, I am at a loss as to why I should apologize in saying that the country is better served as a constitutional monarchy.
I am baffled at the attacks because of my seeming allegiance is to the country I call home.
Notice the use of DARK!? Negatively? Right off the bat and as an excuse?I did. I’m not reading one word out of his dribble dribble nasty azz mouth after that and dub him the prince of racial microaggression. It was him
And Camilla talking Archie’s skin color I’m positive now.
Is anyone else distracted by Charles’ fingers looking like they’re about to explode?
We Where Children is a doc on Netflix about Residential Schools in Canada. Trigger warning: every type of abuse imaginable and the child actor they use for the reenactment does a heart breaking portrayal of fear.
These old white fucks never apologize. They don’t fucking care, they don’t want to acknowledge legal responsibility or culpability, and moreover THEY DON’T CARE. See also the Catholic Church.
I live about an hour outside of Kamloops, BC. Google Kamloops and residential schools to see what I’m taking about.
They’re all going to hell.
For those who are interested, here’s the official site for Canada’s National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and its ongoing work:
Thanks for the link!
“Homelands that have been lived in and cared for by Indigenous peoples”. I’m gobsmacked.
That one sentence implies that they weren’t the rightful inhabitants of their land, that they were nothing more than “caretakers”. In Canada there are three groups of people who can’t legally own property — children, the mentally incompetent and First Nations people who live on a reserve. Instead it’s held for them by the government. Because of this policy, First Nations people currently living on reserves do not have equal property rights like every other Canadian. On-reserve members are unable to earn equity on their home, use it as collateral to borrow money, sell their land to whomever they choose or bequest their property to their children. It was only 67 years ago that then Prime Minister John Diefenbaker extended voting rights to First Nations people. Let’s hope those citizens living on reserve don’t have to wait that long to get full property rights, especially when it’s shown to promote prosperity, and social and economic wellbeing for those who still need it the most.
As a Canadian, I am outraged by the treatment of indigenous people in Canada. Having said that I think the Royal family bear zero responsibility for what happened. Canada is a constitutional monarchy. Royalty are figureheads and as such have very little to do with the actual decisions governments make. The best they can do today is bring awareness to the situation. Most of the residential schools were run by the Catholic or Anglican Church, which bears much more responsibility IMO for what has happened at schools.
The first residential school, the Mohawk Institute, opened in 1831, decades before the confederation of what is now known as Canada.
Furthermore, the royal family ARE the Crown. Figureheads or not, they are the Crown as represented by the Canadian government and are therefore culpable and responsible for the past and present atrocities committed in their name. The treaties are all with the Crown. They have and continue to benefit from resource extraction in Indigenous lands. The Crown set this ball in motion, and it’s still in play. They own this and need to be accountable.
MADFAB. While I am not an expert Wikipedia states the following about the Mohawk Institute. Operated by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England (commonly known as the New England Company) from its founding in 1828 as the “Mechanics’ Institute” (a day school for boys on the Six Nations of the Grand River reserve) until 1922, when the Canadian federal government took control. The Canadian government took over the running of the school in 1922 but ownership remained with the New England Company, which stipulated that an Anglican priest be the head of the institute.
Again, I am sympathetic to the Indigenous as I lived among the Inuit in both the Yukon and what was the NWT, but the abuse which occurred, was perpetrated by mostly religious authorities. Yes Canada, like many countries have a colonial past, but responsibility IMO lies beyond simply blaming the royals of today.
If you’re Canadian and interested take the MOOC from university of Alberta on Indigenous studies. They absolutely bear responsibility on the part of the crown.
Canada’s disenfranchisement and cultural genocide of Indigenous peoples can clearly be traced back to British colonialism in Canada. The introduction of the residential school system, for example, was clearly influenced by the utter disregard the royal family had with it’s far-reaching plundering of foreign lands and peoples. Even though residential schools are no longer in use, Indigenous peoples in Canada continue to be affected by generational trauma and the socio-economic repercussions of colonialism that was handed down from Britain to Canada. The continued lack of clear and concerted efforts for reparations for survivors of residential schools demonstrates an astonishing lack of accountability for the systemic racism it created. Ultimately, the BRF’s racism is more than a simple microaggression. The family represents a generations-long culture of bigoted thinking that has embedded itself in the historic and modern practices of all Commonwealth countries—a culture that clearly has not subsided, if the family’s concerns regarding Archie’s skin colour is any indication.
It’s a conspiracy but crazy read if you google William Combs Canada Queen Eliazabeth. He attended the Kamloops residential school
What’s was allowed to happen by the Catholic Church, Monarchy and government to so many countries is atrocious. Anyone who has time should look into Australia, New Zealand, Canada, basically any country that had Indigenous
The biggest reason why this royal tour is so wrong is the reason behind it. It’s no coincidence that the theme of the tour is to visit First Nations for many photo ops for FK to take credit for the reparations being made by the Canadian government. Charles and the Palace know reparation is a hot button issue right now within the Commonwealth and globally. The Palace thought it was being so clever by jumping on Canada’s coattail to deflect its own reparation and reconciliation responsibility.
This tour wasn’t just a jubbly PR tour, but a PR tour to absolve itself from any responsibility regarding reparation and colonial legacies. This is a PR tour for the Brits back home to show on the one hand, ‘look we are sensitive to issues’, and a wink with the secret agreement intact for the right wingers in pulling a fast one over the uncouth and simple minded Commonwealth folks.
This attempt fails because it merely highlights the title of ‘Head of State’ is all fluff, good only for OTT pomp, and hundreds of millions paid out by taxpayers globally to keep the royals in comfort and bedecked in expensive togs and hobbies while expecting the plebes to cheer and curtsy to them. The need for having a ‘ Head of State’ is failing spectacularly because as king or queen, these people aren’t capable of doing the job. Many Brits are living meagerly, day by day, with more families falling into poverty while millions are being spent on the Jubbly. The garden parties are paid for by taxpayers. The train rides. The plane rides. Their tax dodging schemes. You know W&K paid more attention preparing for the James Bond and Tom Cruise’s movie premiere than a visit to pack a box for Ukrainians or to show off a power point pie thingy.
Face it, these royals suck at being ‘Head of State’. People should get their money back. Where they really excel is in churning out 24/7 family soap opera and they should fund their royal lifestyle by making money from the tabloids and entertainment industry instead. It’s way more honest. Think of the royal mistresses and misters, dodgy deals, dodgy friends, dead sex trafficking BFF, misogyny, racism, good/bad fashion, good/bad hair and no hair, stolen art and jewels, toe sucking, petty backstabbing storyline that would entertain people for eons.
I made a comment yesterday and I was hopeful Charles was coming with an apology. I just want to retract my comment for yesterday. The royal family proves again and again that they are swine.
They are and these dusty old racists need to return back the many, stolen what they call artifacts. But are in fact important pieces of art documenting the history and lives of the indigenous first Nations. Apologize and give back at least some of the history you stole. I don’t even know why as a Canadian we but up with this garbage. Once the old bag dies I want to see any one but members of the BRF on our money.
“Mistakes were made. Thanks for caretaking our land.”
They’re colonizers. They’re not going to give back what they took financially, emotionally, or socially. Of course, no apology is coming. The children and families suffered much under this regime and the generational and historic trauma continues. I’ve listened to so many stories and had the honor of holding sacred space for those stories. This is barely two generations ago – much the same as Black Americans here in the U.S.!