When the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Queen Elizabeth last month at Windsor Castle, she personally invited them to come to the events around her Platinum Jubbly. I believe – and there’s enough evidence to substantiate this – that the Queen and Prince Charles made significant moves to guarantee Harry and Meghan visit with their children. Moves like… ensuring the security situation is what Harry wants, and dialing down a lot of the anti-Sussex leaks from Buckingham Palace and Clarence House. So why are Charles and Liz going out of their way? Because they need to be seen having some kind of public reconciliation with Harry and Meghan. Chaz and Liz also know that it looks worse and worse that the two most charismatic “stars” of the Firm were pushed and exiled. What I’m saying is that Charles and Liz need to be seen with the Sussexes more than Harry and Meghan need to be seen with the royals. But, of course, it’s always Opposite Day in Salt Island.
Prince Harry knows he needs a sprinkle of the Royal Family’s ‘magic fairy dust’ if he wants to continue making money in California, a royal expert has claimed. Author and historian Tessa Dunlop told True Royal TV’s the Royal Beat that the Duke of Sussex, 37, is in a difficult position because he is trading on his royal ties but does not want to expose too much in case he is completely cut off.
Dunlop, along with royal biographer and journalist Duncan Larcombe and royal reporter Alan Jones, was discussing Harry’s upcoming memoirs, which are due to shed light on his time as part of the Firm. Dunlop says Harry might feel anxious about overstepping the mark.
‘It can feel very lonely if the institution shuts you out,’ she said. ‘And I think Harry, more than anyone, realises he’s walking a tightrope. Yes, he needs to make money, and yes, the Royal Family has made him feel excluded and he feels unsupported. But he also realises, on a professional level, he needs some of their magic fairy dust. And, on an emotional level, they’re family. So how much “tell-all” does he really want to do? I think that’s going to be the great conundrum for him and his wife.’
Before the visit to Windsor Castle last month, I genuinely believed that Harry was fully prepared to not go to the Jubbly. The security issue was a mess and the only person he gives a sh-t about in the family is the Queen. Again, look at who was doing the inviting, who was clearing up all of the security issues and palace leaking. That tells you who needs whom. Harry doesn’t need the Windsor “magic fairy dust” – he has his own. It seems more like the Windsors want some Sussex magic fairy dust. (Is Windsor magic fairy dust just crushed and powdered buttons? We’ll never know.)
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Instar.
- North America Rights Only – The Hague, The Netherlands -20220417- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attending the Invictus Games athletics events in the Athletics Park, at Zuiderpark the Hague, Netherlands. -PICTURED: Meghan Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry -PHOTO by: INSTARimages.com Disclaimer: This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded For images containing underage children: Be advised that some Countries may have restricted privacy laws against publishing images of underage children. Inform yourself! Underage children may need to be removed or have their face pixelated before publishing
- North America Rights Only – The Hague, Netherlands -20220416-Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex attending the Jaguar Land Rover Driving Challenge during the Invictus Games at Zuiderpark the Hague, Netherlands -PICTURED: Meghan Duchess of Sussex -PHOTO by: Aaron Chown/PA Image/INSTARimages.com Disclaimer: This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded For images containing underage children: Be advised that some Countries may have restricted privacy laws against publishing images of underage children. Inform yourself! Underage children may need to be removed or have their face pixelated before publishing
- NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE – The Hague, The Netherlands -20220422-King Willem-Alexander and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex watch the finals of wheelchair basketball during the Invictus Games -PICTURED: Prince Harry -PHOTO by: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images/INSTARimages.com -51441054.jpg This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- DEN HAAG, 15-014-2022, Zuiderpark De Invictus Games is een internationaal sportevenement voor fysiek en mentaal gewonde militairen.Deze editie is in Nederland Zuiderpark, Den Haag. FOTO: The Invictus Games is an international sporting event for physically and mentally injured soldiers. This edition is in Nederlasnd Zuiderpark, The Hague. The Invictus Games is an international sporting event for physically and mentally injured soldiers. This edition is in Nederlasnd Zuiderpark, The Hague. Op de foto: Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex,Image: 683324648, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: (c) beschermde foto en verplichte volledige naamsvermelding tenzij anders voorafgaand overeengekomen of vermeld,geen gebruik zonder toestemming, alleen eenmalig gebruik, opslag in databank verboden, / Caption in file Info, Copyright marked, stricktly one t, Model Release: no, Credit line: Patrick van Emst / Avalon
- The Hague, NETHERLANDS – Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex visits Wheelchair Rugby during the 5th the Invictus Games at Zuiderpark in The Hague. Pictured: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex BACKGRID USA 20 APRIL 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- USA Rights Only, The Hague, Netherlands – 20220416- Land Rover driving challenge at the 2020 Invictus Games, an international sporting event for wounded, injured and sick service personnel and veterans, at the Zuiderpark in The Hague. -PICTURED: Prince Harry, Meghan Duchess of Sussex -PHOTO by: PPE/Nieboer/DDP/INSTARimages.com -ddp_17039176 This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- USA Rights Only, The Hague, Netherlands – 20220422- Prince Harry and King Willem-Alexander attend the wheelchair basketball final at the Invictus Games. -PICTURED: Prince Harry, King Willem-Alexander -PHOTO by: DDP/PPE/Nieboer/INSTARimages.com -ddp_17071912 This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- USA Rights Only, The Hague, Netherlands – 20220416- The openings ceremony of the 2020 Invictus Games, an international sporting event for wounded, injured and sick service personnel and veterans, at the Zuiderpark in The Hague. -PICTURED: Prince Harry, Meghan Duchess of Sussex -PHOTO by: PPE/Nieboer/DDP/INSTARimages.com -ddp_17039705 This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
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Nothing but sad desperation!!
Wait the same “magic fairy dust” that William/Kate, Andrew, Camilla and Charles uses…uh no that’s a BIG NO! We can all see how that “magic fairy dust” works for them. Harry/Meghan don’t need magic dust they have genuine love and compassion for their fellow man. Nothing else is needed.
Magic fairy dust for Will and Kate means no one cares of your special or charity flops because the media will keep reporting your buttons are breathtaking and your incandescent bald head is stoic.
This gets increasingly ludicrous. It’s obvious to anyone (especially lately, what with all PW’s PR disasters) that Harry is the one with the “fairy dust” and it’s starting to dawn even on the BRF that he is an asset they let go. Tough.
It is really silly, because Harry IS the royal magic fairy dust. Then again she’s getting paid so she has to say something. It’s not like she is saying this for free.
It doesn’t even need to be “royal” fairy dust… You know who has magic fairy dust by the bucketfuls? Chef Jose Andres!
Compassion, empathy, trying to connect, paying attention and showing up to help however you can, being genuinely pleased to meet people, spend time with them, to work and / or play together with others. And being *willing* to use whatever fairy dust you’ve got to make other people’s lives better, safer.
Andres does that, the Sussexes do that… that’s what gives them the fairy dust!
Prince Harry knows he needs a sprinkle of the Royal Family’s ‘magic fairy dust’ if he wants to continue making money in California, a royal expert has claimed.
Tessa dear, Meghan and Harry ARE the magic fairy dust. That’s why you and your ilk can’t go a day without writing or talking about them. Now go have a seat ma’am.
Exactly. And they’ve been thriving since leaving the UK.
When it comes to the royals the opposite is always the truth. No, Harry doesn’t need the Royal fairy dust, the Royals need Harry and as Kaiser said the fact that there has been absolutely no briefing against him and Meghan from BP and CH proves it. The press are unwilling to accept that Harry has moved on from royal life and that he’s attending the Jubilee because his grandmother asked him to come.
This is getting more and more entertaining. The royal family and rota are so desperate for Harry and Meghan at this point, they are basically standing in a corner saying, “Harry.Meghan.Harry.Meghan.Harry.Meghan”, hoping one of them asks “what?”
Just want to make sure I understand. The global It couple that regularly breaks the internet just by being seen in public needs the outdated institution that only really gets attention by being horrible. Makes perfect sense.
Harry “needs” the royal fairy dust? B!tch he already has that, lol. He’s not desperate to come back, the other side desperately wants him to go back and help THEM. And really, the Sussexes have shown considerable restraint in the alliances they’ve made here in the US. If they had no scruples, imagine how many money making schemes they would be entangled in (ahem like Fergie, Andrew, Charles, Prince Michael, etc. etc….).
He’s making the Jubbly trip for his grandmother. That’s it. Not for Charles and certainly not for the Keens. Once she’s gone, it will be interesting to see the new dynamic.
DUST is the only accurate word in that statement. The British Royal Family is DUSTY.
DUST. Is the only accurate word in that statement. The British Royal Family is DUSTY.
I’ve recently read comments that made me realize how much the Queen’s traditions are probably influenced by her own mother, and possibly by her grandmother, Queen Mary — who Charles would probably remember. The direct influences of the mid-1800s are closer than I realized.
Wd love to hear you expand on this more.
For sure. Both George VI and Elizabeth II became monarchs unexpectedly and somewhat ill-preparedly, so they both looked to their predecessors for guidance. Neither were much interested in progressive change. Add to that the fact that Queen Mary outlived her son so EII was still under her influence as a young queen, and the monarchs are so insulated that they’re 30 years behind anyway, and you’ve got a little microcosm of Edwardian culture encased in amber at Sandringham.
What @Lionel said, and also let’s not forget that Elizabeth’s own mother lived until she was 102, Elizabeth had been on the throne for 50 years when she passed. So every element of her reign was very much influenced (maybe even controlled) by her grandmother and her mother, who both seemed to cling to the way things were done in the past. So you have a very traditional “concept” anyway – a monarchy – and then two of the most prominent figures at least for the first few years of QEII’s reign were women who were extremely, uh, traditional and old-fashioned. It’s not really a surprise that even in 2022, QE clings to the way things were done 90 years ago.
This is the royal PR game plan going forward-ascribe all positive aspects of Harry and Meghan to the royals and all negative aspects of the royals to Harry and Meghan.
It’s fucking INFURIATING and I hope they get dragged to hell and back for it.
@Snuffles: Oh definitely. For example, they attribute the success of the Invictus Games to the Royal Family not to Harry and his team’s hard work and dedication.
Is it Spain that the wessexes are going to, that asked them not to come?. Yeah fairy dust alright. Correct me on the country if i have the wrong one.
It is Spain, they said it’s inappropriate to come right now.
Good catch.
Here’s the back story behind Spain saying “nope.” Spain, as in the government, has issued a protest of the Wessexes planned visit to Gibraltar to jubilate.
What? He has the “magic” fairy dust or whatever, he’ll always have it, not matter what they do with his titles. The public won’t ever think of him as just plain old Harry.
And what’s with the obsession over “he needs to make money” like that’s a bad thing. He has money. And being who he is doesn’t come cheap, whether he likes it or not, so he needs to make some more probably but they always sound like he’s 5 steps away from applying at Starbucks.
@Emmi: Tessa doesn’t realise that when she says Harry needs to make money that she’s exposing the fact that the Royal Family has enormous wealth and that the institution is subsidised by the British Government. Harry making his own money is unseemly to Tessa.
@Emmi, yep, this broke-Harry stuff has never made sense. It’s a good bet his inheritance is well-invested, at the least. And Meghan was hardly a fling-your-loot-around type with her own fortune, so I would imagine they are both in great shape.
Yes how RICH Harry is scares BRF bc They are suffering from inbreeding.
They are suffering from Mental Scatoma. It’s real and it affects the ability to understand a simple concept I’m sure they are so conservative bc that’s they only path they understand.
The entire BRF is so undereducated that other Royal Families consider them low brow.
The tides are turning on salty isle. The Whole World knows it too.
Talk about undereducated ppl. Keening duo are so stupid they don’t even get how copying HM expose this.
What Tampon Doggie show don’t destroy for sure Shambridges will finish it off. Oh where will Rota Rats find another trough. ?? Who really cares?? Boy not me. 🇺🇸🇺🇸👠👠👏🏼👏🏼
I fully believe attendance was the price Harry and Meghan decided to pay to get their kids a visit with the Queen. Archie and Lili will be subjected to enormous racism from the royalists as they grow up, but they’ll have a family photo album to show that they were at least loved in some capacity, however limited, by that side of the family. This is about giving their kids as much emotional security as they possibly can IMO. The BRF’s fairy dust is the equivalent of chemical warfare to anyone who isn’t a lover of all things authoritarian.
Absolutely not.
When are royalists going to get it thru their cranium that H&M are in the driver’s seat of their own lives; that they “have settled things for themselves….and are now quite free”; that if taking their freedom away from that moldy institution “comes with the loss of things…..well a lot has been lost already”; that the only regret the Sussexes have in leaving, is that they “hadnt done it 4 years ago.”
NB: It wd be “5 years ago” as of March 2022 given that H made this comment to Oprah in their intvw in March 2021.
The above are ALLL comments that H&M hv made about their lives since they realized that elements in both the Institution and the britshidtmedia were conspiring together in a sustained smear campaign against them, even tho H had been aware from the start that things were gonna be difficult for him and his wife even from BEFORE they were married, given the opposition he was receiving from “members of the family and the institution.”
Unfortunately,however, he never knew how nasty and life-threatening it would become.
So……………no, @NCWoman: attending the jubbly is not “a price H&M decided to pay to get their kids a visit with the Queen.” On the contrary, the queen had to pay the price of giving H what he had asked for, regarding security for his family if they were ever to set foot in the uk again.
Dont you see how quiet the britshidtmedia have been about H’s security demands, ever since he told them he would be visiting for the jubbly? Wasnt it just a month ago that he told Hoda Kotb, when she asked if he would be attending the jubbly, that he “didnt know yet.” So what do you think happened? Do you seriously believe H was gonna allow them to situationalize his security againe? You better believe that what has occurred is that H has gotten exactly what he had always wanted regarding security for his family when they visit the uk, such that they will be FREE to go and to do whatever they want to do while there.
H&M’s children dont need “a family photo album to show that they were at least loved in some capacity, however limited, by that side of the family.” FGS! What a servile thought process.
H&M’s kids are being raised in the US where the concepts of freedom and individualism are nurtured, encouraged and rewarded. No footstool future for the Sussexes kids; no second-class status. The Sussex kids already hv more emotional security than Bullyiam and his poor little offspring. Look at poor kHATE even-tho-I’m-not-sorry-for-her-and-think-she’s-getting-exactly-what-she-deserves.
They. Are. Trapped.
I’m sooooo looking forward to the end of this fakakta jubbly when H&M will be UNLEASHED………….M’s podcast and H’s Memoir are just 2 of the globally anticipated events that we can count on happening; and I’m absolutely sure there will be much more between the start of summer and the end of the year.
Of course, Harry and Meghan set the terms of the visit, but the price appears to be attending a negotiated limited number of public events. I’m guessing they would be perfectly happy with a completely private visit with the Queen, but they aren’t allowed to do that because sneaking in isn’t an option with two kids. Maybe read what I said next time and don’t try to turn it into a negative against Harry and Meghan.
Speaking of unleashing after the Jubbly, Virginia agreed not to publish anything until after the Jubbly, didn’t she? So maybe we have lots of unleashing to look forward to 🙂
Whatever fairy dust (is it PCP?) the royals have been sprinkling on themselves back on Salty Isle has resulted in commonwealth countries bailing out, getting booed at soccer matches and being called out of touch colonizers.
Doesn’t seem like Harry needs that at all.
I thought it was called True Royalty TV, but never mind. When you’ve got something called True Royalty TV and it has a monthly subscription, then you have to have new content all the time. And when nothing much is happening, or if what’s happening is embarrassing to the RF, then you have to make up stuff.
The inability to comprehend that anyone beyond the borders of that isle just love and respect them nor who they are despite the titles not because of them. The hate from there is disturbing and dangerous.
This is a pathetic stretch. That’s all I got.
I believe royal fairy dust is made when William clenches and grinds his teeth.
Okay now that made me laugh
Me too!!!
These people have spent the past several months wondering if the Sussexes would attend, and ready to go scorched earth on them if they didn’t. Now that they’re actually attending, the narrative changes once more. The only thing these people do is sit around and talk about Harry and Meghan, or how they affect the others or compared to the others but yeah, he needs that fairy dust.
Gaslighters gotta gaslight. Tell this to Edward who tried /failed at various ventures and he’s the monarch’s son. Most royals aren’t privately successful. The need the Sussex fairy dust.
What “magic fairy dust” is Ms. Dunlop talking about? Is it the 12 million payoff to a woman who Andrew claimed he never met when she was a teenager? Is it the racism and terrible attitudes William and Kate displayed on their disastrous Caribbean tour two months ago? Wait, perhaps it’s the global humiliation they suffered as a result of said racism and terrible attitudes. Or maybe it’s the musical chairs the monarchy’s been trying to play since Harry and Meghan left: Magnificent Seven, the new Fab Four, whichever poor member is the monarchy’s new “secret weapon” of the week…
The shine has fallen off the turd that is the Windsors. They need Harry and Meghan because admit it or not, Harry and Meghan are the stardust and the Windsors know it.
Harry needs nothing from the BRF.
He has stepped forward and is living his life on his terms.
Married for love not “duty”. Has a lovely wife, healthy kids and still a wealthy man.
I’d say he’s doing great. 😀
I said something similar to this the other day but I’ll say it again – if the “royal fairy dust” or whatever was so powerful, then Edward and Sophie would be huge international stars. Even Kate has fallen off the radar for most Americans besides People’s royals edition. William’s nature documentary would have been a huge hit, instead I think most people (in the US and the UK) don’t even know he made one.
The threat that H&M pose to the royals – and the threat that diana posed – is that they show unmagical that royal fairy dust actually is, and how much of their popularity is based on THEM, not their royal ties. Yes, the reason I know Harry Wales’ name is because he’s Prince Harry, and not a random wealthy UK lawyer like someone said the other day – but the reason I LIKE Harry is because of what he does with that connection, what he does with that name recognition, and the kind of person he seems to be.
And yes I agree that its clear that the Queen (and likely charles as well, if we think there is a de facto regency going on) cleared the way for H&M to attend the jubbly, and I think security issues were part of that, and I think interactions with the Cambridges were part of that – not bc H&M can’t be in the same room as W&K, but because they don’t want any leaks.
Becks1, I agree that TQ and PC are doing whatever they can to accommodate H&M to clear the way of their being in the UK for the Jubbly. TQ and PC knew that once it was announced that H&M would be there for the Jubbly the global press would become interested. It must have pained them to finally understand that the Sussexes truly do not need the brf to continue to be impactful and successful. The brf needs the Sussexes.
Well, I’ve heard of Duncan Larcomb, but who in hell are Tessa Dunlop and Alan Jones?! These 🤡🤡🤡 keep climbing out of the clown car, and I can’t keep up. Harry, Meghan and their attorneys must have a massive spreadsheet to track them all.
I hope little Archie isn’t permanently traumatized by this trip. Thankfully, Lili is too young to remember.
If the BM media and his ever-loving Uncle and Aunt the Cambridges have their way, little Archie will be denigrated and humiliated. Someone – perhaps Sophiesta or Camilla – would take any available opportunity to say something horrid to him. But that won’t be allowed to happen, not on this visit. I believe his parents will keep him far away from Bald Bigot Billy and Khate. Meghan and Harry will shield him as long as they can. There’s plenty of time for a child of color to get smacked down by the world.
@ Beverley – sadly, your comment (There’s plenty of time for a child of color to get smacked down by the world) is very true. It’s only a matter of time, for all children of colour. Breaks my heart.
Harry has all the magic fairy dust he needs in Meghan. His cup overfloweth.
“Magic Fairy Dust”? More like Magic Asbestos Dust. There, fixed it for you Tessa.
BaRF is a toxic, poisonous carnival of bluebloods, except Harry.
After it was announced that the Sussexes will be attending the jubilee, there was at least writer at the fail, suggesting that the Sussexes take the children to the park.
This latest round indicate that no access will be granted to tabloid press. So on to the usual.
The Fail and the Scrum tell the Sussexes what to do, they are ignored then proceed to denigrate the Sussexes with negative articles from the likes of Tess Dunlop.
In addition to Larcombe, etc trying to evoke a prescribed emotion in Harry.
Classic behaviour from envious abuser(s) – fail and scrum
WTAF? Does she not remember that they did FULLY cut them off??? Revisionist crap.
Diana had the fairy dust and it was sprinkled over her two children. William has wasted his, while Harry has multiplied his. It’s kind of Biblical, IMO.
It is!!! Bulliam wasted his before college and Harry’s grew tremendously each year, expanding without limits and grew to be a man of integrity and compassion.
Alas, the BaRF are left holding the bag with a temperamental toddler with uncontrollable rage, a self centered woman without one single thought of her own who also has nothing to show for her entire 10+ years of royal life of service and duty. TQ birthed 4 children, with only 2 useful members of The Monarchy. Yet one that was openly an adulterous pig as we heard of his wishes for his afterlife to be found in a landfill.
What magical fairy dust does the BaRF have, might I ask?
“nothing to show for her entire 10+ years of royal life of service and duty.”
With the exception of the 10+ years, this statement could also apply to Liz. Her service and duty seems to be sit there while being lauded, and please accept millions and millions for life (!) while doing nothing to help her subjects at home, abroad and in the CW.
OT: It sounds like Bojo wants to switch the country back to Imperial measurement, I think in part to help celebrate the Jubbly, and because they are no longer part of the EU.
When people can’t stop talking about you, but you never mention them, someone obviously has an issue/ obsession . FYI- It’s not the person who’s going about their business with their mouth shut.
It’s transparently obvious that Charles and TQ are acquiescing to Harry digging in his heels and initially refusing to come to the Jubbly unless he is given full and complete RPO protection for himself and his family. He is also making it quite clear that he, Meghan and the kids will NOT be paraded around publicly for PR purposes, and will honour TQ in their own private way. I imagine Harry has put his foot down on any kind of reconciliation talks with Mean and Keen — that ship has sailed and sunk — and neither he nor Meghan trust them not to leak and lie to the rota. The Sussexes seem to be holding the reins and Charles et al know that if they f*ck up one more time, the Sussexes will only come back for Betty’s funeral.
Thats not fairy dust wafting about the Windsors, just regular old salt.
As if. After Harry’s standing O’s at Invictus Games I’m sure he will do all he can to avoid the reek of the Cambridge humiliating flops.
I’m so grateful for you Kaiser, you read the articles I cannot bring myself to click on.
This is surely round the wrong way? Rhetorical question obviously but I often wonder if these people saying shit like this have ever had a rare moment of introspection and self-awareness, in their whole adult lives. Just imagine how stupid, remorseful and dirty you would feel in yourself and your words being out there for public consumption forever more, as someone who will always be thought of as a knuckle dragging, classist, racist, misogynistic piece of sewage? Oh wait, that ain’t us, is it?! I’m just glad that us North (Scotland) Salt Islanders have less of a class system than our southern cousins. If we dismantle the class system of the UK, equality will flourish.
Harry can make his own magic pixie dust. He got the recipe from his mum.
What would we do without you, Kaiser? I would never read these articles otherwise. thank you.
Pixie dust! There’s nothing magical about the Windsors, maniacal but not magical.
Is this woman high? I’m asking seriously. Did she smoke something before she gave those comments?
Driving H&M away, smearing them continually, and allowing racist abuse to be heaped on Meghan in the rags will go down in history as the biggest blunder the RF ever made, far worse than all the Diana blunders. The Diana debacle came when the monarchy was at a high point. They had political capital to spend. But now the monarchy finds itself off balance and on the defensive as young people are, at best, only indifferent to the whole concept of monarchy. So, in this environment, they demeaned and demonized the only appealing, charismatic royals in the family. Nice work! Good luck with your whole monarchy project going forward.
Not a fan of Will or Kate. The impact and relevance of the monarchy is waning fast and it’s questionable if the monarchy will survive in its current form after the queen passes. I can’t see Will or Kate having the smarts or foresight to lead the institution into a new era.
I’m not convinced that Harry and Megan are doing so great either. They seem to stand for everything going but don’t seem have the depth of knowledge or gravitas to make a real impact. Their reputation for being whiney ex-Royals seems to be sticking. I’d love to see them make an real impact but they can’t seem to move beyond the superficial.
Where have you been if you don’t think Meghan and Harry have made an impact since they’ve left the UK? Whiny ex-Royals? *huge side-eye*
Yeah, ‘not a fan of Will or Kate’ should always invoke the side-eye.
I’m late to this, but lol… the o Lu place Meghan and Harry have a negative reputation is with the BM or people that get their information from the BM.
Meghan and Harry never complain. They have set the record straight and fought for basic rights, but never complained as whiny royals.
And all they do is impact. The Cambridges are superficial as contrast. They can only offer smiles after all.
I cracked up when I read, “But, of course, it’s always Opposite Day in Salt Island.”
Why do people preface criticism or negative comments about Harry and Meghan with “Love Meghan and Harry, but” or “not a fan of the Cambridges, but” or “Like both Cambridge and Sussexes, but” or “I’m generally a fan of Meghan, but.” Both Harry and Meghan have done works that have actually helped people prior to meeting up. I think that is impactful. What would you call the work done by Sentebale or Invictus? Meghan’s work in Rwanda, her life long concern for food security and feeding the homeless? Have they managed to get legislation changed or solved cyber bullying? No, but neither has anyone else. Everyone is working on it. Harry and Meghan stay consistent and steadfast in the causes and work constantly.
It’s just a new tactic. Some of them are realizing how deranged they sound, so they’re trying to mask that by pretending to be fans (not understanding that it’s the actual opinions, not just the tone of the comments, that are deranged.)
I think harry def needs his royal connection !!
He was born a prince. He will always be born a prince. People don’t support or work with him just bc of that. If that was the case Edward would have been successful.
For what? It didn’t buy him a house, find him a new country to live in, give him a job to support his family, or even let him have a family. It sure as hell never had his back, so what does he need them for?
The only dust Prince Harry needs is pay the RRS dust.