“Britney Spears & Sam Asghari reportedly have an iron-clad prenup” links

Britney Spears & Sam Asghari have an “ironclad prenup” and he can’t get his hands on any of the money she made before they were married. [Buzzfeed]
That Australian reporter apologized to Rebel Wilson after he spent days/weeks threatening to out her and her girlfriend.[JustJared]
Horoscopes for June! [OMG Blog]
Rest in peace, Philip Baker Hall. [Dlisted]
Right-wing extremists are ramping up their terrorism during Pride Month. [Jezebel]
People keep recommending For All Mankind. [Pajiba]
Patti LuPone won another Tony Award. [GFY]
BTS + Anderson Paak performed together! [LaineyGossip]
Some backstory on a 90 Day Fiance star. [Starcasm]
The Tony Awards were all about Black artists and Wall St. [Towleroad]
Blind item: Bradley Cooper & Lea Michele?? LOL. [Gawker]

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27 Responses to ““Britney Spears & Sam Asghari reportedly have an iron-clad prenup” links”

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  1. Lady Baden-Baden says:

    Please let it be Bradley Cooper and Lea Michelle!! That would be AMAZING gossip!

  2. tifzlan says:

    Thanks for including a BTS story! Even bigger news here is that they announced their hiatus this morning at their annual Festa. As a longtime and very big fan, it’s been a bittersweet day. Any other ARMYs here on Celebitchy? Let’s have a virtual group hug. Borahae <3

    • ME says:

      Love BTS! Is it true they are all working on solo projects?

      • tifzlan says:

        Yes! The boys announced that they’re taking this time to focus on their own selves, including working on and releasing their solo material (full albums!). Not sure if you saw the announcement last week but J-Hope is headlining Lollapalooza in July. His album will be the first in the solo lineup to be released!

      • ME says:


        That’s amazing ! Should be a lot of good music to look forward to !

    • Linabear says:

      Am going to Lollapalooza to see our little Hope!

    • Normades says:

      They have been doing this for years and I think they’re all kind of over it even if they still love preforming together. Jin is 30 and I think they all want a little more privacy and personal life. J-Hope’s last solo album was great so this will definitely be a lot of fun.

  3. Brooke says:

    Deux Moi says its Bradley Cooper and Diana Agron

    • Christina says:

      That sorta makes sense to me. Diana seems more Bradley’s type.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Diana of that Norman guy from TWD ( who doesn’t clean up at all)?? I thought they were a long term thing, whatever that means in the entertainment industry.

      • SophieJara says:

        Different Dian(a)! This one is from Glee, the high school musical show. Not that she’s a teenager, she’s in her thirties.

  4. Christina says:

    The journo who was about to out Rebel Wilson knew what he was doing. Gay or not, his job mattered more to him until the private backlash hit him like a ton of bricks. And the right wing in the states is happy to harm children while they are “protecting” children from harm. I parent an LGTBQ teen and friends. Someone I knew commuted suicide because his religious family ostracized him and making it alone was too hard.

    Why can’t the hateful mind their own business and leave us alone? There is an article in Rolling Stone about a soldier who was going to kill a bunch of soldiers on his own team in the name of creating chaos that restores the world to “natural order”. He pretended to be an engaged soldier until his white supremacy and anarchism was found out. His ilk want individual power to control all circumstances and don’t see a need for organized anything. They believe that individuals should be able to overpower each other, that survival of the fittest is the natural law for humans, and that just killing who you don’t like would allow them to control other people.

    The kids were at pride this weekend. I am grateful that they weren’t in the places where protests took place or were attempted. I never worried about pride in our city before. My kid has gone since birth. Now, the fear I feel for my kid is more intense because the far right is focused on killing people to destroy ways of life that they are convinced they must control. There is no other way.

    If you read this rant and my attempt to process, thanks. If not, I don’t blame you.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I feel the same. It is sickening that people are still being threatened with outing in this day and age that is still profoundly homophobic and murderous. I can never let my family know I’m queer. Rebel should have had privacy until and if she chose to say anything. Also, I don’t think gay men can always understand what it’s like for their queer or bi sisters because they still have that male privilege in this world.

  5. Izzy says:

    Sam Asghari had previously stated that he did not want to marry her without a prenup, that he doesn’t want anything from her except to be with her. I have a great deal of respect for the way he has handled himself throughout the entire process, he seems very protective of Britney but not wanting to control her life.

  6. Christine says:

    I honestly don’t think the wedding would have gone through if he cared about a prenup. The amount of speculation and eyes that are on this relationship would not have fared well for him if he were in it for the wrong reasons.

    • DocDocGreyDoc says:

      I don’t know. Something just rubs me the wrong way about that article with how he vehemently claims that their relationship is “fair and square” and they take turns paying for dinner, he lives off rice and veg and lives within *his* means – yet admits they travel in luxury frequently – makes me roll my eyes a bit.

      It’s okay to admit the much more higher earning partner foots the majority of the bill. To pretend like he contributes equally financially with his trainer salary is absurd. How does he even work regularly when he’s constantly on holiday with his partner?

      I make 3X what my husband makes and am the one financing the majority of our life (which we are both totally happy and secure with) but my husband doesn’t make ridiculous claims about everything being ‘even Stevens.’ He’s not so insecure that he has to pretend like his salary makes any difference in our lifestyle.

      I guess Asghari is just trying to make himself look like a good guy there for the right reasons and not for her money but it’s really coming off as ‘doth protest too much.’

      Something about that guy just skeeves me out. He reminds me of Kevin Federline a bit. She sure has a type.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        Agreed. The “joke” he made that of course there’d be a pre-nup so he wouldn’t end up penniless if she dumped him stuck with me. In such an already tenuous situation, he could simply kept his mouth shut or just said that there would be a prenup and leave it there. So he’s either terribly clueless at reading the room or there’s something else there. Her pre-marriage money remains hers without a prenup, in CA. What needed protection was what she makes since and any property they buy together. As well as keeping each of their assets separated. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to decide what happens to any future kids they might have. I’m divorcing now and found this out the hard way. If your ex turns nasty, it can drag on for ages.

        But hey, she’s a grown woman. All we can do is hope for the best.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think you’re probably not realizing how much money Sam likely makes as an influencer with sponsored posts. I believe he’s also had a few lucrative modeling contracts. And their trips are likely comped to some degree (if not completely) as well. All-in-all, they probably haven’t been living a hugely expensive life (comparatively), since they’ve been together, especially since she was so restricted by her conservatorship. He may have been able to mostly split their dates & vacations, etc. And security (largely needed for her) is probably her biggest expense, but as we all learned on her wedding day, it looks like she could use more. Maybe that’s another reason why Jamie kept her locked in the house or a hotel room on tour and the. In Vegas-cheaper to secure. Maybe that’s also one reason she wants to move to a gated community where Kardashians and her kids already live-there is already a fairly high level of security and she is consolidating and mitigating the risk exposure with her and the kids in the same area.

        I don’t trust anyone and I get kind of a good vibe from Sam. He was raised by a family of mostly women-I think all his siblings are sisters. He may be one of the good ones. Britney deserves it!

      • BlinkB says:

        I think there is a LOT of low-key racism happening in the comments with doubts about this guy. What has he actually done to raise suspicion?! Still so much work to do with ethnic stereotypes. Disappointing.

  7. FilmTurtle says:

    Gotta respect the BTS business hustle. That’s SEVEN times the content they’ll be able to release over the next however-many years until they reunite with a big splash. I’m not saying they’re not exhausted; it’s actually really smart to take some time away for new challenges and recharge the batteries. But they all have a financial stake in the company that produces and manages their content; this ensures a steady flow of stuff for years.

  8. Sour Pasoa says:

    The joke Sam made about wanting a prenup to protect his sneaker collection, and something else, was said as a joke.

    I feel @peace knowing now, this isn’t like the Federline marriage.

  9. DocDocGreyDoc says:


    I hope you don’t mean me, just because I have some valid criticism of what he put out there. Oh, also, My mother is from Iran so I don’t think I can be racist against someone against my own race? Unless it’s a Clayton Bigsby situation lol